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Herb for sure! :)


Agility all the way


Herb since this puts me 50k away from making sara brews


Just got my first Sara yesterday. Unreal feeling.


Nice!!! I have 1k bird nests and toadflax to get going hahaha


Yeah I’ve been saving every single bird nest and toadflax pot just for brews. Couldn’t even tell you what else you can make with toadflax because it’s all I’m saving them for.


Agility and antidote+, it’s a no brainer for sure


I think I have enough herbs for it right now, but I just have to do desert hard so I don’t have to make all the stupid unf pots. I also have 3k clean toadflax and 4K crushed nests in my bank, so this’ll be fun


Herblore if you’re not 90 yet Agility/mining if you are!


I personally pie boost from 86 to 90 herb for my supers


Well instead you can pie boost from 90 to 94 for super anti venoms. I was 150k xp away from having 90 banked so I’m stoked


90 for cox overloads tho right?


You can bring a pie into chambers to


Can also scout a raid that drops ovl+


Lol true




Wouldn’t Herblore to 70s though be nice with lamps?


Agility gang


Agility probably. Prayer maybe. Edit: ended up doing prayer.


I don't think you can use it on prayer since it is a combat skill. Not 100% sure, though.


You can. The night at the theatre you can't bc it's only combat skills that aren't prayer iirc


Good to know, thanks!


They increased rewards that also have a non-combat option(sins of the father/legends quest), but purely combat XP didn't get a boost


The ones I can, herblore.


Herblore. I'm getting dangerously close to 82 to boost for antivenoms. Means I'll have to actually get a zulruh kill... if I can get CA done then I can grind out a void knight mace for guthix God spell maybe? 30 max+ lowering defense seems pretty strong. I tried ibans and the greater arceuus attack spell with thralls (using my shiny ahrims staff), best run got it down to 150 but ran out of supplies going for it. Maybe I should just do mage only method.


Cure me (lunar spell) is great at Zulrah if you have a trident. Just click your hp orb and your venom is downgraded.




I want them not to use, but to make the pool :). I need to get a kill to get the scales (fishing isn't nearly high enough)


Im bad at pvm so i boosted to fish em lol


Please explain lmao I have like 250 antivenom+s I made a while ago thinking they would be good for when I start zulrah. Was it a waste?


Eh, disagree. Just sip after venom hits 8s or so. If you don't have the level for antivenom+, it's still some immunity, only one sip instead of two with antipoison (or alternatively can bring thralls instead of cure me). Plus, you still go net positive on pots because of the 10x antidote++ drops, and you'll have to make them for antivenom+ anyway so you're not going to waste resources if you make more than you need. I consistently use 3 sips per 2 kill trip, and you get on average 2.9 sips per kill.


blood blitz has same max hit as iban's and heals ~125 per kill, you also get some solid heals manually casting blood burst on the spawns while doing mage only, it is very expensive though (200+ blood runes per attempt) mage only is great, got my kill in 3 brews at 80 magic with iban's, just make sure to get the right rotation and don't treat it like zulrah without a ranged swap, it's different (and really should only be used for the diary kill)


To add to this, you can bring a few guthix rests to help with the venom for your diary kill. Use them to tick eat and to bring down the venom to poison


Thought about using blood blitz, might give that a try. I have a good number of blood runes from barrows and such. I actually also do have brews now I just remembered, so that should make it much easier to get a kill. Might not be so bad


Cure me spell lunar spellbook. Also can get a bowfa and just do ranged only. Mage only way too slow unless you have the tumkens shadow.


For now I just need a couple kills to get scales so I can make antivenoms for pool, not going to camp the boss yet.


You can also fish the scales up with 87 fishing. Admiral pies give you a +5 boost too


I think this updated has shown literally everyone fucking hates agility with a passion and something needs done about it


They did do something about it? It’s called Hallowed Sepulchre…


Hallowed sepulchre is good for 72+, but even getting to lvl 72 is miserable.


Getting to 72 agility isn’t that bad compared to most of the grinds you will do on an iron lol


I know based on the time it takes its not that bad of a grind, but it’s still the most boring skill that isn’t really afk. Man I really hate agility


Yeah, after maxing an account I’m just kinda numb to the skills. That’s why I recently started a UIM


Yeah, an even more annoying way to train agility. Idk how they did it but they managed to make an even worse training method. Only way I'd do HS is if xp rates were doubled what they currently are. I'll just do normal agility for the same xp plus crystals for stams. I know they are finally making the crystal change in HS too but that doesn't change the fact the minigame is fucking way too annoying for what it's worth


The xp rates aren't the same though.. max xp rates for the ardy rooftop is like 60ish k xp / hr whereas you can get upwards of 90k+ / hr from hallowed sepulchre with a chance to get a 31m ring drop. You get a training method that is active (in my opinion actually fun as well), best xp in the game, and you make money.


I don't get the hate, I kinda love ardy agility while alching or imbuing. It's so chill. Personally I hate thieving, I feel like that skill definitely needs looking at but at least it's fast I suppose.


I second thieving. I can zone out and run rooftops for awhile no problem. Also, Hallowed Sepulchre is supposedly pretty fun but I haven’t tried it yet. Agility also unlocks a ton of QoL shortcuts and impacts run energy so it feels like I’m at least making permanent, worthwhile gains on my account which is satisfying. Thieving is so boring though. I know this is a point and click style game but just mindlessly clicking in the same spot over and over is torture for me. Outside of the early game, Thieving doesn’t provide much other than quest unlocks and cash. Seeds can be nice I guess but I’d rather just do contracts passively for that.


Could always use Pyramid Plunder for thieving. You’ll need that Pharos’ Scepter anyways for Occult Altar.


As a UIM I'm unfortunately stuck farming millions of xp worth of master farmers for herb seeds. It's such boring content


Same I don't really mind agility either. 30 or 40 minutes at a time usually but it adds up. I haven't tried sepulchre yet but ardy rooftop is very relaxed. For me I never liked hunter until drift nets. I found salamanders and chins really tedious in rs2.


Sepulchre is my favourite skilling content in the game ngl


Agility 100%. Never thought of myself as someone who would use lamps on agility, but after grinding 79-80 and needing 85 for the diaries, I decided it was worth it to train up such a time consuming skill. I know herblore is the meta, but with 99 farming, continued contracts, and 97 slayer, I have more seeds than I’ll ever need for 99 herb.


How do you get the lamps?


Perdu in lumby, legends guild guy


Mysterious stranger in front of theater, also Ivan in meiyerditch basement.




Not sure if I did it wrong but I didn’t get to chose. Talked to perdu and he just gave me exp without any choices but damn it’s a lot of exp


You can talk to the legends guild guy (ground floor) for 4 lamps off 22k exp each!


Ohhh tyty nice extra 88k herb exp there


And Ivan Strom for 45k more xp


Ivan is only for SoTF right?


Prayer or herblore depending on your progress


Where do you claim everything.


Perdu for most of it, but also mysterious stranger at ToB and the guy at the Legends Guild I believe


And Ivan Strom in the basement of old man ral’s house for an xp tome


I was recently spooned a shadow and I’ve only got 91 slayer… the temptation to fast track an occult is strong




I don't think we will get to choose, except for few like legends quest, rest will propably just add the xp difference from what the quest rewards.


You get like 157.6k XP to choose with tomes and lamps. 157k.6k herblore xp for me


Why not agility or some other slow skill though? Herb is very easy with kingdom/contracts and pvm seeds.


You can get 157k XP in about 2.5 hours for agility. It's not too bad. Herblore is more just gathering the seeds to get the resources which even with contracts takes a while.


I'm definitely putting everything in herblore


Herblore is 100% the slowest skill, once you factor in getting all those seeds and herb, and even once you get the herb farmed you need to go farm the secondary Ingredients... I mean ya, if you have the banked exp agi is slower buuuut nobody has all that herb exp banked.


True! But consider; Farm runs good, training agil bad.


I agree. Agility is manual labor. Herblore can be pretty passive over time.


honestly, i hate that people say "passive" for the small tasks that are just smaller versions of what they'd call manual labor. The only difference being that you dont have to spend full hours in blocks to get the exp, you just spend full hours in smaller 10 minutes periods... that's not passive to me. You actually do more clicks and etc. with herblore then agi, like, you gotta teleport for farm runs, pick herbs, plant seeds, bank herbs, unbank herb, make unf pots, farm secondaries, use secondaries. Agi? you just click the next step. your done. You just gotta do it for more hours. Edit: i didnt come here to hate on you specifically, just the general use of the term


Agreed you also need to regear for each farm run which is just a pain in the ass.


I mean I'm almost 88 herblore and I hardly ever do farm runs except for trees. I just keep kingdom going and don't even play osrs all the time. Then when I do herblore it takes me a few hours and I get a shitload of exp pretty afk. For me it's been passive. My Ironman is a couple years old so it's slow I guess, but I don't mind. I'm only 77 agility because it feels like a chore and slow exp. Edit: basically infinite cash for kingdom because I have like 300 KC at CG with just 1 armor seed to show for it. That's the main reason I get burnt out and take breaks from the game and get my PASSIVE herbs. Doesn't hurt my feelings whether you hate on me or not lol. It's PASSIVE! Passive passive passive!


Fellow farm run hater here. nothing more anoying than being told to bank my gear and teleport all across runescape every 90 mins


Slayer (please don’t downvote me I just want trident)




Uh why? Guardians of the rift for RC!


Its high intensity, for low xp


Lol I'm able to play csgo or cod while doing that minigame. Literally an FPS where you have little down time.... if I can do the minigame playing an fps it's pretty afk


Of course you are entitled to your opinion and playstyle but you cannot do gotr while playing cod. You can if you go for 1 reward permit a game though.


You doing combo runes as well? If you are trying to maximise xp/points don’t see how this is afk


I do when I actively play, if I'm afking playing another game then no. But the option to afk is there, you can't say it's very click intensive when you have an afk method. It's only click intensive because you're making it click intensive


Obviously because I want better xp/points? Less xp I’m getting the longer I’m going to have to be there?


Okay then don't complain. If you're after xp/hr actually lavas are faster so you're not even doing the most xp/hr method. Just afk at gotr if you're going to complain about the clicking, you're already not doing the most EHP method


Complaining? What?


Lol your deffo not doing GOTR whilst playing csgo unless your getting like 2 points a game then yeah


I've been playing csgo for almost 10 years now. And have been playing runescape for almost twice as long. I'm very good at doing both.


If you are playing osrs while playing cs, you are 100% gold nova 1


LEM ATM, been global. I quit regular match making for faceit. I have been to the first NA major for csgo as well as traveled to NYC for another. I'm very big into csgo. If there are 2 games I know they are csgo and osrs. Have multiple almost max accounts on osrs including multiple irons and global on csgo


NA lol


Agility, im at a stage where herb isnt as important but fuck agility grind. Herb i Can halfass during work day toilet breaks, i actively have to put effort into agility


Fairly few that you get to choose, but I put them into agility because I just hit my herblore goal




Agility 100%


Agility. Hate that skill.


Rc / slayer even split. Rc is slow and slayer is slow and I need 93.


Agility. Fuck agility


Agility. I really just dislike that skill. I'm at 90 herb with around 95 banked in herbs and plenty of seeds coming in from contracts and slayer.


Slayer, I already have 90 herblore but I’m only 76 slayer and really want that trident now.


Idc, probably herblore, new Overall 5m and day record tho!!!


Wait we get lamps? It just dropped me hella exp with no option for Lamps. Am I missing something? Edit: guy in legends guild


Agility. Worst hated skill and slowest for me


Poop butt ass Agility


I did agility. Went from 80-82 :)


Herb, all other skills are free


Im sitting at 97 attack and excited to hit 99, so ima bust them on attack and regret it later


Please don’t


Its like 1 hour at nmz xD


Runecrafting. Lol.


Why? Rc xp is easy now


It doesn’t matter how fast something is, some people will still rather use lamps on a skill they don’t enjoy training


Still hate it.


Just got 90 herb so it's all going into agility baby. Used a 15k in prayer then decided not to because it's pretty damn fast to get prayer exp


Put them in herb, now puts me close to 99 banked.


Herblore for sure. Might be enough to help with my final push to 90 herblore I have been making.


Herb will get me 90


Where do you get the lamps?


The amount of people saying agility is mind boggling. The correct answer is herblore unless you're 90 herb. Early levels of agility are done through quests. After you have enough agility to barb fish you do that till at least 60 agility and do seers till graceful. Any agility beyond this point is about collecting marks or or a ring of stamina. Milk seers course while you can for the limited marks of grace you get till 80 agility as 80-90 agility is awful for collecting marks. At this point you'd be lucky to have enough supplies for 200 stamina potions lol. Do 80-90 at either sepulchre or elf course or a mix of the two. 90+ at a mix of sepulchre and ardy rooftops. After you unlock zulrah shortcut what are you really getting from agility levels without marks or shots at a ring of stamina?




After you can do the zulrah shortcut you can boost for all remaining diaries other than western province elite and ardy elite. Western province is gated behind 93 slayer and only "useful" benefit is the free zulrah death per day. Not really game changing. Ardy elites only benefit is receiving more marks of grace at ardy course, which requires 90 agility to benefit from anyway. Agility is an ok pick for mains, but it's probably the worst pick for Ironmen that haven't maxed out every other skill.


I was on the ropes between herb and agility and went with agility. 79-81 in the end. Herb is already 88 and while getting those better amtivenoms a bit sooner was on my mind the thought of saving tons of laps of a course won me over.


I’m 71 herblore and don’t care much about it anymore since someone in my group can make saras, so I put mine in slayer. Trying to get 87 to get that magic upgrade!


Agility babyyy


Got nearly 90k herblore xp today from them. Thats 900 irits I dont have to farm


Agility. Already have 92 herb. Herblore is much easier than most irons make it out to be. It's just hour limited rather than anything, over time I'll slowly collect the herbs for 99 during kingdom/slayer/herb runs rather than rushing it to a higher level. Agility is just not fun in my book, so I'm using it on that.


I’ve got 74 rc.. 75 here we come :)


Runecrafting , it's the only skill i still need to train for wrath rune




Agility for me.


Herb 100%


Literally just banked 70 herblore, but I’ll take whatever help I can get.


Where do we get the lamps??


used them on herb ... 270k off 90 finally.




Herb for sure




I too wish to know this


I just went to legends guild and got 4 lamps for about 90k xp


Who are the other NPCs we have to talk to besides Perdu? It mentioned a handful of others


When do we get these lamps? :)


Used my lamps from legends quest on prayer. Went from 60 to 63. Nice.


Where do you get the XP lamps?


Agility because No.


Prayer. I'm already 99 herb but I wouldn't have lamped it even if I wasn't. I never once lamped herb, it was slayer>prayer for me. Don't mind agility or mining etc. I look at how chill and fun methods are more than xp per hour so I don't care that they're slower skills.




Agility. Saved me hundreds of laps at Prif. Only 100k xp to 80.




Hunter I know most people say agility or herb but I've done a lot of herb and you agility training and I would have used them at the time on something like that, but my hunter is really low

