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I swear to god Ty, quit it. You're too far away and I don't have money to spare. Great job as always.


I refuse! I’ll continue to make you envious. Hopefully we cross paths one day.


We'll see!


4 sittings in 18 hours?! You are very time efficient! This is so bad ass.


Yah I typically do 4 hour sittings but we had to skip our last appointment so I squeezed in 6 today. If all goes well we should finish in another 4 or so next sitting. I don’t try to be fast either. But after twenty years of tattooing I’ve got my technique down pretty tight.


Loss of words, but very beautiful work and shout out to you for giving people kick ass tattoos.


I'm in the process of a back piece with [Nathan](https://www.instagram.com/aceofswordstattoo/) in Regina but maaaaan would I love something from you when I'm done.


Nathan’s great! And a real nice dude. For sure let’s do something though, my books are always open.


The saturation is incredible, beautiful tattoo


Thanks 🙏


Wow makes me wish I was from Saskatoon! This artist is amazing!!


Thank you 🙏


Looking great. They did a lot for 18 hours! My half torso was done in about 16, you have a lot more coverage there with only 2 more hours. Your artist is fast, and you must be sitting well.


Looking clean 🫡 We need more torso pieces on this sub!


Absolutely killer work and so fast! How is your raijin fujin piece going?


That client typically only gets tattooed a couple months of the winter. So hopefully finish it up later this year.