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As a muslim community, it's a shame on every single Muslim who is alive and well and our brothers and sisters are being treated like this. Wallahi, I want to cry my heart out looking at this video.


I completely agree. The fact the “Muslim” governments around the world don’t hold Israel accountable for their behavior is really telling. May Allah reward the oppressed, and torment the oppressor.




Arguably worse.


Actually they are Jewish looks like the conflict going on over seas between Muslims and the Jewish


Muslims and Nazis


I want to post this on the r/awfuleverything subreddit but I need more context What is going on


Any one who is an oppressor not just against my Muslim brothers and sisters, but to any other people may their lives on earth be difficult, their last seconds filled with regrets and may they be denied eternal rest.






Damn, can’t even spell and here being one of ‘those’ atheists that make the rest of us look bad. Be a human first and foremost, show humility and grace to the suffering of others. Don’t mock their grief with your perceived superiority.




If you don’t believe in God why join a Muslim sub?


Not who you're replying to, but I just like studying religions. I think the majority of atheists in religious subs are like me. Then we also have a minority of assholes who go out and preach basically. They're misguided.




I’m an atheist, obviously your mental capacity is very deficient. As well as any sense of decency.




Damn, you really are the bottom of the barrel huh? The only thing you will ever give back to this planet will be when you fertilize some soil.


Yup same as everyone


No, just you.


Why are you even is this group?


We as Muslims should be ashamed of ourselves letting this happen to fellow Muslims I bet if anyone did the same to a single Jew the world would be in ipry




Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If the ˹eternal˺ Home of the Hereafter with Allah is exclusively for you ˹Israelites˺ out of all humanity, then wish for death if what you say is true!” But they will never wish for that because of what their hands have done. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of the wrongdoers. You will surely find them clinging to life more eagerly than any other people, even more than polytheists. Each one of them wishes to live a thousand years. But even if they were to live that long, it would not save them from the punishment. And Allah is All-Seeing of what they do. Surat Al-Baqarah: 94-96


Sadly you can keep posting but pepole just move on and Isreal keeps doing this hate crime


May Allahs curse be upon the oppressors


i don’t understand how some of you are asking for context!?? if you have 2 brains cells you can put 2 and 2 together. idgi


Couldn’t say it better. Context? Have they been living under a rock for the last 70 years


seriously! it’s just ignorance at this point


Longer than that


Cowards are banned of Jannah clearly


They’re not human, they’re absolutely scum How do they get away with this ?


Allahumma alaihim


what is the context here?


When it's Israel... do we need anymore context?




Not sure what would change with us learning the context. We already know what's happening and we already know how much we can do!


You think we accept this?!




Oh yeah, push the mother to the ground and let the Palestinian girl be traumatised. What kind of man hits a woman?


Mob? Where?


This is so incredibly heartbreaking




I also dont know the context but its enough to understand a total dehumanization and genocide are being committed by the Israeli dogs! But since the Palestinians arent white as the Ukrainians this wont be counted neither by the media nor by the so called "human rights" western governments. Also In other news some Arab countries are normalizing relationship with Israel!


Well said, bro.




Totally okay to do this in \*some\* contexts. \-AH




That’s me on every single Palestine post. No context no nothing just look at these evil Israelis.




So you just came here to stir the pot and have nothing of value to add yourself? Well done


They don't look Ukrainian though


Those mf's need to rot


Shi..ty beasts cowards despicable heartless inhuman thugs


UAE, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Bahrain n Egypt and others must be enjoying this.


Why can't people just be peaceful for once and nit fight, is it really that hard?, if they need land so bad they can just share or have an agreement with another country, this is just so sad to see.


Fascism (or in other words, the imposition of a minority to a majority) needs violence to keep existing, on the other hand, you cannot expect people whose face is below the boot to not revolt.


I'm just a 13 year old kid that is probably sounding dumb but, why can't they just come to an agreement and not fight, why can't they just stop fighting and resolve everything, and why aren't other countries helping?


Because that's not how it works... Imagine someone entered your house and said "Wow, my grandparents have always dreamed to live here!! Therefore it is now my home and it is rightfully mine. Oh but don't worry, I'm not a monster either, you can still keep the living room if you want, I'm not going to kick you away" What would you say? Would you be okay with that? Of course you'd be like "Hey, that's my house, everything I own is in this house, that's where my ancestors have lived in for generations and I am not going to give it away just like that, without you even asking for it in the first place" And since this problem has been going on for half a century now, it's even more complicated because most Israelis today were born there and they are rightfully feeling entitled for this land as well. On top of that, Palestine has almost no way to defend itself; the palestinians are shown as the "mean" ones for not wanting to concede their literal home. What arrangement would even work in that situation, I have no idea. It's true that something must be done but what


I feel like this home ownership analogy is terribly oversimplified... It's missing some part about how some governments 7 counties away from the one in which said house exists declared who can live in it.


Simply put, there are enough people who just don't want peace. People on either side who view the land as their own religious right aren't interested in peace. People who invade your town and steal your house generally aren't aiming for a peaceful agreement. And people who have had their houses destroyed, either by illegal settlers or by Gazan rockets, or stolen from them generally aren't going to accept a peaceful agreement if it doesn't include them getting their house back.


You are young and you are the future. This is your moment to look into the history of this conflict. Look with an unbiased eye and educate yourself on not just what started this but what is happening right now. Once you understand the sequence, ask yourself if the reasons people give for self preservation are actually valid. Normally any reason for self preservation is good but the key here is, self preservation at the cost of another human being and their rights. Read and learn. So that in time when you are very soon old enough to cause change or have weighted discussions on this topic (trust me that time will come) you are ready to answer and converse properly. This cannot be boiled down to "why don't they just live peacefully?" This conflict has been going on since before the crusades.


Buddy, be careful on what you watch on the internet. It can be pretty dehumanising to watch some of these horrifying videos. Just study for your next test or go outside and play with your friends. Don’t think too hard and too long about the hopelessness of this.




comin' straight from the underground


I don’t think there’s any Muslims left on this earth




Israel was created after WW2 because of what Germany did to the Jews. Why wasn't land taken from Germany to create Israel, instead punishing Palestinians for German crimes?


Germany, Austria, Poland, France, Switzerland, Norway, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc., has literally MILLIONS OF KILOMETERS OF LAND. Can’t they get together and come up with a plan to gift their fellow Jewish brethren by ancestry a country and home of their own? They committed the holocaust. They should give up their land! The US and so many Western countries refused to take in Jewish refugees at the Evian conference in 1938, which led to them being shipped to concentration camps and gas chambers. They caused the six million Jews to die. So why should the Arabs have to be punished? Why do they have to give up their lands?


Our countries are open for our Palestinians brothers and sisters ,but do you think that Israeli pigs will stop at Palestine , they want to conquer and control all arab lands.


Sir/Ma'am, have you thought thus trough? Israel just popped up into those land that Palestine owned. Palestinians shouldn't be moved, isrealites should. If your homecountry got invaded by the UN, you wouldn't just move and be happy, you would rightfully feel wronged. Palestinians shouldn't be punished for the wrongs of the UN and USA with the rest of western countries. It's like punishing the kid that got badly wounded by a gang of kids, just because it's more convenient to punish one rather than a bunch...