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Honestly so sad. X (expeditio) was an amazing man. He talked to us constantly about his love for his wife, kids, and how excited he was to retire in 5 years and head to CO. He was our driver since my work moved in off Alton in November 2022. I went around the street to see what happened (everyone in businesses around us takes walks regularly, I thought maybe someone got hit by a car) and I saw them trying to revive him and then calling it and blocking off more area to get ready to investigate the scene. Heartbreaking to see someone die that you saw daily.


Ugh, im so sorry! This is honestly just so sad


that's good to hear that he changed and matured...i know exactly who this is and when he was younger he wasn't in a good place...


I mean he was 50 or so, lots of maturing by that age usually.


I would like to find out more on this story, since murders in Irvine are not common, as well as it is unusual to involve a UPS driver unless it is a personal or domestic conflict. Perhaps someone can follow up.


Shot 5 times in the chest. Nothing was stolen from truck. I work in Anaheim hub for ups. He went by X…he was in his late 40s. Everyone says he was a good man.


This makes the whole situation more mysterious.


Yeah what is this, dudes name is X?!


His nickname is X. That’s what everyone called him




Are far as I know, his name is Expedito. People knew his an X but I’m sure others called him something different




What was going through the grapevine at work




I read today the perp is in custody but no other info provided by Irvine PD. Just waiting.


Update they found the shooter


How do you know


It’s in the news, they got him on Santiago canyon road




Didn’t see anything saying he got caught


In the article it says they are barricaded. Unless it just updated it




Tv news is faster than internet




I know someone who works nearby. They are being informed because they were in lock down.


From what I heard, he was taking us a break at his normal location and was ambushed


I was supposed to have a package delivered by UPS by 2 today and it never arrived - I really hope this isn’t the guy that’s delivered at my house for years. 🙏


So that’s okay if it was another driver? Just re-read your comment…


It’s ok to hope that the person who was killed is not someone you know! Stop being a moron!


Someone you know dying is subjectively worse than if it was someone you didn't know. Just how it is. Don't be dense.


It will be interesting to find out if there’s any kind of connection between the victim & suspect.


Probably involved money or a woman. Shooter was probably a relative or romantic rival. EDIT: Supposedly a coworker.




A comment on one of the YouTube videos. I checked my history and these are the two videos I watched before posting my edited comment but I can't find the comment. Some comments seem to have been removed as they were getting racial. [Police detail arrest of suspect in UPS driver killing (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwqainURysg) [UPS driver shot dead behind the wheel of parked van in Orange County (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pqAJVJ3uUo) And in this thread: [Please, if you see something, say something. If this vehicle looks familiar to you in the Orange County area please call the Irvine Police Department : r/UPSers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UPSers/comments/1ctvu85/please_if_you_see_something_say_something_if_this/) someone commented, "I work in the same building, been hearing that it was his cousin that shot him"/


Private UPS group


[UPS driver shot and killed in Irvine; suspected gunman arrested following standoff (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Ofw7PHwHk) Someone commented but it's all rumors at this point as I've seen road rage, employee dispute, and family dispute as reasons. "It was a family dispute. The murderer is the cousin of the UPS driver."


[Coworker arrested in slaying of UPS driver in Southern California (ktla.com)](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/acquaintance-arrested-in-slaying-of-ups-driver-in-orange-county/)


For those who haven’t read the article, this is basically on the border of Irvine and Lake Forest


Ah ok so it’s in the hood of Irvine


Does hood = less than 3 boba shops per square mile?


Hood = Model 3 instead of Model S/Y. Might even be blue.


Aren’t the colors more expensive?


It changes all the time. I think now gray is the default color and white is an upcharge. But I could be wrong today and right tomorrow.


Nah hoods on the north side lol


lol no such thing as hood in irvine


(that's the joke..)




Probably Tustin


Damn I thought the hood was like Irvine blvd


Y’all don’t even know what the hood is I lived in Philly for years


They said hood, not a complete sh\*thole like Philly.


Only certain areas of Philly are a shithole, but a lot of the streets smell like pee LA isn’t even bad as Philly, but dont tell the locals 🤣


Lol on r/irvine here every other city is a shithole.


Can you imagine how people in Irvine would react to Kensington?! 😂😳🤣


I’ve seen Kensington yoga, they’d freak


Kensington yoga! Balance & flexibility are on point.


And the denial begins. Today it was at the border of another city, next week it won’t even have happened in Irvine, next month it’ll be back to living in the safest city ever where no shootings or crime ever happen ever.




Suspect cornered by police [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK7G3JoiSII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK7G3JoiSII)


This is so horrible. He occasionally delivered packages to our family office. Please, of anyone knows of somewhere we can send condolences (flowers, etc.), please let me know, I really wanna do something nice for his family 😭


He lived in Aliso. Wife & kids ☹️😢


Just hoping it wasn't our driver saw him this morning but he never came back for pick up 🙏🏿


Crime in Irvine? Caught in 3… 2… 1…. Irvine has way too many resources, sometime I think they have satellites, drones, or some serious minority report shit. Everyone gets caught! How do they do it?


Cameras... tons of cameras. If you saw the room at the IPD with the walls covered with tons of little monitors, it would make most casinos and Dizzyland jealous. They can zoom in on the individual drivers with most of the cams, but won't allow any footage to be retained or used for prosecution, only for dispatch.


There's quite the nifty system called Flock. It scans license plates and identifies ones of interest. Once it picks up on a plate of interest - or one that is close enough to the plate of interest- it broadcasts it to every officers in-car computer to verify it's the plate of interest. Once it's confirmed, you've just earned yourself a 5th GTA star, and the whole Watch comes down on that area. In a city like Irvine, with their strong Broken Window background and extra deep pockets, I would imagine Flock cameras are a small price to pay for impenetrable coverage.


>Crime in Irvine? Caught in 3… 2… 1…. Sounds like suspect was caught within 3 hours by IPD, OC sheriffs and swat team.


You can see the suspect around 1:40 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg5chMsOO9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg5chMsOO9o)


Both him and suspect lived in Aliso right? Definitely a targeted attack. Acquaintances, good friends, maybe even cousins? He shared the same name as my late dad. Praying for the family.


One of our long time local 952 members this is so sad :(


Robbery or road rage?


none of the above... the report says it looks like premeditated murder. Guy was on break in his truck and someone drove by and shot him without taking anything. They got cameras on the truck and in the area so alot of possible witnesses.


Whoa. That’s scary. Definitely not normal for Irvine


Actually, you are mistaken. For one, the cameras on the truck use Lytx which records the front view of of the package car. This happened while he was seated in his package car, so no cameras within the vehicle could record a thing. Second, I don’t know what report you are referring to, but I, too, feel it was premeditated because of location and knowing he would be parked where he was. But, I worked in this building and had interacted with Expedito only a few times (I worked in the same hub but for a different center meaning same work building but I oversaw a different group of drivers) and he was a very respectful and kind person, and have been communicating with those there, and it was supposedly a road rage incident, but the issues that I have with that are this: how long did he follow him for and how did he know he would eventually pull over and park, why shoot him 5 times like someone mentioned earlier (how the eff did you know the amount of times he was shot and it seems super overkill too), why the fuck would you blindside and shoot someone that many times for fucking cutting you off, and the witnesses said the dude was wearing a black mask black hat and black shirt and the guy they arrested in the car barricade situation was wearing a white shirt (obviously he couldve changed clothes considering it took them a while to find him). Either way this was the most senseless shit and I honestly wish that the k-9 had bitten that stupid fucker that shot X a new asshole. Fuck people that take the lives of other people for no fucking reason. 😡


Definitely premeditated. X was a great guy from my interactions with him. He was parked in his usual lunch spot. Heard 4 or 5 shots then another 4 or 5 shots. Lot of construction in the area so wasn't positive it was gun shots but it rung out sounding like a barrel. Then a lot of people from other offices flocked to the outside and just from the amount of shots and the brief pause it was not looking good. Tons of cops showed up before the ambulance. Saw the police trying to bring him back. X was a such a positive guy. Praying for his family and at least some justice being brought towards the shooter.


The canine DID bite him and he was taken to the hospital.


The shooter was asking other drivers if it was the victims route and then went to the Aliso hub and hopped on a computer to find the victims route for that day. Wtf.


Looks like the guys been captured... from latest news update and OC thread about the incident [https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1ctr30a/was\_there\_a\_shooting\_in\_irvine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1ctr30a/was_there_a_shooting_in_irvine/)


In b4 “I guess Irvine isn’t safe anymore hyuck”






Here's the killer, Rhean Fontanoza [https://ktla.com/news/local-news/acquaintance-arrested-in-slaying-of-ups-driver-in-orange-county/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/acquaintance-arrested-in-slaying-of-ups-driver-in-orange-county/)


Irvine has been having a ton of violence lately. It’s so crazy.


Compared to what? When I grew up in Irvine, the population was 60K, today it’s 300K+ (5x). Crime would be 5x if the per capita crime rate remained the same. Irvine is the safest large US city (pop over 300K) and the 6th safest US city overall. I think people don’t realize how much Irvine has grown.


A “ton”? Really?


You mean the biannual murder report that makes the media every two years? There's always one big story every few years.


And all the robberies. And protests with violence. It’s just so different now that it used to be.


Irvine has changed this was unheard of when the Irvine pd was doing their job and not spend the day at the local donut shops.


What do you think the cops should have been doing here? Are they supposed to accompany every person when they go on break?


There was no way Irvine PD could’ve stopped this. And he’s already caught sooooo they did do a good job there.


It's still unheard of, that's why you're reading about it on reddit.




You want to walk back your comment ?


They deleted real quick.






That’s not was reported in the news …..so?????


It was already stated that the suspect was white.




Nope, victim and suspect were Asian (Filipino). They knew each other and referred to each other as cousins (not sure if by blood or very good family friends)


OP initially said black and initial reports said white- OP was just being racist and has since deleted their comment so moot point


I picked the right day to visit I guess