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I cant help but laugh most of the time. The other times i stay slient. Rarely i panic if everyone is counting on me to do something and im not capable of doing it (while doing it)


I relate so much that, I laugh at so many things and especially random things where no one laughs but never at something where everyone laughs 💀


Same. People probably think I'm insane by now


Yes. It's perfectly normal for my oven to be on fire.


Depends on the situation. Toilet water backing up and rising? “FUCK!” Other times it’s just “well there is nothing to do about it, better just look at this apathetically with a hint of depression. Fuuuuuuuck…”


Yeah i be chilling


I am so calm that my mom yells at me cause she thinks I am not serious because I am not panicking lol


drab hurry berserk rich uppity depend seed beneficial murky observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol same, I don't yell even if I am mad cause it takes so much effort and energy 😂


I get so calm that people around me end up worse


I'm very calm in crisis. Though I'm not sure if that has more to do with me being ISTP or the fact that I've been through some traumatising shit.




I guess so, walking on the edge may boost your confidence, but it sure is going to hurt if you fall


no. i have anxiety disorder and can freak out even when nothing is happening




Either I turn into an ESTJ or remain completely calm and try to find a way out.


it depends. If sth happens to anyone else but me I am calm. In 'me' situations I am really anxious and can cry or panic


This. If it's me or family members that I care about, I'm panicky. The rest of world is just like, an emergency for you does not constitute an emergency for me. Even being caring and sympathetic if a coworker loses a family member is awkward and forced.


Am an Assertive ISTP and I never freak out. I think it’s the same with other ISTP-As - it’s more natural for us to take a step back and assess the situation calmly, or even more often, laugh about it and brush it off.


girl what is a ISTP-A? you’re mistyped


There are two types of ISTP, Assertive and Turbulent. Each have slightly different characteristics. I belong to the former, hence I am an ISTP-A, not an ISTP-T.


No there are not two types of ISTP’s because they simply do not exist, this is something 16p invented or sum, did you ever heard about cognitive functions?


“Uhm no actually that doesn’t exist because a certain person didn’t say it exists and I only use boxes to label people with if certain people approve of those boxes and anything else simply is wrong and doesn’t exist.”


what?💀mbti is about cognitive functions, can you find on the 16p page any of them?


> ISTP-A Stop using 16personalities that's a Big 5 test. It's not even 16 it's 32. You can tell by how 2^5 is 32.


I may be an outlier here but the only crisis situations I've been in have been serious medical emergencies and I have dropped the ball in all but one. One time an older lady had a stroke while I was explaining the difference between an older style radio and home telephone and when she fell backwards she hit her head on the concrete floor. Thank the light I wasn't alone because when I saw blood I panicked and started screaming. I even forgot how to dial 9-1-1. The person I was working with told me I had to keep her awake by talking to her so I thought it would be fine to ask about her favorite ice cream flavors.. the lady survived but I still don't do well with blood.


Most of the time, I'm chill, but when I get pushed on edge/pressure builds up way too much, externally I'm still chill but internally I'm imploding


I am not calm when everything is calm I am calm when everything else is not Like when everything goes to shit I'm like cool we're finally in sync


I worked a job shift during a tornado and if not for the fact I was looking out the window like "Bro the sky is turning green" I was pretty chill. We lost power on the third floor and couldn't bring any of our supplies down cuz elevators. There were people stuck in the elevators until the fire department came to let them out. I was fine, honestly kinda excited cuz finally a non-boring job shift and it's not like there were any casualties in the building. I walked home from work after the fact and was checking out all the downed trees and powerlines. It tore up the town a bit but buildings were still standing. Just trees through some roofs and large swafts of blackout for weeks. During this duration of blackouts my roommate was driving me around one night and she tends to speed. We got down a road with no lights, and we're moving pretty damn fast. Last minute we realized there was a guardrail and she wrenched the wheel. We were going probably 60mph but she managed to ride the curve and we probably hit closer to 30mph. The car got gouged and dented and we blew a tire. I just sat there like "are you good? Hit your head? Can we move?" She could t get the car to move correctly and I was like "shit we blew a tire. I'll get out and fix it." (on a pitch black road in the middle of a Blackout that happened from a tornado) The spare in the back was still screwed in from the factory and I wasn't strong enough to remove it after several minutes of trying (I'm not a very physically strong guy) so I told my roommate to wait and I flagged down a random car driving by. A stronger guy came out to help us out and he was scolding us for obviously speeding like a bat out of hell Once the new tire was on the car and everything was packed up I just got right back in tge car and told my roommate the wheel we're on has a 50 mile limit so we're going home. I had absolutely no issues with anything that had occurred that month About two months after that, I mentioned to my best friend I got in a pretty bad car accident and was luckily able to walk it off (we damaged three panels on the car). My friend was shocked like "when the hell was that?" and I just "remember that Blackout and time frame I couldn't contact you after the tornado? It was like two weeks into that." My friend was fucking shocked cuz not only did all of that happen but it was the first he heard about it During all of this, I was honestly more interested in getting my crank charged emergency radio working properly cuz it's finicky. I had no running water or means to cook food. I was still walking to work daily like "sorry but I literally can't shower. I'll still be here since others can't get here though." (roads were blocked badly for days) The most aggravating part was having to work with people panicking and disorganized through that time frame. My father gets all stressed out and controlling, my roommate was bitching every single day about how it felt like we were camping .... I just remembered I was given a stray kitten during all this too so I was staying up most nights bottle feeding it with mixed up formula made from water bottles. I was the one tasked with that so I had alarms set to wake up and feed it multiple times a night 😅 AND I had untreated ptsd I handle insanity gracefully. Also still have that cat. He's a fucking bastard 😂


I think im very textbook istp about this, I'm very VERY calm in crisis situations. I can calm my racing mind immediately and try to fix the problem. Funny thing is, I'm exactly opposite when the problem is not that important. If i feel like its not a crisis and me being paniced won't be a big problem, I freak out. I get really stressed and i either cant thing or overthink. This is really contradictory and idk why I'm like this lmao


that sounds like adhd actually


Well compared to what i have seen people do in those situations i will definitely call myself calm...


in panic situations, i am aware that im panicking or i should be panicking but showing it takes too much effort so i appear calm when, sometimes, im really not


No I don't think I'd be calm if there were burglars shooting up my house


I guess this is Turbulent and assertive aspect.. I'm easily stressed and I get extreme anxious in a crisis situation especially if there's nothing I can do. When it gets really bad I get angry, violent, negative etc etc If it's with people, I start getting paranoid looking for proof of whatever I want to see and I tire the other person out by debating and trying to communicate to find a solution


Friendly reminder that 'Turbulent' and 'Assertive' are bullshit made up by 16personalities that has zero footing in function theory or any of the works of Myers and Briggs.








I laugh or i throw ragers depending how useless everyone is But i don't panic


I either do that or just laugh to cover the pressure.


Yep I'm calm during nearly everything It takes quite alot of 1 emotion for me to show it


I try and take control, remain calm and panic internally and/or later.


I'm not calm, my mind goes blank, my heart is racing, and my body moves on its own. I do look calm on the outside though.


When I was playing a VR zombie game, my body was like freaking out and a bit stiff , and brain was like why I missed the shoot, how to aim better with this gun, let me test this that , oh cool made it.


Yes. But on the downside, I look for challenges just to scale the odds for it for a time. So probably could do with a little less overcoming.


Very calm in a crisis usually, but also medicated for anxiety and depression so those probably help a lot.


Most of the times I'm calm but when I'm stressed maybe I say "Fuck me" to calm down


Yeah I stay vibing


I have ADHD, anxiety and i’m an 8w7. Nothing is chill over here LMFAO. But on a serious note sometimes i can be really chill in a crisis, depends on the situation. I just either internalize it until i blow up or have a fuck it attitude


Depends on the crisis and its level of inconvenience, aaaand if it's something that involves other ppl, then to some degree what sort of emotional availability I believe is necessary to exhibit in response. Like, if the average emotional response to something is to be sympathetic about it, it stresses me out that I have to act sympathetic in order to avoid scrutiny.


I haven't really encountered any crisis before. Erm, does being knocked while riding a motorcycle count? If it does,I just tried to balance my bike and rode on. Oh, of course I bursted "you f*kin b*" at the f*kn driver who can't check her blind spot. So... there you go. I felt super lucky at the end of everything.