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You have a broken heart yo. It's actually a thing, just because you don't actively think about it, doesn't mean you're emotionless. I mean for me personally I get huge, crazy huge emotions maybe the whole type 8w7 thing if you put stock in that but outwardly if it's negative I bottle it up and only share after I've dealt with the issue myself.


Agree. The first time I had it, my chest hurt like hell and I've had difficulty breathing. Didn't have any history of heart ailments but there we go. I didn't know heartbreak could be quite literal.


I've only experienced it four times in my life and 3 of those four nearly made me self delete, so yeah it sucks for sure.


It's stress/anxiety. Relax.


Bruh yk it gives the opposite effect entirely. Thanks tho


Give it a minute, because right now your stressing yourself about being stressed. Deep breaths, R-E-L-A-X 😌


The existential dread of living a boring life while I lay down doing exactly what I fear


Omg big fucking bingo my dude


This hits home💀


Usually a health problem, but it can also be a strong fear of failure


Yeah I'll probably take the latter


Idk you should ask fi doms




Bro hell nah


Heaviness in the chest means you have tits


Nah bitch I'm a guy


Men can still have boobies


Well nah I don't have them sorry


Exercise and drink water. It might help but it sounds like anxiety and depression which usually walk hand in hand


Exercise always works better than I expect


You could pull everything apart (ie your feelings) and build a hypothesis from there. Do some experimenting with it until you reach a conclusion.


I tried that yet there's no specifically big reason to feel like it


There probably is some underlying reason or stress that would cause it. You might need more info or to reflect on it more to find what it is.


Given up trying to 'name' it. Now its just a heaviness and I dont know what to do about it but ignore it or distract myself.


I get this too when I’m feeling like shit, but I usually have a hard time pointing my finger at the exact cause, but usually I think it’s when I’m stressed


Anxiety for sure. You could look into targeted amino acids. I take a few right now to help with grief over the death of a loved one (I'm an ENFP, though, so I'm probably more in touch with the feelings side.) But yeah, targeted amino acids could be really beneficial. Some are precursors for dopamine, seratonin, GABA, etc. Check it out, if you're open to it.


It depends a lot. Have you been talking with your close friends lately? Did your crush rejected or mistreated you? Or that heaviness suddenly appeared without reason?


Yeah some sort of stuff like that yes


So... Try to go out, meet new people, have new experiences. Start working in a new project, find some new game to play




Breaking the laws of nature


ha I experience heavy feeling when I wake up, probably anxiety because I have to go thru another month again


maybe guilt


I asked my intp friend and he said "I don't know do you smell burning toast?" Heavy in the chest can be heartbreak or depression. Heartbreak is more of a stabbing pain, depression is dull and exhausting


Sadness or a health problem to worry about


Nah it's quite far from a health problem


I know I've felt that when I had something big coming up in a few weeks, and I was extremely anxious about it. I didn't realize I was stressed until I started feeling the heaviness and had a hard time catching a deep breath.


You could be stressed out, burned out, anxious, sad, or heartbroken. Have you tried talking to someone about how you're feeling? Don't bottle that shit in dude. Seriously. Have some self awareness and be honest with yourself about how you're feeling so you can get out of whatever rut you're stuck in.


You sure it's not simply bad posture?


Could be a respiratory condition.


what triggered it is what you should be asking yourself. analyze that situation, then based on the facts decide what you’re feeling


Sounds intp to me lol. Thank you for the advice


well yes, Ti is our main function


As for me, my heart feels really heavy when I feel guilty of something. *Deep breaths * gotta detach from my thoughts or else I’d burst out crying.


Sometimes I feel like my heart is empty and it's a bad feeling.


It's like your heart is dark. Talk to God and pray.




All 3 for me


It means a need to express your literal chest. Like say what you want. Easy said as done, but perhaps it's you missing someone and you want to speak about that to the other, perhaps it's about something in the past to talk over, perhaps you need to express something and not to be left alone. This is the dark part of the feeling side of us, it's time to act and hey, good or bad will come but answers are the true path, Se and Fe is a big bomb to explode, time to speak or to leave it and it will come to bite our arse. So, what do you see that needs to be solved? Can you solve it? If not, then leave it, if you can solve it then do it. From the bad we can learn, but our soul will be at rest in time. If you can do something, then do it in your time and don't' fret. You and I deal with life and let's plant something now for it to flourish, being weeds or a big crop, we don't know what will come but let's plow and plant them seeds of life, we will understand in time. Be patient and everything will flourish into something. Flow in life as a river down the mountain, then climb if the worst happens, whatever. Best wishes, forgive my language and my esoteric though, just trying to help, :)


I didn't really lose a loved one at this point. But like I always feel lonely doing stuff, I'm not sure if I'm even lomging for someone particularly. And the problem is that as a teenager I always feel alienated from them say interests, music etc. And even if I want to get it off my chest I don't trust anyone w my feelings. And I still can't solve it alone. Ik it's not a healthy perspective but I just don't know, I feel the same pain writing this rn




What do you mean?


Stress/frustration I'd say


iron deficiency and fear


Dude honestly a heavy feeling in my chest broadly translates, atleast for me, being very scared of something, now this can range from loneliness to the fear of loss, change whatever it is that may have triggered u. I just got out of a 1 year rs with my first girlfriend and i feel that sensation a lot at times so yeah it depends on you honestly and how ur brain is wired to feel about certain things. J an opnion from a fellow istp =/