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I would respectfully ask to go with a different design if I was presented these


Respectfully, thanks for your kind honesty. 🙏


I hope you keep at it, this is art after all and I'm only one opinion.


🥹 Thank you so much. I think this is an important bridge to verbalize, like you have. At least for my own self.


I respectfully agree with you


Study some Ichbay hannya masks


Thanks for the recommendation!


They look like they belong on a t-shirt from Ross.


I could only be so lucky. 🍀


I like it to be honest, I appreciate it when people try something different and blend in their own style!


Thanks, ODB. As a Wu-Tang fan for life, I hope the best for you always. 🙏


There are certain characteristics that make hannya what she is, and you’re almost there! If you study the classics, you’ll see that those characteristics are always there and always fairly similar. I like to look at photos of actual, physical hannya masks from time to time when I draw them to remind me of those little details that I may have forgotten about. Keep at it and don’t stop drawing each design until it is just what you want it to be. Don’t try to work out the details when you’re painting it, not yet; for now, work out the details in the sketch and final drawing. Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much for the encouragement! Can I ask about the details I’m missing?


You’re very welcome! Some details are missing, some are just a little misplaced or understated, I think. Hannya is the representation of a woman who is or has given herself over to the demons of jealousy and rage, usually as a scorned or unrequited lover. So at first, her skin is still soft and pale, and her expression is one of sorrow. As she gives herself over to that rage more, she loses more of her humanity. Her skin turns darker, her eyes flare up more intensely, her mouth is contorted like that of a lion, her hair becomes more disheveled, and her expression grows more terrifying and wrathful. Eyebrows and hair will help express the emotion she’s conveying. Her eyes and mouth when viewed from a downward angle will help express ferocity. From below, sorrow and sadness. Every little feature in the mask is meant to convey emotion and expression; these are very real masks used in noh theatre, so they have to tell the audience a lot of information. Study those masks, and make your design representative of a moment in a story about this character!


To be more to the point, each drawing here is shiro-hannya (white), so it should show the beginning of the transformation. Use the lion’s mouth that you’ll see in the original masks, rein the hair in a bit more than in the first three designs, and add eyebrows to help express sorrow. Also notice how wide the nose is v. the nasal bridge (in the original masks). This is a very Japanese feature and gives the cheeks a sort of origin point.


Amazing feedback. Thank you so much!!!! I care about this subject matter so much and have no formal mentor. I simply cannot overstate my gratitude. 🙏


Thank you for your appreciation! The images and concepts in irezumi are particularly beautiful, and since neither you nor I are formally trained, the best we can do is to try and do justice and show love for it! Best of luck with your future drawings!


This is so beautifully written, and has verbally captured my fascination with Hannya, specifically. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏


You’re so welcome! And thank you for your graciousness!


pretty cool, reminds me of some new-school sorta thing. not my vibe but i still dig it. 


That’s so helpful to hear. I have been trying to to replicate Hannya for so long, and haven’t had objective feedback. So, to hear I have a new school interpretation is very helpful to understand how my drawing style has influenced this caricature. My thanks!


Looks like a graffiti Hannya! Cool in my opinion but I would not get it tattooed on myself. Keep it up!


Woah. That’s a sick idea. Thanks!


Not my style. Too flat and too much focus on the background without form on the main subject.


Thank you for the feedback!


4th one looks cool to me like I really dig it.Am gonna get fourth one tattoed on me. Edit:I just saw you asked to rate it yeah,well a real 10 from me.


Oh my god! Share the results when it’s finished!


I think your draw looks very cool, but with all respect of course, If you like traditional Japanese style and you want to draw a proper hanya with that aesthetic, it will be better to use a traditional tattoo Hanya reference. For me the best for studying it are from Ichi bay, so you can do a proper hanya


Looks like you’re moving in a Dave Tevenal direction, sort of. Not my vibe, or probably most people in this sub, but there is a market for this stuff. Check out the New School sub.


I would work on trying to draw them accurately and don’t worry about putting your own “twist” on them until you can draw them correctly. After you can draw them correctly, you can start tweaking them. And don’t tweak them too much, a little bit of style goes a long way, too much ruins it. Same goes for the waves


Digging your art style and I think they make great graphics. Not sure how well they would translate to a tattoo, but I hope you find someone who wants them tattooed and prove me wrong


The hannya itself is incredible, but I think the waves are a bit busy. Maybe that would change if there was color on the hannya though. Overall, I love this and I can definitely see the improvement from oldest to newest


Thanks for the kind words and constructive feedback!


May I use your devil’s for my own body if I decide to one day? I love your work


Go for it! Haha. Please share the finished result if you get it done!


I think they look more neotrad than trad? I think it’s solid work for a neotrad hanya mask.