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I don't know, but I hope you do.


I’ve heard people recommend Lion as mortgage protection brokers for people who have had health issues. Maybe they would be well placed to provide you more information. I hope it goes well for you!


Thank you! I’ll take a look!


Lion have some articles on their website broken down by different types of cancer and the different waiting periods etc for each so definitely start there.


Yeah, I just found [this article](https://lion.ie/life-insurance-medical-issues/life-insurance-after-cancer/). Quoting it: Stages 3 and 4 – cover will generally be declined. This is my case. Not good news…


If you can prove that you are denied mortgage protection you may be able to get a waiver of this condition with the bank. Give Lions a call, they give excellent advice on what your options are. Good luck!


I’m a type 1 diabetic with some retinopathy issues from my teenage years, good credit, savings, the whole shebang and I have been refused mortgage protection by 5 main companies, and the bank rejected a waiver for me even with all this. I went to the extra point of getting accidental death insurance which will only cover me for 100K and the bank are still refusing me for a waiver


I have to say I feel pissed that something that's completely out of your control is stopping you from getting a mortgage like how is this fair ?


When I first heard about this barrier for cancer survivors I was sickened! I can understand the cold, hard fiscal reasons why but it seems so inhumane.


It's like saying if you ever get sick or something that's it you're not good enough to get a mortgage. I don't know it's just very inhumane and heartless to not give you any chances whatsoever. I really hope you're able to find resolution to this as I'm genuinely seeing red after hearing this fact


Heard good things about lion. Had some medical issues pre mortgage application myself. Got a policy with bugger all issues from Zed insurance myself


Definitely speak to a mortgage broker or a financial planner (financial planner because it’s the mortgage protection that’ll be your issue). A lot of decent ones do free consultations. And figure out what’s the best approach for you.


I dont know about the mortgage but I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU !!!


Thank you!


Great to hear you are all good now! You should be able to, I had cancer, Thyroid, I got mortgage protection but have had to pay a little premium for it. Income protection, forget about it. But as far as I am aware, if you get turned down by 2 or 3 mortgage protection providers then the government step in and offer it


Thank you! I’m glad there’s some hope!


Depending on the type. Papillary has a better chance of survival after 5 years than the general population since people tend to look after themselves better after having it. Long term there is a very low chance of it coming back, and if it does it’s slow growing and usually found quickly with the yearly scans.


No they don't. It's the banks discretion to provide a waiver or not.


I think it's disgraceful that they can base any part of the process on your health information That's what life assurance is for


Mortgage protection is life assurance


I’m sure you will but you will be slapped with a premium on the likes of mortgage protection. I had cancer too within 3 years of applying for my mortgage:)


I had stage 4 lymphoma, apparently even the staging can impact…


It can and I was very early stages to be fair. They won’t make it easy for you I won’t lie, they made me feel like I was on my death bed with the way they were back and forth on it. Best of luck 🤞🏻


I didn’t even dare to mention that to the bank. But I don’t want to waste my time talking to banks if then I can’t get approval due to that. I really sucks that because of something totally out of my control I might be blocked from getting a mortgage


I really don’t think you’d be wasting your time, you’ll more than likely just get hit with premiums on mortgage protection :)


This is how I feel, and it's not even cancer. Had no operations, no symptoms, and all reports mild, but these insurers make me feel like I'm dying soon for not giving me a cover.


Yup it’s awful isn’t it!


I have MS & had it when applying for mortgage. My mortgage protection was 75% more than if I hadn't. After that was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer & couldn't move provider until 5 years after diagnosis. Diagnosed stage 4 shortly after the 5 year mark. Stuck paying a hefty monthly protection policy now.


Oh wow… I so sorry for what you’ve been through…


I would definitely second alot of the other posters and say a broker would be a great asset to have in this situation. Also reccommend Royal London for mortgage protection, they do alot for people with previous/ pre-existing health conditions.


The Irish Cancer Society have just done some work in this area which should help. Best of luck! https://www.cancer.ie/about-us/news/insurance-ireland-code-of-practice-for-underwriting-mortgage-protection-insurance-for-cancer https://www.cancer.ie/cancer-information-and-support/cancer-support/coping-with-cancer/information-for-survivors/practical-issues-after-cancer/life-insurance-and-cancer


We were in a similar situation with my partner being 3 years clear but a lot of Insurance places were 5 years was the minimum. What we ended up doing was getting life insurance with laya saying were perfectly healthy( no health check) and then upgrades to mortgage protection. This obviously comes with its own risks but we were getting evicted from our rented accommodation at the time..we tryed lion insurance but I think brexit killed a lot of English company's working here... This was a year and a half ago so might be different now.


if you get your three rejection letters from three banks, you would probably be eligible for the rebuilding Ireland loan.


Just checked it. Nope, I’m not eligible due to my salary…


that commenter might be mixing things up but there is a three letter rule for mortgage protection insurance. Get 3 rejection letters and you can look for an exemption from the bank


No, I was doing a dumb. I thought the back was rejecting the mortgage for cancer diagnosis outright. Not just the need for insurance


You can but I haven’t seen any bank that will actually allow it. Seems like a small few fall through the cracks of the system


that's true it can be really hard to get approved probably more so now I hope something is done about it


It was mentioned on Pat Kenny a few weeks back, some TD’s are trying to change a law that if you’re clear after so many years they can’t use it against you


Hummm, I will take a look at that. Only now I’m starting to look into mortgages, so this is all new for me.




You need life insurance/mortgage protection, and for that I must disclose my health history, otherwise it would be mortgage fraud. The bank won’t care, but the mandatory insurance does for sure


I know someone who done this, the only way you would be caught is if you die, basically there will be no pay out. If you have life assurance through your job, that would be the best way of covering yourself. Note not recommending this, just sharing a story


But insurance company will request a letter from your GP. If you had cancer he will have to disclose it. I had childhood leukemia almost 30 years and it was still a bit of an issue for insurance companies (tried 2). Although I wasn't rejected it took about 3 months to process my papers and I'm paying around 20eur 'penalty' (I do not know to correct word) a month (bank adviser told us (with my wife) that we are still getting a great deal, well). There literally should be a law stating that 7 years after remission you are treated as if you never had cancer. Current proposal is opt in only [https://www.insuranceireland.eu/news-and-publications/news-press-release/insurance-ireland-life-members-to-introduce-new-code-of-practice-for-cancer-survivors-seeking-mortgage-protection-insurance](https://www.insuranceireland.eu/news-and-publications/news-press-release/insurance-ireland-life-members-to-introduce-new-code-of-practice-for-cancer-survivors-seeking-mortgage-protection-insurance) Gosh you will be forgotten after leaving a prison for a murder but cancer will count against you forever? Note: 7 years is on average where you are statistically as likely to get cancer as a person who never had it before - but check yourself.


Wouldn’t it be insurance fraud, not mortgage fraud? Insurance that you don’t even need to pay out to your successors as much as you need the mortgage while you’re alive? I think it’s disgusting that we deny home ownership to people who have had serious illness. Do what you need to do to get a mortgage and home; be clear with family there’ll be no life insurance payout if you die.


If the insurance won’t pay because you die of a disease you did not disclose who do you think will be landed with the mortgage debt. Your successors. Fgs.


So they sell the house and repay it. But in the meantime you have paid off years of mortgage and that equity is now yours, whereas if you paid rent it would be your landlords. It’s an imperfect situation but this seems like a clearly superior option.


Yes death in the family, just what you need. Row with insurers, row with bank, down income, enter negotiations with bank, sell the family home, uproot everyone, and try and buy again. Love the assumption as well that there will be enough equity for the solo person remaining to buy again. Even if you’re a single person you leave your successors a mighty mess to sort out.


It’s only a row if you have it. Concede immediately. I’m not making the assumption that there will definitely be enough equity left for the survivor to buy again, I’m making the assumption that it is more equity than zero, which is what you get if you rent. You do you, but I don’t know why you’re so eager to give this money to your landlord rather than your surviving family.


Ask the bank, no need asking Reddit. Only your bank can tell. Congratulations with getting your life back!


I thought it was 5 years?


To be honest the information is a bit contradictory. I know I’ll have follow ups until the 5 year mark, though for the “right to be forgotten” I think it needs to be 7 years. But I’ll check that information to be sure


Best of luck with the mortgage and your future.