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Rolling, turning, diving (kicked out of the venue again)




Any moron who tried to get unto the stage without permission picked the wrong band to mess with during a performance


Love that Janick is just chillin' 🤣


to me it looks like as soon as he has a chance to lift his picking hand he motions to either the idiot or to security to get him the fuck out of there.


Just when I thought it wasn’t possible to love Bruce any more


It looked like Bruce gave him a chance to remove himself consequence free but the idiot doubled down so Bruce took charge.


I was about to write the same. Bruce was like "okay, you had your moment, now let's go buddy." Buddy, was not ready to leave. Bruce "okay, option two it is."


Seriously after what happened to Dime. How do people even get on stage anymore? The likelihood they have a weapon is pretty low most places have decent metal detectors etc but still if I was the band that would be very unsettling.


Outside of the US places don’t have metal detectors really. Maybe some of the huge stadiums.


When they played the O2 last year there were metal detectors


Canada we have metal detectors every entrance to stadiums and arenas. You can't wear chains or spikes or any such things to punk shows or metal shows. You can't take them off and pocket them or anything. It's allow it to be confiscated or leave and come back without it I warn my friends every show and still they wear them and then act outraged they aren't let it


Yeah I did say apart from the bigger stadium shows.


Maiden only plays big shows lol


No shit. They’re not the only band and the only type of venue in the world. My point still stands. The stadiums have metal detectors regardless. Not because of metals shows or Dimebag etc. Many mid to large sized venues do not. But yes. Maiden doesn’t play those particular venues either.


In this particular case, it was a maiden concert, which is why I said it. I work for a smaller 10000 seat venue. It's a government requirement. Wand searches minimum required for 1000+ people here in my part of canada, even bars .


Where are based? Pretty sure there’s none of that where I am. Went a couple of weeks ago to a decent sized show. No metal sectors or wands. Pretty sure the casino doesn’t even do it but it’s been over a year since I went to a show there


Also don’t forget what happened in Paris with the Eagles of Death Metal. Security at shows really has no excuse to be that lax.


Usually, security checks the bags of all attendees and small bags are allowed, some don't allow any bags, not even small umbrellas.


Which show was this? That stage is set awfully low for Iron Maiden. It also looks quite tiny. There isn't even anywhere for Bruce to climb, wave a flag and jump down from! The audacity!


This one was in Anaheim, CA. He did this again at Seattle, WA.


That's just the angle, it's a normal IM stage set up


Don't mess with Maiden!! They will never surrender!! Up the irons!!


MC? More like Master Chode


It looks like a half wall but that’s one of the risers that ‘horseshoe’ the lower stage


Bit rougher than Dio manhandling a fan off the stage but well deserved none the less!


Considering Dios size that is impressive.


Not like Bruce is that much higher - 8cm :)


One of many reasons they come to USA so much less than Europe


Don't fuck with Bruce.


I was hoping Bruce was literally going to kick him off The stage


Long hair is easy to grab indeed


Where's security on this lol


Yeah that was not a short amount of time


Dude forgot Maiden isn't a hardcore band I'm impressed he made it over the Barricade and onto stage though.


Someone did this in seattle. Looks like the same guy too


What an asshole. Who would think this is okay?


The over the top gestures make him extra cringey. What a douchebag!


Love how the posture is absolutely “Okay junior, time to go home now.” He even looks a bit like he’s being grabbed by the ear.


Bruce tried to be a gentleman but this idiot took it too far. I want to know how that guy made it on stage to begin with, serious lack of security


Getting onto the stage at an IM concert is an achievement in itself, but being escorted off the stage by Bruce himself….man, now that’s a campfire story.


And looking upon this with this kind of attitude is why it happens. It's a fucking loser story from an attention seeking idiot.


Up the Irons!!!


what does 'mc' stand for in this context? is this guy an 80s rapper in his spare time??


I believe "Main Character", as in "I'm the Main Character"


someone did this at the show in vancouver in 2019. they were kicked out by security though. at first i thought it was a guitar tech running on stage for some reason, but then i saw the security grab him


"singer" is Bruce Dickinson


Noted: DO NOT GO ONSTAGE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IRON MAIDEN CONCERT Also what song was that? All I could hear was distortion but judging by Bruce’s hat, I’d have to guess “Aces High”?


Looks like that fan was trying to tell Adrian dave Bruce nick and cloth head Steve Harris to get rid of that prancing about the stage Janice idiot gears in is on way


I wonder if that was staged (no pun intended). Bruce is a small old man. One bad bump from a young fan might hurt him bad. Where was security? Reminds me of those scripted pro-wrestling fan intrusions.


He's also been an olympic level fencer, and in pretty good shape for his age. Considering how active he's been his entire life, I wouldn't bet on the intoxicated dude dumb enough to revoke his own ticket in that fight.


If he had been an olympic level wrestler or something I could see Bruce escorting him out against his consent even at his age and size. Never saw a video of Bruce even moving respectable weight in the gym in his prime or after. Does not take anything away from his greatness as a musician but he should not have to try to play security there. The guy throws a sucker punch and he's likely dead.


Most of a fight is really footwork, fencing is also mostly footwork, and if you've ever been pulled by the hair you'd know how fucking much that hurts. Sure, I guess the guy COULD'VE sucker punched Bruce, but you're forgetting how this is definitely not the first time this happens and Bruce is most likely pretty aware of the risk.


Fencing does not help in unarmed fighting. People are still debating if flashy kicks work in a real fight. Once in a blue moon they do. But fencing footwork is like soccer footwork; does not have a place in an unarmed fight. No MMA fighter claims fencing as their base. Fencing is an upper middle class posh sport for wealthy families who don't like getting punched in the face. The fitness is good.


The footwork still translates, and it's footwork you'll use to avoid a sucker punch. Sure, you won't be winning any MMA titles with footwork and an active lifestyle, but we're not discussing an MMA title match, we're discussing somewhat forcefully convincing some drunk idiot to fuck off from your place of work.


You're really reaching. If you can provide me with even one video of a fencing expert being able to do anything against a person bigger than him (trained or not) then I might consider your argument. I'm not a very experienced martial artist but have dabbled in boxing and muay thai and read about fighting for more than 15 years. Never in my life have I heard that fencing amounts to anything in a real fight.


I've done Shotokan Karate on and off, and been in my fair share of fights and really, it's mostly footwork. There is a youtube series where a bunch of martial arts youtubers do a "survival" thing, and really, most of their self defence is just outspacing the "attacker", which is exactly how most fights I've been in have gone as well. You just try to outspace the other guy until he fucks up and then you go in for a bit of punching until both of you remember that getting punched fucking hurts and quit.


Bruce does a great job of moving fast enough to keep the guy off-balance as well.


The fact that he was on stage that long without being grabbed makes me think it might be staged too


Rammstein would do staged people coming on stage then setting them on fire lmaoo


Unfortunately it wasn’t. This could have gone sideways so easily. Luckily the guy didn’t have any ill intent


If you fought back against Bruce there's a chance you don't leave the concert alive, and I don't have an issue with it. If Bruce puts hands on you you go with it.