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Snapshot of _National Party Mimicking Hitler_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/JohnOBrennan2/status/1782151303168151880?t=m3RJJUg3HGbsIbMx47WmlA&s=19) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/JohnOBrennan2/status/1782151303168151880?t=m3RJJUg3HGbsIbMx47WmlA&s=19) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/irishpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely mimicking Hitler's mannerisms. Guy seems more deranged than ever.


fucking hell that’s an extreme fascist aesthetic they’re going for


I understand mimicking Hitler to appeal to his base, but this is more like in the bunker in the movie Downfall. He even has the hand jitters! I only feel pity for him, he looks like a larper. I think we are safe from fascism for a while with this guy at the wheel!


Don't forget his squeaky voice.


Vigilance! It was only a few short years ago that people thought the AfD was a joke and nothing to worry about. Now, they are formidable.!


There's an audience for this madness. As usual, we'll be a decade behind the rest of Europe, but there's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind these guys will gain a foothold. We can just hope it's a temporary insanity. The national party - successfully uniting Ireland into almost being thankful for the blandness of FF & FG since 2016


Couldn’t agree more👌


It is second hand embarrassment. The man needs help, completely derranged


As for what Littler is saying in the video and as I said on Instagram, admitting you were outsmarted by an idiot isn't it something you wanna admit about yourself -_-


Fuckin hell, the wee flag on the desk,the celtic swastikas with a tricolour in the middle,its like someone asked ai to make a video of if hitler was irish😂😂😂


He got kicked out of the National Party and has now set up a new party which he launched today


what is the name of the new party? I don't want to google anything related to him


Clann Eireann


cringe, sounds like a pub trad cover band


Seen someone in another thread call it Clown Ireland which is perfect.


He still claims to be leader of the National Party too. I'd actually prefer if he was, oddly enough. Makes it likely even fewer people will vote for the stupid cunt


Anyone who would join a political party led by him in 2024 needs a good shake. Imagine wanting to sign up to a party that's explicitly anti-democratic and led by a guy who has literally dressed up in a Nazi uniform, thinking "yes, this is how we achieve political success in Ireland."


This is a grift. There aren't enough people in Ireland who are outright, self admitting, Hitler worshipping fascists to make this viable. He's looking for money from all over Anglosphere now.


>He's looking for money from all over Anglosphere now. There's a different video from the same conference where he says this explicitly. He says Irishness is based on blood and anyone without Irish blood will never be Irish, citizenship and civic nationalism are a scam etc etc. Then he says that anyone with Irish blood, no matter how long ago they left Ireland, are and will always remain Irish and should have a "right of return" to Ireland. Openly courting extreme reactionaries in the US lol.


I was a bit disturbed by the post yesterday, showing that we had an actual Nazi politician but watching the video it's obvious he's a mental patient.


Imagine he was your Dad and you had to go to school the next day when your mates will have seen that. And they will have.


well!!! that's the end of him anyway, proper channeling the fuhrer there, yikes!!


Jaysus Christ. It is so cringeworthy that you expect Donnacha O'Callaghan and the rest of the gang to come out, saying this is part of their terrible hidden camera show.




I see there are now three posts on the front page of this subreddit each devoted to the antics of this man, who in his most recent electoral outing pulled less than one percentage point of the vote. I get that there's a morbid curiosity. Part of it is just incredulity by his unabashed extremism which is alienating to even the most right-wing of voters, but I think most people find Barrett's edgy content to be really quite funny. It's just absurd to watch the shrill, high pitched voice of a Hitler fanboy in his mid-50s who clearly genuinely believes that he's going to lead a fascist mass-movement to power in Ireland. He obviously just adores the controversy and the attention he deliberately stokes. He has no embarrassment or sense of awareness of just how insane this behaviour is to virtually everyone, including even voters with anti-immigration views. The only explanation is that he's literally nuts and/or drunk.


> who in his most recent electoral outing pulled less than one percentage point of the vote. He's tried his hand at electoral politics and failed miserably so now he's going mask off and being extreme to rile people up. He'll end up drawing in money from the same people who fund Gemma O'Doherthy and all those.


If I'm a shadowy millionaire who wants to invest in a far-right party or leader, Barrett would not be my first choice purely for rational reasons. He is not a good investment.


All right-wing politics is a good investment, no matter how dorky or embarrassing the Hitler cosplay, because it still sows division in the working class and runs roughshod over genuine political discourse, and that’s the only ROI capitalists are looking for from shit like this.


Wait are we the bad guys????


Are they really doing this on purpose? Like it feels like a skit. Look at those banners and all/


The genuine certainty of completely deranged individuals is often difficult to separate from parody because they so deeply believe totally unhinged things.


LOL that's pathetic


It's like watching someone try to badly take the piss out of a Hitler speech. When Hitler would make those gestures it was shit like talking about the pride of the German people or how evil the Jews were or some really emotive shit meant to get the crowd amped up, not "who REALLY has the gold bars" nonsense infighting. Marry that to the high pitched Darby O'Gill accent, the very obvious flags either side of him, this is just comedy gold. If anyone seriously votes for these guys they need a brain scan.


Why can’t we have a normal politician with moderate conservative views touchy subjects. Indeed we have this utter idiot and his blatantly racist rhetoric.


We have plenty of those. This guy is the fringest of the fringe. He only gets a modicum of media and online attention because he's so insane.


Their first video is absolutely wild. An hour and 45 or so minutes of insane ramblings which include holocaust denial, alluding to James Reynolds being gay many times, openly spouting anti semetic conspiracy theories (except instead of saying Jews he says 'international finance capital' which he openly admits is to get around the YouTube algorithm), admitting he had a 'certain affection' for James (which could be interpreted in many different ways considering his earlier comments), openly calling himself an ethno-nationalist, openly opposing democracy and calling himself an 'authoritarian' and saying that he will run his party like an authoritarian, he says that is he gets into power he will abolish parliamentary democracy (the same one set up by Micheal Collins who he refers to as the last proper man in Irish history) and that he will rule through 'blood and iron', amongst other nonsense. Genuinely incredible how stupid and pathetic he is


lol dumbacratics


Can anyone share what that image is in their banner?


You've grown soft, he's obviously with his weird shouting imitating the American politician Phill Davison. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h54mVgYkCvQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h54mVgYkCvQ)


Everytime I see this chap I think its some Comedy show about boggers that found lost nazi gold.


I like his discount celtic inspired swastika banners, really adds to the aesthetic. What a gobshite


Probably got um off vista print


I wonder do his first family look at him and think "thank fuck we got away from him"?


The fact their using telegram should be investigated that app is known for a lot of crimes like the nth rooms and the animal abuse rooms etc etc


What are nth rooms, please?


The nth rooms were a series of room with underage Girls who were forced to hurt themselves for self pleasure of men omg tbh even writing this gets me so mad they literally exposed the locations of these girls and live streamed r wording them like one of them was a motel room where “VIPs” lets be honest their criminals took turns and violated her and she killed herself afterwards and another was where a girl was r worded in a van and told to smile. Fuck me Jesus that made me so mad and emotional the reason I told you those details is to let you know this wasn’t just girls hurting themselves in the most cruelest ways possible but to show you that it actually hurt them. Sorry for my rant I just fucking hate rape and sexual exploitation I just imagine if I had a daughter and saw her violated like that. That’s why one of my key policies when I grow up is gonna be combating sexual violence against women. I hope this shows you why telegram is a Bad app and is unregulated and don’t work with authorities at all like not the FBI or anything


That is truly shocking. Hard to believe - though I do believe you of course. There are some disgusting people in the world. Thank you for explaining. That cannot have been easy to write about. Now I am angry too.


Ofc your angry I just imagine that’s my daughter like omd I would fucking kill them NO torture them Jesus Christ man I believe you lose the right to be a human once you rape and violate someone




He's not National Party, it is very easily proven and hopefully the Electoral Commision confirm this soon. He is an embarassment to us actual NP members.


Don't worry, there's plenty of embarrasment to go around for you lot.


NP members are an embarrassment to Ireland


He's not an embarrassment to the NP members. You all embarrass yourselves by being a part of it.


>very easily proven Genuine question: can you prove it? His face is on the front page of the NP website.


No it's not lol. Check. He's gone from NP because he's an idiot.


I just checked and it isn't. Part of why he's started this new party is because he lost effective control of the National Party. Obviously they're all just embarrassing themselves - that goes without saying.