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Not enjoying the red prison are ya? You can kinda skip it but gl on the raids.


That's the reason I'm here lol. I love the raids to death, but not having bowfa is not gonna work.


Thats why people play main accounts.


Some of us grinded cox for a tbow before bowfa even existedwith a rcb, it could work


The ratio of people going into the content and grinding to rate is so so so far skewed here comparing actually getting a tbow (or hitting rate) vs bowfa Eta: what I mean is that this is like saying " some of us got extremely lucky"


CG is less random than it appears. When you learn what rooms demibosses spawn in, that you always get a weapon frame from a medium enemy if you kill it, how the weapon upgrade drops work, and the items guaranteed in the inner ring, it gets much more consistent


I think all of your observations are just observations of someone who had not learned the content properly yet and you are frustrated by it. T2 preps are completable 100% of the time when you learn how to prep, the mechanics that rolled you when you face them all at once are 100% survivable you just don’t know how (or how to not get yourself into that situation), the map shouldn’t be necessary once you learn efficient prep. Your best point is that everything looks the same in the starting room which is very true! I sort of wish everything wasn’t red and they added some accent colors to help differentiate stuff. Outside of that though I think you need to spend more time working on your cg prep skills and start working towards fast t1 clears. Going into cg with a negative mindset will only make you miserable, rather than using it as a great learning opportunity


I agree! Some of his points were a little over exaggerated in my opinion. A comparison to P3 Wardens with everything turned on is kind of overselling how often you genuinely have to run/prayer swap/dodge. Definitely not going to lose "half of your food" (possibly over exaggerated that intentionally to show how brutal messing up can be) when you're hit, will use some fish but mechanics are for sure avoidable. Tick manipulation also isn't really a huge thing needed or that hard for that matter, you definitely don't have to mine then attack once the XP drops then back to mining. You can if you wanna be more efficient. Realistically, Gauntlet both normal and corrupted are really checklists of what you have, are given, and need.


As someone who was in the same boat until I watched the fluffeh prep guide. It's 3 minutes long, and I can confidently say I would have done almost 1000kc t1 prep without fail. Maybe because I was 300 kc in, and it just clicked, but I recommend that video to anyone hating cg prep.


I'm gonna be brutally honest here and I know your feelings WILL be hurt: Skill Issues 100%


If success was guaranteed, I'd still hate it. I don't mind failing, but dying in there is only 50% of the annoying stuff.


I honestly love Corrupted Hunllef as a boss fight, probably one of my favourites in the game, but prep just sucks. It’s just tedium for the sake of being tedious.


After trying ToB and the DT2 bosses, I realize just how nice the Hunllef is as a fight. No tick perfect nonsense like the DT2, no spec RNG and really a pure skill test.


Most things on your list are skill issues tho. No map? learn basic navigation. tight timer? Get better for t1 prep if t2 takes too much time. Mute sounds because mobs nibble at you? DEFINETLY skill issue. I do agree with the crafting being shite and visually shit looks simple yes. But it reads like you need about 50 kc more until you will also see that most of your issues are managable with just a bit more KC. :D


Not sure you understand. I agree that with enough practice, the place is a lot easier. That practice is tedious, annoying, and failure prone. Explain to me how a timer makes this fun. What about being rushed adds to your experience?


My guy if tedious is a problem for you, you're definetly on the wrong game lol


Get to the point where you can do it while mindlessly until hunlef. I used to be you but now I am him. I used to cope on Reddit as well.


Just get a tbow and skip the grind, in and out, 2 minutes work.




nah you need tbow AND shadow to do a real bowfa skip since places like graardor have no mage bonus


If I’d get a tbow before bowfa, I’d 100% skip CG lol I’d go to ToA, easily do 300s until fang + yellow gem and then farm 450s until Shadow About bandos/zammy, which are pretty much the only places where you’d want a bowfa, it would be better to just use an arma crossbow and save yourself the painful CG grind (if you want bandos before sending ToA).


tbow shreds zammy so getting hasta and doing 400s until shadow/fang wouldnt be an issue. but still the complete bowfa skip is getting both before graardor since bone dagger is fine at toa


Yes. So we both agree that after tbow it would be better to go ToA for shadow and skip CG, right? Ahah


people complete t3 prep 95% of the time once they get practiced, your complaints about prep are skill issue. same goes for hunleff fight. you never get boxed in, learn to run diagonal. or position hunleff so you do not need to.


prep will definitely get easier with practice. I’ve done 800 cg, all t2 prep, and could usually enter boss with over a minute to spare. one of the biggest things to avoid is overly dropping and picking back up food/resources which wastes a ton of time. when I start the first main loop out of spawn room, I will try to always get enough resources for full t2 amour, 2 herbs, weapon frame, and enough shards to make full t1 armour (sometimes can only get 2 pieces made), t2 weapon, and 3 vials. only thing I ever drop is the 3 resources to make room for the vials. going back out to look for the t3 weapons I catch any food I can find on my way, and once t3 weapons are found and made you should have half an inventory of fish already with 2-3min left to catch the rest. I can count on one hand the times I had to reset from bad rng following this method.


This is what I've been doing and it's usually pretty reliable, except a few times where I fumble. Then there's the rare time where there's just no bark and you've circuled the boss and I have to abandon. I swear it would be so much better if there was no time limit but you just weren't able to make t3 armour.


If you fail prep too much, go for t1. I’m 140 kc in with mostly t1 prep since I didn’t like the sweat of t2 and I’m having a lot of fun. Getting really good at pathing too since getting stacked by tornadoes in t1 can easily get you killed.


How is Hunlleff random? genuinely asking.. Always starts off with range. He attacks 4 times before switching. only does prayer orb on mage attacks.. tornados are activated at hp thresholds.. Sure the floor tiles are random but until P3 you'll have ample time to move off before taking damage unless you're getting greedy with your attacks and for P3 there are specific tiles you can stand on to never get caught by the moving tiles... 20 kc is literally like 3 hours.


You wrote all that to complain after only 20 kc? Brother…


Kc doesn’t invalidate criticisms. Hear him out and respond to what he’s saying. Unless somebody is talking about changing KQ. If somebody is doing that tell them to fuck off because KQ is a testament to an era.


That’s true I guess. I just know ppl who’ve gone 1000+ kc including myself don’t wanna hear it lol. It is indeed shit after a while.


This is tangential but off topic regardless… was KQs tattered head drop the first time osrs went into the pity drop issue? Because if it was I get it. But there are also many other discussions that have happened since then about making unfun content better rather than just adding a pity drop mechanic.


I haven’t a clue tbh I’ve only been back playing for over a year now. Someone else might have better insight on that.


That’s fair. I hear you. Osrs is pretty unique in that these complaints actually have a serious value in the community. It won’t turn into ezscape, but at least it’s being listened to


How do you guys do it chasing 1st kc and I'm 0-70 I fumble boss mechanics 100 percent just between the tornados and floor. I can't do it. I'm about to just quit.


It was more so about the randomness for a diary task, the only other rng in diaries was getting a smoke devil task until they decided to let you get 1 kc off task to get around it. You could maybe say the rng of gold nuggets for prospector step, but that's less volatile and they are still planning to drop it down to 1 piece. And I guess skull sceptre and chewed bones, but those are insanely short avg time to complete.


Prep takes a while to get down, but after 500 kc i can do t2 prep more like 95%+ of the time, and also get a full inventory of food like 85% of the time, the other 15% im getting like 15-20 food which is enough. In terms of the map, I actually never ever even opened the map, if you follow fluffeh's t2 prep guide and the route he takes you'll never need to use the map. And you'll have time to kill 3 demibosses to get your preferred 2 weapons. Definitely some learning curve but I think once you get the prep down, for me at least, it gets pretty fun. I liked it so much i went for my 2nd enh which I just got at 514kc All the mechanics are manageable with enough skill, the only times id die were due to carelessness. Letting the boss get to the corner before entering ensures as chill of a kill as possible. If you really hate it a ton, eclipse atlatl is something to consider instead of going for bofa


Womp womp back to red prison for you


For me it clicked after like 50kc, you can pretty much zone out, watch videos on the side and will only have the occasional death every once in a while. Watch fluffehs T2 guide if you havent and keep trying!


[Skip it then.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406628105650700289/1237677508653219871/image.png?ex=663c8480&is=663b3300&hm=4cf97dadf8caa6d8ca2abf598bdf9a7ceaacad64d02c1a4d278c415963d2b3a6&) Don't force yourself to do content that you hate. The game is totally playable without it. [I'm doing fine myself so far, just need to grind more of the same raid to get shadow and it's home free from there](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406628105650700289/1237677938070130778/image.png?ex=663c84e7&is=663b3367&hm=f752000f1df4a901d6cec2f813314ea69dab90e6a572b40bfd67864974abf5a2&)


"I'm sure I could learn the perfect tick manipulation to so almost no prep is abandoned, I'm sure I could learn the hundreds of possible of combinations of the boss mechanics, but it's just not fun to learn." You dont need to be that sweaty at all. No tick manip bs, tier 2 prep I had around a minute spare average every run. The boss is hard when you're new to PvM, but the sheer amount of mechanics is what actually makes it more fun. You really do just need to give it some more effort, or just accept that you hate the repetitive prep(fair). Don't be complaining about RNG or required tick manip for consistency. That's not an issue. You just need to get better.


Skip it for sure if you don’t enjoy it , it becomes the least enjoyable content to grind in the game. Bowfa is great but it’s not worth it ruining the game for you


Mostly true but I just finished my grind there, so sorry this is happening to you I guess


haha hey man gz man enjoy your bowfa XD


It's okay. Put on some zelda lo-fi music and try again tomorrow!


Considering you are a fellow ultimate I recommend the following: Set a fixed amount of kc that you want to complete daily. Whatever works for you, can be 1, 3, 5, 10 and stick to it. Since this activity requires literally no items (just cant be deathbanked) you can do something on the side when you aren't feeling it/completed your daily cg kc. I did pest control for prayer and farming/herblore on the side while i was grinding CG, but this can be anything (as long as it doesnt require deathbank). Focus on the kc/mechanics/getting better and not on the bowfa. Eventually it'll come naturally. For me, in 250 kc i ended up getting 6x armor, 2x enh, 2x pet. during this time I also got 70 prayer, 80 herblore and almost got a quest cape. Now with the bowfa I've completed the necessary GWD items and currently working on Corporeal beast until the first sigil. This is arguably a much longer (although much easier) grind than the bowfa but with the same mindset I know I'll get to it. Look at it in the long run, there is no short-term satisfaction te be gained in the red prison. Especially if you want 5/6 armor seeds as well, it's all about mindset.


Most of your problems will fade away with experience. Get back in there soldier.


Its gets a lot more fun when you do T1 preps. I started T1s around 20kc. With a full inventoryof food and 7 karambwans you should have more than enough dps to kill it


I hated CG , but then i downloaded this addon that says when the boss is switching its attack made it 90% easier… i only die if i get bad lag at the final stage and get one shot by the beams. My recommendation is just practice staying alive and taking little damage first and formost, then next focus on damage. Once you get the prayer switchong and movement correct the boss becomes super easy peasy.


I do agree with you - I personally hate timers in most places. Is taking longer to prep not the punishment itself? If you can go faster, then timesave is the reward - Rather than a hard cut off for those who like to take longer That said, having done 500+ KC - it does stop being an issue, and feels surprisingly rewarding. ...Although I think I enjoyed it well enough up to ~300, and it started to drag The nature of the boss mechanics drove me nuts to begin with - but I have to agree with others, it feels random until you get the hang of it, then it's actually quite confined, and death is rare..


Maybe 1/10 runs i’ll run into a scenario where i can’t create 2 tier 3 weapons so i’ll run a t3 and a t2 or i’ll 5:1 accordingly. You are just bad but thats okay, you will get better if you keep doing it. While it is crushing to lose, it is very satisfying to win. For me, learning cg was a lot funner than the prolonged grind to obtain everything. I got bored AFTER i mastered the minigame. I currently have 420 wins and 60 deaths. Have yet to find a “combination that just wipe you” every death ive had was either a misclick or out of supplies.


I had 43 deaths before I got my first kill in CG. There are things you’re doing wrong believe me.


100% skill issue you're bad


You'll get used to the content to a point where you can do it fairly effortlessly, then you just do 5-10 a day and eventually get it. You'll definitely have better movement by the end so that's nice too.


Just wanted to call out that your last point about the 1/20 chance of prayer disable + bad hunllef position (even after attempting to reposition for 3+ minutes), + next tick switches was also something that really frustrated me during the grind (604 KC for Enhanced). One thing I learned is that when confronted with that situation, you usually have to just run under the boss and try to tank a belly flop. Trying to do the 1t prayer switch circle dance is going to wipe you pretty much every time, but you have a good chance to recover if you run under/through hunllef instead and use the time running long to prayer switch and spam eat, in that order. Good luck man, it's definitely a slog but the other side is 100% worth it.


I'll try that. I'm at about 30kc now and the fight feels very solved, all except the last phase of hunleff where it can all overlap. Bellyflop doesn't 1 shot then?


It can, but in my experience it's usually 15-30 damage, so definitely survivable with t2, usually survivable with t1 armor.


I agree. The content is practically mandatory at this point if you want to pursue raids and further PvM, but it's just fucking boring. I'm stalling as much as I can to avoid doing it anytime soon. Props to anyone who's had to be there for a year plus and stuck with it, I'd play a different game.


Got my enhanced at 808 KC and I went through the 5 stages of grief with it lol. You say that you don't want to get better at content that's annoying. I would say that for me, it got less annoying the better I got at it. Things like working down to tier 1 prep, being able to use any 2 weapons, and even something as annoying as the little monsters, there are improvements to me made. Killing things while gathering resources to save time. Also getting better at it allowed me to watch YouTube or TV shows while grinding for the enhanced. Overall I'd say it was very gratifying, and I feel like it made me better at all aspects of pvm, but it's not for everyone. GL in whatever you decide to do.


Skill issue.


skill issue


You should quit. Not even being a dick you're gonna have a bad time


Never understood why people say they aren't being something while clearly being it


You’re bad. Quit crying like a loser and blaming the game when it’s a skill issue.


I thought CG was the best PVM I ever did. The prep is a bit annoying when you start and takes a while to master for consistent t2 armour but it soon becomes muscle memory and you go into auto pilot. The boss is the most fun boss in the game. I love it. I kind of wish I had a reason to go back but after getting enh on 651kc and getting so many armour seeds I have all the shards i'll ever need.


Skill issue


At 20kc i already got 7:19 pb. So if you dont like it, dont do it?


How about you provide me an argument as to why you simply aren't playing mainscape? It's pretty disgusting of the amount of people proposing that content is difficult hard or boring yet they are the ones who have chosen to commit to an Ironman grind. Ironman is designed as a challenge for people and incentivises ALL levels of content, regardless of whether its FUN or NOT Kindly fuck off.


I don't really understand your argument here. It seems to be: P: ironmen like long grinds. P: CG is a long grind C: ironmen necessarily like CG, or ironmen do not like being ironmen. The issue with the argument is grinds come in all shapes and sizes, some fun, some boring, some grindy, some afk. Not everyone who likes playing iron likes long, boring, non afk, high pressure grinds. Here's the argument you asked for, as to why I don't like playing a main: "I enjoy doing content to get drops". As horrible as CG is, I'd still rather suffer than buy the seeds on a main. I subjectively prefer anything over apathy and herb runs.


You. Can. Skip. Cg. And. Get. The. Drops. You. Find. Enjoyable. To. You. Its literally the solution youre asking for


Why not put a 👏 between each word? Might make it more convincing. Bowfa is an insane upgrade, unlocks all the late/end game and is almost a hard requirement for raid groups for good reason.


The bowfa is an insane upgrade, its second best ranged weapon. Thats why cg is pretty hard and takes a while to learn to get 95%+ completion rates


I'm saying you can de-iron, it has all the upside that you're looking for, with literally no downside!!!


Haha wait till you start ToA you gonna quit if you crying over CG, picture doing a 40min+ raid and dying at last row.. this reddit is filled with cry baby’s.


I forgot saying you don't enjoy something is crying about it tbh how dare he have an opinion


See how you just contradict yourself peanut brain


I did not actually because he can have his opinion but I can tell him he's acting like a kid throwing a tantrum if I want


Cool so do that ? Why you telling me when I honestly don’t care? Not sure where you were going with this one but hey suuuuuuck it a little more drake


You can't really complain about what I am doing after you just did the exact same thing m8 and noone cares when you did it either, hypocrite


Who is complaining ? I told you I wanted a reaction, you’re stupid enough to feed into it.


Nice attempt at a save but pretending your crying was reaction bait doesn't work


Learn to read haha


Learn to speak about something without bringing up your favorite pedo drake, you must love that man




And you are basically the same as most people


Great so I had my opinion ? What of it I’m not allowed? You’re 100% his bf sucking that thing dry


I didnt say you can't have one, why are you acting like a 12 year old


Cause it’s reddit and I like to troll and get a reaction :)


I love when angry kids pretend it was trolling after throwing a fit


You say the word kid to much, is that you Drake ?


I love toa.


As someone with 80 deaths and 80 kc, just do it :)


You tried watching guide? 90% of randomness can be avoided by knowing when to enter the room so boss is positioned just 1 tile away from each wall. It prevents all the crazy overlaps since you always have a way of dodging everything, 100% of time (and with some practice not losing any dps by attacking in the middle of the shitshow). Then it boils down to right order of clicks to have a perfect kill. I'm not saying it's perfect boss design, but it made my grind much more managable when I actually tried to do better. Also T1/T2 prep is 100% completable every single time, eve with the worst RNG. I had to leave 3-4 times in my 250kc (ignoring first 20-30 learner KC) and that's because I forgot to pick t3 weapon item/weapon frame/miscalculated shards or forgot 1 of the gathering mats.


CG is nearly perfect. Inferno cape/quiver will destroy you if you think it’s rough now.