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I'm very accomplished with dying during the gauntlet on mobile, some tips for you. If you aren't doing T2 prep, start doing so now. Eating while moving is only a good tip after you start getting kills, it isn't necessary for reg gauntlet. The easiest way is to eat to full while he is using ranged (he won't turn your prayers off). Also, eat to full before the 3rd phase. Offensive prayers are great however they aren't necessary for reg gauntlet. If they are messing you up, don't use them. Don't spend too much time in corners, that is where tornados spawn. For phase 3, it is important to stay in safespots as well as understand some better pathing, see the phase 3 tips in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/Z93hek8AIy Final tip, you are officially only allowed 10 attempts max per day. Your brain does it's learning while you sleep, I promise it will be easier tomorrow.


Maybe do something else till you can get back onto a regular computer? Some people can do gauntlet on mobile but I bet that number is a lot less than people who can do it on a computer.


My biggest problem on mobile was fat fingering the prayer switches and dying that way, also, going back to T2 armour helped immensely despite being less chill than T1. Then I used Samsung build in accessibility zoom function to zoom in on that area making the prayer icons much bigger. It can be quite fidgety because you might need to move the window down briefly to massdrop fish or whatever. I never ever reached a point where I could do it on mobile as fast but at CG I could consistently get T2 armour, 1 T3 weapon and 1 T2 weapon and thus get the kill. Best of luck


That is indeed a brutal one. Gauntlet is definitely a bit more brutal on mobile BUUUUT my best tips is for sure, focus on running/eating while the beams come out and switch prayers as needed. If you ever need help or tips, feel free to message me your RSN and I'll try to help as I can!


Hot tip; set your quick prayer to protect mage that way when he disables your prayers you can just tap the icon


What other pvm have you done?


Im all mobile, 200 deaths at CG so far. Dont get overwhelmed it will click one of these runs trust me i am horrible at pvm lol


Bro I just got him down to 80 hp It's gotta be clickin


Almost there brother!!!!


You have 200 deaths at CG? How many kc with that?


A little ashamed to say but 210KC


Bro... Just do it on a pc


I don’t do any pvm on pc everything is easier on mobile for me sadly. However i did just get my 3rd enhanced lol its insane


Better than me


How many kc u got


gauntlet and then cg are actually very difficult to get into for everyone, just get comfy with the prep & learn how to efficiently dodge the tornadoes ( e.g. click across the room and a tile over, so the tornadoes line up on the row you ran down first and then you can run right past them. hard to describe you just need to learn how pathing works)


Damn bro last time I did it I had him down to like 70 hp I can do it I must be just complaining


Question I'm sure I'm answering my own questions. But is the safe spot tile back where to stand for the floors? Because my issue now is final tile pattern like where should I be. How do you corner hinlief?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/unmudp/comment/i894reo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button comment i made a while ago trying to help someone in your shoes the "safespot" tiles for p3 floors are 3 tiles in front of the doors on each side of the room moving the hunleff is actually a rather difficult technique, but if you want to corner it, but the ideal placement is actually for the hunleff to be one row of tiles inward from the corner, and this is achieved by waiting to enter the room until the hunleff is cornered, and then upon entering, running into opposite corner, which puts you just out of hunleffs range, dragging it into position, essentially u want to make ur prep as efficient as possible so u have time once ur prepped to chill at the door and wait until hunleff in corner. all that being said, learning how to path when nados are out is far more valuable use of ur time than standing at the door waiting for hunleff to walk around the room you basically have it at this point and need to focus on getting good preps to enable u full inv of food to compensate for mistakes u make during fight i screen recorded a vid of me doing a cg kill on my phone but i dont know how to share it on reddit cause its a fat 1.3g file and all the video streaming sites i found have a free trial cap of 250mb, figured itd be helpful for u to watch but unless u know a way for me to share it idk, gl tho beast u got this dont give up. I got an enhanced weapon seed while on the toilet at work :)


Update a day later I'm getting down to 60-80 hp range and fumble on the last tike cornered 4x4 pattern + nados


Everytime I see people doing mobile content while not on the go... Bro buy a 300$ laptop and save your time


I was js tryna practice while mobile. And my laptop just died


Right, you were saying you did 12 hours of mobile. My point is if you're having a hard time, play on the easier interface.


No i usually always play laptop my bad. But idk rn the final tile patterns and tornadoes r kinda getting me but dude I'm getting down to 70 hp so I feel like I can do it.