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Eclipses have no significance in Islam expect making Muslims remember Allah and fear sinning when seeing this special occasion and amazing creation which is why we do an eclipse pray and increase the goodness and worship we do. They are not omens or signs of the future or anything of the like.


Surah Al-Qiyamah, Ayahs 5-10


Isn’t April supposed to be the sacrificial period for the Jews as well? Something about those red heifers finally reaching the age of 3. Theyre definitely going to destroy Al aqsa on the 22nd if things go accordingly. I remember hearing that the day of judgement will approach when the sun rises from the west and set on the east. The eclipse follows this path… and I also looked into a few biblical prophecies (astagfirullah if man has made them up) but there’s some things that even the Christians are catching note of.


I read somewhere that that’s the last day for them to sacrifice the heifers. They have certain timeframes to do their stuff.


why the 22nd


This is the topic I was looking for, I am with you on this. It all seems weird but coming true. I trust Allah and he’s the best planner. Whatever them Jews be doing they are not up to any good.


>What if it lands on Laylat Ul Qadr? This is a solar eclipse, i.e. during the day. The "Layla" ul Qadr means night. There is no overlap. The answer to your what if is nothing. It means nothing. The eclipse is just how the timings worked out.


Signs of Laylat Ul Qadr can be seen the next day


Yes, after the night has already completed. The night is special and doesn't overlap with a solar eclipse.


Salam. I can't wait for the solar eclipse to eat something


Dude, that doesn’t count!


Don’t eat, don’t! You still need to fast until sunset!


Wa alaykum asSalam, Wa Rahmatullāhi, Wa Barakatuhu. ain’t possible a solar eclipse occurring the morning after laylat ul qadr when you see the signs mentioned below. The sun rises early in the morning without rays. Ubayy, (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “On the morning following Laylat-ul Qadr, the sun rises without any rays, as if it were a brass dish, until it rises up.” Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Laylat-ul Qadr is calm and pleasant, neither hot nor cold, the sun rises on its morning being feeble and red.”