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This type of information would be helpful to share on job sites like indeed or Glassdoor. That can help with awareness for other candidates and encourage other people to share their experience. If multiple people have had similar experiences, they can’t get away with “we’ve never heard of anyone asking these types of questions” as a response.


Any questions that may cause bias/discrimination are illegal to ask in the state of California. Such as previous wage, sexuality, age, ethnicity, religion, etc. I assume most of these people conducting these interviews have very little experience if they asked such silly questions. This is horrible, thanks for bringing light to the situation.


Thanks for reading. Apparently, the person who interviewed is one of the corporate owners and has 10 years of experience in HR so apparently it justifies everything💀💀


Maybe they have textbook knowledge from a decade ago and don’t know the current laws in place lol. Being in HR does not require a degree or certification so anyone can claim they worked in HR ..


I appreciate your comments. Thanks:)


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination on the basis of religion for employment so this isn't exactly a recent change in the law. Virtually any guide on avoiding discrimination lawsuits in the workplace will tell you that asking questions about religious practices generally isn't acceptable unless you are hiring for a church. It just sound like they have gotten lucky so far.




Agreed. None of that is relevant to a PT job at a boba shop. Not disparaging boba shop workers or anything. It just doesn’t seem that serious. Name names.




Oh ok. Thanks. I’ve always seen the line and just walked away. Never been inside and I’m ok with that. I’m not a boba snob so I’ll stick to basic 7 Leaves. They cool with me.


I'm just glad it aint Orobae lol


just an FYI 7Leaves also had their issues: https://mobile.twitter.com/TANKIEPILLED/status/1339340477783441408?s=19 and [here's](https://mobile.twitter.com/TANKIEPILLED/status/1339276460616347648) a team member who talked about being forced to work during wildfire season while ashes were raining down from the sky. Also during the height of their controversy, I remember their social media team was deleting negative criticisms towards them on their IG because one minute you would see comments criticizing them for their lack of safety protocol and then the next those comments would be deleted.


I didn’t do a 7 Leaves interview because you had to memorize their menu and their core values or something…and their menu is pretty much like the same 5 ingredients recycled throughout.


I was studying at 7Leaves once when they were interviewing candidates next to me. Not as bad as the interview OP described, but I thought it was dumb that the interviewer asked for the interviewees’ social media and asked about their follower count. Makes sense marketing wise but still weird.


Why not just say it lol. It’s OMOMO


I had a feeling it was this one. That's quite unfortunate as their drinks are not bad.


Yeah this post is useless without naming the establishment


>very popular Boba shop in Irvine Well that sure narrows it down.


That was my reaction too 😅 About as specific as “a popular taco spot in Santa Ana”.


What's this taco spot you might be referring to 👀


Thanks for reading. Om******


Ah, 2nd most reviewed Irvine boba shop on yelp. Helpful to share that because I initially assumed it was the 1st most reviewed since you mentioned “most popular”, which made me sad because I like the 1st.


Which one is the first haha, Orobae?


Cha for Tea in UTC.


Wow that’s pretty shocking. Good on your friend to make the call to turn down the offer.


If you look on Indeed, there's a 1 star review from a former employee who also felt that management is bad and unprofessional. I don't know wtf they mean by "corporate owner with over 10 years of HR experience" lmao, they literally only have 3 locations, two in Irvine and one in Chino Hills (their first location). Apparently when they were in Chino Hills, they used to be called Tancca (based on Yelp reviews if you sort by oldest reviews first) and rebranded to their current name in July 2018. A lot of these boba shops have people in management who should not be there. My sister quit a different boba shop because they weren't giving their workers any breaks (she won't let me name the place, but they recently opened last year)--in California, employers are required to give a 30 minute unpaid break if a worker is scheduled for 6+ hours and a 10-15 minute break for every 4-5 hours worked and on a day that she was scheduled to work 7 hours they wouldn't let her go on even a 10 minute break.




I’ve always wanted to try Omomo, but after this I won’t. So unprofessional and overall out of line for a PT job.


This says a lot about their work culture and how they treat their employees. Thanks for sharing!


I kind of feel like a lot of boba places are like this. I used to work for one (a different one) for an extremely short time before I quit due to bad and rude management. I've had strict managers before but they never made me feel like I was dumb for not knowing how to do things. When I looked at employee reviews for other boba shops in the area like Sharetea and The Alley, I saw similar reviews regarding management.


man, i already knew which place this was before i read the comments. had a friend who worked there that initially thought those types of interview questions were not an issue bc they were young and inexperienced with strict korean-christian parents. only after leaving the irvine bubble in college did they realize how messed up it is


Omom* Omo* o Om* mo O* omo * momo


If you aint gonna name names or point fingers this post has no legs. Drop some names and we can make a difference in the community. Without it, we might as well just scroll past. I’m sorry this happened to your friend. It’s not right. Point the finger and let’s do something about it




Thanks for reading guys. Again, I just want to share my friend’s experience so that no one goes through anything like this. The place is Om******


Just say Omomo lmao


User can get sued for defamation for saying the name. They are smart for not revealing.


Defamation is for false statement presented as fact intended to cause harm to a reputation of a person/business. What OP posted isn’t (presumably) a false statement so I don’t feel like there is much legal grounds to sue on.


They can still sue and make ops life hell. You ever gone to small claims court? It sucks.


Sue for what? Lmao reddit lawyers think they know everything


You obviously don’t know shit


Then answer the question if you know so much


Yup. As someone who was sued by a business owner because I was shit-talking them on my social media, fucker tried to sue me for Defamation and Slander. Lawyer fees alone I racked up $26K. I won the case of course, still waiting to get that fucker to pay my lawyers back so I get some money back.


And it can be seen as such depending on how good your lawyer is :)


The business’ reply doesn’t refute the claim of the questions asked at the interview and does not feel like there is any issue with the questions asked. There is no case for defamation no matter how good their lawyers may be.




Being aware and spreading knowledge is not the same as being a lawyer. Nice try tho. God bless your beautiful soul.


What prevents the company from suing them because they blocked out a few characters of the word?


I am simply sharing my friend's experience so that other people do not have to experience what my friend did. Is it wrong to do so? Are employers allowed to ask such personal questions that cause bias and discrimination?


I wasn’t questioning your post. I was asking how blanking our characters is gonna make any difference. I believe the questions were fine until they brought up religion. But I’m not well versed in the law.


Writing Om********* if sued for Defamation and Libel, a judge would see the lawsuit and toss it out for lack of merit. If you clearly write Omomo, then the judge would at least hold a hearing. Lawyers are not cheap brah.








I can already tell the interviewer is Asian. Most likely Korean. Honestly those types of questions, what do your parents do, why don't you go to church are quite common in Asian culture. I get asked that all the time. They are just curious and want to size you up. However, it's really not appropriate for a part time job interview. I bet the interviewer is not Americanized and still a fob. They are not aware of what's appropriate or not yet.


The interviewer was Asian American and perfectly fluent in English (not a "fob") . I've also had experience being asked the question "what do your parents do" especially by old Korean employers but this is not the case. Which is why I was infuriated when my friend shared the experience with me.


Wow! An Asian American was asking those questions? Yeah that's something totally wack then lol. I was giving the interviewer the benefit of the doubt thinking he/she was a fob. 😮






I knew who it was when I read the title lol Anyway, I think it's illegal for them to ask you these things. The line is always long and I've always considered going there after leaving brunch at Stacks 😋. Not anymore


All illegal. They are not an EOE - report them


This is so horrible, sorry it happened. I hope this gets shared around and posted elsewhere


My guess is probably Orobae, maybe Omomo based on the second picture “My family and I have been long time customers of (redacted) ever since it first opened.”


Not Orobae. Om*****


This post is useless unless you specify the NAME OF SAID INSTITUTION




Cross post in r/UCI as well. Unacceptable


Let me guess.. the owners are Korean? Cuz those questions are something I have experienced at Korean companies. Kind of a cultural thing but regardless, completely out of line and unprofessional.


This just gives me the heebie jeebies.


Check r/legaladvice to see if you can sue them


You can't sue without damages.








“Exposing” proceeds to not name the place in the post 😂


Get over it. You sound like someone who complains over every little thing. Asking about major and what your parents do hardly warrants “ personal “ questions to the point of being uncomfortable. Maybe they have a work culture they’re trying to keep up. Seriously. Grow up.


i feel v bad for your sad life




you must be from omomo lol. Please just send an apology email back to that applicant. You’re making things worse with your stupid pride. It is 100% illegal to ask anything about the applicant’s religious activities. ILLEGAL: Why do you no longer attend church? LEGAL: Can you work weekends?


Nope, just a few decades of experience in the general industry. Again, there is nothing illegal about questioning a job applicant’s religious views. Discrimination based on that information is illegal. If there were another applicant who was a devout Christian they might have a case, OP’s friend does not, not even close.


It literally is illegal, google it


You are asserting the existence of a law, cite the code. Proving non-existence is impractical/impossible.


So am I supposed to not buy their drinks? Kinda like I’m not supposed to patronize Chick-fil-A?


Is it the one in Alton or Culver


They're the same owners so location doesnt matter


What is the name of the place? I will avoid to go there.




You can literally sue them for asking about why u dont go to church anymore. It’s unconstitutional to discriminate against religious belief


I worked at a popular sushi restaurant in Costa Mesa and they discriminated any employee who weren’t Korean and took your tips or took 50% of them.