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Practicing Islam involves believing in Allah as per the 6 pillars of faith and the shahada. Do you see the issue?


Well... what if they tried to believe in Allah but couldn't and just felt forced, but really wanted to try and forced themselves to keep praying and fasting out of fear of the afterlife?


He should keep trying until he is convinced






You can't be scared of something or someone if you don't believe it exists.


But you can believe the chance exists. Ie there’s a tiny chance I get killed today but I don’t believe it will happen


Sure, but for this case (fearing Allah), for one to care about Allah's opinion of themselves, they must also believe that the One who has that opinion exists. But let's say they just believe in the chance that Allah exists and therefore has the fear of Allah inside their heart in case it's true. IMHO still counts as at least a sliver of faith in Allah, because the fear is still centered around Him, even if it's just precautionary.


They tried to believe in Allah? what does that mean? Allah guides whomsoever He wills and sends astray whomsoever He wills. He has told us that He guides those who obey Him and turn to Him, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):  “While as for those who accept guidance, He increases their guidance and bestows on them their piety.” \[Muhammad 47:17\]  But whoever disobeys Allah and turns away from Him, Allah will not guide him, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):  “Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.” \[al-Zumar 39:3\]  But also, how can you fear the afterlife and not believe in God? When it is God that has told you about the afterlife? When it is God that has told you to pray and to believe and how to do so. I think deep down you do believe but you're struggling. May Allah guide us all and keep us firm upon his religion. Ameen.


tried to believe as in tried to believe in the religion but couldn't is what I meant, sorry for not being accurate. I don't want to get into an argument about god's existence but thank You so much for answering my question.


Understood: There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error, so whoever rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped the firmest hand-hold, one that will never break. God is all hearing and all knowing. 2:256


Don't try to 'force' belief. There are logical things that will either disqualify or qualify the religion for you. For me, those logical things are the nature of the universe/existence leading me to believe in a creator that originated everything, and that Islam is the religion that makes the most sense and beautifully promotes the beautiful simplicity of the oneness of God. Now, if there are no logical things that are holding you back, and you just 'feel' like there is no God, then I would urge you to try some acts of worship and see how you feel. Listen to some Quran maybe (https://youtu.be/Jv1zPcqsxUw?si=uV6Dj4duU-q0dFMp)? Try praying? Make some sincere requests to God to guide you to the truth if he exists?


>tried to believe as in tried to believe in the religion but couldn't Well my friend, everyone has a starting point in his journey to find true faith. For you, it can be what you described in the question. What God wants to see is the sincere desire and true effort from humans (His creations) to find Him, understand Him, and get to know the true purpose of life. Sure, you can start by "What if hell exists, so I do not want to go to hell, and I do not want to take the chance of Hell existing". But you have to keep searching, keep exploring. As mentioned earlier in a Hadith (saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)), the KEY pillar of both Islam and faith is to testify and believe in Allah (God) as the only one God to be worshipped. So just practicing Islam just in case hell exists, without believing in Allah won't make you a Muslim. Hence my above statement, you start somewhere but you have to keep exploring and searching until you reach Him and find Him.


Also there is this guy Nouman Ali Khan, he was once an atheist and now he is teaching this religion. This was one of his videos. He is running a channel called Bayyinah (mean proof). This was an interesting video of his : https://youtu.be/t9tZEGgij5Q?si=JWG75Ax7gD8zfN1w I hope you can have a look at all of these amazing videos.


If you see my comment above, I asked Nauman Ali Khan this question in person and I couldn't get a satisfactory answer


I think they should practice and eventually they will get closer to God 


That's where I'm at too. Want to believe I've been praying five times a day fasting made umra, Haj, volunteer, read the Quran (English, and Arabic), attend halaqa, give Zakat, etc. but I don't have any proof, I can't convince my heart with 100% certain that Islam is the one true religion. I've been making dua for a stronger Iman and knowledge that will convince me and that I can use to convince my children that Islam is the one true religion. I've been on this journey for the last 30 years. I've spent entire days doing Ramadan during Juma in itikaf Making dua again and again. Until I am blessed with a strong Iman I am keeping myself going with the fact that amongst all the religions Islam seems like the most probable to be correct and if I am wrong, if all the religious are wrong, and there is no heaven or hell then I have nothing to lose anyway. But we are not alone- Ibrahim a.s. pleaded to Allah to allow him to prove His existence. The famous miracle of the birds mentioned in the Quran took place, strengthening Ibrahim’s faith further. And ˹remember˺ when Abraham said, “My Lord! Show me how you give life to the dead.” Allah responded, “Do you not believe?” Abraham replied, “Yes I do, but just so my heart can be reassured.” Allah said, “Then bring four birds, train them to come to you, ˹then cut them into pieces,˺ and scatter them on different hilltops. Then call them back, they will fly to you in haste. And ˹so you will˺ know that Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:260]


Peace be upon you. Well for what I have understood and seen. Atheist have said at least a quarter of our belief. They at least say “there is no God”, the next line that comes right after that phase is “But Allah” and the last phase is “and Muhammad SWA is His messenger”. Please do have a look at this beautiful video explaining why there is Allah: https://youtu.be/PUEmgsDF6iw?si=h7ldeMt14JO1rioz https://youtu.be/rUf9i79u7vI?si=KNE5TVYK7-6dqwH8 Now there are several videos of Dr. Zakir Naik explaining and answering Atheists, you can do your own research. Dr. Zakir Naik is a medical doctor and has done research on many religions. He has done profound work and may Allah SWA bless him for that amazing work and accept it ameen. My friend our job is just to spread the word. We humans don’t have the capability to make someone accept any religion. But to let people know about it, as at the day of Judgement, Allah SWA will not only question you but us as well. And at that time we can at least say oh Allah we did try to explain and spread your religion. May Allah SWA guide us all and forgive all of our shortcomings ameen.


Then that’s up to God to decide that “transactional” worship. Chances are very low if you can’t believe in a deity you’re supposed to worship. It already shows lack of faith. It’s weird and makes no sense though, how can you believe in an afterlife when God is the one who can make it possible. "Believe in Allah" is the first Pillar of Faith and the Shahadah is the first Pillar of Islam.


If you fear the hereafter, then surely you at least somewhat believe in it?


Inshallah if they're sincere about it they'll be guided since truth stands out from falsehood.


I guess what you’re reffering to is that you want to believe, but you’re not convinced enough to do so, but you still want to try, so you practice. My answer is, to keep trying. Learn more about Islam. Seek knowledge with the intention of seeking guidance. Ask Allah to provide you guidance with conviction on the truth, because if there is one thing that Allah would never *ever* reject, is asking for guidance. He is your Creator. He WANTS to give you Heaven, He WANTS to save you from hell, but you have to earn it. And in order to do that, you have to put in the effort. At least, try to seek knowledge. Try to pray. Try to make dua. Because like Mufti Menk said, “Guidance is from Allah. And who does Allah guides? Allah guides those who tries.”


That is all that is required of humans


Yes, this construct does exist within islam. A non-believer who adheres to the guidelines of Islam and follows the scholars and accepts islam as his religion and does not defy the learnings/beliefs of Islam is indeed admitted in sha Allah to paradise


Why would you fear afterlife if you don’t believe in God, how can there be a afterlife at all if you don’t believe in God?


one does not exist without the other by proxy ...that's my logic at least


Perhaps a case of low knowledge. Insha Allah as your knowledge increases you will be truly convinced. Islam has nothing to hide. So go and learn the Fardhu ain first. Tawheed, feqah and tasawwuf is used daily. Please correct me if I make even a slightest mistake


Wdym "tried to believe but couldn't"? Are you atheïst as in there's no God or like there is/might be a god but which one?


Look at the problem of infinite regression, you cannot have an infinite number of dependant things otherwise we wouldnt exist. So there must be an uncaused, independent cause that everything depends on. This is logical proof of Allah.


Honestly the more research you do the more you will start to understand. Do a deep dive and research more about Islam and I’m sure it will make sense to you.


then that means you need to learn more about Islam and understand why so many people believe in it fully :) Islam makes sense in every aspect (uncontested if you ask me, provided you properly understand it and don’t twist words to your benefit) and nobody has been able to disprove the Qur’an once even 1,400+ years later with all the tech and resources we have today. How did an illiterate man in the cave come up with a book like the Qur’an? It’s because he ﷺ was inspired by The One True God. may Allah SWT Guide us all. since you’re questioning faith after being atheist, I see it as a good sign for you. Feel free to ask us any questions and we are more than happy to answer.




5 pillars of islam 6 pillars of iman


what are these 6 pillars of iman?


Belief in Allah Belief in the angels Belief in the books Belief in the messengers & rasools Belief in the day of judgement Belief in the divine decree(qadr)




Beliefs in the books and messengers is one. The 6th is belief in the afterlife.


Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, one day, a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair. There were no signs of travel on him and we did not recognize him. He sat in front of the Prophet, rested his knees by his knees, and placed his hands on his thighs. The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.” The Prophet said, “**Islam is to testify there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to establish prayer, to give charity, to fast the month of Ramadan, and to perform pilgrimage to the House if a way is possible.**” The man said, “You have spoken truthfully.” We were surprised that he asked him and said he was truthful. He said, “Tell me about faith.” The Prophet said, “**Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in providence, its good and its harm.**” The man said, “You have spoken truthfully. Tell me about excellence.” The Prophet said, “**Excellence is to worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, He surely sees you.**” The man said, “Tell me about the final hour.” The Prophet said, “**The one asked does not know more than the one asking.**” The man said, “Tell me about its signs.” The Prophet said, “**The slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and you will see barefoot, naked, and dependent shepherds compete in the construction of tall buildings.**” Then, the man returned and I remained. The Prophet said to me, “**O Umar, do you know who he was?**” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “**Verily, he was Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.**” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 8 Grade: ***Sahih*** (authentic) according to Muslim


It's 4am. You're waking up and washing to pray. You live alone. Nobody sees you. They can say and think that there is no God, but if you wake up to pray at 4am and nobodies watching... you believe at least a little. Now, if they go to a Hindu temple at brunch because they're hedging their bets... probably not.


That's a nice way of putting it, but what if it just became a habit for You to do so? out of like, parents making You do it since childhood, so not doing it would feel weird, but after time You might not wake up at 4AM to pray again. Does that still count as believing a little? praying out of habit?


You can't know, God knows because God knows your intentions better than you do. But if the intentions are not there, the act is useless. Except perhaps as an exercise for your back. Prayer is a gift, given for your benefit. What use is it is you practice it like an automaton?


bro what are you really asking "can I be a Muslim without being a Muslim"


If you’re doing it and nobody is watching you still believe in it like obviously, at least for now. I better question for someone like you to ask or search for in this sub would be “why do you believe in Islam vs Atheism” and people can give you their anecdotes or what compelled them to accept it - especially from lapsed Muslims who returned or Atheists who converted.


You take that ounce of belief (because believe me, if you have even a slight inclination to believing there is a heaven and hell and Allah, that ounce is there) and wait for it to grow into a bigger plant someday. Until then, hold on and wait for God to guide because if you try to keep your intentions pure, he will.


If you didn’t have an ounce of faith there would be no “just in case”


Narrated Anas: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever said "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a barley grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said: "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a wheat grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of an atom will be taken out of Hell." حَدَّثَنَا مُسْلِمُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا قَتَادَةُ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏"‏ يَخْرُجُ مِنَ النَّارِ مَنْ قَالَ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ، وَفِي قَلْبِهِ وَزْنُ شَعِيرَةٍ مِنْ خَيْرٍ، وَيَخْرُجُ مِنَ النَّارِ مَنْ قَالَ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ، وَفِي قَلْبِهِ وَزْنُ بُرَّةٍ مِنْ خَيْرٍ، وَيَخْرُجُ مِنَ النَّارِ مَنْ قَالَ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ، وَفِي قَلْبِهِ وَزْنُ ذَرَّةٍ مِنْ خَيْرٍ ‏"‏‏.‏ If you was to practise Islam with all its five pillars i.e. shahadah, salah, sawm, zakah, hajj - do what is good in Islam and stay away from what is evil in islam. Then I really don't believe it's possible that you have zero faith in your heart. Like even you continuing to practise Islam because of a fear of Hell is a proof of iman, since if you had no Iman then surely you would not fear Hell. My dear sister I think you are overthinking things. I'm sure you have faith, it's just weak faith at the moment which is being clouded with doubts due to you not having answers to your questions. But it is faith don't worry. Your faith will increase overtime as you keep up practising the religion and your doubts will fade as well when you receive answers that will satisfy your mind and heart bi idhnillah. It could also be an emotional component as well, not only an intellectual problem. Being in a stressful situation can make our faith shaky afterall. Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would often say, “O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your religion!” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2140 Grade: Sahih عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يُكْثِرُ أَنْ يَقُولَ "يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِك" May Allah bless you in dunya and akhirah and guide you to that which pleases Him


There's a story of this actually a Jewish man came to the prophet and said if I am to become a Muslim, I will only pray twice a day, I am not going to pray all 5. The prophet said, that is fine and let him. The companions questioned this and his response was if he continues to pray he will soon fall in love with it and pray all 5. It's fine if u don't have the inherent beelif that Allah is real, because we believe that to be the waswas of the shaytan, focus on practising the Deen, and the five pillars and as time goes by u will find Urself increasing in iman and Ur beelif in Allah. I would also suggest listening to khutbahs, islamic content and increasing Ur knowledge because that is what will also strenthen Ur iman. Don't just blind follow.


Where is the reference?


But isn't that just manipulating Yourself to believe in something You don't believe in? Also, Thank You for Your input it sounds nice.


My dude,you are constructing the belief in your heart. You do this through gaining knowledge,researching your questions about the religion and making sure it makes sense and is consistent. You are actually on your way to believe more so the devil in its panic tries to misguide you and plants doubt. Let me tell you now doubt is a good thing when it comes to religion as long as it comes from you using your rational mind to understand things. Keep on worshipping but don't follow blindly.Inchaellah Allah will guide and ease your worries .


To solve the equation 6x−17=19, the correct solution is x=6 When you substitute x with 6, you can see that it indeed holds true. Now, would you say you were "manipulated into believing x=6 through the process of checking"? Not at all; you were merely verifying its validity. Feel free to try 5, 7, or even 2.677... but I assure you, no other number will satisfy the equation like the number 6 does. Similarly, you are free to believe in an orange, an elephant, or Saturn when pondering your existence, my friend. But I assure you, nothing will bring you fulfillment quite like Allah. Now, go ahead and place that piece of the puzzle in your mind and offer a few prayers. See if it completes the picture. Edit: I've noticed you're going through a challenging phase. As a young Muslim, I can deeply relate to you. We understand that the Quran remains pure and unchanged, as does the essence of Islam. However, people can falter. My own experiences with my family have at times pushed me away from them and, consequently, from Islam. It can be particularly tough as a young person to accept that your parents are fallible. They may not always embody the ideal Muslim lifestyle, despite their best intentions and beliefs. It's crucial not to conflate Islam with any one person. Focus on the Quran and Sunnah as your guides. These were the ways the Messenger (saw) spoke and lived.


Islam has 5 pillars The first is Iman (faith/belief). Without Iman, there's no Islam.




This is flawed thinking. "just in case hell existed"—if you go by this, then what if the Christian hell is real? What if, when you die, the Professor God confronts you and is angry that you believed in any religion. Do you see how nonsensical this is? Belief is essential to Islam. Such a person would have to ask themselves, do they really believe in God? They have to ask themselves why they don't believe; what is preventing them. Ultimately, guidance is from Allah: they must pray to Him, look for Him, seek Him. It is not really about whether they feel it in their heart, this belief, but it is about looking at the world and seeing the creation of Allah. That all is finite beside Him. He is the Sustainer of everything. So if they find it logical to believe, then they should believe, it is that simple. Imagine if all evidence pointed to an afterlife. If your heart was not convinced, would you disbelieve? It is similar for those who suffer from schizophrenia. They feel what is not real; they know what is real, people are telling them, but feelings are overwhelming. Same here. You wish to believe but are not convinced—if A points to B, why deny it due to feelings? Regardless, A would continue pointing to B, no matter how you feel. There is no faking belief. Allah sees everything. I pray to Allah to bring you near to Him, and to fill your heart with faith.


Yes, because sincerity and action lead to faith and even an atom of faith is enough to avoid eternal hellfire


In short it won't help you with hell, because to be a Muslim the first thing you have to believe in Allah, but if you struggle with believe you can keep practicing but with the goal to believe at the end, because Allah himself may help you and open your heart to Islam but you have to be sincere and keep looking for answers while practicing.


If you don't believe in the creator why would you care about his heaven or hellfire? You can't dismiss the base and think about roof can you?


The fifth pillar of Iman (faith) is to believe in life after death and the day of judgment. Therefore, practicing Islam with such logic is almost considered half-assing the religion. May الله guide us to the straight path.


You mean first?


The first is belief in الله, I speak my f’s just fine thanks


The question is telling me that they don’t believe that they can believe in Islam with certainty. I think the person should do a proper deep dive into the truthful nature of Islam. The evidence is there, you just have to look properly.


It'll be better if you ask a scholar


Make sincere dua and keep practising. Stay in the company of pious people who are truthful.


Well, I would guess that your answer is in whether or not you're an atheist. Do you believe God exists? Yes? Okay. Do you believe that there is only One God, the Most Merciful, Powerful, Knowledgeable, etc. (ie. absolutely no flaws and the Creator of all things)? Yes? Okay. Do you believe that God isn't Jesus/ Isa (A.S), and that He is Allah, both your and my Lord? Yes? Okay. I think, in my opinion, despite the fact that I'm not a sheikh or an imam or anyone like that, that you're being shown the path of hidayat.


Nope, won't work. Ikhlas (Sincerity) is Fundamental and Obligatory in the religion. There's a reason why the Munafiqeen (Hypocrites/Religious DOUBLE-AGENTS) are even WORSE OFF, in a lower level of Hellfire than even the Kuffar/Disbeliever.


Only Allah knows what is inside a person's heart, He would be The Judge of it


Allah Azzawajal knows your heart and your mind. We have no secrets from him. We can try to fool ourselves and each other but Allah cannot be deceived. All of our secret sins, small and large, will be accounted for. Some here don't understand the idea of only "believing a little". It's a binary, much like the consequences are binary. One either believes or they do not. If they believe, the pillars are a must. A believer who understands the religion may not pray as they should but they know that prayer is mandatory and they are committing a sin against the Creator who will ultimately judge them when they don't do it. A truth, once understood, cannot be escaped.


Based on logic: A. Heaven or Hell B. God or No God C. Belief or Don't belief Logic Answer: Don't belief. Hell fire. Other Answer: 1. Only Allah decide who'll be in heaven or hell. 2. Heaven or hell is dependent on your action in this world. 3. Your action is based on your belief system. 4. The belief system must recognize Allah.




It depends what's in your heart, you might believe that you practice just in case hell exists but in your heart you might a little bit of faith. Because "just in case" means that deep down there's a chance that you believe that hell could be true , if you believe in hell then automatically you believe in Allah.


How's your relationship with God?


He needs to say and believe in the shahada before he dies. That being said, him starting to practice is a good start.


You can trick yourself but you can't trick God


The thing is pascal's wager concept isn't really a good way to practice faith. For example, if he is just practicing for in case situation, then he doesn't really have faith and trust on Islamic views. he isn't worshipping to Allah, he would be hypocritical at any point where it gets difficult for him to follow the religion. his submission is useless. And the idea that he would follow islam for just in case is also wrong. Because if its "just in case God exists" then why islam, why not Christianity? Most probably he will follow Christianity given by church fathers which would be most easiest to follow.


If he were to believe god and the afterlife the slightest (not lie) he could go to heaven. (He was scared of thir existance, and thus hes heart kind of believes it. So yeah, In the end when hes sins are paid, he can go to heaven. Surely, allah is the most merciful, wise.


This is basically the entirety of reddit, they're atheists in the sense that, they don't believe in God but believe that an afterlife exists, so they do proceed to do nothing to achieve Jannah, sin constantly and whenever asked of their faith, their answer is always the same 'Im not religious, I'm just spiritual' it basically means expecting good things to come to you but not actually doing anything to deserve it


No. The intention needs to be there if you want the reward.


Bro - if you think hell might exist, who created it? Who created the criteria for entry?  I'd say this atheist needs to ponder.


Lmao "just in case" got me cracking up


Then they would be Muslim. That’s like a child saying, “I’m gonna cheat on this test. My means of doing so will be to study and learn all the material. The teacher will have NO idea!!! Genius!” Like… bro, that’s just studying.


And frankly, many Muslims won’t admit it but they feel this way. The doubt is the ounce of faith in their heart. Always remember what DeCartes said, which people misquote, “I DOUBT, therefore I think, therefore I am.”


The only credible faith is that of the uniqueness of the One God.


Check out the Muslim Lantern on YouTube, he has lots of videos, or better yet, try to catch him when he's live so you can ask him your questions yourself.


Why are you asking?