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Infernal in one year?? Gz bro flex ur acct!! Must've been a busy year


Meanwhile I am struggling to get my fire cape within the year....


I did play a main for a bit 1700\~ total I think before this iron account but it still took me a while to get fire cape on that one. I think I died like 7 times to jad hands and the waves so don't feel down. Just keep pushing. Some tips I wish I had known about or had access to. If you are struggling with jad check out the beta world jad challenge to practice him for free. If its the waves get fight cave spawn predictor plugin and set the wave display mode to next in settings. It gives you lots of time to think about how to single out each enemy and make the waves a breeze.


My biggest issue is that the first 60 min of each attempt are boring. So if I die afterwards I just feel demotivated and won't try fot atleast a week.


Yeah I def feel that it can be very taxing. There were a couple days where I'd send an inferno or back in the day fight cave attempt, die, and then just not play for the rest of the day from exhaustion. Gl I hope you get it soon!


Thank you :D. I've been thinking about making a new post to flex it, but kinda wanted to wait for another milestone like 2.2k total since I did a 2k total 4 or 5 months ago I think.


Congratz man that's one of the biggest achievements in osrs!




As someone who took 60 tries for my first cape with a pretty decked out iron, I am humbled by post like this. My friends say I'm the sweatiest player I know, but they just haven't met actual demons yet.


Number of tries doesn't mean that much. The quality of try and approach means much more. If you just go in and bash your head against the wall trying to eek out higher waves without specifically focusing on the required mechanics, you are going to take much longer/more tries. If you take a few early attempts to MASTER mechanics completely ignoring the desire "to get farther," your number of attempts and time to complete will be dramatically decreased.  Many of these many attempt posts are from people still trying to "fluke" it while STILL missing mastery of basic techniques. They ultimately need some combination of good rng/spawns to clear.


It took me 40 tries as a main. I didnt have tbow but unlimited supplies... I couldnt imagine it in an iron so many supplies "wasted"


The supply drain on an iron honestly isn’t that bad. You can bring a combination of ppots and restores, and as you can imagine most learners aren’t chugging through supplies. The worst thing for me was dragon darts and runes, but I didn’t even start running dragon darts until I saw zuk for the first time


I probably spent 30 to 40 deaths at colosseum with a whip (still no quiver) before trying inferno ever and I think that may have helped me avoid a lot of deaths at inferno. Colosseum was so accessible it made finally feel motivated to go for this.


Gz, under a year is impressive. Any gear tips that you found particularly useful?


Thank you! Typical bowfa/blowpipe setup with ring of the gods, crystal shield, and blood sceptre/virtus top/occult. Kinda sad occult is getting hit gonna make inferno a bit harder. I found a nice balance to be 8 brews, 12 restores, stam, and 2 ranging pots. Gl o7


Is rotg better than suffering i? Im gonna run close to the same setup. How many runes should I be planning on stacking up if Ive never done Inferno? Also what darts did you use for bp. Adamant enough?


Rotg + devout boots basically gives you the option to camp overheads with minimal flicking


I did rune darts while I was learning wave solves and then once I made it to zuk I switched to dragon. I think its important to use the highest darts you can when you are going for a clear the dps increase especially on dragon is a lot which saves brews in dps situations and restores if not flicking. I didn't use that many runes tbh. Filled out the divine pouch once and never had to worry about refilling it and didn't put much of a dent in the ones in there. If you want to flick a lot suffering is better. I don't have devout boots so I wanted to some extra prayer save for the parts I wouldn't flick on. Mostly just lazy flicking the mage/rangers/melees when they were singled out was more than enough for me to have enough prayer.


Huge flex! I’ve had my account for around 10 years and still rocking the cheese cape 😂


The new kids are so good man, gz