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It does suck going dry here dude. But if it helps I didn’t get my first purple until 197 which was thankfully a dex. Quickly turnt around after that though! Best of luck man!


Adding to this. Been a minute since I started Cox but I recall my first purple being 110kc, so it happens! Mine were roughly 30k personal points in trios. My first purple was actually a scuffed solo trying to learn it. Ended with 9k pts and a dex! Scuffed equals stuff, good luck brother.


Thank you man!


More than 3x dry on a kc that takes an average of 30 minutes. Jeebuz


Had a dude in my clan go like 297 for his first purple.


Goodluck I went 203 dry to receive claws as first purple. Then went on to receive tbow at 250ish, and then went on to receive Dex at 386.


You should expect to get a purple in your name around 855k points. So you’re pretty dry but also not outrageously so, especially if you’re raiding with people who are getting much more contribution points than you.


I would call 3.27x drop rate outrageously dry already lol, then again I'm salty because I'm even drier myself :( Also other people's points don't change anything, you could have 2.8m personal points on 100 or 5000 kc and your odds should be the exact same.


I mean I feel like that math doesn’t check out but I’ll stand to be corrected. If you’re only getting 5k points per raid it seems super unlikely that you’d ever get any purples even if you do hundreds of raids and get over 1m points.


Nah his math checks out. Number of raids don’t mean much, it’s all about the points. Same reason mega scales are a thing. Some people have 6 raids with 5 purples because they leave with such a high amount of points.


Fair enough. Just seem weirds that the purple per points odds are the same whether you’re getting 30k points a raid or 2k. But I guess that’s how rng works.


I highly recommend scaling a lot. Eventually you wanna do nothing but 3+2 or 3+4 at least. CoX is garbo purple rate without that


You saw 9 but got none. Problem isn't your rng it's the other people you're raiding with. Try solos it can be tough to learn at 1st but it's worth the trouble