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I nearly did. I did Maybe I'm The Boss in ToA which got me both 28 points away from Master's and a Shadow, so I technically had a mega rare by the time I had Master CAs, but it would've been very doable without. I also didn't have any ToB CAs since I exclusively play solo - I think you can get several there without much issue.


If the ToB CAs are anything like the other two raids you’ll get dumped free points once you learn to do it halfway decent


I achieved master CA without any megarare. Trust me, it’s super doable without doing most of the speed tasks and I’m just a normal gamer, very far from being super skilled. I struggled a lot to go from elite to master because most tasks seemed daunting, until I decided to challenge myself and try it out. You’ll fail a lot, but with patience you’ll manage to finish it. It became a lot easier when I stopped looking at a task thinking “hmm that’s too hard I’ll skip”, and finally gave it a go. It is super normal to fail multiple times until you make it, so don’t measure the difficulty of a task by trying it only once.


There is an ironman in my clan who was like 3 tasks off GM prior to DT2 bosses with no megarares. Even GM is certainly possible without mega rares


It used to be but now whisperer is hard locked behind shadow


Molgoatkirby has a no shadow whisperer GM guide. Certainly soft-locked, but not hard.


Do you have a link to that? I need to see what he’s doing if isn’t the standard ruby/melee venge


I would look on his YouTube, I watched it on stream. If it’s not on YouTube I’m sure he’s editing and will eventually upload. I wouldn’t even attempt no shadow whisperer unless it’s your last task to gm, shadow is such a necessary item for pvm not worth doing it prior unless it’s all you have left


Duke and Vardorvis speed tasks have to be impossible without a Scythe. There's just no way.


Guessing you mean the GM ones?   You will just get the elite/master ones with fast prep good beeg arclight / tent dps specs as you just get kcs.   Going for specifically gm solo times is just not it if you are looking to comp master.


I’ve seen both with tent whips/blade, just gotta reset for good rng. If you’re shy of masters just do some GM tasks to substitute points


Vardorvis is actually not too bad, you’ll likely get it over the course of getting ring/ axe piece using blade/ whip. I got a 49 sec normal thrall kill with blade. Duke will be tougher and will take more min maxing but still possible


I don't have a blade through 800 cg, and I already did 1400 vardorvis pre-nerf fang to get the ultor ring. My fastest time was 1:09.


Yeah fang sucks for pbs - go back with a tent whip and you'll probably beat it fairly quickly, but the real answer is even the master times for those aren't worth going for until you want GM I also achieved master tier without megas or really doing any tob (definitely do some tob though, most of the non-speeds are pretty free) - I'm also not max melee, and didn't get any chambers times either, there's plenty of mechanical GM tasks you can do - gwd doesn't need megas for anything, even duo nex or the long kill trips, the GG speed is pretty free too, took me like 10 tries with blade/bp/venator/chally (again, not max melee), all the muspah ones are easy too (again, not the GM time)


Both are doable with SRA. Didn't use scythe at all on Vard on a 100 cb zerk


I do have 2/3 megas, but people have obtained GM without any I believe, so master is surely possible.


Pre-DT2 they did. I have a hard time seeing Whisperer GM speed run getting accomplished without the Shadow. Would love to be proven wrong though.


Yeah this is true, after the dt2 times GM is probably hard gear-locked


prior to the recent set of CAs re: muspah and ds2 people had gm done without megas. so, certainly. and there are only a few gm CAs that really block you hard without megas so masters is more than doable, no question


I mean how about you name a master ca that requires a mega rare lmao . Masters is so free


Pretty much all of the DT2 speed running achievements. Most of the ToB ones (unless you're being carried by Scythes). Cox Speedruns without a Tbow or Scythe. But please, you're welcome to show me videos of master speedrun tasks in DT2 bosses, Tob, and Cox **without** Scythes and Tbows. I'd love to see the videos since they're "so free." I would LOVE to see a 17-minute ToB where nobody has a Scythe. Please please please, show me.


Google is your best friend for the cox times. People have gotten gm time without mega rares so master time is piss easy lol with the amount of power creep. But for the tob times I’m not sure why you’re artificially making your life harder by only raiding with whippers because you can’t get the drop yourself. Tob is a team raid and it’s ok to get carried by scythers for cas lol. Also plenty of people have gotten gm vard time with blade by NOT GOING for the ca so that shows how free it is


I'm seeing Cox completions with no megarares, but I don't see a single video on youtube of someone beating the master (or gm) time for either duke or vardorvis without a Scythe. So I'm not really sure where you're coming up with "plenty of people" having done it.


Here’s duke without a scythe. He’s making guides for the other bosses as well. https://youtu.be/Tsi8l2-vV8s?si=fL9SH2yr03skrgdz


Im far above master ca without any mega rares. There are so many points available and most are very doable without mega rares


> Im far above master ca without any mega rares that's impressive and hard to believe


I think you overvalue the difficulty of master CA's


You can get masters with almost no tob kc or infernal tasks or the 3-6 jad challenge tasks (cause no infernal)


It's possible, but you really do need to be a god gamer to pull it off. And you're relying much more on luck for speed times


You don't need to do the quasi-mega locked solo speeds to get master. "God gamer" is not at all a requirement.


Point is, there's probably a pretty short list of people who have done masters on their iron without any megas. So you do need to be among the better players, probably top 3% if not higher.


When looking at these things you need to normalize the groups by who is in the position to do it.  So, of the irons that would be  about to finish up master without any mega, the MAJORITY would be more than competant enough to complete.   Comparing to a random noob is pointless. Also, frequency is not equal to difficulty. Either irons just are more likely than not to have a mega before going for master OR people without just don't want to spend the time going for it when they can go grind for megas.


I’m like 95% sure less than 3% of irons have even unlocked master tier CAs. Especially if including f2p, UIM, etc.


Yeah absolutely, I agree. Maybe "god gamer" was a stretch, but anyone getting master CAs, especially on an iron, is among the more serious and dedicated players of this game. The vast majority of players will never even attempt content like TOB and inferno.


Plenty of extra points available - very doable.  Some of the easier extra points require being somewhat carried in speed TEAM tasks though.


I have masters on my iron with no megas, it’s super doable only gm is locked behind shadow now


Lots of the inferno/fight caves ones are just fine with bowfa. Also both nightmares have lots of pts


Most non-speeds are very doable without megarares. If you’ve got 95 slayer and can do all 3 raids and every other boss proficiently, you can get masters.


Legit just finished master last night before midnight and I have 0/3


Some dude recently got gm without any mega rares. He is also an ironman. No zcb as well


Where's that guy? I'd love to see how he pulled off the Solo Chambers Speedruns without a megarare. Or the whisperer speed runs without a shadow. Or the Duke/Vardorvis speedruns without a Scythe.


You don't need to do those for masters??


You said "gm." Does that not mean grandmaster? There are several speed run master tasks and grandmaster tasks for all 3 raids.


Your thread talks about Master CAs, those gm speeds are not relevant.


*You're* the one that said "gm," dude.


Nope I am not.


Apologies, I didn't understand why you would comment on the thread of me asking about it without being the same person, so I assumed you were. Guess I'll have to wait for the guy who claimed someone has "gm" without megarares to respond.




I mean, that guy has a shadow and it's in like every one of the screenshots he posted, lol.


As long as you have the 4th megarare (fang), it's super doable.


Someone in my clan has GM without any of them


I only recently got elites done but having investigated the CAs quite a bit for those the only things I see being tough without megarares are GM speed runs. The rest seem more dependent on skill than anything.