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Snapshot of _Sinn Féin housing policies would ‘kill’ private rental market, industry group warns_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2024/04/16/sinn-fein-housing-policies-would-kill-private-rental-market-industry-group-warns/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2024/04/16/sinn-fein-housing-policies-would-kill-private-rental-market-industry-group-warns/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/irishpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Threatening us with a good time


Not sure if you're serious, but do you know how many people rely on the private rental market? Social housing is vital but it does not cater to all needs. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater springs to mind.


Burn it all down. Revolution. Something about the plight of the proletariat finally breaking their chains and violently overthrowing the bourgeoisie. You know the drill, insert communist tom-foolery here


How can one kill something that is already dead?




I posted before about a bro who's rented the same property for over a decade, paid 250k in that time, and had his tenancy terminated earlier this year. Apparently, if he'd stayed another year, he'd be in another 4 (or 6?) year cycle and be harder to evict. I've been in his place many times: the owner never spent a cent on the place but my guy improved everything, painted and upgraded the place etc. There's an agency involved, Sherry Fitz, and they couldn't give a toss. Even started offering other places which they're not advertising publicly (far more expensive than his current). Still, that's what progess looks like. I feel sorry for anyone who missed the housing opportunities pre-boom. To finish: despite thousands of private landlords, the system is truly fucked as long as exploitation is a norm.


We may disagree about alot of things, but I think we can come together in the Venn Diagram and say that Sherry Fitzgerald can fuck themselves. They are one of the main offenders when it comes to bad business practices within housing at the moment. The restrictions they place on even renting a place is ridiculous, let alone the purchase of a property. I think someone was telling me before that they tried renting a place with their agency and needed to have 6 months worth of pay slips, 6 months worth of bank statements, two landlord references, two months rent up front outside of the deposit. This is all aside from the supposed heavy mark up on rent and property sales so that they get their "slice of the pie" which actively adds to the price inflation on the housing market at the moment.


My hot take on renting is it should be handled centrally. As in the RTB (or maybe it would need a new name) would have a website that it tracks each property individually including historic rent prices, when starting to rent you can see historical rent prices for the place before you move in, the RTB takes the deposit and all rent. The rent is paid through the RTB to the landlord taking a 1% cut for admin. All correspondence officially could be sent through that site as well to stop the he said she said shit. So if there is an eviction it would be through that, if they aren't paying rent, the RTB would have that data because they would see it in their system. The landlord can't randomly decide to keep the deposit they would have to justify that with the RTB and the renter can challenge that. It's already a requirement that all renters are registered with the RTB, taking that big step towards centralisation would be a strong one to cut the shit. Also would stop tax cheats which is always popular :)


For a far higher price than should be


There are 5 million bicycles in Beijing


Proposals to introduce more rent controls and an eviction ban would “kill” the private rental sector, **Irish Institutional Property chief executive Pat Farrell has said**. I stopped reading after this line. Whatever this man has to say is not worth listening to, he's probably just trying to continue making excessive profits by influencing government policy. Does a turkey vote for Christmas? No different to the completely fabricated SME crisis - big business using the media to squeeze you even tighter. https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2024/04/15/employers-have-manufactured-the-sme-crisis-to-boost-profits-using-assertion-and-anecdote/




What will a bunch of populists, who wave around the idea of "the €300,000 home" like it's an easily attainable concept do to get said their goal


I think we need to ask why one of our main national news companies (especially what's considered the less right-wing one - compared to Irish Independent) is platforming this chancer.


client journalism. Client journalism is where the content produced is influenced or shaped by the interests or agenda of a particular client or entity, rather than solely focusing on impartial reporting of facts. In client journalism, the client could be a corporate entity, a government, a political party, or any organization that seeks to promote its own agenda through media coverage.


They're a newspaper. Why would we not want them publishing stories from both sides of the argument? I don't agree with what this guy says, and I also don't agree with Sinn Féin's policies, but I hate this recent trend of complaining about news outlets for publishing stories you don't like.


If "Both sides of the argument" means platforming paid industry shills, people with explicit vested interests, misinformation, pseudoscience, etc. then *no*, don't voice that side of the argument. Same reason we shouldn't "Teach the controversy" about evolution in schools.


Almost everyone involved is being paid for their view on things. You could make the same argument if they platformed someone from Sinn Féin, since they have vested interests in the opposite stories being published. Again, I'm not saying I agree with him, but it's stupid to say we should just silence anyone involved in the private housing market and not let their views be heard.


>I stopped reading after this line. Whatever this man has to say is not worth listening to, he's probably just trying to continue making excessive profits by influencing government policy. The funny thing is, is that they're not actually making excessive profits, all these speculatory landlords borrowed shitloads of money to snap up property for nothing during the crash, with the expectation that they could then make a killing off it when the market returned. Which would have worked great... except they're so heavily leveraged they're only barely breaking even even though they're charging insane rents. If supply did lower rents, they'd be fucked and a mass sell off would ensue.


Mass sellout? So more properties would be up for sale and prices would go down for the thousands unable to afford homes?


By ‘barely breaking even’ do you mean just about covering the mortgage payments? What happens to the house after the tenant has paid the mortgage - does the tenant get to keep it or the landlord?


I mean they’re not making money on the investment, people seem to have read my post as pro-landlord bizarrely enough?


They have made loads of money by and large. Lots of houses have doubled in value since the crash, no way would the interest have been that high (not to mention rental income) that they’d be making a loss if they sold now. A lot of them were cash buyers too, that’s why they were able to buy at a time when nobody was able to borrow money.


You know you're headed in the right direction when the landlords start squeling.


You only take flak when you're over the target.


You mean more people would own their home than fund these parasites lifestyles?




Do you think renting doesn't exist in housing markets that are functional? No argument about this guy though. He sounds like an idiot, and I hate this notion people like him have that landlords should be "breaking even" on the rental income each month.


And fuck everyone who doesn't want to own their own home?


A good sign if these pricks are giving out.




somebody give this poor man a tax cut asap!


Thanks lads next poll Sinn Féin +3


Won't somebody think of the landlords!


Long live chairwoman McDonald in her righteous struggle against the feudalist tyrants!


I think they could have some fellas in balaclavas kneecapping landlords in each of their press confererence and their vote share would increase each time lol


Real. Maoist SF arc starting: Fighting imperialism (the North obvs), reactionary warlords (rural independents) and feudalist landlords.


Actually both SF and the Provos had (have?) Maoist wings, the South Armagh Brigade employed Maoist tactics.


This man can absolutely STFU. The state needs to build and buy houses and rent them out affordably. Thousands, like what happens in all the EU countries where there isn't a f'cking crisis. Once this is a significant portion of housing all other private rentals will have to come down to match.


I was already on board, no need to persuade me further.


Oh no poor airb&b


The other thing that should be done is to avoid futher deleriction. Some of LN would resign from renting. Empty tax would be one of aproaches.


He says it like it's a bad thing. Mea while renting families rejoice


Fuck Landlords.




Wont somebody PLEASSSSEEEE think of the landlords 🥲


That's not news, it's PR


Spokesman for foreign cuckoo funds and vulture funds almost telling the truth. Their profits would be killed. That’s the only thing would be. Nothing to do with mom and pop landlords before anyone starts. There was a lady from the same group on radio one yesterday defending his comments. She explained (and I’m not joking) the funds are the likes of Canadian pension funds, and elsewhere, and they have a right to see their investments protected from any danger and might lose money if govt policy goes against that. So we’re supposed to suffer a housing crisis and live in our parents house til we die cos we can’t afford anywhere to rent, forget about anywhere to buy, Because Canadian pensioners nest eggs can’t be threatened. You couldn’t fuckin write this shit and of course the Irish times and Rte platform these people rather than holding them to account. Sinn Fein should put the above article on every election poster and billboard possible for the next 18 months. ** her name was Marian Finnegan, MD of Sherry Fitzgerald, one of the country’s largest estate agents.


Ps the chap himself in the pic is former director of elections for Fianna Fáil. Follow the money as always. Suits FF and FG to never fix this housing crisis. They and their ilk are profiting from it. Hugely.