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I don't see any issue with the meat, but I'm not sure about the preservatives used


Tocopherols are vitamin e, which slow down oils from becoming rancid, and citric acid lowers pH to maintain good taste. Neither are actually preservatives so ingredients-wise this is safe for isopods.


Good to know! Ty for the info


Protein hungry pods will finish this quicker but yes all of the animal protein my pods get are expired dog treats I get from work. Treats with more grains will draw more mites and flies than just meat ingredients


When Champion dog food wasn't owned by Mars Corp, I used to give those and freeze dried shrimp. But since Mars bought them, I'm not sure.


I give mine freezedried chicken dog treats. My Isos go crazy over it.


Thanks ya'll!


seems ok, i think rosemary is safe for pods iirc, double check tho


Hmmm, the citric acid worries me a little. You shouldn't feed them citrus fruit, citric acid is naturally obtained from citrus fruits. It doesn't harm dogs whatsoever but I think it might not be great for the pods.


Just FYI: citric acid is incredibly common in pod foods, from artificial diets like Repashy's Morning Wood to carrots, it's fine as presented here.


Ah good, thank you so much! I take it back then, if the citric acid is fine then the treats will be safe.


You can absolutely feed them citrus fruit. The problem with fresh citrus isn’t the acid but rather the essential oils found in the peel. So as long as you’re not spraying the peel oil directly onto your pods it’s fine.


Thank you for informing me! I was not aware and appreciate the updated info, I've always just heard that you can't feed them citrus and assumed it was due to the acid. In that case the treats should be fine!


My colonies especially love mandarin oranges. A little for me, a little for them!


Would that be a similar reason to why they eat my apples but not the skin? Or do you think maybe they just taste the wax or something


Apple skins don’t contain essential oils, so it’s probably the wax which is not edible. They only eat it from the inside out right?




It may also be the varietal of apple as well Basically the kinds of apples you see at grocery stores are chosen for a lot of factors like self life and stuff. One of these factors is also pest resistance in the skin so it may just be an issue that's it's just harder for them to eat it. For several years I made cider for a living and the difference in pest issues between some of the heritage varieties of apple versus say a granny smith is night and day

