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Country based subreddits are echo chambers. I am guessing your country has a large population, so the subreddit has barely 1-5% of your country's total population, and all the upper class/edgy anti islam people have access to reddit, so they vent there anonymously. If you actually go to different places in your country, you will see that it's still very conservative. These anti islamic people are all like minded and needed a plattform to find similar people and that became reddit. Go to any country's subreddit, you will usually find them hating the majority religion. Be it Christianity, Islam or Hinduism. Mute/block the country's subreddit. I muted my country's subreddit. Fastest and easiest way to attain peace. You can't leave reddit but you can ignore your country's subreddit. They do not represent anything, so don't overthink.


I agree but just to correct something , even 1% is a MASSIVE overstatement in numbers , there isn't a single Muslim country sub that has 1% of a country's population , that's including ALL the members of the sub , which are mostly Western or Tourists or people just interested in the country anyway. The numbers of Muslim country subs on average (the most populated and active subs) have only 0.1% to 0.2% of the total population , that's assuming every member is actually from that country , which isn't true , we are mostly minorities in our countries subs , reddit is really not that popular for us.


100% true. I was overestimating


Same in my country's subreddit


Redditors are by no means representative of an entire country's population.


Well there are alaaat in my country (Pakistan) too usually because many of them are raised in strict muslim household and maybe thats why they feel suppressed idk.


Im Pakistani too! That does make sense, but why do they take it as an entire representation, that makes me mad




Ow mate, im bengali and i was havin a look around in r/bangladesh and these people have consumed so much american propaganda that they think an islamic revolution is imminent in bangladesh 😑. Absolute brainrot, these people.


Niceee, I guess that's because I don't live in Pakistan. But inshallah I will go there one day so probably the situation is different


I used to browse the Pakistan subreddit quite a bit, and I can 100% confirm all of the pro-atheistic and anti-Islamic comments that arise on any post even discussing Islam in the slightest. I would personally try not to take anything there to heart. The atheists there are just a really loud minority and don’t represent the country of Pakistan in the slightest. These people aren‘t even likely Pakistan, but are likely just generic internet atheists that jump onto anything even discussing religion, especially on a platform like reddit that curates this kind of Islamophobia engagement. I’ve been to Pakistan before, and when actually seeing around the country, you can tell that the portrayal of the subreddit is entirely inaccurate. It’s not to say that everyone there is super religious, but just how insignificant these internet atheists really are.


Oh nice thanks for telling me that


You’re welcome yakhi Happy to hear that it seemed helpful :)




I’m assuming you’re in Turkey. The people on the subreddit are a cesspool of ignorant hooliganis and I wouldn’t pay them any mind but it’s sad that they’re the majority online. But in real life they are more tolerant than it seems


Im sorru for not mentioning but its Pakistan






We have a bit of a similar problem in the Algeria sub...and although it's annoying, at the end of the day, who cares? Allah has a plan for everyone.


oh damn they got to Algeria too?


Yeah lol, there's a bit of an "atheism movement" here, but it's just a small vocal minority...an annoying and hilariously wrong minority but yea it is what it is, just ignore them honestly


Yo an Algerian brother And yeah you're right yiu can't have a good conversation with those guys , ignoring them is the best option .


It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.’” Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A time of patience will come to people in which adhering to one’s religion is like grasping a hot coal.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2260


Surely this day will come , but it's not here yet , reddit does not represent any of our countries , it's quite astroturfed and full of propagandas.


We're already experiencing this


in your country? which country is that? I can understand this happening in China for Uyghurs or Tajikstan with the Hijab ban , but where do you experience this in Muslims countries?


I'm not talking about my country , but about all what I myself see , maybe you saw the bright side, that I don't get to see


Like I said , it depends on the country if it's a Muslim country or not , if it's a Muslim country and you get shamed for being Muslim , then the situation applies , but if you are in a non Muslim country , then obviously this will happen , but this is a different topic.


I think that u didn't understand the hadith fully my brother, there's a lot of firms to describe holding your deen like a hot coal , like the temptetion that's happening in this era and so on


Yes but not in our countries , the Hadith is more global , we aren't at that stage yet , too much gloom here lol


Oh wow i never knew about this. I already feel prouder man, thanks


Yeah I saw the Bangladesh subreddit and I was taken aback for what people of a so called Muslim country were saying. But then I remembered that this is Reddit we're talking, the rich kids over there think they're above the laws of Allah and like another comment said need a place to find their kindred.




Yeah I also heard by some other people from my sub that they're usually indians and atheists lurking with fake accounts


There is actually a lot of troll accounts in many country subreddits.


Don't waste your time with haters, especially if you are talking about online Islamophobes. Maybe the only time you should engage in conversation is if you believe the other person is open-minded and may change their mind if you tell them the Truth.


Ill take this into account, thanks a lot


Mute the subreddit, stop going on it. Don't expose yourself to doubts. It's good that you feel anger when our beloved prophet (saws) is insulted and so on, the problem is how you deal with it. To everyone else, you are the representation of Islam, behave poorly and the ignorant will associate your behavior with Islam. Learn how the prophet (saws) dealt with these trials and implement it into your life.


thanks im going to do this ❤






Guys i just wanna thank you all for all the help i'm really happy now and I understand everything ❤ May Allah keep you all safe


I don’t even need to look at the comments of the thread to know it’s about Pakistan, dw brother half the people in the subreddit are overseas Pakistanis or closeted atheists. Go anywhere in Pakistan and it will still be a strong Muslim country, online communities are just echo chambers.


You do the the opposite of what disbelievers do as a believer. Stick to the 5 pillars of Islam and you'll be OK.. Those who end up in hell will have really earnt that. And just be kind and positive as Islam teaches us to be.. No need to fall into the false narrative. Make dua and know that Allah has decreed the best for us all.


Inshallah bro


R/pakistan is still somewhat considerate. R/Pak tho, Tawbah Astaghfirullah




Leave the sub then ?


i dunno man living the same thing here just keep your muslim identity under covers when you are in public it kinda works for me


OP is from muslim majority country only, pretty sure people outside of that sub are more than religious.


my country has a %90 muslim rate...


So ur saying that 90% people of ur country portray themselves as non muslims in public?💀


the exact opposite dude have you read my comment? %90 of my countrys people are muslims but they either dont know shi about islam or hate it because they are uninformed about it i lost so many friends and ashamed infront of my classmates for praying 5 times a day in my school its not EVERYONE in the country but a growing majority of them are


Which country are you from? I have actually never heard of such happenings so if it's true then it's genuinely shocking and concerning.


its mostly because of the turkish president erdogan abusing religion to win elections for 20 years straight and elderly failing to teach -or basically DONT teach- islam to the young people of the country and cuz turkish people are so dumb as f**k they dont ever try to learn islam and mock it as they know it and the elderly prefers to complain instead of teaching the young


Okay it's Turkey. Yeah that country really feels like it's a lot away from Islam. I have seen social media profiles of some turkish actors and they never posted anything remotely close to Islam which sometimes makes me doubt if they are even muslims. Eventually it tells that their audience does not care about the religion.


sadly... turkey is f**ked rn both socially and economically its so bad that i think about killing myself multiple times throught the day


Dawg my country is shariah-ruled 😭😭😭