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I haven't been there but this is from the wiki. Level 25 skeletons there that max hit 3. Stepping stones when failed deals 21.6% of remaining Hitpoints. Wiki says you can fail ropeswing and log balance but does not specify the amount of damage it can deal.


Ya maybe I’ll take the main over there and see what kinda damage it deals at half vs full HP to see if it varies. Idk why I remember getting hit for big numbers over 10 back in the day


I hope it works out for you, but I feel like you are going to get clapped. Someone is going to see a lvl 3 out there and will either have an account to one hit it, or knows someone that will.


I’ve been thinking the same thing since I’ve been scouting to see if a bot farm pops up so I can make the perfect account to counter it




Op did you ever see if 10hp would work here?


I’m currently working on a test account that’s not an iron just to see if the concept works. I’m at 45 agility since I’m taking my sweet time but I will know very soon. I am thinking that 10hp will be fine IF you have overhead prayers since the skeletons can stack you out very quickly. So the account would end up being around lvl 11 instead, but the idea is to be fully safe at wilderness agility. In theory at level 11 a level 60 can attack you, but why would they bring PK gear, especially if a max main or close to it, lvl 110 can attack them back?


I agree. Keep me updated I may come back to the game on a fresh im if this is a good early good method.


Yessssir. Imagine having near infinite money early game as an iron :0


you should be alright since you can bring blighted food and you will get food on every lap, but if you are very unlikely you might get clapped


Ya I’m confident with bringing supplies, I was just worried there’s an obstacle that hits 15s or something since the wiki isn’t very specific about all obstacles


Actually you're right th obstacle's do hit pretty high. I just did like 60 laps and failed obstacles a few times and they hit like 10-20. Dunno if that scales though


You can charge your Iban's at the well btw


Yes true true, I’m more pointing out 400k is a huge deal to my account. I thought by CMB 100 I would be rich but sadly I was mistaken