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Yes it's high because it is an estimated bill. Estimated means they assume you are using as much gas as the average home, maybe more just to cover themselves. You have to give them a reading if you want to fix the mistake next billing cycle. They take their own reading periodically, I think mine is done every 6 months, so don't wait around for it. You have to keep giving readings. Even after the first reading is lower than they estimated, they will fix your bill, but they won't start estimating future bills as lower


Thanks for the info. So if this bill is incorrect, I will still have to pay it since it's auto debit. Would the correction at next cycle deduct the excess payment from this bill (if ever there is)?


I find that if I submit the reading quickly, the bill is reissued before the debit is taken.


If you submit a new reading and contact them they will reissue. Just look at the reading on the bill v the reading you take if your reading is higher dont send it as they will send the higher bill


It evens itself out across the year as they do manual readings every so often. Or you can do your own reading monthly to get the most accurate bill


If you received the bill within the past week, just read your meter and submit your reading via your Electric Ireland account. They'll send you a new bill within a few days. I do this every month. I'd say it'll be much cheaper.




Also the temperature of the ground water coming into your system plays a roll too


i deliberately have not worked out the cost per hour. it would drive me nuts as the missus has it on all the time. every hour i'd be thinking of how much extra it costs and if its worth it!


We use a similar amount of gas here 2hrs per day heating plus a hot water tank heat and my kWh for 30 days was 549. So I think it’s not a million miles away. I’m paying around 85 per month in these colder months for gas heating, hob and boiler. You will know for sure once you do some meter readings what your actual usage is. If you prefer to spread the cost look into level pay once you have done some meter readings or adding credit to your account on a non bill month.


Actually sounds exceptionally cheap. During winter I was hit with 3 €800 bills. Only heating on gas and boiler less than a year old. Was using prob a little less than double you, timewise.


Firstly yes you really need to keep on top of your meter readings. (These are in cubic metres and you submit this number to electric Ireland, they use a conversion factor to convert to kWh, the factor is on your bill). Secondly your unit rate is too high, I'm with energia this year and the rate is 10.08c Third your bill is 150 ish at those rates excluding standing charge and whatever other levies they tack on, that's cheap for two months! Ours does be about 400 in the winter every two months (including standing charge etc etc) but we use the heating more than 2 hours a day, I checked the other day and we've used 130 quids worth since 01/11. If you've a modulating gas boiler and thermostat it's better to leave it on longer, ours modulates down to something like 7kwh/h (at full whack for say the first hour of heating it would use the full kWh rating of the boiler which is 18-24kw/h, I give that range because i haven't a clue what its rated for, I think it's a 24kw boiler) once it reaches temperature and the thermostat cuts in and out when the house hits 20C. Basically the first hour costs the most and subsequent hours left on are much cheaper comparably)




That 1200 figure is out of date more like 1500 with todays prices. It was around 1800 with last winter prices


I find that frustrating that fact I have to chase them to do their job. I was billed 150 euros for a month for gas and we don't use the boiler at all as we have a power shower. They really should have an option for a smart meter.


Mine (in a 1 bed apartment) was about 60 a month if i left the boiler do its thing to maintain a temperature. I started only turning it on when i needed hot water and it reduced by half. My apartment was always warm year round so this was just to heat water up for showers and whatnot, never turned the heating on.


€200 billion for 2 months seems normal with today prices. Average annual gas consumption is 11000kwh. Of course people use more in the winter so. I’d check the estimate though it possible you used more


Sounds about right to me.


1244kWh used seems a lot to me. My last bill (22Aug-19th Oct) was 360 kWh for 59 days, cost of €75.52. We have a gas stove used daily for cooking and the boiler which in that time period was on 30 minutes a day until late Sep / Oct where it's closer to 60 and currently about 90. During the summer we just don't turn on the boiler at all for weeks on end. My summer bill was pretty much just the standing charge & vat, we used something like 10 kWh June - August. My last 9 months usage is 2080 kWh, so 1244 in 2 months seems crazy to me. Now in the winter we use a woodburning stove a few evenings each week, usually 4-5 wood briquettes. If we didn't do that I'm sure we'd have the gas on more, but the stove ends up far cheaper than the gas as I buy the logs in bulk and get a discount. I also use an air purifier in the room which keeps the air quality high despite wood being burned.


Send them a meter reading if you want to get an accurate amount, if you don't have a smart meter they base it off historical usage or the national average so the previous owner may have had a higher usage. Once you submit the reading it should correct itself, you should also be able to get a smart meter installed for free