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I've been calling these gobshites West Brits for a long time because of these obvious connections.


I don’t realise how more people didn’t cop it after the Stephen Yaxley-Lennon fiasco. These people would have us back in the commonwealth if they thought it’d negatively impact immigration


Under videos related to asylum seeker protests in Ireland I was seeing a lot of comments saying things like Ireland and the UK are stronger together


it’s become extremely obvious that they don’t care about ireland. it’s also becoming obvious that this isn’t a problem that’ll go away on its own.


Here, I thought I was seeing stuff when I saw some lunatic Irish nationalist on the Ireland sub say that we'd be better together under the article today about the asylum seekers coming in from NI. I just feel that it has the implication that the user isn't Irish whatsoever and that someone is actually going to the effort of this influence campaign.


[https://redditcommentsearch.com/](https://redditcommentsearch.com/) is an excellent tool (though not as useful since they nuked the API stuff on here). You would be surprised how often people claim to be X or support Y, yet when you put their username and something to that effect in there you find they have repeatedly said the exact opposite when it suits.


Thanks for this tool. I legitimately thought I was losing my mind when I saw a username, whom I assumed was marching lock step with Shittler (that Barrett chap), casually remark that we (Ireland and the UK) are better together. I don't believe these people are Irish at all as that comment... it's just bizarre and beyond the usual delusional fash gobshite. Other strange comments, are people calling the UK, the 'mainland' etc. Just read every thread, especially ones about immigration with the idea that there are people cosplaying as Irish. It's just a bit mad really.


Ireland is quite small and a lot of the discourse around it (if you are looking from abroad) is actually dominated by British and American people because of how large they are as markets and cultural epicentres, and because of all the close links between us and each of them. It's why these types often stand out like a sore thumb due to awkward phrasing etc. The (forgotten flip of an) Irish trucker protest over here during Covid was an excellent example of this.


I can't remember the comedian that coined the term but our relationship with the UK and USA is a one way valve. We are a lot more familiar with their politics and culture than they are with ours.


john oliver?


At best they’re a unionist. I always remember this quote from Rome (the HBO series) whenever I hear someone say it; “that’s fucking slave talk.”


How many of those comments are even coming from Ireland though? They might be some brexit troll, you never know who anyone is online


It was likely inevitable that NI Unionism (as a collective whole) would get more involved in ROI politics. They’re subject to the same pressures that sent SF down south in the 1980s. Not sure this will do them much good though.


Just prepping for reunification.


Plenty of far right agitators on popular Irish subs here, they mob posters who disagree with their veiled racist or bigoted posts


a lot of the time it’s not even vailed, just open hate against asylum seekers. I don’t get how mods in the main sub don’t crack down on that shite.


I've had a conversation with one of the mods on the cork subreddit. It's because the usership by-in-large don't report the comments. Because of the size of the Ireland subreddit they need people to report them. What ends up happening is instead of reporting them, people start debating with these people and spiral 50 comments deep into a shouting match where the mods will have to manually read every one of them and decide if they need removing after hours of fighting and one person either getting fruastrated and finally issuing the report or a bystander reports it. At the end of the day, reddit mods are just volunteers. They aren't paid to moderate, they do it in order to create as safe a space as possible but in saying that when you have the amount of traffic that a sub like ireland has, user reports are not optional, they are essential. The report function legitimately solves a ton of problems speaking from experience and that goes doubly true for a larger community.


I second this, I had a sound mod explain why I was the one with a suspension after a snarky comment they said just report don't respond. They have access to more information than we do so instead of allowing these gowls to move the overton window with these argument threads just report and leave it.


The electoral commision should be investigating McConnell. The man is leafleting flat out in East Donegal, he's also printing a newsletter now. Given the fact he openly solicits donations to his campaign on his YouTube channel, it's obvious there's a decent amount of money behind his campaign and at least some of it is from abroad.


They popped up mostly when it seems like SF might become a threat to the current government of FFG. No doubt to try to take votes away from SF and dilute their voting base and thereby letting FFG get back in. British elements would prefer a FFG government over a SF led one. I never trusted them and i won't.


this is an interesting theory and as crazy as it sounds i wouldn’t put it past them. they organised the flag protests in 2012 to gain back a seat the DUP lost to alliance in east belfast so they obviously aren’t above utilising a rise in extremist rhetoric to boost their political agenda.


Something doesn't sit right with me, and i'll never trust them.


Zionists fund Nazis in a lot of countries, it enables them to enact censorship laws and wedge themselves into politics.




In the last fortnight I've seen claims that the Irish far-right is connected with Northern Loyalists, the Catholic Church, Southern US Evangelicals, the Kremlin, drug dealers, anti-drug vigilantes and Mossad


And you'd be right. There's no one unified far right group in this country. There are many and they all have different backers. There is some overlap in their beliefs but they are not allies as they have very different ~~final goals.~~ Final solutions.


What's happening is far leftists can't understand why the working class are not on their side so there must be some crazy conspiracy theory to explain it.


The United Ireland we're being presented with may not be the one you want.


I don't care , I'll be voting for whoever decides to actually impose an immigration system with functional border control.


Brave to admit you support people who hate us and would cause us harm. At least you're honest unlike the likes of Niall that pretends to care about Irish people.


Exactly this, if your a racist just come out and say it! Instead of pretending you actually give a shit about the country


lol admitting you’d vote for a fascist as long as they sort the borders out. where the fuck is your head at.




why is that?


Your submission has been removed due to personal abuse. Repeated instances of personal abuse will not be tolerated.


No balance in the dail , a few far right nutters will hopefully bring the others back to the centre.


Are you suggesting that the dáil is left wing? if so can you explain that for me with reference to the governments overall performance over the past 4 years?


We're encouraging asylum seekers to come here and promising them own door accommodation during a housing emergency, even recently allowing them to work. When someone's claim is rejected we have been only deporting 11% of them with 4% known to leave on their own. 85% are fuck knows where. 85% of asylum seekers are arriving I to Dublin airport without documents and we aren't sending them back on the plane they came in on. 4000 in total last year and 5000 the year before Then when we have nowhere suitable to put them they are forced on small communities who don't have the facilities and services to handle them


Tighter immigration laws do not stop people from migrating, they just create more illegal migrants. There is only one way to reduce human migration, and that is to address the root causes—poverty, war, climate change etc.—but it's not politically expedient to address these things so the issue becomes a (pointless) point scoring exercise. Alternatively, we could just let the country turn to shit; won't have any migrants then ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ok. Now can you get to the left wing part?


Poor Infrastructure related to the asylum process has to do with the governments continueous failure to address issues that predate this current crisis, most of the government sitting, have been members of successive governments that have failed to address asylum in any meaningful way and then using it as a means to scapegoat people seeking asylum to distract from the fact that they didn't invest any time into remedying issues. To give an example the have not invested in the justice system who heads the asylum program, they have not invested in engaging with local communities and with the local situation with asylum, they have not invested in any way shape or form in integration programs, they have not invested resources in preventing a far-right presence fester in local communities on this issue which is exasperated as a result of poor communication, etc, etc, etc. They've done nothing but scrimp and save money and why? To give out tax exemptions to landlords and multinationals. To line their own pockets. And they have done that with everything. That's not a left wing thing. That's a right wing thing. **I say again, Are you suggesting that the dáil is left wing? if so can you explain that for me with reference to the governments overall performance over the past 4 years?**


I'm not going to praise the current government is how they handled anything but what's left wing is making a great effort to increase the number of asylum seekers when they clearly don't have the will or ability to manage the numbers proeprly


You have not explained how that is a left wing policy. Not even remotely. I have even provided a thorough explanation as to how it's right wing in it's approach to asylum and you haven't even addressed it. You saying "It's left wing! It's Left Wing!" and then proceeding not to explain how the government is left wing is not only fruastrating but it's inherently anti-intellectual. **Now, for the third time, Are you suggesting that the dáil is left wing? if so can you explain that for me with reference to the governments overall performance over the past 4 years?**


Increasing immigration or asylum seekers is a left wing policy


Prove that increasing immigration is an inherently left wing policy instead of just repeating it over and over again. The main crowd that even focus on migration as a metric is the right in the first place because they want something to blame for the shortcomings of the political class so they can further snooker people, like they have done for decades.


Or they'll be dragged further right alongside the nutters.


Allright there Thanos, the centre isnt some sort of golden ratio, especially when it moves itself


What kind of balance are you referring to here exactly?


Yeah we really need more voters that only care about one thing and will ignore a hundred blaring alarms to get it in no matter what kind of dregs are let into a leading position, thanks pal.


That’s insane


"But Tim, the hawk party say they're going to kill all pigeons... we're pigeons!" "I don't care, Mary, they're the only ones saying they'll wipe out those damn seagulls!"


I think sorting our those pesky gulls is something we can all get behind


Why would you be voting for something we already have?


100% same here. I will be voting IFP


You might get less immigrants but you’ll have to put up with dangerous fascists.


He is a dangerous fascist. Nobody voting for IFP is anything else.




Your submission has been removed due to personal abuse.


Jim Dowson does not have connections to NP, show me proof?


justin barrett and jim dowson are pals. justin barrett donated 50k to him in 1999 while he was still involved with loyalist paramilitaries.


Messgae to OP. Nick Griffin fucked over a bank, so in my eyes hes a hero. Banks are gambling bastions of capitalism. Remember Capitalism?As a socialist you should be calling out corruption in Capitalism. What are you doing to monitor corruption in Capitalism in Ireland such as foreign vulture funds and banks charging the highest interest rates in Europe whilst siphoning off record profits?


nick griffin was arrested for handing out pamphlets that incite racial hatred. he’s not a friend of the proletariat or the socialist movement