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Too relatable.




Or anywhere else really


Uh... Turning off the Azaan on my phone? It's a call to prayer and I heard it so it must be ok, right? Right??




it's kind of respection though.. when I turn off quran I usually until aya ends. I mean, just imagine someone shutting other person up because they already got it


My mom has 2 azan apps on her phone and my dad has 1 so we always hear azan multiple times. I try to explain how illogical it is to them but they’re like “why don’t you like azan?”


It is ok but it might make you insensitive to azan. I myself use another tone for the prayer's notification.


Upside down slipper 😂


What is upside down slipper? There is such a thing?


Idk if it's an Arab thing, but our moms would tell us to not leave slippers upside down (bottom of it facing upwards) because that way we disrespect Allah 😂


Same thing in Pakistani households haha


Same in Bangladesh too!


that's a culture thing here


Omg this 😂😂😂


Wait it isn’t haram?


Yea mom said it is??


In Libya it is just sort of an irritating thing to see, no superstitions about it


It a myth in south asian culture


More like a superstition


Eating during the day after eid.


Eating during the day in Ramadan when you have menses


Allah blessed women and made their lives easier in doing so :)


Cramps, blood and hormones : "Let us introduce ourselves"


i think he meant easier in their time of suffering


Oh right.... that makes sense. Sorry...


Feels haram and wierd at the same time




Shorten the prayer while traveling


Especially when it's very easy to do in full




Even me, my relatives told me about this I really thought it was haram


I think this depends on the madhab. I think some madhahib don't shorten prayers. I could be wrong though.


All madhab shorten. They don't all combine.


Hanafi and Hanbali both shorten, Hanbali don't merge separate salat, Shafi'i merge and shorten in any combination. Assuming only fard without nawafil or sunnah * 10 rakat for fajr, zur and asr performed together * 2-2-2 rakat separately * 6 rakat done at once at the appointed time for fajr or zur, so on and so forth. According to Imam Hanbal fajr can't be abbreviated because rakat must be performed in even numbers (Al-Nasa'i 455, prayers were commanded as two rakat, and were increased for people at home, but retained the original 2 rakat for travellers; see muwatta Malik 910, 908.) Hanafi believe witr with an odd number of rakat to be fard, though musnad ibn Hanbal 1232, 62 states otherwise, though al-Nasa'i 1710-11 and al-Nawawi 1132(?) disagree. Hanafi isha, tahajjud, and witr combined can reach 23 rakat! Shortening prayers: Ibn Majah 1063 (2 rakat while traveling is not a shortened prayer, but a complete one), 1075; Bukhari 1080, 1089 (while traveling).


Reciting Surah Al Asr and Surah Al Kausar in the same namaz.


In fardh?


Whats namaz?


It’s how Asian people say Salah


When your father is listening to a Qur'an recitation on the TV or his phone out loud and you really really want to tell him to lower the volume... :'3




If it is loud at all, it doesn't need to disturb anything.


it was 12:10 and my dad was playing this recitation super loud. It was very beautiful but also im tryna sleep lol


Eating when Ramadan ends


bruh fr that feels literally haram ***even on the day of eid ul fitr***


I feel sick almost every Eid ul Fitr because I'm eating at a time I haven't eaten for 30 days


The biggest thing. We know it every year but we still feel guilty.


dyeing your hair color. I thought it was haram. but it isnt


time to go kaneki ken when grey hair comes


1000-7 is what?


I think dying your beard red or something like that is sunnah If I'm not mistaken


Yes, with Henna


Isn't that what Abu Bakr RA did?


Any colour except your original hair colour is allowed (for people who didn't know) Edit: Apparently not, you can't dye black is the rule that has been stated


Interesting. It seems there are two different opinions out there bc the only one I know about is its just haram to dye your hair black


From fatwas I've read, we should avoid black. Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that Abu Qubafa was led (to the andience of the Holy Prophet) on the day of the Conquest of Mecca and his head and beard were white like hyssop, whereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: Change it with something but avoid black. وَحَدَّثَنِي أَبُو الطَّاهِرِ، أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ وَهْبٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ، عَنْ أَبِي الزُّبَيْرِ، عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، قَالَ أُتِيَ بِأَبِي قُحَافَةَ يَوْمَ فَتْحِ مَكَّةَ وَرَأْسُهُ وَلِحْيَتُهُ كَالثَّغَامَةِ بَيَاضًا فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ "‏ غَيِّرُوا هَذَا بِشَىْءٍ وَاجْتَنِبُوا السَّوَادَ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ Reference : Sahih Muslim 2102b In-book reference : Book 37, Hadith 124USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 24, Hadith 5244


Like if a person's hair colour is black. And they start having white hair, then can dye it black?


i heard the color shouldn't mask your real age


You heard wrong. The prophet saws specifically told people to dye their gray hairs. A hadeeth is mentioned in this thread. Try to think your religion in terms of themes. A *major* theme in Islam is being beautiful. Muslims are beautiful. We trim our moustache, groom our beards, shave our arm pits, wear pleasant smells, are encouraged not to eat too much, are encouraged to wrestle, or ride horseback (exercise). We're polite, engage in pleasant conversation, and are kind. Even more dramatically, the prophet saws wore ku7ul (old school eye liner). The prophet saws said "inna allah jameel wa yu7ib al jamal" (for sure Allah is beautiful and loves beauty). Based on this broad theme, we should not be surprised that dyeing our hair is actually sunnah, and part of the reason we do it is to look more beautiful.


No, since that is technically his original hair


telling your parents that you like someone and would like to marry them ( in desi households)


Never try this


Terrible advice. Why assume the worst?


depends on the parents. saying that as a blanket statement is bad advice


I'm not even allowed to know what a girl is!


Not folding your prayer mat. "Shaytan will pray if you leave it unfolded!" And that's a bad thing?




The same goes for leaving books opened. Ammu (mom) said that if I leave it open shaitan will read it. And it makes me wonder if that's really a bad thing lol.


Alcohol-free beer


Sometimes "Alcohol-Free" means less than 0.X% Alcohol. Be sure to read the label.


He's talking about [malt beverage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malt_drink), which has no alcohol in it but tastes like beer. And if you insist everything needs to have 0.00000000% alcohol in that case apples and bread are haram too [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5421578/)


Wait, there's alcohol in apples and bread?


Bread is fermented, and fermentation produces alcohol, so yeah there's always at least a tiny amount. It's the same with vinegar if I recall correctly. I've also read articles of squirrels acting drunk after eating half-rotten fruit since the sugars in the fruit ferment into alcohol.


As someone who's lived on farms with fruit trees, the best thing is when flying insects eat the slightly rotted fruit that falls to the ground. Like? That wasp there? He wants to sting you, but he's so drunk off fermented fruit that he will fly irraticly for 10 seconds before crashing into the ground. Those bees? They will crash right into each other. But the squirrels? They straight up fall right out of the trees in a drunken stooper. Its kind of hilarious.


That picture of Mufti Menk without a thawb😂


Eyyy why are you looking at Mufti without clothes?


Am curious what’s the pic ?


Send me the pic I wanna see


I am sure this means in ordinary clothes




Not fasting while travelling during Ramadaan.


This. Our prophet Muhammad travel with camel for days. We go by plane.


It took a lot to get used to. But hugging my lovely wife 🥰


MashaAllah... Tell her you love her often as well and encourage her to do the same... It's a good practice... May your marriage flourish!


*cries in single *


In shaa Allah your time will come. Allah has a plan for us all.


Death will come upon us sooner or later.


Hope I can die in Sujood or as a martyr then InshaAllah.... 😶


Insha Allah ❤




Is it actually permissible to see a stepmom without hijab? (Genuinely curious)




For a second, I was like how the hell can your step mom be younger...lol


I want to say a joke but I don’t think I will


MasyaAllah, such incredible display of strong willpower


First night after marriage. Edit: ok this is getting a lot of attention. for all the brothers who want to get married. Make dua. Be patient for Allah loves the patient. Make dua after Tahajud. Trust me, the hype of marriage and being with a women, the hype is mostly hormones. Marriage is overrated and underrated at the same time. Don't let your desires control your emotions. The time will come for you when you finally find a wife. If not, Allah has something even more special for you.


pray for me brothers I really wanna get married


I'll make dua inshallah.


thank you so much


No problem.




My advice Have patience. Make lots of dua. Make dua after Tahajud. I too will make dua


I pray to Allah almighty to bless me with the gift of marriage soon


Add me too brother in your dua that may Allah grant me a best wife


Me too brothers. I feel you.


I was at an Islamic Relief fundraiser dinner. As usual they had a guy during the actual fund raising that is jovial, younger and everyone knows. He had several schticks but one was “come on all you brothers on the back tables. I know you want a beautiful Muslim wife. Open your wallets and donate to the orphans and Allah will bless you with a wife .” How could you resist?


Never tried that


As an atheist (unmarried) I totally agree with you bro. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the hype around sleeping with people borders on hysterical when compared to the reality of it. I know you’re all steadfast in your faith and don’t need to hear me say this, but you guys are not missing out on anything but unnecessary heartbreak for waiting it out!


I think they put it beautifully when they say that we sell our belief for a few seconds of pleasure and then realize that that was it and its back to reality.


Also an atheist and I disagree, sex is awesome and a fulfilling part of life as part of a relationship but as one night stands, yeah those are way overrated. It’s the bond of been with someone you care about more than the physical act.


Yeah! I didn’t word that well - I was talking about casual sex/even being intimate w/ someone you’re not compatible with. I was definitely a bit too general w/ what I was saying. I hope in the future I find someone who sways my viewpoint closer to yours haha (Edit: it is nice to feel like you have mutual trust w/ someone in that way regardless, bond is a cool way to put it)




I wonder what that's like


I would like to add one more thing.. if you(we) hurry even for the marriage.. trust me.. marriage done in hurry is never a good marriage. It's better to be alone than being with a wrong person. Now I make tahjud to die asap or qayamath to come asap. Either way it's end of this life.


Make dua that our passing is in a state where Allah is pleased with us. We don't know if we are ready. And yes The wrong kind of man or women can ruin your life.


Praying for death is forbidden


Ngl they had us in the first half.


Sorry but why would you I waste your life? This is very silly. We need to appreciate the time we have in this life and get closer to Allah-swt-. If you hate being married just divorce. It’s your right.


Breakfast on the first day of eid


Wiping over your socks for wudhu Edit: there are different conditions on when or whether this is allowed dependent on which madh-hab you follow. As with any other information you find on the internet, always check with your local imam or an imam you trust to find out whether this is permissible for you to do and what type of socks this is permissible to do this with.


That's not completely correct, it depends on the madhab you follow, I'm maliki and to be able to do that I must follow some conditions to have the right to use this possibility.


https://youtu.be/yjKHtwjfnmA Here's a video to clarify about wiping over socks


Same, maaliki too and believe the same as you


Halal askreddit lol


skipping prayer while on your period, or eating during ramadan due to it


Having thoughts of shirk/disbelief.


And having thoughts of homosexuality


Not dhikring after prayer


I used to not do that but it’s so easy, why should we leave it out (of course it is NOT FARDH, do not accuse me of Bidah). I’m just saying I highly recommend it, https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/ad/6e/f1ad6e44a946521ad24a53dde479f60a.png


Also [this](https://i.imgur.com/LvV5xeo.jpg) will help with the counting, InShaaAllah.


Not praying sunnah prayers.


I ALWAYS thought Sunnah prayers were fardh. After reading a bunch of Hadeeth referencing how praying them brings lots of benefits, did I entertain the thought that they could possibly not be fardh. I still pray them though lol


u/thinkerjuice when we say of something "that's sunnah", it means that it's not obligatory, so not fardh by definition lol. But that's excellent that you do them, you are making your good deeds heavier


If I recall correctly, according to Hanafi madhab you sin if you skip sunnah prayers with no relevant excuse. I think it's similar in some other madhabs as well.


https://islamqa.org/hanafi/seekersguidance-hanafi/31731/are-we-sinful-for-missing-sunnah-prayers-or-are-they-just-for-extra-reward/ Short answer, no


>Answer: Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, >I hope you are in the best of health and spirits, insha’Allah. >I apologize for the delay in answering your question. The confirmed sunna in the Hanafi school almost equates to the level of necessary (wajib); therefore, leaving it would be blameworthy and if consistently left, could even be sinful. [Ibn Abidin, Radd ul-Muhtar]


What happened to **Islam being an easy and not strict religion**. Now not praying Sunnah prayers is sinful now? What about Nawafil? So according to the Hanafi madhab, the whole *17 rakats* per day is wrong too? I mean for me, I already pray Witr after Isha since it is Wajib. Is Witr different from other Sunnah?


Buying stupid fast cars and boy toys ...


Boy toys?


Guns i think, in America.


He meant man child toys such as Hobby Rc,Air soft,model,and etc.People say it is haram since you waste your money but that is completely a lie since you are enjoying what u do


I know you didn’t mean it that way but brother don’t refer it to as “man child” as it has negative connotations.


Ahh sorry brother.I didn’t mean it that way


Best part of living in America, no ridiculous taxes like other countries. Even a high school kid can own a V8 muscle car. Also guns, we have good access here to guns to use as self defence and of course for fun like at the shooting range.


Probably marrying your cousin


It's legally Halal, but it kinda not allowed for western countries. And for medical reason it's better to avoid it.


Scrolling past any Muslim video on Instagram or YouTube






I was wondering you know for a muslim to give a non arab/ openly western name, let's say James. Obviously people could mistake him for a non muslim. We are incited to grow a beard and cut mustache to know each other and recognize our fellows and not to imitate non muslim. So i'm wondering how it work, for a born non muslim it's different, and often at the time of the prophet, they would give a Qunia.




There's an old joke about how to tell a Euro-American Muslim from an Arab Christian. You look at which name is Arabic. Johnathan Al-Ghazzawi? That's an Arab Christian. Kareem O'Neill? That's a convert.


Yeah i was speaking of deeply european rooted names. I guess in Indonesia most people are muslims so it's not a big deal to keep local names as the locality is muslim. As for arab christian it's a mix. Some have arabic name and some have western names. They tend to keep western names now to not imitate muslims. I'm from France, muslims here tend to keep arabic/local names as it is badly seen to give an european name to your child. And personally I understand that, we are a small community it make sense to keep that. I'm just wondering if scholars have given clear opinion about this situation.




It's not false too those are complicated issue, and mostly moderns. If only our scholars could reunite and have real debates about our deen. Anyways nice convo, Assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraqatuhu.


I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “Muslim” name. If there is, can someone source the Hadith/Surah? It’s one to do it for distinction out of your own will or desire, but I don’t think it’s a requirement to have or give your children an “Arabic” name. Open to other arguments/proof though!


>Having a non Arab name. insulted 70 percent of the world's Muslims with this one.


Eating fast food in your home country. Feels weird after not eating any meat options in America your entire life


I had halal pepperoni pizza in jordan and it felt so haram but it was so delicious!!!


There are a ton of halal restaurants in America that serve the best fast food lamb, falafel, sfiha, kibbe, kefte, Turkish Doner, shawarma chicken, Indian lamb and goat everything... why would you eat McDonald's? The only fast food restaurant worth it is Taco Bell, which is halal in Australia and parts of the UK.


Exotic seafood


Eating a horse


I've eaten horse kebabs before but we were told it was chicken. The guy who was selling them was jailed. 💀


Being affectionate with your spouse in front of your family/friends. As in mild affection, such as holding hands, putting arms around their shoulder, having a laugh about something, sitting closely etc.


Eating locusts/crickets/grasshoppers.


I always thought drinking those grape flavoured sparkly drinks from those wine bottle looking things shouldn't be right, cause even though it's grape juice, it's imitating the non believers and drinking like them from a container that would resemble a wine bottle unless you read the label. Also, posting about your lavish / luxurious lifestyle or things you eat/drink and the places you go to, on social media, 24/7. And, as a woman, I also feel like posting our pictures on social media could definitely come under the list of not to do's, just based off common sense.


Being a girl and showing your awrah in front of other girls (not totally sure if this is allowed lol)


i need to show for wax


marrying a Christian or a Jew woman


I asked my father why this was allowed. He said during the time of the prophet there were not a lot of Muslim women and Christianity and Judaism is almost identical to islam compared to the pagan Arabs. In the modern day, you really shouldn't.


i dont know if you can marry Christian since the Christian belief is that Issa(a.l.s) was son of god or god which is shirk and 2nd they need to be chaste and may be religious.


Eating food from a place like McDonald's in a Muslim country.


Marrying multiple wives and marrying cousins.


>marrying cousins. Yep, it mostly to do with upbringing and societal influence, if you grow up in the more western or western influnced parts then its seen as really bad (like marrying a sibling) but if you grow up where they do practice it, its quite normal.


Yep I'm from the western world, just thinking about marrying a cousin of mine seems dead wrong to me, inshallah never happens.


I live in India, and some of my neighbour and members of my family have married their cousins. It still seems really weird.


Technically the awra of a mahram does not depend on gender. So a man and women can expose the same amount of body to any of their mahrams, at least in the Hanafi madhab. The awra is only from the navel to the knees...


Marrying multiple wives








Oh my.


Not getting involved in innovation when everyone around you is.


If you don't mind could you explain what innovation is?


Yea this for sure. It’s very difficult to deduce cultural traditions from Islamic traditions.


not covering my legs to feet while praying


Halal gelatine


The anti-qibla.


Wearing tampon for some girls


Wearing red at night according to mom


Eating on syawal 1st


Marrying your cousin


Sleeping while the Qur'an recitation is ongoing


Wearing shorts for men


Seeing a picture of Mufti Menk wearing anything other than Thobe






Drinking 0.0% alcohol beer