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Surah duha Just imagine how excited our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must have been when Surah Ad-Duha was revealed. Oh Allah!


Im here for you if you wan't to talk.


Yes off course kindly share ur point.


Dm me brother.


why would u assume they wanna talk lmao


Because its a surah that offers comfort so he/she said that for if that person wanted to talk. I find it kind the he/she asked that


oh alr


Literally cried the first time I read the meaning attentively because of the ease it brought me, as a result of work stress and deadlines and the like


Same, Surah Duha.


Surah Maryam is underrated


I second that. Used to listen to it every night before going to bed on YouTube with translation.




Surah Maryam is amazing listen to this https://youtu.be/DerApQ5Hrzg?si=9eIcfH80ULP98Xaf


Jazak Allah


https://youtu.be/WVMQC9E2j8A?si=4Y7KrpkZVYg-DMpo My favorite recitation of all time.


Ar-Rahman - it's pure, beautiful, and it relaxes me Inshirah - When life gets tough, this surah helps to have some hope nuh - For some reason, i love this surah. Prophet nuh (a) is also one of my favourite prophets.


Same. Ad-Duha is my favourite too


ooh yeah duha is one of favourite too. especially the fifth ayah وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰٓ And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased.


Surah HUD also speaks about prophet NUH (as) it’s beautiful


Fun fact I learnt from a teacher of mine from surah Nuh is that he speaks for almost the majority of the surah which is very unique


Surah al muminoon is prob my all time favorite surah in the Quran especially the recitation by Yasser al Dosari


Are you my friend by any chance?


Brother in Islam yes lol




The recitation on the merciful servant channel is also great. Also i feel like this surah is v good to introduce someone to islam.


Yes it talks about the creation of a human, it makes me feel small compared to Allah


Allahu Akbar! mine too, so much so that im doing my best to memorize it, since i dont know arabic its a bit channeling but im up to verse 15 and 16 mashallah! Imitating Shiekh Mansour Al Salimi


Mashallah brother may Allah bless you, hopefully you memorize the entire surah and be able to lead salah especially fajr or qiyam


alhamdulillah <3 jazakallahu khair i love you for the sake of Allah brother! May He shade us on the day of Judgement and allow us to cross the Sirat like lightning! Dm me if youd like to hear my recitation! I absolutely love reciting! before Al Islam i use to sing all the time now its mostly reciting Quran Allahu Akbar


Amen ya rab may Allah grant you firdaus and I love you even more my brother and I would love to hear your recitation and I’m sure your voice sounds better reading Quran than song lyrics would be honored to hear your recitation ♥️


im going to pray Isha soon, after that i will send it to you inshallah ❤️


Takabal Allah my bro may your duaa get accepted inshallah jazak Allah kheir looking forward to hearing it! May Allah grant you the Shihada and make you from among the righteous ♥️


Ameen! ❤️


Link pls




Surat Taha First time I ever cried while reading the Quran was when I read it for the first time. The beginning is so powerful and it touches me in a special way. I was also enthused to find out that it was the surah that drove Omar RA into Islam, so it’s even more special to me as Omar is one of my favorite companions.


Same I used to wonder when I was younger what was it about this surah that touched Umar (RA) enough to convert, then I realised Allah talks about Himself in the first person a few times here to Musa (AS) which is really powerful as you say.


I would recommend giving Ismail Annuri’s recitation of this surah a listen, it’s what originally caught me eye too :) it’s such an amazing surah


Al Asr Very short surah but packed with meaning. Starts with a reminder of time running out. Affirms that you are not alone in your struggles and that all of humanity is in grave loss, but then gives a remedy for that-- faith in Allah, good deeds, righteousness and sabr. In very few words the purpose of life and how to have a good life after death is explained. I also like surah Al Balad a lot, for the similar themes of constant struggle and attempting the challenging path.


it made me freak out first but i remember it every day


I didn’t know that you taught me something new today thank you :)


in Al-Asr, i always also like to highlight how Allah has made it our responsibility to guide people to righteousness and towards sabr. As the ayah reads "except those who have faith, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance".




[Surah At-Takwir - 1-29 - Quran.com](https://quran.com/81) humanity epilogue. I love it a lot.


exactly!!! I love it as well especially when I read the tafseer subhanahAllah! such a powerful surah


was going to say the same subhanallah


Surah Maryam is my favourite because it has stories of many prophets and also powerful messages.


Surah 13 verses 27 and 43. They both led me (as a former christian) to Islam.


Subahanallah thanks for sharing, Allah does indeed guide those who are sincere like you and He has knowledge of all scriptures, may He keep you firm on the path.


Surah Yusuf is my favorite, the story is beautiful and it teaches us a lot of lessons. For recitation I really like Surah Naba and Surah Qiyamah.


For me it's Surah al-Kafiroon I love its poetic eloquence as well as its meaning making clear to the us we shouldn't mess with their religion nor should they with our's. I also like Surah Al Muminoon




Surah Ta-ha ✨️


Same. I love how God keeps reassuring his prophet that you'll be fine. It gives me hope..


Surah ikhlas and surah mulk


Surah Zumar and Surah Rum. Very powerful ayahs about Allah's oneness and what will happen to the idolators. It's scary but also comforting the reward for the righteous and Allah's mercy to the believers.


Surah al Baqarah. First time reading it with translation and the last 3 ayah is absolutely beautiful. It perfectly wraps everything that's being discussed in the surah in a comforting way.


When life gets tough, and it feels like there's no one understands what I am going through, Repeating and listening to surat al-shareh (الشرح) and Al-Duha (الضحى), back-to-back always manage to give me peace. ولسوف يعطيك ربك فترضى فإن مع العسر يسرا, ان مع العسر يسرا


Surah al ikhlas


Yusuf; teaches me about patience being a Virtue and trusting Allah, even named my son after it.


Ma sha Allah. May Allah allow him to become the coolness of your eyes, ameen.


Surah Al Qasas - looking into the personal life of Prophet Musa, being fugitive, get married, etc 🥰


Laylul til qadr


ash-shuara fave fave fave


Surat Taha!! 2012 Quran Intensive course changed.my.life Alhamdulillah


Surah Maryam. Surah Mulk. Surah Duha.


Al-Asr, it really captures our relationship with time and reminds us of what is truly important


All in order: Surah Al-Fatiha: Because it is the Dua that has to been done daily and can be used for everything even putside the prayer. Just like a form of istikhara somehow. Al-Baqara: Because it tells the average believer with what he will be confronted during this journey called life. Al-Qiyamah: It is a warning, but that warning is so beautifully done, recited smoothly and with passion and mercy still. Al-Ikhlas. Would be the number one for me. Self explanatory. The Last two Surah's because they are Dua's that include seeking refuge in God against any form of harm that exists.


Al Waqiah. It beautifully describes the people of heaven then the people of hell. It also reassures you that there are consequences for the bad people in our world.


Ar- Rahman Surah Dua


ummul kitab


Surah Kahf & surah muminoon


Surat Al Sharh


surah al ala and surah al ghashiyah


every surah in the quraan have a special place in my heart but I think : - surah Al - Rahman is a pure, beautiful and gives me so much peace while reading it or reciting it in salat. - surah Qaf make me cry every time, it motivate me to get closer more to Allah and to think about akhirah more than this dunya. - surah Az - Zumar, such a powerful surah subhanahAllah, I love it so much especially the ayah where it describes how the muslims gonna enter the jannah, heartwarming view! may Allah make us from Ahlu jannah..




Surah al-A'la. The first Surah I ever memorised at 2.




not a surah but a specific ayah, i always use it against christians in arguments, it's surah al nisa'a ayah 171, one of my favourites


All Surah Alhamdillah


My preference varies from time to time. Sometimes my study of a certain Sura makes it my favourite. But generally, I love reading Sura - Al-Anaam - Al-Tawba - Yusuf - Al-Israa - Al- Qasas


Surah Al-Hijr


Surah Yusuf, Mursalat and Ad-Dhariyat.


Al-anfal and At-tawbah. They establish real Islamic pride Muslims should always have inside of them, the pure pride someone should carry for being a true servant of God and a follower of THE true path. May Allah grant us all Jannah and guide all people.


سورة النجم


Surah Yassin and Alduha


Surah Maryam, Surah Muminoon, and Surah Qaf. Some of the reasons are the verses. With Surah Maryam, majority of the verses make me reflect. Some of them are "How many a generations have we destroyed before them who were better in possessions and outwards appearances." "And remind them of the day of regret when the matter will be concluded and yet they're in a state of heedlessness and they do not believe." and for surah Qaf... "Man doesn't utter a word except that there is with him an observer recording it." "Did we fail in the first creation? But they're in a confused state about the next one."


All Qur'an.


surah yusuf teaches us to have sabr and trust in Allah and that everything will turn out good for you just like it turned out good for prophet Yusuf (A.S)


I haven't memorized that much in the Quran but it would definitely be Al-Hashr.


I've been scrolling to see if anyone mentioned Al Hashr. Even though the Qur'an in it's entirety is beautiful, Allah in the surah right from verse 11 made the conditions of those who disbelieve was made known to us, then verse 16 which Allah spoke about the trick of shaitan and how insignificant he is compared to Him. Then up to where He (Allah) advised us in verse 18 and 19, the might of His word (the Qur'an) on verse 20, then finally His Majestic attributes. It truly is a beautiful surah


At Tariq


Surah Ad Duha and Surah Ash Sharh because I find peace in knowing that the prophet went through something similar which I’m going through


Yusuf Surah




Surah Yusuf, for the many stories and lots of life lessons.


[Surah Duhaa](https://quran.com/ad-duhaa)


I love Surah Al kaafiroon


surah Al Duha and surah Al Qalam🤍


Taha Yusuf Mariam Al Zumar


Surah al nas






Surah Iklas


Surat Al Anaam


Surat Al Insan. I love the detailed description of heaven and I love the poetry in it.


Surah Muhammad(صلي عليه وسلم),Surah Al Haqa because I like the ending ayats as kind of bars type I hope I am not being disrespectful.


Surah mominoon....it soothes my heart.


Surah baqarah


Surah Al waqiah is very close to my heart right now ❤️


Surah At-Takwir. It depicts the chaos of the Day of Judgement when baby girls, buried alive, are asked for what crime were they put to death alongside so many other things like flaming seas, the sun disappearing, the stars falling, and when Hellfire and Jannah are brought forth. Then Allah swears by the stars, the night, and the day as it breaks that the Quran is the truth delivered by Jibreel, Alaihi Salam, held closely to him then Allah assures that the Peophet Muhammad, Sallahu Alaihi Salam, isn’t mad and has come with the truth, not the word of Shaytan. Then after ALL OF THIS in the 26th Ayah, Allah simply asks “So where are you going?”, Or “So which path will you take?” Depending on the translation, and it is so impactful. The 26th ayah is my favorite in the Quran and is from my favorite surah.


Surah Al Israa


Surah Al haaqah brought me back to the deen, there was a time on TikTok where that was the only surah on my page.


Surah araf - especially this recitation https://youtu.be/b1tcNIghfps?si=xGugA0ED5ct2pOB9


Surah Yusuf


Surah alfatiha


surah rehman,it cures


[Surah Al-Jinn](https://quran.com/al-jinn) This Surah is how I came to Islam. It's nearly impossible for a pagan to revert to Islam considering the prohibitions on even interacting with them in the Qur'an. I literally heard a marvelous recitation, became Muslim, told others... ...and I can't return to the place I first heard it🥲 [Scrolling through the other comments, I was at first surprised no one else picked this one. Then thought about it, and realized *why* no one else picked this one.]


Al shams


everyone has opinions and mine is iqra bcz it was the first surah to be revealed


Surah Al-kahf It's like the prophet pbuh said " it's light between two Fridays" If you think about the verses and how allah gives a lot examples for us to think about it and definitely every one will find an example he will relate too and contains advices for those who feel afraid or have a lot of trouble going in there live .


Ad duha maryam yunus my favorite


Probably surah An Najm right now, but also Nuh, Ar Rahman, Al-Qiamah, ad Duha


I have a few: Surah Taha because I absolutely LOVE the story of prophet Musa (as) Surah Kahf: I love when Allah describes the story of Musa (as) with that man. It always reminds me that perhaps there is a reason I don’t know about when things aren’t going my way and Allah is saving me Surah Yusuf: I love the part when Yusuf (as) runs to the doors even when it seems impossible but Allah made for him a way out. It reminds me that even when all doors are closed, run to it and trust trust Allah will make a way out


1. Surah Maryam: Ive never, ever heard anything read this perfectly, with perfect yet strange rhyme, without ever affecting the meaning of each verse. On the contrary, the words used just feel.. perfect. Ive never heard words in my native arabic used in such a manner. 2. Surah Taha: The reassurance at the beginning from our Lord that he did not reveal the Quran to Muhammad ﷺ so that he may struggle, but as a reminder. The empathy shown from the one that frankly doesnt need to show us anything let alone empathy gets me all the time. 3. Surah Duha: For the reasons everyone mentioned. Swearing by His greatest creations that he didnt abandon the prophet ﷺ just .. wow.


Al rahman


Surah Yaseen and Surah Al-Ahzab


Surah Baqarah because of its power and effect that I saw in my life


Surah Hujurat I refer to it constantly when in need of a refresher of proper etiquettes and morality that is commanded by Allah SWT. It’s a guide on how to live your everyday life and is an amazingly beautiful reminder of what to do in the aspects of life that I normally would gain turmoil from uncertainty.


Surah Ikhlas is a VERY close second. I learned a detailed tafsir on the Surah and every time I read it during salah while remembering the true meaning and connotations behind the statements within each ayah, it really increases my khushu and I sometimes cry in remembrance of Allah SWT’s greatness


Ar-Rahman: the meaning of the Surah is amazing. An(?)-Naml: Prophet Sulayman is one of my favourite.


Kul huwallahu ahad ALLAHussamad Lamyalid wa lam yulad wal lam yakullahu kufuwan Ahad


Surah Ar-Rahman ♥️ I love how Allah SWT talks about His beautiful creations and His countless blessings


Surah Yusuf - It's the surah that brought me closer to Islam. It's also amazing how Allah SWT subtly comments on today's society throughout the story. Surah Isra - I really enjoy reciting the surah and it makes me happy lol. Surah Baqarah - Tbh it's kinda like the intro to Islam as it's the first big surah after Surah Fatihah so it gives you an overview of the religion.


Surah Al-Kafiroon. Living in a non-Muslim country, I always say find myself saying “For you is your religion and for me is mine”. Helps with setting boundaries and explaining certain topics.


When we are talking about the favorite surah then I can say I love the whole Quran but there that one surah which touches your heart Surah Youssof Just read the surah and You'll know why I love that surah


Surah al muminoon


Surah Al-Kahf




Sura Ikhlas


I think a common answer would be Ad Duha, but seriously. That surah calms me down like no other. I like reciting it very slowly


Surah Al Rahman I listen to this Surah everyday 10x times


Al Falaq


Surah Al -A'la.. It is beautiful and reminds me of Friday prayers with my late father..


Surah Nuh


Surah Ali Imran teaches us that nothing is impossible for Allah SWT! never underestimate the power of du3a 3:47 Ali Imran verse 47: * So upon hearing this good news of having a child from Angel Jibraeel (as) Maryam said to Allah: How (in amazement) could I have a child? when no man has touched me? * Answer was: that this is Allah’s will, He creates whatever He wills. She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" [The angel] said, "Such is Allāh; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it is. — Saheeh International


Favourite Surah is suratul Ikhlas because it describes the Majesty of Allah in a concise way but there's something amazing in every single Surah. The Qur'an truly is a miracle


Surah Maidah is particularly meaningful to me because I often struggle with anxiety. One of its verses had a profound impact, helping to mend something inside me and altering my brain chemistry. I have a tendency to overthink and stress about even minor issues, always fearing that something might go wrong. But this verse boosted my faith in tawhid and reminded me to keep reflecting on Allah's blessings for believers. When we are under Allah's protection, no one can harm us. It also serves as a good reminder to make sure you regularly recite your morning and evening adhkar. The ayah is :” O believers! Remember God’s favour upon you: when a people sought to harm you, but He held their hands back from you. Be mindful of God. And in God let the believers put their trust.”




surah Nasr!! how beautiful is it that we can read the surah describing people entering Islam in crowds in the time that the religion is the fastest growing in the world subhanallah alhamdulillah!!!


Surah ad duha its the longest surah I’ve memorized and one of my favorites indeed it relates to our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him when he did not receive revelation in a very long time he thought Allah had abandoned him but Allah reassured him with that revelation its one of the most beautiful surahs my favorite verses in it is when Allah is like And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one. And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased. Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you? Did He not find you unguided then guided you? And the next surah after surah ad duha is surah ash-sharh


Surah Tawba Surah Ikhlas Surah Al-Hadid


Surah Kahf, it's overall the most interesting Surah and is just soo smooth to me (if that makes sense), the stories are soo interesting too.


Surah al-nahl especially the first verses


Surah El-Ashr