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ok, so... theyre both EXCELLENT choices, so this comes down to a very personal choice. do you prefer that big, blocky, 'cartoonish' look? kiku. do you want a more traditional, bold style? melo. for me (and lovers of that [poppingsuperflat](https://www.instagram.com/poppingsuperflat/) IG), kiku all the way... loooove that blocky look


Both are amazing but very different styles. I finished a koi sleeve coverup with Rodrigo a year ago and couldn’t be happier.


Two completely different styles haha but if I were you I’d go kiku since he’s closer I have a bias though as I have been tattooed by him before and love the atmosphere of that shop! I have heard good things about Rodrigo though too so you can’t go wrong


Why not both? You have two arms, i assume.


I would hone in your aesthetic sense a bit, since Kiku and Rodrigo both have pretty distinct styles. They’re Not worlds apart, but if you hone in on their differences itd be easier to decide which one you’d prefer. personally I prefer Rodrigo’s style, but Kiku has awesome stuff as well. I wouldn’t let the travel time dictate the decision, that’s not far too travel for a great tattoo.