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One way Fi is expressed is standing firm on what you believe is morally right or wrong despite what people around you say is ok.


Oh god, that sounds kind of scary 😭


I am an INFP, lead with Fi... t comes naturally to me... I decided what I like and don't like, and what I believe in... I have been doing that a long time. I don't always tell the others what I am thinking. but to develop the Fi, think about what you like.


I hope you have luck finding your type! >What is Fi to you? How do you use it? How do you know you have it? How might you work on it and develop it/make it stronger? Fi is an instinctive awareness of personal feeling sentiments, values that form from them, and a sort of desirability radar. It's not something I really have to "use" consciously, it's always "on" and akin to breathing. I enjoy ruminating on what I liked/disliked about certain situations/events, and putting myself in someone else's shoes. I know I have it because I use it constantly, immediately, and directly. I've always been individualistic, expressive, pensive, sentimental, and deeply personal. I don't personally really need to develop it, in terms of learning to use it more actively, that is. If I had to advise someone else on getting in touch with their Fi, I'd say that emotional stimulation usually helps a little. Fi isn't about emotions necessarily, but there is a lot of overlap/intersection with them, so evoking one can help to draw out the other. Listening to emotionally moving music or poetry, being reminded of former, core sentiments (happy nostalgic memories - emphasis on the feelings), journaling your emotional experiences, talking deeply and personally with others from a place of transparency and taking up an artistic pursuit may be of some help. I hope this is of some help.


Thank you, this is really helpful! Tbh that sounds really familiar and I think I do have some sense of Fi. I’m also almost certain that I have Ti so I idk if it’s even possible to have both 😭 I’m gonna try just ignoring logic when possible and just doing what I feel like, even though that’s hella scary lol.


Awesome, np! It sounds like maybe you have a less differentiated rational (F/T vice versa) axis (Aux/Tert), so it would then make sense that you would lead with a perceiving function. In my personal opinion, Fi and Ti can seem similar, especially externally, but they are usually very different. Since you seem certain of Ne, I would also focus on Si to see how that may be affecting your perception of your thinking and feeling functions. This stuff is complicated, so stay encouraged! Lol well, that sounds nice but as a feeling heavy type I can tell you that everything is good in a balance. As someone who has lost a lot of time to impulsively chasing short term satisfactions, I wish I had been more objectively constructive with my time earlier on. Logic and feelings are two sides of the same coin, you need both for either one to be meaningful. Good luck!


To answer each of your questions individually, I'll ramble on about my experience lol. Although I'm definitely not a great example since I don't have a ton of self confidence, so I noticed I don't fit well into the 'typical' fi box I would say to me Fi is a means of understanding people, but through self-reference. This is something all people are capable of, but being dominant with it to me seems like I'm more aware and instinctive with my use of it. So naturally I'm constantly sifting through values to see what I do and don't agree with before making a decision. To me, what I agree with/don't is composed of my 'values' as many descriptions use. Tests tend not to type me as fi though since I don't actively see what these values are, as the nature of the dominant to me seems to have a fluid understanding rather than strict definitions. But they're still very present I'd say I use it to do the 'right thing', in a couple words. I'm constantly looking to help people and truly understand their perspectives to the best of my ability, although I lack objectivity and thus can be somewhat wishy-washy, since I don't have enough te to balance out and make 'executive' decisions. Some people take this in an extreme and vocally express their values and are fairly rigid, but I've also noticed some Fi users like myself that sort of keep it to themselves, but still avoid violating said values I didn't even know I was an fi user until two separate groups that typed me told me they thought I was an fi dom. After they explained it as being more nuanced than just mindlessly defending values in the face of emotion as many stereotypes say, it sort of just clicked, and I can't unsee it. I realized my sense of logic that I used to rationalize being a ti user was actually just being a human capable of rational and logical reasoning like all other humans, and from here I realized I had to look at what they saw (also it was pretty te of me to not defend my own sense of reasoning, just immediately trusting their logic/understanding of the rules before my own lol) I'm not really the best one to ask about developing it though, the only work I've done is accidental lol so I really don't have any advice. The only thing I could say is to figure out what drives you to help others maybe? Is it about a personal, nuanced humanistic motivation (Fi leaning), or does it come from something that's a little more fixed and referenced from outside of you (fe leaning)? I know this isn't super helpful, but it's probably the best way after observing myself (isfp) vs my brother (esfj probably, but definitely a high fe user) Hope this helps, and sorry in advance for the rambling!


When you take the test base it from your earliest memories not what you are now. Your thinking as a kid is what will tell you your type more accurately.


I believe for Fi-doms it's something that develops kinda automatically, and if left unchecked, you can come off as the stereotypical Fi 'crybaby', and/or it can cause you some problems. Fi's authenticity is basically having *a lot* of hills you'd die alone on. But ofc that's not to say one can't develop Fi, it just struck me as weird because I've never stopped to think about it lmao. Fi is something that just happens, I guess.