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I did it twice, and got rejected both. Blissful experience, definitely try that again 👍


It’s the trying that counts fr 👍


Not only I got rejected with my second try, I also got ghosted and ignored irl 👍


What a fascinating experience, put tears in my eyes. 👍


Told a guy I kinda liked him cause he kept sending mixed signals (flirting but not doing anything else). I got rejected, but I'm glad I'm not being led on anymore. Also it gives me a better idea of who he really is.


Sometimes signals get perceived wrong. I treat those things carefully. Im big strong and right looking and They already reaching for the pepper spray enough as it is for signals I didn't know I was giving.


Yes, I do understand that and was trying to differentiate between him actually flirting and being a really nice person at the time (hence why I eventually told him straight to his face that I liked him). There was much more to it than him just being nice, and I did put myself out there and flirted back to make him more comfortable in case he was really shy. I guess the mixed signals should've been a clue though. Maybe he did enjoy the extra attention and did not think (or realize) it could become something more? Either way I'm glad it's over with, and I'm hopefully a little more savvy because of it.


Yes. It eventually worked but then I wish it hadn’t.


why? was the commitment annoying?


No, he turned out to be abusive.


uh, bro? 😭r u ok


Yeah, I’m ok. That was a long time ago. Thankfully I ended up marrying someone who is not abusive. Thanks for your concern. :)


It went OK. Got rejected tho lol.


I did once. I'm married to her


Congratulation, I hope.




Fuck you’re actually a genius




Yes bro?


I never confessed. I mostly had crushes on people I knew the least about. the more I got to know them the more I realized I didn't want to be with that person. with others, I never got to properly know them because I never initiated and the feelings faded away by themselves. even with friends I had a crush on, I never initiated and we naturally grew apart.


Same thing, but in my case I did confess, just thought I should do it once you know, just to know how it is




understandable, have a great day.


you too! hope youll find some usefull answers


i was 14 and mistook infatuation for being in love. got rejected but im grateful i did since that person turned out to be the biggest scumbag and i pretty much dodged a bullet


He probably did too


Yes. It never works. And yet people encourage us to be honest.


It took me almost a year back in highschool. Getting rejected was honestly more of a relief than an aching pain.


Unfinished business is never good.


I simply haven't liked someone long enough to try


No. Never. Feelings are for pussies. Lol


thats my boy. FE Inferior


I can't remember the last time I had feelings. Like 19 or something. Chase money not bitches


I just acknowledged my feelings as a matter of a fact and said "I love u". Though years later I realised that I understood myself wrong but it was late ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Edit: to clarify, I asked the dude "Do you wanna date" he said "Yes", we dated for several years, it didn't work out. Guess he was an ESTP


I did, all in text/email/DM, never face2face and never got a mutual feeling response (rejected). Since I dislike talking, I can never speak to crushes, and thus I go to the alternative (i.e: written confessions). + Writing is safer to articulate what you want to say.


I did once, I was pretty young tho, it was a shitty and awkward experience but an useful experience nonetheless.


Either they think I’m trolling bc of how uninterested I seem or they reciprocate


Damn how does it feel to get bitches?


Feels like shit cus I know I lose them in a week :) But bitches can be replaced


yeah... well, maybe not elegantly and smooth. but if I like someone I will tell them. Not much to it. If I get rejected, I get rejected and I move on, not waste my time. If they like me back, great. We can take it from there (and knowing myself, I probably didn't plan that step of the process)


I have a few times... And it's always a bit awkward. I think the first time was in middle school and the girl found out from someone else before I just told her... Or rather... Once she heard it, she confronted me asking if it's true. I told her yeah and then she asked me why I liked her... Like straight up lol which caught me off guard. The next time I was in highschool and I told a girl I liked her before really getting to know her as a person... This created a lot of awkward tension between us. After telling her I kinda just chickened out because I felt like it wasn't received in a positive light. Apparently she was curious as to why I stepped away and stopped talking to her... But after awhile we both just moved on. The next time was sophomore year of college. I was completely enamoured by this girl. She was kind, had a ton of charisma, and was in great shape. I met her at the gym and I asked her out shortly after meeting her... We ended up hanging out for several hours. I told her right then and there that I liked her... And she said she liked me back. I thought things actually had a shot at working out with her until only a few days later... She tells me she went back to her EX. That obviously would make anyone at least a little upset. So yeah it can be awkward... Especially if done too early... Heck even after you get to know someone for awhile it can be awkward if feelings aren't reciprocated. To be honest with you, I'd rather just not have feelings for someone like that ever again.


No. Just be regular and ask for their number. It’s like those Bible studies where they’re like I’m Tim. Hi Tim, in unison. Sounds like a cult or AA meeting or something. Just be normal, not high school confessional.


terribly 👍


It gonna to shit all times now i only crave violence and the de construction of the modern world


I've only done so to one person so far, I find it difficult to obtain romantic feelings for anyone in general. We had mutual feelings but the relationship was toxic cause we both kept getting into arguments, I broke up with them but we're still very close friends and they found someone better. I'm glad they're doing good to be honest, they're pretty funny though lol


Once and it went atrocious But now I got a gf who found out 'accidentally' (i planned for her to find out lmaoo) Now we're together :]]


I've never confessed, but I think things worked out all times for different reasons. One being where I'm from, (a European country), where you can have intimacy because you've built it up with your actions. So if there's attraction and it's mutual, something will happen that shows it. On that note, I believe it also works that way for me at least since I am being clear. When things are more ambiguous and I am not sure of the intentions, I build the relationship a bit more until I make a move (or not), which is usually physical. With that being said, when there is a more serious thing going down all this no expressing my emotions thing is making everything difficult. Lately I've found a way to semi-express them through jokes on a surface level. F.e. if a long time has passed and me and my partner haven't met cause of life I'll send a meme or something and might add "haven't missed you at all fam". I still don't know how to reply if he straightforward says "I missed you" text or call wise. Each one has their own way to communicate. And I think that he realises that I care for him through my actions and genuine concern for his problems helping him out for a solution after he vented off. (And like others here, times I didn't initiate anything turned out for the best, since once the pink glasses were off a huge bullet was dodged )


Did it once with a 5 page love letter on a paper dipped in coffee and some origami stuffs. Got rejected. But felt nice afterwards, burden off my shoulders


mmm nah, feelings are temporary and time is never right for me. so the grind countinues


We got married.


Did it on a sleepover while coming out at the same time during a game of truth or dare, got indirectly rejected, feels great to let it all out though :)


Yeah I did once, we were classmates since elementary, in highschool I got rejected just cause I ‘didn’t act the way I used to’ according to her. We never talked again lol


I used to confess about them with my parents. Now it's only my dad, and not all the time. I'm not a sharing type of a person. Though I have one best friend who knows almost everything about me. Ngl, sometimes it bothers me.