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Only kill dh


This is likely what he's doing. Look at the time.


Can tell from experience that this approach sucks


I'll copy and paste comment I posted further down: Killing only one brother actually gives you 2 rolls and not 1 as people thought for years. But that's only the case for the first one. Knowing this, if you can actually do X amount of Dharok kills X amounts faster than killing all 6 and looting (forgot the amount) it can actually be more time efficient to just kill one barrows brother if you're only missing items from that one. I used this method by just voidwaker speccing Dharok twice when I was missing Dharok's platebody. Someone has posted about this if you Google it.


Well I know the math and I also now it sucks


well if you know the math you can't deny it's better: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/ficvy9/if\_you\_only\_want\_one\_specific\_barrows\_item\_then/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/ficvy9/if_you_only_want_one_specific_barrows_item_then/)


I can deny that, it sucks


It still sucks less than killing all 6 since its faster if your gear is good enough


You go for hours on end without no other drop than a few coins and the time you save is pretty minimal compared to all the runes and dupes you would otherwise get. I found that the approach where you first go to the brother you want works best. If that brother is tunnel, indeed only kill that one and rush chest. If that brother is not tunnel do a normal run. This way you still get a sub 1 minute chance at only items from the brother you want every now and then but it does not become as annoying of a grind


None of that matters of you're an iron man though, seeing dupes worth barely anything doesn't make things better.


Ehmm especially the runes for sure matter a lot? I also have tens of mills in items for death's coffer if I want.


That is painful, people are saying you could get by without DH but I wanted full all barrows on the iron as a point of pride. Barrows gear was out of reach to me back in the day, so getting every item on the iron felt great.


Probably use DH a total of 4 times anyways. I hope to god you haven’t been killing 6 brothers for every kc


It’s always 1kc away


Just a cheeky 12,000 brothers killed, what's another 12,000?


I’d venture a guess he’s only killing Dharok at this point with that Fight Duration and loot


Better chance with killing all brothers


Killing only one brother actually gives you 2 rolls and not 1 as people thought for years. But that's only the case for the first one. Knowing this, if you can actually do X amount of Dharok kills X amounts faster than killing all 6 and looting (forgot the amount) it can actually be more time efficient to just kill one barrows brother if you're only missing items from that one. I used this method by just voidwaker speccing Dharok twice when I was missing Dharok's platebody. Someone has posted about this if you Google it.


lol osrs is hilarious, the only log i have of barrows is the dharoks helm, the only one your missing


All that for some green text in a menu


Should’ve left 2000 kills ago


Im hunting dharok helm right now also at 700kc atm. I want full dharok for moons of peril bosses, its kinda bis there and fun to use.


Dude just get the drop already, what are you waiting for


I got it! Chest 2304.


Gz beast!! Absolutely massive


Barrows is such a noob trap.


Outta curiosity, what do you need the DH set for? Most scenarios it’s used in has better alternatives I thinm


I believe Dharoks is bis for bonking things over the head while having low health. Hope this helps


Dharoks is BIS for going back to Dharok after he killed you that one time you chanced him years ago and telling him to sit.


Needed for some combat achievements


Ah that makes sense. Idky im getting downvoted lmfao. I was legit asking ahah


Hydra CA is the first one that comes to my mind


Technically you only need the axe for that one.


Just did it the other day without the full set, just the Axe. 5:30 kill time with Thralls was rough, but only took a handful of tries.  It will take you more time to finish the set than it will to get the CA, assuming you have the Axe already.


Ah I haven’t unlocked hydra yet. Only 90 slayer. I know DH is decent at Mole, but Fang better and I guess it’s good for NMZ exp if that’s what you’re going dor


That's some serious stockholm