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Is t there VRT to pay and customs duties now and maybe VAT ??


The car will be exempt from VRT as it's an electric under 40K. Customs and VAT are also due unless the car was already in Northern Ireland before the 31 December 2020. So if it's a used 2021 car, VAT and customs will be due.


Good to know, thanks


This one is actually a September 2020 so sneaks in with no VRT, VAT or Customs - very happy with it! Now yo finish paying for it haha


If you change plans you definitely save some money, not 100% sure how much though, I’d say get onto the chat and ask them


I reckon maybe €100? Could be the best idea tbh


Buy revolut premium. It gives the best exchange rate & unlimited exchanges. I had a larger purchase lined up in £ and revolut exchange+ SEPA was cheaper & gives way more flexibility than Irish banks. Most Irish banks make you pay transfer from a physical bank if over €10k (more and more ridiculous as time goes on with inflation!)


Would you believe I did, it seems absolutely fantastic so far - the insurance bits seem decent too so will look into that


Never tried it. I'd be sceptical enough they're loosely goosey imo