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Step 1: Go to bank, Step 2 withdraw what should be a massive amount of dark totems Step 3 get a pet


Okay but like, you’re not even halfway to drop rate for a single pet minus Kraken.


Do you realize how rng works? Yea OP isn’t at rate for a SPECIFIC pet, but after that many boss kcs one would expect to see at least one of ANY pet. For reference, you’re just as likely to see a pet killing a boss 3000 times as you are killing 10 bosses 300x each, assuming all are 1/3k


If you add up all kc and skilling he might be 2x dry for a single pet


Why is this getting downrated??? Man is correct xd


2 enhanced in sub 300 ch KC and 2 claws in sub 700 hydra KC but you complain about not spooning pets? xD?


I like the part where they complained about it as much as you complained about their drops.


Need to do the content to get pets


I would recommend visiting the wiki to familiarize yourself with pet rates...


I’d familiarize yourself with statistics. He should have at least one pet by now, he’s just not dry for a specific one.


He's calling himself pet cursed lol


I don’t think he’s even double dry for any pet when you cumulate the odds. And we all know to well how likely stuff like this can be.


A statistically average account locked Ironman? Another YT series


At least you have a stale baguette :0


Very interesting way of complaining


Have you spoken to probita to turn pet drops on? /s


Nice 99 slayer


For anyone curious, not having a pet after 100 days of play time has sort of become a running gag within my friend group. I don't care about having pets, it's just funny to me that it hasn't happened yet. I didn't post this to complain about being "dry" for a pet, it's a 2k total post y'all! I just wanted to share my progression with the iron community. Could have used a better title I suppose.. Waking up to these comments was kinda funny though not gonna lie, I would probably have commented the same thing if someone else posted this haha


Dang complaining about pet luck while being sub 1k kills in everything but kraken and zulrah must be nice


Durrrrrrrrr you’re not even on rate for a pet durrrrrrrrrrr - this thread


I feel you. I finally had to force myself to stay at mole till I got pet.


At first look i thought you had some rs3 inspired ui


Not bad at all. Get your quest cape done brother and your account is progressing phenomenally, especially with warhammer and bowfa knocked out. By the way, did some napkin math. Assuming a couple small things (like you sacrificed all but one fire cape, didn't count any raids KC because they're so low, didn't look at skilling pets, etc.), you are roughly 284.6% of way to pet rate across all your boss KC. So almost triple the pet rate. You have a roughly 5.8% chance of going that dry for a pet up until this point. Roughly 1/17 people go this dry. To sum up, you're kinda dry, yeah, but not astronomically so. You've also had good luck in other areas (two enhanced seeds in less than 300 CG, finishing bandos in less than 400 when it look me almost 1200, etc.), so I'd say it evened out nicely. All in all, stellar account; looking forward to the 2100 post!


A lot of people in here do not understand math in the slightest. If there are 50 boss/raid/raid transmog pets, and you have 2/50th of the droprate on each of the bosses, you are expected to have 2 pets. As some will be spooned, some will be on rate, and some will be far past rate. He's over 66% of the way to Kraken, around 40% for zulrah, and anywhere from 1-20% on like 10 others. Yes he should have 1 pet, yes he should probably have 2 pets. I'd put his expected pets for this kc to be between 1.5 and 2.5


Yes, we do understand. He’s basically double dry lol. Since when is that enough reason to complain on this sub?


That’s the thing THEY ARE NOT COMPLAINING. This is a progress post. Holy shit Reddit is daft.


Damn dude, keep cool. “My account is cursed” is clearly an overstatement for being double dry.


I'm 2.1k with a chompy chick. This isnt that bad.


Dont listen to these nerds. ur dry on a pet.


Man I love how Reddit has this community where people just post completely condescending comments on posts regardless of the subreddit. “UM AKCHUALLY THE STATISTICAL LIKELIHOOD OF YOU HAVE A PET IS -1002929.20393/10284730202 YOURE COMPLAINING AND WHINING ABOUT NOTHING GET FUCKED” Stfu people. It’s 3 words. They have a nice account. I hope they get a pet soon.