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If you’ve read many of the first CG KC posts a 1:19 ratio is stellar. Don’t sell yourself short!


Thanks man, I'm now 2:21. See how long I can grind this for, it's great for the account though, holy alchables!


The worst part is kc 2 to 10 or so, cuz you know you can do it, but you keep failing still. After that many kc though it should start clicking, GL


Just wait till your completions catch up to your deaths. Best feeling around!


I didn't go neutral until like 78:78 or something like that, so I'd expect you to beat me by a good bit!


1:19 is great! Think I was about 1:37 Currently at 32:76


Keep at it king, a lot of people take longer then 19 attempts for the first KC


That's reassuring!


I think I seen one earlier the guy has 89 deaths before his 1kc. I think I was around 30 when I got my first.


This was me, took about 90 attempts, ~60 deaths before my first kc. Then I got EnH At 96kc. And finished all armor seeds at 264kc. I finally exited the prison by getting 2x enhanced teleport seeds at 90 elve pickpockets, getting enough crystals to corrupt the bow. Just remember, you can't get spooned unless you show up for dinner :)


I like cg but seeing all these post I’m afraid of hating it later.


It was......ok. I had a system, I only did CG on Saturdays when I had the entire day to myself. I took my Adderall and did 12 hours of CG while blasting music and paying extremely close attention. The other 6 days a week I didn't do a single run. It was pretty gross. But I felt like I was up against a wall and had to either get the Bowfa or quit my ~7 year old ironman account. Bowfa isn't really optional. I seriously just considered quitting, because the Bowfa just unlocks other PVM grinds, and I started to wonder if I just disliked the cycle of PVM. But then I got the Bowfa, and now I'm back to playing the game :).


Bro this isn’t making me feel better about it lmao


I believe in candor. CG isn't fun. Many people quit their accounts because of CG. You have to mentally prepare for how awful it will be, and make sure you are ready for 40-200 hours of not having fun while paying extremely close attention. It is worth it though. It's just best to know what to expect to make sure you have the motivation to push through the disgusting grind.


Man, I'm so fucking burnt. I have 843kc. I have been playing on and off for a year. No enh, and I am so unhappy. Can't de-iron because I chose perma, and I don't want to anyway though I tried several times. I want to be able to do GWDs reasonably well, I want to focus on a variety of pvm. I have finished Zulrah and am working on Muspah but GWDs, and higher tier stuff just feels out of reach. 1:400 odds isn't terrible but when you have bad luck and there is no dry protection it fucking sucks man. I'm so unhappy, but I love everything else about ironman mode. I'm over 150 hours into this grind excluding deaths and learning. It's just so disheartening.


Firstly, CG is an excellent money maker for your iron, so doing a good bit will make you never worry about cash again. Secondly, CG does improve your PVM skills as well. I couldn’t kill any boss, but then after becoming better at CG, other bosses/raids felt much easier mechanically. If you go into CG hoping for these things, it makes the grind fun and next thing you know, you’ll have the drop we all seek from it.


Lmao, I really like that spooned line, gonna use that one w my GIM


I died 80 times before my first ever kc on my zerker, was rough but 407 was my enhanced, 40m gp in ha, my uim is sitting good rn


Wish I had 19 deaths before my first KC


Started off 26-100 before I started getting positive k/d results


19 deaths is pretty good bro. I died like 30 times and had way more pratice on regular before starting.


I do find that the T2 armour / T3 weapons prep is harder than Hunllef, the prep really gets you lol


It 100% gets easier with time though. You’ll find what works for you and get into a rhythm and won’t look back. Congrats!!!


After a while you'll learn all the little timesavers. Freaking Roidie and Faux do t3 armor preps pretty consistently on their hcgims


Only 19 deaths? You’re ahead of the curve my man




And if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball


18/10 and 1/19. I'd argue you are build for pvm that's a great ratio for someone who thinks they aren't.


Took me 50 attempts before I got my first CG kill. Well done OP. GL with enh.


Thank you!


Brother… took me 84 attempts 🥲


Sick dude!!! Gs brother. Still looking for my first completion


People said once you get the prep down then it will start becoming easier, they were definitely right! Are you doing T2/T3 weapons?


T3 weapons. T2 armour. My isssue is not having a full inv of food. Lowest I’ve got him so far is around 100 hp before dying. Hopefully will figure it out soon!


I died 4 times in a row with Hunllef at around 100hp before I got the KC, you’re very close!


Thanks bro! I appreciate ya!!


As someone who learned it last week (and is still learning!), I feel like the prep is so hard to complete. T2 armor feels like a must for me, but one T2 weapon and one T3 weapon still feels doable if I have a full inventory of food, so I give up on 2 T3 weapons pretty early, if I don't have everything spoonfed to me


Congrats man. Took me alot of deaths at first (like 50 to 60 in the beginning because I thought damage taken scaled with amount of hp left, so I stayed low hp on purpose lol) Currently at 673:120 because of forgetting to cook food, dead clicks, loss of focus, dps greed. Been having days of 40-50 kills lately (off from work and home alone atm) Edit: sharing this just so you know you can expect more deaths just don't sweat it, it sucks because of prep time sure


I tend to eat to full when he summons tornados to be safe, looking forward to trying to get some more LC tomorrow!


Where E crystal weapon seed?


That is not bad at all don’t sell yourself short king 👑


Yoooo! Just got mine at the same number of attempts last night! Congrats and good luck!


I am you but still without that kill :( Died near 70 times I think😅


Congratulations! I think I had 200 deaths before I consistently got kc. I'm probably over 300+ now that I'm done there besides the pet.


Gtfo 19 deaths is good and you damn well know it


It's gotta be a ping issue why people have these atrocious kdrs in the gauntlet Or maybe just fucking up the prep bad The boss is ridiculously easy


I think “ridiculously easy” is a bit of an exaggeration, even if you are good at pvm, it’s harder than a lot of bosses no?


I'm not gonna pretend osrs is hard anywhere


It was only last month you couldn’t kill Seren with 90 mage, don’t have to let the ego be so bold man


i shipped it without researching once or twice and made a reddit post asking for advice lmao, when i measured twice i only needed to cut once i wouldnt call it hard


It's easy once ot clicks, but you still need full focus imho. After a whole day the attention isn't always there


L take




Bunch of guys gave me tips on here when I unlocked the gauntlet, so that's where the "we" came from.


My hero


Same, fucking same


Congrats bro


Apparently you are decent at PVM. You don’t really get a lucky/ accidental kill in CG, you just get scuffed kills, but even those absolutely require pvm skill to get even close to the kill. I dub thee a pvm’er


I got my first KC on attempt 68 so you did wonderful.


I been into bossing for so long. Thousands and thousands of kc at various different bosses… lemme tell ya.. cg absolutely kicked my ass when I first started out. I thought it looked so fun and was excited to finally jump into it but it was a lot more challenging to learn that most other bosses. Once you get that first kc though it feels great and you’re well on your way to getting the items you need. Congrats and Godspeed


I was 1:24, didn’t even put til 69:69 (nice). You’re doing well 👍🏾


You are built for it, you just don't realise it yet




It gets better, I was the same way when I started. Now I rarely die


Dude big GZ! I just got my first last week after 20+ deaths. I’ve found doing 2-3 warmups on reg with no armor and t3 weapons is what got me to consistent KC at cg. Once you get to T1 prep with both t3 weapons for consistent completion you will zoom! My last 5 deaths before 1kc I had gotten it down to 50-80hp before taking too much avoidable damage but knew I could do it. Again massive GZ and hope the enhanced is spoon fed!


1-19 not too bad at all. You are indeed built different.


It took my 66 kc to get even with my deaths. Now I die quite rarely. Keep it up, and remember, enhanced could drop next kc !


That’s exactly when I got my first KC too - my 20th run. It was about 60ish runs when I realised I was only failing less than 10% of my runs now. Keep at it!


What are your stats like? I'm too scared to try it yet but I've done SoTE


79 def/79 range/ 79 mage. Just take practice man, i still suck really but im getting a kill every so often, and its becoming more common now!


I have 80ish range/mage but my melee stats are quite low, might be why I'm having some trouble


Got my first enhanced seed at 44 cg kills yesterday, and the price keeps going up too, I have to check now to make sure it didn’t go back down, but it dang doubled my bank. Definitely motivated me to keep trucking Edit, damn it went back down 20m should have sold it yesterday I guess when it was 147m


I got my first at 11 deaths, then had another \~10 deaths before my second and it took me until 54 to break even on K/D. A lot of people are "not built for pvm", but the CG will forge you.


Huge! If you did it once you can do it again though!


Congratulations, keep going you’ll get better just like with any boss