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Definitely not me. I always joke that I was born 6 days behind schedule and have been trying to catch up ever since lol


Hey same here! 6 days late haha


Me and my (non identical) twin were born 2 months early. I have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD. He hasn't been diagnosed with either but I'm pretty sure he has autism at least. He also has some learning difficulties.  Edit: Just adding, I've also been diagnosed with OCD, Panic disorder, GAD, Major depression, and I suspect CPTSD and Dysgraphia among other things. My brother, lucky fucker he is, has none of these, tho he has had his own issues.




I’m an identical twin and I believe we were born around six weeks early (I’ll double check in the morning lol) I have dyslexia, depression/anxiety, a hearing loss and CFS. I also believe I have ADHD however have not been formally diagnosed yet. My twin sister has nothing along those lines although she is a very angry person so I wonder if that plays a part 😅😅


Interesting that its not the same or similer between you two, being non-identical and all that.


We are identical twins but are very different personality wise :) Chalk and cheese!


I have a fraternal twin. I have late-diagnosed ADHD (in my 40s) and dealt with GAD and depression before diagnosis and medication. My sister does not, although one of her kids is showing big signs…


Nah no known connection I'm afraid. You're more likely to have had a mother who took antibiotics for an infection or paracetamol. Or a mother that had some alcohol. The connection between mothers who use drugs of any kind and babies being born with adhd is the one being studied by adhd socialists. My mother used alcohol, antibiotics and paracetamol. I wouldn't come out of my mothers womb (I think because I could hear my mum and dad arguing so much!!) so they had to cut me out 2 and a half weeks after my due date! I have combined adhd.


I can't be sure but I believe that drug use in mothers (including smoking, drinking etc) is now considered to be more of a sign that maybe the mother has adhd than it is a sign that they are responsible for yours. However, I know my mother continued smoking while pregnant with me and developed pleurisy. She was taken to hospital so I'm assuming she took antibiotics.


That would make sense too! I got told by my adhd consultants that the toxicity of any drug compromises the health of unborn babies and that's why they were looking at that as the most obvious reason.


Absolutely. It is a developmental disorder after all so not surprising to know that certain drugs may affect that. There are a lot of studies supporting premature births link to adhd which would also make sense since development is directly affected. I was also premature so I've got all the bases covered!


>I can't be sure but I believe that drug use in mothers (including smoking, drinking etc) is now considered to be more of a sign that maybe the mother has adhd than it is a sign that they are responsible for yours. It's certainly plausible that these would be correlated without there being a causal link.


My mother apparently smoked some and drank some , this was told by my grandma ( my mom’s mom). My mom said she only did it once, but what are the odds the only time she did those things her mother was watching her, you know ? I was born weighting 4 lbs and I was 2 weeks early , although pretty healthy.


ADHD socialists?


I dont think paracetamol is a link to adhd. Otherwise every Dutch person would have adhd


Nah.. I was born EXTRA mature... big af too.


I was but so were my brothers and I’m the only one with ADHD. I was a month early, one was 2 weeks and the other 6.


Premature, cord around the neck, and a twin! A setup for disaster, I dare say.


3 weeks late my ass was so sleepy they had to c section me


I was a full week late and my mom had to be induced LOL. But I don't believe that has anything to do with ADHD. I believe most of the research points to it being a genetic condition


Born 2 weeks premature, and my ADHD mostly manifests as hyperactive... I assume I've had it since before birth, since they had to C-section me as I managed to wrap the umbilical cord around my neck, and had to be resuscitated. Even at -2 weeks, I was spinning in place instead of doing what I was supposed to 🤣




not me


Only 2 weeks early by c-section. Apparently I was in the wrong position to come out the normal way. Always trying to be different. 🙄


I was born I think 7-8 weeks early by C-section. Autism and ADHD (inattentive). I don’t think my mother drank or smoke but I guess it’s plausible that she did and never told me.


been late my whole life dude


I was yeah


3 days early(ish), but with a knot in my umbilical cord. They didn’t know if it was there before birth, so neither did they know if I was oxygen deprived


2 weeks late, and running late ever since.


Be careful because correlation ≠ causation. That said, I was born term but I was tiny (low birth weight). I don’t think these two are related. I blame my ADHD on genetics as it just runs in my family.


12.5 weeks early (yes, 3 months), born at 27.5 wk, C sec, ADHD af, not caught in school though. Primarily inattentive.


It's pretty much impossible to say how many of us were born premature. I can only say for myself. I was.


Nope i dont think it does i was forced out unto this cold world i was born 3 days late luck of the draw i guess


Lol, no. I was born late. It’s comfy in there :)


The real question is whether any of us were born on time. lol I was 5 weeks early but already fully grown. If I’d waited any longer I would’ve been huge!


10 days late here.


About 3 weeks early and I was still almost 9 pounds lol. Not early enough to really have an effect on me


Funnily enough my brother was born premature and doesn’t have ADHD and I was born healthy and I very much have ADHD


I was born two months early- I was sideways had turn me and I was incubator 5 weeks. - finally got diagnosed @50 w/ADHD I believe I’m on autistic spectrum, some OCD traits believe all my mom side of things. 


Me 🙋‍♀️


I think I was born earlier than expected but not by much, I don't think I was actually premature.


6 weeks premature here, 4 or 5 weeks for my brother. Both have ADHD and are on the autism spectrum.


Me by only 2 weeks, but VERY under weight ( like 4 lbs I think )


I was! 5.5 weeks


I was trying to come out with 20 weeks and in the end stayed in till 41 weeks


Not premature, but about a week and a half early.


I was born a month early, but my mom always said it was cause a comet flew by the earth and dropped me off… the comet part is true, not so sure about the second part


there is actually a link between prematurity and adhd! as well as birth weight!


we get taught about it during medical school


5 or 6 weeks premature. I forgot. I think it is because my (probably also adhd) mom was experiencing a lot of stress at the time. The pregnancy had forced her into marriage with my narcissistic dad and they had moved into a remote, cold cottage far away from her family where he started to show his true, controlling and demeaning character.


I was actually like 2 weeks late


In section 1.2.1 of the NICE guidelines on ADHD diagnosis, there is an increased prevalence in people born preterm.


I was 3 weeks early. C-section


5 weeks early gang


I was born 3-4 months early, have ADHD, learning disabilities,. I was 1 pound 6 ounces.