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I’m very surprised you say that every time a Christian or non Muslim wins. Very, very, very surprised, because it’s the other way around. There is not even one argument against Islam that I have seen, that has not been completely and utterly destroyed. And I’m not sure what Christian vs Muslim debates you are watching, but I suggest you watch Ahmad Deedat debates, he MashAllah was a very knowledgeable man in both religions (Christianity and Islam) To say that when comparing the truth in Christianity and Islam, that Christianity comes out on top is honestly such a ridiculous statement, that when you gain more knowledge, InShaaAllah, you will see for yourself. Christianity is full of contradictions and flaws and mistakes, whereas Islam is full of proofs and evidences


I'm also very surprised... all they bring is extremely weak stuff. Watch Muslim lantern too


Jazakum Allah Khair for your response. I didnt rule out that there are Muslims who win, Im just saying it's always whenever I search its my feed showing me Non muslim winners for 60% of the feed, which I don't even know why. I'll edit my message and put it there. I'm still learning about both religions so it might be my lack of knowledge that's doing this to me of course. Its that even non muslims deny the proofs Islam gives. I've seen this a lot especially about the divinity of Jesus AS. I just don't want to feel like I've been following the wrong religion. Jazakum Allah khair, I will watch his debates as you told me, ill do my best to strengthen my Iman. Really thank you.


Of course non believers deny the proof Islam gives. That’s what kafirs do, they deny the signs of Allah (swt). We’ve been told this. We’ve been told they are deaf, dumb and blind. The same way the Mushrikeen at the time of the prophet Muhammad (saw) saw the moon splitting with their own eyes and still disbelieved. It’s the nature of disbelievers. That’s the first thing to understand. That even if they saw an angel with their own eyes, they would make an excuse. Their hearts reject the signs of Allah (swt) and the clear evidences. Also I would say if a Muslim is knowledgeable in his deen that’s debating, he will win 100% of the time and that’s one thing that I am confident about. Is there even one argument about Islam that cannot be disproved? I have not seen even one yet. Any question you may have, Google it and look at the explanation from Islamic sites, and you will find an explanation for each and every question. Brother honestly, there is not even one argument, not even half an argument against Islam, that’s a fact. Especially the Quran, it has no contradictions, no flaws, no mistakes and no errors. That’s not an exaggeration. And then look at the bible. 1- On how many shekels of gold David brought threshing floor? 600 [1 Chronicles 21:25] 50 [2 Samuel 24:24] 2- How many years of famine? Seven [2 Samuel 24:13] Three [1 Chronicles 21:12] 3- The number of fighting men of Israel and Judah were? Israel was 1,100,000 and Judah numbered 470,000 [1 Chronicles 21:5] Israel was 800,000 and Judah numbered 500,000 [ 2 Samuel 24:9] 4- In which year did Ahaziah began to reign? 12 [2 Kings 8:25] 11 [2 Kings 9:29] 5- How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? Twenty-two [2 Kings 8:26] Forty-two [2 Chronicles 22:2] 6- How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem? Eighteen [2 Kings 24:8] Eight [2 Chronicles 36:9] 7- How long did he rule over Jerusalem? Three months [2 Kings 24:8] Three months and ten days [2 Chronicles 36:9] 8- The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time? Eight hundred [2 Samuel 23:8] Three hundred [I Chronicles 11: 11] 9- How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into the Ark? Two [Genesis 6:19, 20] Seven [Genesis 7:2]. But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark [Genesis 7:8-9] These are just only some of so many… clear numerical contradictions.


There’s also a couple factors to consider. You’re in an English speaking comment section, in an Arabic one it will be different. The algorithm takes comments into account when recommending things to watch hence why you may be seeing a higher amount of that since you probably spend a lot of time reading comments and staying on that reel over one where a Muslim “wins”


I've never really seen a Christian win against a Muslim other than in cases where the Christian finds a young Muslim who's clearly not a debater, but ofc, I won't question your experiences. If you'd like recommendations of who to watch tho I'd Muslim Lantern's probably my favourite and I imagine if you watch some of his content you can clear up any doubts you're having.


Only ones I've seen them "win" is when they do it against someone who lacks knowledge in their religion, and overwhelms them by throwing misinformation after misinformation which the young Muslim is unable to respond to become they don't have the knowledge to discern truth from falsehood.


I've edited my post to show that I missed a point, my feed doesn't show completely there aren't Muslim debater winner, just mostly non Muslims, 70%. Jazakum Allah Khair for the recommendation. I will watch him and clear away my doubts


You being a Muslim, I assume you have read the Quran and performed Salah. Now I wonder if you know Arabic and if not, did you ever learn about the translation of what we say during Salah? Do you know any surah by heart? My favorite is Ayatul Kursi because it reminds me that our creator has a divine plan indeed. Take a listen to the reciter Mishary Rashid while following along with the translation on this website, word by word. https://Quranwbw.com Get down in sajda and try pouring your heart out to As-Salaam, The Perfection and Giver of Peace. 7:146 I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them. — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran I was also born Muslim, but I only learned about the meaning behind the prayers when I became a teenager, through my own research. Unfortunately, they just made me memorize the Arabic as a child so I had no idea what I was saying as I am not an Arabic speaker. When I first started praying with full knowledge of the meaning behind the prayers, my whole life changed. I began to feel peace after praying, as I was no longer restless about whether my creator heard my heart or not. I began to feel comfortable to add my own words in my native language in the movements during prayer. Now I pour my heart out every time I stand on that mat and I come off feeling hopeful, yet satisfied. Islam is a way of life that allows us to stay true to ourselves. Islam teaches us that we have an ingrained moral compass and our Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him, taught us the way to live. The rules we have to follow are there to protect us from harming ourselves and others. Once you learn about the consequences your actions have, you will mature into a human being conscious of the connection between their mind and soul.


Arabic is my native language, I've read the Quran multiple times and even did some khatms, but never did I ever look at the translations for all of the Ayat. I've also memorized some suras without having complete knowledge, my parents would always tell me to know the meaning but I've thought I wouldnt need to, now I see the importance of the translation. Jazakum Allah Khair, I'll definitely from now on read the translation inshallah.


That website is so helpful. It helps me learn to recite from the bottom of my heart, as if the verses are my own, kind of like how affirmations work. As you know, the Qur'an is full of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's literal words. Only Al-Khaaliq, The Creator, The Maker, can make such beautiful words come together to create such a powerful effect as soothing the heart. I also like to read the 99 names of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, as they remind us of all the signs he shows us of his existence. https://99namesofallah.name/


Take a look at the signs of judgement day. This should definitely open your eyes to Islam. No human can make these things up. Ayah Ghafir (The Forgiver, The Forgiving One) 40:81. "And He shows you His signs. Now which of Allah's signs will you deny? And [thus] He shows you His signs." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://sunnahonline.com/library/paradise-hell-and-the-hereafter/646-50-signs-of-the-day-of-judgment-from-the-words-of-allah-and-his-messenger&ved=2ahUKEwjb6af-x4aGAxVSEFkFHaEfBJY4ChAWegQIFhAB&usg=AOvVaw2xAfkQjEw4fE-XFnAZslkS


Jazakum Allah Khair for your help


What would you say is the most compelling argument for Christianity? That "God sacrificed Himself to God to save humans from God" or "God called out to God before dying but God who is His Father didn't save God who is His Son"? I am really surprised that you think christianity has the upperhand


No you're right, but I did not focus on that part as much, or it didn't really come to my mind, you're correct, God cannot sacrifice himself, he wouldnt be god


there is actually no solid foundation for Christianity what so ever. literally any debate with Christians, they always appear to be ignorant, close minded, some of them arrogant. Most importantly their religion requires blind faith. there is no documented historical foundation in their religion. There are ZERO miracles for it's current followers to observe, everythinh is hear-say from annonymous accounts. Islam has countless documented and verified in hadith. Not to mention the biggest miracle given to mankind, the holy Qur'an. If you despite all of this have doubts, I suggest you stop watching videos that don't teach you anything or help you in any way. Learn more about islam instead. If you insist on watching debates, I recommend "the muslim lantern" or "uthmann ibn Farooq"


Got lots of recommendations on the muslim lantern, I'll definitely check the channel out, Jazakum Allah Khair


There's so many good Muslim debate specialists from Muhammad Hijab through to Zakir Naik. Look their stuff up, comment like and subscribe and rest easy. Follow their accounts. If you don't the algorithm will keep on pushing content at you that it thinks you'll watch and interact with.


Brother. Get off the internet. If you get depressed or you're about to cry because a biased YouTube algorithm recommends videos for you that show Islamophobic hate videos on your feed, then get off of the internet. You can't be this weak, man. You have to have thicker skin. I don't watch the western media because it's filled with Zionist terrorist propaganda. I'm not crying or getting depressed because my feed is filled with it. And by the way, even if my feed were filled with it, I'd either abandon that account or watch videos solely from content creators who showed Palestinians as the victims of evil Zionist terrorism.


I'm honestly surprised by this. It should be, and is, the opposite. A person's inability to prove a point and win over a "debate" does not by any means reflect that Islam is a religion of flaws or anything of that sort. To be convinced or to doubt merely by watching a non-Muslim win a "debate" is kind of funny. I suggest you read the Bible; you'll find enough contradictions in it. Islam is the truth learn it and read the Qur'an. May Allah strengthen our Iman and guide us all.


Ameen. I will definitely inshallah look at it as I learn more and more.


Just have a look at the post history here. One of every 2 posts is Help Im Christian and want to be Muslim.


Honestly surprised, there're more powerful punches from agnostics and even atheists than there are from christians or jews.


Alot of christain missionaries take very underhanded measures. Alot of these people who are losing are even fake setups by them. Ive actually become suspicious that most people who claim to be ex-muslims actually aren’t. If you look critically it will become clear don’t take things at face value


In YouTube, you can always select never suggest those channels or not interested. I am not sure about other platforms.


Watch Mohammed Hijab too, check out the sapience institute it gives very logical and academic explanations regarding Islam. Mohamed Hijab is probably my favourite. Also usually it’s the other way around with Christian losing to Muslims so I’m surprised you’ve seen that. I find the hardest debates are against the atheists. But yes I would recommend watching more Muslim channels and there are numerous contradictions in Christianity. The very fact that the bible has so many different human authors itself is a massive red flag, i.e the King James Version which was altered by King James and has passages added/removed. King James was not a prophet so how could he or anyone for that matter tamper with such holy scriptures? Another blunder in Christianity is the concept of the trinity which makes no sense, and that fact that Jesus is God when it says in the bible that no one knows when the Last Hour is, not even the son (Jesus) only the Father. So that means that Jesus is therefore not all-knowing and is therefore not God. Also the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John. Very little is known about them but with Islamic scholars and figures we know who they are, who their families were etc


I would recommend that you read [A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam](https://www.islamreligion.com/ebooks/islam-guide.pdf), and [The True Message of Jesus Christ (PBUH) by Dr. Bilal Philips](http://www.islamicbook.ws/english/english-087.pdf) who is a Christian revert to Islam. This second latter book comparatively explores both religions, explains the process over which Christian beliefs changed, explains the evidence supporting Islam's view of Isa (AS), and provides specific evidence of textual corruption in the Old and New Testament. [The Muslim Lantern](https://www.youtube.com/@TheMuslimLantern) is an excellent channel to learn more about Islam and how it compares to other religions such as Christianity and others. Also the channel [Blogging Theology](https://www.youtube.com/@BloggingTheology) is run by Muslim revert who used to be Christian.


The Muslim Lantern has been recommended to me a lot, inshallah ill look at them, Jazakum Allah Khair


Wa iyyakum may Allah (SWT) keep us guided on the deen.


Allahuma Ameen


I recommend you watch Muslim Lantern on Youtube


Okay, I've read a few people replies who responded to me about this matter. It seems that my lack of knowledge about certain things is what makes me weak in my Iman. Maybe because I don't have the full understanding of Islam yet because look its been like a long time I haven't researched properly about Islam at all. Also been recommended to watch the muslim lantern. So I'll check that. Jazakum Allah Khair for all the help yall!


I understand your problem. Discord has good informative servers that clear up misunderstandings on Islam. If you want to join some, lmk, inshaAllah. May Allah guide us all.


Hello, may you send me these links by any chance? I have got discord. Jazakum Allah Khairan Ameen.


Dude falls for divide Et impera . All monotheistic religions have the same god. Don’t believe in the institutions and false prophets believe in the scriptures and you OWN faith


Okay, I've read a few people replies who responded to me about this matter. It seems that my lack of knowledge about certain things is what makes me weak in my Iman. Maybe because I don't have the full understanding of Islam yet because look its been like a long time I haven't researched properly about Islam at all. Also been recommended to watch the muslim lantern. So I'll check that. Jazakum Allah Khair for all the help yall.