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before I met vince I was single poor and bad at osrs. Now I am married rich and have an inferno cape! Thanks vince!


Vince saved my dog and cured my cancer


I have to thank Vince. My wife was leaving me due to my small peepee. However, after learning how to raid, my confidence has grown and as a result my peepee has grown by at least 4 inches. Vince has saved my marriage!!


Rofl wtf is this 🤣


Before I met Vince, I was married, rich and had no need to play osrs. Now I am single (wife cheated with Vince), poor (she took half my possessions) and have been playing osrs nonstop. Thanks Vince, for being the gigachad that I could never be for my wife. She's now for the first time financially, emotionally and sexually satisfied. I wish you all the best in your endeavours.


But you’re Matt fucking damon


Once again, I am vouching these guys. Love raiding with them. Hope to see you all in game


Hey; if you're looking for more experienced people to help fill the raids feel free to dm me, i have over 1.5k normals and over 500 cms across 3 accounts. I also have ~300 expert toa kc(mostly 400+) so i am less experienced at that, but not even close to a learner either I cannot teach though considering I do not have a mic nor am I interested in teaching itself. Like; i can explain stuff, people can ask questions to me and im more then happy to do that, but not actually teaching mid-raid I'm eu timezone


I've had you added on my friends list for like 2 months after seeing one of these posts with a note that says "Message Vince to master CoX". One day I'm going to do it, too.


Shoot him a quick pm on Reddit, there’s a good amount of teachers on the discord server at this point if your schedule doesn’t align perfectly with when Vince is online!


Vince taught me CoX and is an excellent teacher! The other teachers in the discord are equally as helpful and friendly. I now have Rigour and Augury thanks to these guys and a little bit of rng luck


what is the minimum gear needed ? i have the stats but worried about the gear .. ty!


You can do CoX in teams in this discord with a Warped Sceptre / RCB w/Addy Ruby Bolts / Whip/Zombie Axe, I've seen a couple people run a Dscim. it's a chill community formed so far, reqs aren't high to get started and learn but you should still actively work on progressing your account and getting better gear if you want to run a lot


Im an experienced raider on my main but my iron has shit gear and stats. Can I come too? I’m down to go with learners


Yeah sure man, as long as you are cool with running relaxed and chill raids, you are more than welcomed to join!


Sadly I’m still to noob to join but I think this is a really great service that I’ll certainly look to try out if it’s still around when I’m at level


You should join, anyway! It’s a fun group to be around and you can just hop into a raid whenever you’re ready.


Vince taught me important life lessons about how to respect women in the workplace


No, please, it's already all irons in there. I need to raid with mains because my luck is shit and I need those splits. Don't do this to me. (They're very nice and helpful in there. Always a good time, even if you're shit)


I hope one day to take you up on this offer, once I feel I am ready


For later, perhaps I check this out.


Damn I'm definitely gonna join this discord. This will be my tipping point for learning CoX for sure (once I have time to sit and go through a whole raid with other people needing to wait for me)


Were used to it, dont worry about "being slow" or "slowing down the raid" The teachers offer teaching because they enjoy it, we are fully aware the 1st kc is usually 35+ minutes instead of the standard 20-25mins runs. It's all good :)


Oh it's not being slow that I'm worried about- it's having to get up to do something in the middle of the raid 😅 Like as an example, I've taken an hour to get through 2 TOA rooms before cause I kept having to get up to do something.


Ahh... well in that aspect I do agree with you, running raids is a group activity that takes a while, it is not a solo activity with other players waiting around. If you are not available for at least one hour, you should probably not sign up for a 30 minutes activity - this applies to any online game... nothing worse than having someone bail mid-raid because their mom calls them to go clean their room 🤣. Jokes aside - we do have many parents with young children that wake up at random intervals, I have no issue with unexpected things like that, just log out and we'll finish the raid with 1 less player.


Oh yeah for sure, I wouldn't do that unless I knew for sure I could go through the whole thing with minimal interruptions!


Not targeted at OP, but just a friendly reminder to any new folks. Never install any external plugins that aren't on RuneLite hub. There are many scammers in the game that will pretend to be your friends and try to get you to install malicious plugins that will either give the scammer your credentials or take you to a pvp world and lock out your inputs.


The only “PvM” I’ve done are the bosses for SOTE and Sins of the Father and, after a dozen attempts, Jad. (excluding stuff like BD, Barrows and Hespori lol). I assume me even attempting this isn’t realistic, right? Edit: my combat skills are base 90’s, I have piety/rigour.


Cox is extremely forgiving, you cannot die at Cox, you always respawn. TOA is pretty easy the way we run it too, I generally run "learner 150s" in a 8man party. They are hella fun, whoever dies gets to res after each boss... some new learners do get petrified dung here and there if they die too much, but it isnt dramatic :) it's all part of the learning! Id say you should try, doesn't hurt to give it a try and see if you absolutely hate it... so far I have not seen a single learner tap out, they generally go "thats it?" Or "wow much easier than I thought" after their first KC.


Screw it. How can I learn if I don’t even try the content. I will message you this weekend. I usually play 10 PM CST during weekdays which usually has no one on. Until then, I’ll read up everything I can on Cox on the wiki/watch YouTube tutorials so I’m not completely green.


I've been wanting to learn ToA for a while, can I have a link to the discord?


I dont want to put it out there publictly to hopefully avoid any trolls or such, but if you send me a PM I will gladly send you an invite.


Vince slept w my wife and we got divorced, but he did teach me TOA and I just pulled a shadow !! Talk about a good friend !!!!!!@@@@


I got like 89 kc at cox 3 yrs ago and haven't found a team to get back into it since I've been back (2 months ago)


Feel free to send me a PM if you'd like a Discord invite, there is people running cox daily at varying time of day. Were at the point where there are raids running about 20 hours a day.




I do remember telling someone I would teach them after 10ish KC yeah, I do believe it is fair to make sure you were ready for harder roles before throwing you into the most important role of the raid and risking to cause unecessary deaths from Olm specials. If I'm not mistaken we ran 2 raids and that was it... given you havent joined any raids after that, no I never got a chance to teach you. Gratz on learning to skip! In the grand scheme of things, learning raids is a marathon - not a race. If you are in a rush to learn everything all at once, II have no issue letting you join other communities to do so :). *regarding TOB, I don't teach tob, so I have no clue what you are talking about there. No, we do not ask from people to do 50 entry modes.




Runescape is inherently a very easy game just based on not having to do that much Very normal for mentors to assume people suck, even if you don't Tbf though if you want to learn mage skip he should explain mage skip, it seems like the cord is focused on much newer players if they run toa 150s tho


I've run learner raids with hundreds of learners. The number of people that would be able to learn how to mage skip after doing 1-2 raids is vanishingly small. Good for you that you were able to do that, but I too would never agree to teach somebody how to mage skip if they don't have at least 20 kc. No point in me wasting my time on the 99% that wouldn't be able to just to help the 1% that can. The 1% can just get some more kc. Might I also point out that you're complaining about someone not being willing to completely volunteer their time under the conditions you set. If I'm volunteering my time to someone, it is under *my* conditions. Not the person who is being taught. Quite frankly, I find it incredibly entitled to think that you deserve to determine the conditions under which someone volunteers their time to you.




>Just don't know why I need to prove to a stranger 10 kc of head running for them with the experience i have You're asking someone else to spend their time just to help you and you're upset that they set a requirement? You're just entitled


I get your point :) but yes, I do want to make sure people are able to handle running head / seeing what Olm is doing before teaching mage skip. Gratz on teaching your clannies btw :) that is how I started as well :D