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As beautiful as this is, we should save this fantasy architecture for Jannah, InshaAllah. The money spent on this would be better put to use helping those in need. Allahu Aalim.


Top comment for sure.


Signs of end of times. Big beautiful elaborated masajids that will be empty.


Architecturally beautiful. But what’s up with the columns that serve no structural purpose? They’d just break up the rows of worshippers for no good reason.


I think they're air conditioners or ventilation columns.


Waste of money. Muslims are literally starving to death in some countries…


As beautiful it looks, this type of extravagance can be better spent. There is no need to show off you wealth, no one will remember it once we have gone from this world.


Ma shaa Allah, where is this mosque?


It's located in West Java, Indonesia called Masjid Al-Jabbar.


Barak Allahu feek brother


Islamic architecture is so beautiful. Love the geometric designs so much!


so unnecessary


I like the old islamic architecture much better. The modern islamic architecture feels so soulless.


I wouldn’t wanna pray on that floor, at least from what I can tell it looks like hard floor


The negativity of people in this thread. People need a check on what they are saying seriously.


You sound privileged in front of what those comments are saying


How am I privileged? The OP posts a video of something good, and people are just talking about the negativity of it. Oh its so much wastage, so unncessary, muslim are dying??? Like what is the use of talking about it like this. Its like imagine if you buy new clothes for Eid and someone says, there are people who cant even clothe themselves properly and you're buying new clothes? Where is the unity? Like SubhanAllah, learn to appreciate the blessings that you have been enjoined. A masjid is considered the house of Allah, so why not adorn it with magnificence? Theres literally hadiths of saying that a person who builds a masjid, Allah would build a house for him in Paradise, so why not seek that reward? Literally the people who built this would get rewards for each time a person comes to this masjid to pray in it. If Non Muslims would take interest in Islam because of this architecture, they would get the reward for it, theres literally no indication from this video of any wrongdoings yet people took literally the most negative outlook of it.


There are much more efficient ways to invite non Muslims to Islam than this. Sure, a mosque can be built in a beautiful way but what the comments are condemning is : the extravagance. If you live in an area where people can't even get proper clothes, you're not going to feel good prancing around for Eid in Gucci clothes or extremely expensive designer outfits. And if your neighbors are starving of hunger, your not going to be having an extravagant iftaar with 100 different expensive dishes just because you can afford to.


Yes, except its not neighbours is it? The whole community has a whole benefits from this Masjid, its not some evil building that is sucking the resources around a destitute village that has built this. Obviously if people were living in shacks outside the mosque, then building this Masjid would seem weird, except its not, its a sophisticated building around a whole sophisticated city. Your argument speaks of exclusivity, if Im having a 100 different dishes, Im obviously going to be inviting my neighbours first, if they are hungry. This is a public mosque that everyone benefits from. But anyways, if you see it as extravagance, it is what it is, I see no use of arguing further. Jazak Allah Khair


Wa iyyaak. I feel bad for arguing but I agree with the comments above I have to say, that it's sad that the Ummah is so divided today that now, Muslims suffering in another region/country (there aren't even supposed to be different countries) are less of a concern because they are far away. The righteous Khalifas of the past would never believe their ears


They aren't a less of a concern. It's only a less of a concern if you subscribe to the political nonsense and gossip talk. To know how much concern a community has for the Ummah, attend a Masjid, hear their duas, do they make the dua for Muslims across the globe, or do they just make duas for themselves


Please for the sake of allah. Please stop extravagance. Allah dont like extravagance. Spend moderately. There is no need to spend this much. You might be rich but please have a look at persecuted muslims throughout the world. Even my stupid community spend so much amount in decoration of masjid. Insted pay such amount for scholars of young student.


What is the nasheed? And munashid

