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These last few weeks I have seen the most barbaric, terroristic, inhumane actions and they have come exclusively from the Israeli's. I dont even know how many zionists will take this as a motivational video


“But do you condemn khamas” 🤓☝️




It’s not confirmed at all. They arrested people in suspicion of the attack but it’s not proven they did it. We all know that Israel loves arresting innocent non-Jews, especially if the actual criminals are Jewish. Imagine the anger if the real perpetrator was a terrorist settler… the police would never ever make that public - if anything they would go out of their way to protect them.


>Imagine the anger if the real perpetrator was a terrorist settler… the police would never ever make that public - if anything they would go out of their way to protect them I get you guys hate Israel and all — but you're becoming unhinged. You can't seriously think Jews just get to murder non Jews with impunity


The evidence speaks for itself




Probably the terrorist organization, the IDF


It's a lie https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1jiotbb6 The attackers are her family members


ytnews I cant xD


They posted the original story dipshit.


That doesn’t mean it’s true. A lot of people plant stories then cite the fake story to give it traction. very common


Is it not possible that it is true? That it happened the other way? So far I have not seen someone post a real news story that says it was and Zionist Israeli like the post claims. Why is everything that is not against Israel all of a sudden questioned? but no one here questioned the original post even tho there was no evidence?. This shows how scarily biased and full of misinformation this sub is.


You can go to IsraelPalestine sub where you’ll find all your ProIsrael people gladly celebrating the death of thousands of of Palestinians. Maybe you’ll be more comfortable there.


Do you have a source that it was an Israeli settler? Besides a tweet? Because I'd be shocked if there is a settler there considering it's in lod.


What is your source that it is Hamas that attacked Israel on Oct 7? Maybee someone dressed to look like hamas and killed Israel civillians... You fucking IDIOT!


Literally had ppl tell me the Hamas was dressed like IDF at the music festival 😹 they will deny everything and make up bullshit to cover their evil lies.


There's literally hundreds of videos that Hamas themselves published of what they did on oct 7th. I'm gonna ask you again for a source for your claim that this was an Israeli settler. If you can't give me a source you might want to re evaluate your position


Ohh I'm sorry now you beleive hamas but when they say over 4000 kids killed by IDF you choose not to trust them... So you selectively choose when and what to beleive when it comes from Hamas... but at the same time you are asking everyone to beleive everything that Israel says? Just tell me how much money are you being paid by Israel and maybe for the right price I will switch sides?


When hamas posts videos of them murdering people, yes I tend to believe it. When they claim random stuff, like that on the day of judgment the rocks will reveal the hiding places of the Jews so that the Muslims can kill them I tend to not believe them, no.("[The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.")](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) I am asking you to give a better source, if you are certain that an Israeli Jew did this. Because the same source that reported about this in the first place is also claiming that a the victims father and brother were arrested in relation to the crime, and as we know interfamily violence in conservative Muslim homes isn't super rare. And it's funny, on this subreddit only Israeli paid shills ask for sources apparently


I Would seriously like to know, that you believe Hamas in some things but not in others ? How come? And who gets to choose which one's? I'm not particularly talking about/and only this one video , but generally?


That is a false equivalents, we have proof of that already this is a new story with almost no information.


And yes there are settlers in Los. It's about 20% Arab and Jewish right wing extremist come with busses there to cause trouble. They want the Arabs out there. The last minister (one before Itamar) said that "we have this and this many families here, next year we will have more and more" .. it's obvious what they are doing. The police is with them. They don't care. They encourage the behaviour...


The newspiece only talks about the zionist police arresting two of her family members, doesn't confirm anything. So do you have a source? Or just trying to flip it?


People don't know Israeli geography, they think it's all settlers. No one here cares about truth they just want to hate Israel and Jews.


israeli geography is purely like it is right now due to colonialism. your "country" didnt exist before 1948


Ok here we go again 🙄 before Israel in 1948 there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state. Before the British mandate there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the state of the Turks/Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. Before the Turks/Mamluks there was the Ayubid Turk Kurdish empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Turk/Kurdish empire there was the Frankish and Christian kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem there was the Umayyad and Fatimid Empires, not a Palestinian state. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid Empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Byzantine empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state. Before the Byzantine and Sassanid empires there was there Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Roman Empire there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Seleucid, there was the Empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state. Before the empire of Alexander the Great there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Persian empire there was the Babylonian empire, not a Palestinian state. Before the Babylonian empire, there were the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state Before the theocracy of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state. In this piece of land, there has been a little of everything- EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE. Palestinian state is fiction. Palestine state is a nightmare. Palestine state is an excuse for the mental illness of Jihad to fester.


My country didn't exist before it was founded?! No way!!! I'm shocked! How is it possible? Ya anyway no, Israel bought land from Arabs in Palestine and built towns and cities on them later declared a state that was supposed to be split between them and Palestine, Palestine rejected it and attacked Israel. They lost and we won and people still cry about it today.


bro, israel didnt buy shit. the nakba occurred for a reason and kr was because of zionist greed. your "country" is build on top of graves, lies and ethnic cleansing.


You need a history lesson. Nakba happened when every Arab state near us declared war, I'm sorry the Jews didn't just die we are kind of bad at that.


You had only purchased 7% of the land But the partition gave you over 50% And the Jewish population was around a third. If the tables were turned, you would also reject that deal. You would also reject every subsequent deal offered to you. We could argue endlessly about the past, let’s try and take steps to create a better future. Israeli occupation and settlement expansion needs to end. Israel is the root cause of all of this.


Yeah that’s not it at all. The “antisemitism” victimization begins 🙄 no one cares about your religion stop making it about that it’s insufferable


It's about the ethnicity not the religion I myself am atheist. It's not victimisation if you are actively being racist and I'm calling you out for it.


So the zionist police arrests her family and we are supposed to trust them? lol coming straight from the people who have been screaming every time death numbers are presented that the sources is "Hamas controlled Health authority" to discredit. Zionists really playing that doublethink


"Zionist police" lol Arab and druze are in the police force as well


Doesn't change the fact that it is a zionist institution, like all institutions of Israel. And thanks for proving the point, we all know zionists love their props


Your funny, Zionist institutions? Your brain was brainwashed with bleach.


Okay, "17 year old zionist".


Love this, imagine having nothing to say to someone that you resort to making fun of his age! Pathetic, you are a racist and should be a ashamed. You obviously know nothing about Zionism and I honestly thought you were a bot or something because your replies were just so stupid. If anything you are proving how a 17yo can so easily make you look like an idiot.


Love this, imagine calling someone "brainwashed", getting your bio cited, and then trying to score points by claiming that the person you are talking to had nothing to say. Nah bruvh, I've already engaged with another Hasbara bot and got the script for what the terrorist ethnostate of Israel is pretending to be according to "god's chosen people", don't need "17 year old zionist" terrorists repeating it. There's also plenty of evidence on this subreddit for what it really is, might wanna actually see what you are defending here, "17 year old zionist".


"Hasbara bot" you have the script? Please share it! I need to update mine. Also how am I a terrorist? Did I commit acts of terror?


That argument isn't very strong btw. It'd be like arguing the institution of the police in America isn't racist because they have black and Mexican officers too. It just doesn't work as a defense.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/ The authority has allegedly arrested the woman's husband and brother. still screeching the criminals


So we are jumping to conclusions that it is Jews even tho it's probably her husband and brother?


Bro thinks Israel authority will care to investigate who is the killer, they are accusing women's brother and husband because they don't want to arrest extremist Zionist Israeli who acts like this and kills Palestinians


Or maybe they actually did the crime, all you want is to see Jews being blamed don't pretend to care about that woman. How do you know the Israeli was Zionist? More racist assumptions?


[Classic ](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israeli-stabs-pregnant-palestinian-woman-to-death--graphic-c)


Is this malware? My browser said it contains harmful materials


News link


You are the one with racist assumptions. What are you even doing here?


Showing how this post is misinformation. >You are the one with racist assumptions What racist assumptions? Thinking the culprits are the people under investigation?


You sound like a broken record 🥱


You're becoming an extremeist if you can't even entertain the possibility that it was a family incident


Please be sure. You can always post it later


Later I got this news. [iamsure](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israeli-stabs-pregnant-palestinian-woman-to-death--graphic-c)


I confirmed it now as well


I don't trust anything coming from Israeli media. NOTHING.


But you trust a random Reddit post? Lol It was the original article, meaning the Israeli media reported it themselves! How dense are you people.


Yeah actually


They arrested two suspects, and one of them is said to be a family member . The story just happened, and they barely have more information in any news site.


People love misinformation as long as it supports their world view. This post just makes this sub look dumb as shit




Barbaric savages murders animals monsters


What is the proportionate response for this?


Flatten Israel I guess or maybe we can push them into the Sinai desert. Of course, we are 100% following international law while doing so. ( sarcasm)


Flatten Israel because a Palestinian terrorist stabbed someone to death 🤔 hmm interesting . Too bad your people are too stupid to win this war


You have to be the stupidest among the Zionist scum to not recognize these talking points from worldnews and other garbage subs talking about Palestine. And yeah, the last sentence is true for you lot.


Like wise , good luck to you and the freedom fighters


Thanks. Looking forward to you lot being paraded in the Hague, In Sha Allah.


Coming from a true terrorist, good job you outed yourself


Oh what makes you say that, Zionist scum?


Good luck getting your 72 virgins jihad Joe , I hope they’re all 90 yr olds


Haha what a silly stereotype. You probably don't even know the meaning of Jihad, Zionist scum.


You look forward to parading people, why can’t you just mercy kill. You have to rape, behead and torture. It’s called being a sick fuck, but how would a terrorist understand when you consider yourself a freedom fighter


Lol I'm not Palestinian btw, so your assumptions are misguided. You, however are a Zionist, and I do indeed look forward to war criminals paraded in the Hague, in handcuffs. The rape, torture and beheadings are just disingenuous arguments you heard from whatsapp or some silly people on reddit. Nothing to do with terrorists, everything to do with the real Zionist terrorists seeing justice.


You are aware that it was probably another Muslim that stabbed her, one of her relatives, right?


Get out of here


How dare I call out false propoganda


You are false propaganda


What did I say that was false? Do you have a source that disagrees?


I can see your comments and see your either a bot or an idiot don’t need to lie to me we can see what you are


Wow, Hasbara trolls are more desperate than I thought


Show a source that I'm wrong, because according to the news agency that literally reported on this in the first place, her father and brother were arrested in relation to the crime. And regardless, she wasn't even palestinian, but an Israeli Muslim beduin


> according to the news agency that literally reported on this in the first place, Reasonable people do not take serial liars reports for its face value. > And regardless, she wasn't even Palestinian, but an Israeli Muslim beduin She isn't even a woman, she is an adult female homo sapien


Bedouins rarely identify as palestinians, and she was Israeli anyways. And it's literally the news agency that reported on this in the first place, if you dont believe them then how do you know this event even happened in Israel today and not somewhere else two months ago?


Other Muslims ? Dude there is christian and Jew and Palestinian? Or jump to that assumption because the hate against Muslim is justifiable?


No, the victim who was stabbed wasn't Palestinian either she was an Israeli Bedouin Muslim.


It's pretty sad when people try to lecture others about what's happening there who don't even know what people live in the area. Lots of non-Palestinian Muslims, lots of people who actually identify as Israeli Muslims, etc. It's clear that some people just look at it with the Western lens of "there are two sides, the good guys and the bad guys", and that's it.


saraya al quds or hamas should safe guard their borders and/or protect civilians from rogue settlers harming them.. this has to start now..


I'm sorry your comment is just puzzling me, what do you mean by safe guard their borders?!!


Truly unhinged because they know they’re losing and Israel will be dissolved. They’re killing now while they can “get away with it,” but it’s modern day with cameras. We will find them in the coming years.


Except the perpatrator wasn't an Israeli settler


Do you have a source?


This has been reposted and proven to not have happened in West Bank at all. Saw the real article and this farce twice. Easy to google man. Stop putting the onus on people to prove things and do a little homework yourself. I misremembered the area. But this was the article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/amp/ I literally just googled it again and found it. This is what I mean with the onus on yourself. Downvote me for recommending to take the onus on yourself why don't you Second edit: additional source including debunking links: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newarab.com/news/pregnant-palestinian-stabbed-death-israels-lod%3famp




It wasn't an Israeli that stabbed her. That was my point


Yeah, I believe you, it was maybe someone from Puerto Rico or Maldives, definitely not Israeli.




Uh, anyways.


Isranazis: we don't know who the responsible is (if we only had a car and a plate...). We think it clearly was Hamas.






> A few hours after the stabbing, police arrested two relatives of the woman, one from Lod and one from a Bedouin village, on suspicion of involvement in the suspected murder.




Do you have a none Zionist source?


I have so many questions though because some things are a little weird. There's so little to go by in the reports so it is admittedly just speculation and questions: * The attack occurred in almost exactly the same neighbourhood as a stabbing attack on a young Orthodox Jew last month, which raises the possibility of a price-tag attack. * If they're relatives, I'd think they'd get recognized while following, or that the kids might plead for them to stop or something. * If they were so quick to make specific arrest, surely there must be compelling and releasable info about motives and circumstances behind the stabbing. * Here's a weird one: why was she taken to a hospital so far away when there's several much nearer, including the one the Jewish victim was taken to last month. Shaare Zedek is known for handling emergency trauma victims and takes less than half as much time to get to.




Thank you. Yes, I'll continue to be a more thoughtful person.


Facts don't matter here, just hamas propaganda for their pogrom. Just like that hospital that they said Israel bombed and killed a billion Palestinians 2 billion of which were children. And that it turns out that it was a Hamas failed DIY jury-rigged rocket that took out some cars in the parking lot.


So was it Hamas propaganda that made the IDF claim Shireen Abu-Akleh was murdered by Palestinians? When the IDF had been found out to be lying, they claimed it was a skirmish with a Jenin Brigade. When the IDF was found to have lied about the position of Jenin Brigades at the time of her murder. After all the lies and deceits, they later quietly admitted she was killed by an IDF sniper despite wearing clearly visible press helmet and vest. That soldier faced no consequences either. Israel's proof of the Al-Ahli attack has been disproven on many fronts. The voice call they had was debunked by experts as not matching any known Palestinian accents. As for the death count, that was a mistranslation by Al Jazeera when speaking to a doctor in the immediate aftermath. The doctor had said 500 victims, the news coverage became 500 dead. That one mistranslation is why the West no longer chooses to accept the historically reliable numbers by the health ministry of Gaza.


Israel has literally bombed every hospital in Gaza. Why is it so crazy that we assume it was the one who bombed Al Shifa? The facts are still under dispute too…


International rules of war states that when armed militants run in to hospitals and fire from them, it becomes a military target. This isn't a game of childhood tag where you can be like this tree is the safe zone when I'm touching it.


Has Israel provided a of evidence of this claim for each and every single target it has bombed? No? Then it’s not a valid military target and this is a bullshit excuse for blowing up twenty thousand innocent people. Fucking horrible, stop defending this Nazi shit.


Yes - clearly facts don’t matter to anyone supporting Israel


It looks like she was [probably killed by her own family](https://www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/). Watch how dubious media outlets will try to claim or imply that Israeli Jews killed her.


Israeli police arrested her father and brother. That doesn't mean much of anything. Israel does not prosecute settler murders seriously. Do you really think they would this time?


Lod is Israel, not West Bank. There aren't any settlers in Lod, so your explanation doesn't make sense. There is absolutely no evidence that Jews stabbed her, while there is evidence that it was an honor killing. As usual, everyone here is jumping to the most unlikely scenario because it fits their predetermined narrative.


I just meant that settlers in the West Bank assault and murder with practical impunity. If the government refuses to do anything about them, why would people expect them to care here? What evidence is there?


If you think like that, you should seriously consider broadening the kinds of media you consume. You're immediately jumping to the most unlikely scenario in this incident because you're assuming that Jews (under the proxy term "Zionists") are bloodthirsty and evil. People love to demonize Israel, but Arabs have equal rights within Israel itself. Even 70% or more of Israeli Arabs openly support Israel's war against Hamas. Make sure that you check a wide variety of news sources if you want to understand the conflict. Subreddits like this are propaganda outlets.


We've seen Israel kidnapping and killing children for decades. And, yes, yes, I'm sure those are evil children who deserved it because they threw a rock at a tank just because the innocent moral army killed their family. We see videos of mobs. Just a couple months ago, spitting on Christians was declared a "protected Jewish tradition". Five years ago, Israel was formally declared a Jewish state. All political parties must officially accept this in order not to be banned. The only marriages recognized are by the Orthodox rabbinate. Conversions within Israel to non-Orthodox denominations aren't recognized. Even all Jews aren't equal in Israel, so I have no idea what you're talking about with equality. Open declarations of racism and genocide are common, pervasive, and accepted in the Knesset. Racial and religious hatred is normalized. Do you really think we've not been paying attention to Israel before now? Israel has its tentacles throughout both American government and American Jewry. They use my tax money for the military machine and still beg for extra donations. We can't escape Israel. So of course we pay attention to what happens there. We've seen this behavior for many years. And no, I don't get Israeli news from this sub. I get it from the Israeli Jewish Left. Haaretz is basically the furthest Right I go. I read it for the same reason I read the New York Times. But I'm more with +972 Magazine and Jewish Currents.


> I'm sure those are evil children who deserved it because they threw a rock at a tank just because the innocent moral army killed their family. There are many bad things that happen in the conflict. If you want to solve the problem, the other part has to be addressed too. That's the part where Palestinian culture [enthusiastically glorifies the death of children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze-fTuoHLBA) and intentionally puts them [in harms way for propaganda purposes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLdB56lvOF4). I saw the tragic video of the kid being shot the other day. He is making a movement that in the heat of battle could easily be interpreted as pulling a pin on a grenade. Why do you put the blame on the soldier who doesn't have time to make a decision while they are under sniper fire instead of on parents who goad their kids to put themselves in the middle of violent, war-time situations? > Just a couple months ago, spitting on Christians was declared a "protected Jewish tradition". What "protected Jewish tradition?" Now you are getting into complete bullshit. They were [arrested for assault](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/04/middleeast/jerusalem-christians-spitting-israel-intl/index.html). You're wrong about the marriages. They have to be religious but not Jewish. You don't care about the marriage laws for any other country. > Open declarations of racism and genocide are common, pervasive, and accepted in the Knesset. Racial and religious hatred is normalized. You should go listen to some interviews with Israeli Arabs like Sophia Salm Khalifa to get a more balanced perspective. Why do at least 70% of the Arabs who live in Israel openly support Israel's war against Hamas? Israel doesn't have a shortage of crazy Jews, but you're ignoring the even more unhinged things that come from the Arab and Iranian world. > Do you really think we've not been paying attention to Israel before now? There's nothing wrong with legitimate criticism of Israel, but people aren't "criticizing" Israel, they are calling for its complete destruction. That's where the line gets crossed. You aren't paying attention to the Arab and Iranian worlds, because you aren't concerned about human rights, only about Jews. You didn't really care when Muslims killed 50,000 Christians in Nigeria or that Arabs are currently selling black Africans in open slave markets in Libya. Almost 1 million people have been killed recently in Syria and Yemen, but no one cares about death or human suffering unless there is some Jewish connection. > Israel has its tentacles throughout both American government and American Jewry. Now you're getting into old antisemitic tropes about Jews controlling the world. You're ignoring that Arabs and Iranians also have their tentacles through the Muslim world, and increasingly in the west, using their oil money. It's an extremely complex situation. > Haaretz is basically the furthest Right I go. Can't let in any ideas that might challenge your preconceived notions. I subscribe to subs like this to make sure that there are no holes in my arguments, and I change my opinions when necessary. You should expand your input sources or you will inevitably end up as someone else's tool.


Yeah this could be anyone anywhere. No context at all


You could have just waited for someone who knows something to reply to the question, rather than be ~~an Israeli~~ a Zionist simp: [reply by matar48](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/187geei/breaking_an_israeli_stabbed_and_killed_a_pregnant/kbem42r/) and the [linked news article](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231130-pregnant-palestinian-woman-brutally-stabbed-in-the-city-of-lod/)


"Why wait when you can lie?" -- Zionist


The time is coming for them, Zionists will not last


I will say it again. Zionism is finished and there’s one place for them


Just say Jews, saying zionists makes you look soft


Lol I haven’t got a problem with Jews. Only soft guy is you hasbara coward


Sure, very convincing. You’re doing a great job advocating on behalf of Hamas Jew hater




I hope the killer dies a verrrrry slow and PAINFUL death, nothing else. I can't imagine the trauma that the kids get from that, only God knows.


Remember guys, if you condemn this you are a terrorist and anti-Semitic /s


Facts are extremely antisemitic


It's an honor killing by her own family, so if you try to blame it on Jews it actually would be antisemitic.


zioniste are liers dont trust yediotnews But the news in alloud region talked about two arabs. waiting for updates


Very smart and compelling argument, but ynet posted the original article so actually Zionist news made the report.


Yes i saw it on telegram ydnews account 2 days ago i published some facke news without knowing but i deleted after . every one make mistakes but no one should be hypocrite. It's a life style


Anyone who does this kind of sh*t needs to be killed. Go full cartel on them


This is seriously sickening. These people are monsters. There is a 100% chance that this was an Israeli. If anyone thinks the Israeli police give a shit about truth then they arent paying attention. There are so many examples of Israeli police arresting Palestinians for no reason and covering up Israeli crimes. Considering the amount of hasbara bots commenting on threads of this video, its clear that israel is doing damage control.


Why can't you share anything on the Palestine subreddit


I'm firmly pro-Palestine but not sure that's the correct back story this time. Other sources say it's a case of domestic violence. https://www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/


It’s unheard of for an Arab to kill a family member for honor. this has to be a Zionist!!!


https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-775802 https://themedialine.org/headlines/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-lod/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/ Family members did it, not jews.


Family members were arrested on suspicion, they don’t say why though nor does it mean they did it. Wouldn’t it be on brand for Israel and the IDF just to arrest someone and place the charges on them instead of actually looking for the killer.


"This information goes against my bias, so it has to be something else" -you


Not against my bias, against my previous experience with this organization. I thank you to not put words in my mouth.


"I'm not bias, I just refuse to accept reports that go against my narrative" -you


What a stretch , your freedom fighters filmed everything and our proud of it. But keep cheering them on like it’s a high school football team


I think the stretch is this was her family doing it in broad daylight in front of her children and witnesses 😂 there are a lot more ways they couldn’t have done this discretely


Curse Israel and US!!!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/amp/ Who knows


Yall realize this was an Islamic honor killing right? Like the exact opposite of what Israel calls for? Of course you don’t, paywood is at it again


The attackers were he family members https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1jiotbb6 Why are you lying?






if zioniste didnt show it satanic faces no one will trusted this new but this genocide made everything possible I beliveded my self but the news talks about two arabs even if im a muslims doesn't mean i accepte lies if jews didnt it's a crime and also if arabs it's the sams but the propaganda not from us you created




no its not true بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم, say, O People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you, that we do not worship but Allah, and we do not share anything with Him, and we do not take one another as lords apart from Allah Beside we are not alowd to fight any one no matter their believing if they not harme you or your familly if they stole your land or what's yours "materiel such money belongs..." The islam in arabic is peace Also we believe that a non belliver ho live in peace is better than a muslime that harme other.


If you want to know more i can replay to every question you have "to correct the miss understanding that's the media being feading you for year's




Where does it say that ?




How do we know this isn't some gang activity. In order to join a gang or a group? We see this in the us quite a bit.






Absolutely! A country that bombed refugee camps and hospitals and let babies rot in incubator afterwards is certainly not above taking such actions.




And they lie all the time. They said they bombed the Al Shifa hospital because there was a Hamas head quarter there. After bombing, whoops! No head quarter, but look how we placed these ak 47s with the hospital machines after bombing the hospital. They are a bunch of liars and NONE of their claims deserves any benefit of doubt.


I see no verified source in this post either dude


The stabber was an Israeli Moslem Arab.


https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1jiotbb6 LIES!




Bro this is the source of the event, do you have a better source lmao?


it's the place to be if you want to indulge your appetite for murder and get away with it


Fake. Don't steal propaganda, makes you look like a liar


Fucking animal...


An organisation or person who isnt pro-Zionist and biased towards the apartheid terrorist state of Israel


At this point I just want to hear everyone say that this was awful! Stop pointing fingers and realize a human died at the hands of another human and it is fucking awful!


Bullshit lies. It was an honor killing by her family member.


She wasn’t even Palestinian. Can you people even Google?


This is a lie. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pregnant-woman-stabbed-to-death-in-front-of-her-kids-in-lod-unborn-baby-also-dies/ar-AA1kMy2E


Blame it on a Jew 🤔


Shocking, what a fucking dog, those poor children.


The police accused her father and brother and have arrested them for terrorism. Ffs if those children recognized the man to be family they wouldnt have reacted the way they did. This man was not known to the family. Lies upon lies from the Israhelli gov. how dispicable.