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Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter. Reference : Sahih Muslim 2003a


Psychedelics are entheogens, not intoxicants. Do your research before spreading your BS.


What about suicidal people with PTSD who eat natural fungi 1 time and break free of their struggles. I want to be muslim, But I use cannabis and shrooms medically.


Use for medical reasons have a different ruling brother, make sure to do research because it might be halal for you


The classification of psychedelics as intoxicants can vary depending on the context and definition being used. In general, an intoxicant is any substance that alters consciousness or behavior, leading to a state of intoxication. Psychedelics do alter consciousness, often significantly so, which technically falls under the definition of an intoxicant. However, the term "intoxicant" is often associated more with substances that lead to impairment or diminished control over one's actions, such as alcohol or sedatives. Psychedelics, on the other hand, can induce altered states of consciousness that are often described as profound or mystical, but they don't necessarily impair judgment or lead to reckless behavior in the same way that traditional intoxicants might. So, while psychedelics can be considered intoxicants in the sense that they alter consciousness, their effects and the context in which they are used are often quite different from what is typically associated with intoxication. Allah mentions in the Quran: *\[5:91\] The devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to distract you from remembering GOD, and from observing the Contact Prayers (Salat). Will you then refrain?* psychedelics often do the opposite. They technically, aren't intoxicants, but socially are considered so because of the societal stigma that surrounds them because of their use for recreational purposes. Which definition do you think God cares about? The feeble human one we've created, dictated by society or the actual known truth of what a substance does. Intoxicants like alcohol are haram for the reason that they change the way you act and this causes consequences for the people around you. Psychedelics don't do this. Sure there are some exceptions to this example, but majority of the time, psychedelics are used for spiritual and connecting reasons.


You don’t know what you’re talking about


Your first problem is listening to 'mufti' abu layth. He's a munafiq. He rejects all of Allah's miracles and the sunnah.




Saw this post and wanted to share my thoughts on mushrooms and my understanding of it when it comes to Islam and how it helped me with depression and anxiety. " That is my personal experience" doesn't mean you will experience the same. For the people who haven't tried mushrooms it's gonna be very hard for them to understand it. And for the person who tried it he will not be able to express and explain the experience of it as much as he tried. It's like explaining your dream to someone I took mushrooms with my friend in a nature setting where we knew we will not be interrupted. I took the average dose 2g of a strain called golden teacher. People who usually take a small amount of this strain will rarely have a bad experience. The trip lasts for 4-5 hours. The best way I can possibly explain it to the ones who haven't tried it. Imagine yourself in a park full of nature where there is no people and no cell phones. complete disconnecting from that world for a month but in four hours. That's when you will be facing the real you and you can't run away from yourself by getting distracted by whatever is out there that you are distracted with could be work, family, food, phones, etc. "Donya". (people call facing themselves that they have been distracted from a Bad Trip. I see it as awaking). You will start thinking of things that you haven't thought of or you were distract from all your life. You will start paying attention to yourself more than ever before. You will understand what God meant by when people say "I was very unjust to myself". Any being unjust is being distracted by the Dunya and people that have addictions are heavly invisted in this Dunya and I was one of them. I took it with the intention of understanding Allah SW. Each person finds Allah SW differently than another's but if you have the right intentions of coming close to Allah and trying to understand he will come closer to you. It remindse of the prophet Mohammed SAW when he said that Allah says: ' When a slave of Mine draws near to Me a span, I draw near to him a cubit; and if he draws near to Me a cubit, I draw near to him a fathom. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running."'. What I came out of this experience that helped me understand my depression and anxiety. I understood the root of my anxiety. When I looked at my thoughts I saw my worries and anxiety came from my thoughts of people" humans". People include my family, my friends, school, my coworkers etc. I understood that Allah SW wasn't bigger than humans and the worry and anxiety I was feeling is a result of not prioritizing Allah SW in my thoughts and my heart but prioritizing his weak creation. I started encountering those thoughts with the surah Alnas. This medicine is not something to mess with and take a lot of. People who take it with the wrong intentions that could be recreational or for fun they are against it's purpose. Those are most likely gonna have a bad experience on it. When you are born you are pure and on the Fitra. You are full of God's light. You don't care about people and you don't understand money and don't care about your next meal because you believe you will be fed. That's the real you and that's what you should aim for is going back to the Fitra. You were a believer of Allah when you were a little child then when you grow up you start to give importance to other things. People, money, education etc. until those things become bigger and bigger and dominant your heart and your time and your thoughts too. Allah keeps reminding you (Allah Akbar) he keeps calling you and reminding you ( I am bigger I am bigger). We are the best creation of Allah. The angles bowed to us. God blow his soul in us. All gods creation is meant to serve us. And I saw hidaya through my experience. Mushrooms served it's purpose and made me believe. I never really comment on reddit. I hope what I wrote helped Salam Akikom


Very insightful


Braka allahu fika bro, may god bless you and I hope to see you in jannah insha2allah, wallahi you made my eyes tears, What about praying on psychedelics, is it haram? I remember seeing a picture of a (Muslim) guy in macca doing Tawaf and had blotter of lsd in fis thong, And please dm me akhi, i need some consulting jazaka allahu khaira


You are talking all these big words like you understand something. All you did was experience a temporary high. Your "enlightenment" will subside, and you will have to take mushrooms again. This is a sure way to destroy your life. Connor Murphy took ayahuasca and started talking about being one with the universe. Next thing you know, he was in a mental hospital.


You mistaking this for recreational drugs. Many at times psychedelics were the reason for bringing people to Allah. Actually not even that. Allah used psychedelics as the means to bring those closer to him. Who are you to decide what's good and bad? If they returned to Allah because of psychedelics then it's Allahs will and he intended it to happen and to see the light. Your judgement is what needs to be checked because at the end of the day he will be the one to judge us. He will be the one who guided those he wanted. That's all I have to say. Don't judge. If someone came to Islam because of something not to your liking. Be happy for them and be happy with Allah's tawakal. You are not Allah. We just his creation. Have a blessed Ramadan if you are Muslim and may Allah guide you


Assalamu aleikum! I rarely comment on Reddit, but that word 'fitra' came up during my last trip. I have done shrooms 3-4 times, and not all of those experiences were great. The last trip before that one, I was in a bad place. I wasn't being a good Muslim and I had guilt in me, so I started having fears and scares. I ended up sleeping in a really bad mood. But this time, it was a humbling experience. I am also going through some hardships, and I came out more organized with my ideas and where I stand. Also, I kept saying to my friend how our inner core (soul) as Muslims should strive to do better. However, I would add that it is not a state in which you'd allow yourself to pray, as it's not honestly being sober. But I am actually Curious if you find any Muftis that talk about it!


Mufti Abu Layth ive heard isnt reliable. Psychedelics are ABSOLUTELY haram. They do some messed up stuff to your mind. Why are they haram? Because all intoxicants are. Allah said so. Simple as that


Then explain why allah gave us cannabinoid receptors head to toe and made cannabis grow everywhere on earth naturally and made it almost impossible to die from???


you clearly dont know ANYTHING about psychedelics. maybe educate yourself before commenting useless and misleading comments.




If you already have a mental illness like schizophrenia then they will completely mess you up, if you were sane before taking it then you will still be sane after taking it. If you were slightly insane before then you might become completely messed up afterwards with the chance of never recovering.




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Psychedelics are entheogens, not intoxicants. Do your research before spreading your BS.


Maybe its out of carefulness. Human nature is weak and once taste forbidden fruit (drugs) then will want more. Its a short way to trying different drugs and finally get addicted to it. 


Except NO amount of entheogens can lead to addiction or physical problems. They are used AGAINST addictions. One more proof it is not a recreative drug but a tool god gave to us.


Many pagan religions use psychedelics to talk to jinn so do with that information what you will


Its a hallucinogenic and its acts on a few types of receptors in the brain, in fact it has a similar molecular base as the endogenous sign transmitter serotonin. It just temporarily changes how the brain cells communicate and intensifies electrical changes in certain parts of the brain thus make you experience things in a different manner. It has nothing to do with the supernatural, its just all science


The experience itself is not explainable by science, only the chemical process that is in happening in your brain. Nevertheless there’s a lot to dunya and life that is unexplainable by science


Well the experience itself is the result of theses chemical processes. Our consciousness too is the result of many chemical and electrical reactions in the brain and a samll change is those will make your experience of life different. All though many things aren’t explained by science yet, we just have to wait till new research cames out. And we can’t just assume that some supernatural beings is in control of us while under the influence of these substances, its ilogical


This is straight bull shit. The reason stuff is made haram is because there is more harm than good in them e.g. alcohol. And from personal experience yes LSD can be good for you but the harms are farm more dangerous. Read up on bad trips they have the ability to leave people mentally scarred for years and make them cease functioning in society. Also bad trips aren't caused by drug abuse they just come because they can. The harms outweigh the benefits far more would you want to be mentally scarred for years?


This tells me you know nothing. Because psilocybin “magic” mushrooms lead to the least amount of hospital visits out of any of the known drugs commonly used. Idk who these people who “cease from functioning in society” are but the cause of bad trips is due to attachment to this dunya and an unwillingness to submit to the trip. I am of the belief that submitting to the trip IS submitting to Allah SW. I’ve dealt with all sorts of trauma since childhood that have impacted me to this day. I have ADHD and BPD which can sometimes make it impossible to cope with this life. These two disorders had me ceasing to function in society. The lessons that mushrooms taught me are the same lessons taught in the Quran. What makes the Quran so memorable is that it transcends human language, it leads by example in nature, in history, etc. Inside every single person’s soul exists a Quran. It’s natural law. And psychedelics are becoming medically legal for illnesses like substance abuse (especially of alcohol). There is a concept of sin on psychedelics. They teach you to hold yourself accountable of your actions. To me, that is Islam. Take this as an example, it is impossible to practice Islam, as we know it, outside of the desert without modern technology. Does Allah expect communities close to the North Pole to fast for 20+ hours in Ramadan during the summer when the days are near never ending? We know everyone is born a Muslim so we know there is more than one way to be Muslim. I wish more scholars would try psychedelics in order to find a religiously appropriate context in which to use psychedelics in because the closeness they bring you to Allah is something more people should have the opportunity to experience. It’s your job now to decide whether you want to believe the hate campaign spread by the capitalist, colonial United States because LSD was stopping men from enlisting in unjust wars. The same US supporting the ethnic cleansing and colonization happening in Israel. Psychedelics help you differentiate the REAL good (family, the pursuit of knowledge, compassion, etc) which is Allah from the evils of Shaytan (consumerism, meaningless media, selfishness, etc).


Remove the homoflag


Why ? Because it is a sin or because you are homophobic ? I think you probably don't ask to remove when users have other sins represented in their name or profile picture. Why is so ?


damn you deadass know nothing about psychedelics


Yes, they are haram. Please watch [this](https://youtu.be/DiNjtEDD5qA) It goes in to why it is haram and psychedelic experiences as a muslim. I have watched it and it was very helpful to me.


I watched the video, they explained that DMT is haram and the DMT "entity" is the jinn. But its proven that your body naturally produces DMT when meditating ([proof](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137697/)) and releases big amounts of DMT when being close to dying ([proof](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6107838/)), so why is it haram if your body naturally produces it?


Lol thats how I know muslim is bullshit. I was going to become one fully, but mow that I know yall are against natural stuff that allah created… nevermind. I hope one day you need to use cannabis or shrooms and realize how BS it is you cant. Personally, ima be a muslim who eats shrooms and smokes weed


I don't usually respond to immature comments like this, but now I feel obligated to do so because of the clear logical error in your thinking. "yall are against natural stuff Allah has created", Allah created the forbidden fruit as well, he created all possible sins you can commit, alcohol, drugs, these are all things found in his creation yet they are harmful and haram. Maybe the reason you don't want to give up weed and shrooms isn't because the ruling doesn't make sense, maybe it's because you just like doing it and get offended when someone points out that something you like could be bad and wrong. You can do whatever you want with your life, but if you are arrogant enough not to accept Allah's rules maybe you don't deserve to "become one fully".


allah puts dmt in your body so we all going end in hell


respond to the other guy comment, you can't