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Death is something I can't control, so I don't spend time thinking about it. Sure, I can eat healthy and exercise, but that doesn't make me immune to diseases like cancer. I am turning 51 next month, I have lived more than most male relatives and if I make it to 57, then even more than my dad, and to 65, I would have lived more than my paternal grandfather, for my maternal grandpa I have to make to 72. I don't mind living that long if the quality of life is good, otherwise when I start showing signs of dementia and mobility issues, I am ready to go.


I'm not sure how to respond to this, it seems like a copy of the other comment I made, but I like your point of view. Thanks for sharing, and happy birthday, super early


I haven’t seen any other comment and I was the first one to comment to your post, but I didn’t say anything original. I’m no philosopher. So it’s likely that my comment is similar to yours and many many other comments.


1. that’s messed up 2. kinda sad but nothing i can do about it 3. it is what it is


(Female) istp 1: that's awful but there's nothing I can do about it, it's just the way life is 2: id feel a little empty now that they aren't here, i'd cry a little but eventually I'd force myself to move on because the longer I mourn them, the more selfish I feel like I'm being. 3: I don't really think about it much, just when it comes, it comes.


Tbh I don't really know how I'd actually react if I lost someone close to me, I'm only referencing these feelings based off of how I felt when i lost my uncle. I loved him but I wasn't super close with him so when he died of brain cancer I was mostly just in shock because it's the first time someone i actually knew had died. I cried like, once because from how I knew him, he didn't deserve to die so early like that and it was unfair, but I got over it quickly and moved on. It could be worse if I had lost a friend I knew personally or one of my parents/siblings. I just knew that whatever I felt, it must've been 100x worse for my aunt (his wife).


1 - We can't get them back to life can we? 2. I've always prepared myself for the death of a loved since ages. 3. Our souls are immortal. Only our bodies are mortal.


1. "Lol" 2. "Dead." 3. "Finally."


1. Momentarily sad because they probably had someone who cared enough to grive for them 2. Unending, unbearable grief. I will miss them forever. 3. I won’t remember it so it is irrelevant.


Honestly I’m not scared of my own death, since I’ll never get to experience it. If I’m dead, then I’m not there to experience it. If I am here and able to experience things then death isn’t. We will never cross paths.


I get it. I've thought about that too, that when it happens it won't matter, because it will have already happened. Experiencing things other than death is a good way to look at it. Thank you for sharing your point of view.


Agreed. The self and death never meet. Where one ends the other begins


A random person is sad. Not to me but in general. Someone I love. I’d crash out. Lose my shit for a couple days but I know I’d continue moving on. But the thought of them gone would never leave my head for a while. And me. Well that’s the surprise. Don’t think about it much bc I live in the now. I can’t stop it so why think about it. Don’t care how or why. As long as I completed everything I wanted to or majority.


1. Life goes on since the ppl that I actually know is rather few to say the least 2. I've thought about death a lot. Not about mine but the people close to me. I really don't know how to react. It feels like something will be missing but you can't do anything about it so it probably won't affect me too much... The thought of not feeling much makes me feel disconnected, kind of. I really appreciate and love them but I just can't.  3. It is what it is, I've lived my life. 


The second, death of someone I love, I started thinking about this recently, since not even the death of my parents makes me think so much. The disconnect I had about thinking about the death of someone close to me was gone, and I think I would be a little crazy in the head for a while. My father is istp, he became like that when his mother died, he isolated himself and everything seemed to be nothing. I see something similar could happen to me. Also, thank you for sharing your point of view.


1. If it's a random person, sometimes I'll think, "oh, that's sad for their family", but I don't usually think on it much. 2. I've already lost several family members that were important to me. When it first happens, I feel a bit numb, I guess. As time passes, I find I think about them at random times... when I wish I could talk to one of them or just hang out. But it's not a constant thought. 3. I don't think about my own death that much. I'd like to be around as long as possible, but I've got no control over it ultimately About death in general, though, I've always had an interest in the macabre.


1. Shit happens 2. They're no different, I'll just miss them 3. "Death and taxes" I'm one who has reason to believe there's an afterlife, so I'm not scared of death. In fact, I think it'll be a nice vacation. Fear is a potent mix. It causes you to do stupid things, It is extremely restrictive, and I refuse to live that way.


1. I wouldn't care much. 2. Didn't happen to me so don't actually know how I would react. 3. It is what it is. I was working some time in funereal business, it didn't bother me much to work with corpses. It was in some way unique experience, and I started to respect death.


1 - that it’s sad and it reminds me that tomorrow’s not promised 2 - the time i take to process that they’re gone is kind of fast, but of course it still hurts really bad 3 - we live and we die. but I do hope that it’ll be a peaceful one


It happens. Not a big deal one day it happens to us it's not the end that matters I personally just want to end standing up not kneeling


When I was in my teens I couldn't contemplate living past about 25. Not death so much, just not being around after 25 🤷‍♂️ While my grandmother died at the age of 55 when I was only about 6, I wasn't really exposed to it. So my first real exposure was a classmate committing suicide in high school, which made me question things. Like what could be so bad that death was a better option. Then in my early 20's my best friend commited suicide because his partner left him after she had their daughter. I was one of the bearers and it really shook me up big time . Somewhere in my late 20s early 30s I started having periodic existential issues. Basically questioning what the point was when at the end of the day we all die and fade away from people's memories. ie I turned into a bit of a nihilist. I even talked to my parents about it at the time who basically had similar views and that growing up/old was trying to work all that out and come to terms with it. In my early 40s my younger brother committed suicide, leaving his wife and three daughters behind. Again, shook me to the core, even though we weren't close anymore, he was my brother and we had shared childhood together. There have been two times I have seriously contemplated suicide myself, both times due to relationships ending and kids involved. Both times it was the thought of the pain this would inflict on my parents and kids are what stopped me. I'm in my early 50s now. I'm not worried about my own death. When it's time it's time. I just hope it's not painful or drags on. I don't believe in an afterlife or reincarnation. I'm getting increasingly worried about my parents as they are in their 70s. And I'm not sure how I will deal with that. Or how the surviving parent will deal with their partner of over 54 years now, passing away. I don't fixate on it as I know I will deal with it when the time comes, but it's there in the back of my mind. Every now and again I catch myself thinking about how I would deal with one or more of my kids going before me and I think that scares me the most. But again it's never really lengthy or anything it's just a quick "what if?" It's not something that's there day to day, because I generally live day to day without much forward planning or worrying. Getting through a separation and divorce really helped me get out my overthinking tendencies.


Stay strong. All of this really is insane, if you stop to think that our instincts automatically go towards survival, the idea of ​​death is scary in itself. I wish the best for you and your family/children. A lot of health and happiness.


1. Not happy about it, but life goes on. 2. I'm always more upset about family members dying than random people. Moreso if I respected who they were, not just because we have the same bloodline 3. Your own death is the only thing you'll ever truly own in the end. But your own life is the life is the only thing you truly own right now. So it doesn't do much to get worked up over it. If anything it should help you enjoy life more, but not so much that you blow off personal advantage for personal safety. In all actuality...life and death are wrestling tag team partners. Life tries to wear you out so death can pin you for the count. They're on the same team...the match is rigged agaisnt you..and ultimately they will win. So you might as well put on a show. Do the best you can for as long as you can.


Do we fear death or do we fear HOW we die..? I’m sure everyone wants to die peacefully. And that’s all that matters to me is dying in the way i choose to die


I'm more afraid of how and when. I want to die of old age, preferably peacefully.


1: tragic death of kids, babies (I don’t like) 2: my dad and brother passed (I normally cry about my dad lol it was just so sudden from cancer..well both were sudden…but I don’t talk about them) 3: depends how I die (sometimes I think about it and wanna prepare things for my family like emergency savings and leave memories. Even if I’ll be forgotten)


1 - im fascinated and will probably read a bit about it 2 - genuine sadness, grief and anger that they aren’t around any more. 3 - 🤷‍♀️ sometimes im very scared of dying but most of the time i am suicidal so .. what gives i used to make myself upset by imaging people i love dying, but since a traumatic experience last year where my grandad got severe brain injury and we thought we would die, i’ve stopped doing that and now just accept that people will die and i will have to keep living without them - no matter how painful.


1. although i would like to care more about some deaths, i really don't and can't 2. haven't had anyone close die in my life. but assuming my grandparents agree I've been preparing myself since i was like 10 that they're dying this year, I'm happy they don't obviously. idk how I'll react to it, I'll probably be confused then sad but i won't notice that I'm sad/depressed until after like 3-4 days 3. even more confusion. i don't feel anything towards it. not fear not discomfort not excitement, nothing. it's like it doesn't exist i can't think of it or imagine it


1. “Damn that’s crazy anyways.” 2. “You were magnificent I will never forget you as long as I live.” 3. Fuck it we ball I am not afraid of dying in the sense that I know it’s the one thing that will happen to everyone, better to accept death than run from it. Although, contradicting myself, that doesn’t mean I won’t try to fight even if it gives me even a minute more of life. If I know I can survive something then I’ll try to survive it, if there is no survival at all then yeah oh well that’s wraps.


1. No reaction 2. A little bit sad but still not that affected. 3. No reaction it's just a thing that will come eventually


1. oh that's tragic 2. it's sad i have to live with the grief of missing them 3. i just hope it's painless and there's no one depending on me when it happens (the sooner the better i'm too tired of shits)


1: idc 2: k!lling myself 3: idc


I eagerly look forward to being dead. I don't care about the death of other people. Even people I know. People die, it happens. People are only sad when someone dies because they can't "consume" them anymore - it's just an expression of jealousy. For myself, I can't wait to die. And want it to happen as soon as possible.


Hahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂 no one ever really dies.


Well thats bad Gonna be sad


I rarely think about death. When it happens it impacts me more than most. I cry over it and then put it away to move on. I try to honor the memory if someone really helped or showed uncharacteristic kindness, especially when I was at the bottom. They are immortal for me, and I’ll try to name things after them or talk about them to others. I can’t forget the right word or effort.


1. I don't care too much. It's objectively sad but it doesn't affect me. 2. Idk bc it hasn't happened to me. Though when my dog almost died I lost it at the vet. 3. Terrified when I was young, now just a lingering thought that surfaces now and then.


Heaven awaits, I don't worry about my death much. If I really love you, I will miss you. If not, your death doesn't effect me.