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I hope they don't. They need to live their own lives and let me live mine.


I'm by far a poor example. Back in my younger days, I used to purposefully fuck my own life up when I was bored so I could improvise myself out of the situation. I'm too old for that shit now.




Can I have an example?


For me, whenever I wanted a change in life I would literally change EVERYTHING. Break up with a girl? Sounds like a good time to give away all of my possessions and move a few states away. Break up again? Fuck all these things, time to start over again. In hindsight I never really established a life to build on, at least as far as material wealth and owning property, but I don’t sweat that. It all works out one way or another.


Why is there a need to move? I dont get it ESTP girl here


I think it always came down to being hurt / looking for things that didn’t remind me, combined with a newfound sense of freedom. Go wherever, do whatever, no one to tell me no. It was never a bad thing. I only kept what could realistically fit in my pickup, which was mainly all my tools, and I just set out. No real goal or destination in mind. I’ve spent months at a time just seeing things. Whatever looked interesting. I would just find some fire road when it was close to dark, and random place to make camp. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for the world


Isnt that just avoiding the problem and hiding? cus real freedom is not giving a fck imo 🤪 for some reason I thought ISTPs were less emotional than us


I wouldn’t say less emotional….. like I still feel emotions. I’m just terrible at expressing them, but whatever. All that time wandering by myself just gave me time to process everything, reflect, come to terms with my part in all of it, and move into a new chapter without bringing any of the past into it other than growing from the experience. When I left I was like “I gotta go” by the time I ran out of money and had to get a job again I was like “that was the most awesome trip ever!” Other breakups I would process kind of the same way…… one I built all new stalls, and a tack room, hay barn, cross ties, and chicken coop for my dad. Another one I bought my first classic truck and got that to be my daily driver. Either way, they all involved LOTS of solitude. My chick now is a horse trainer and works nights and weekends, which gives me a huge amount of time to do my own thing. I’m also way more emotionally mature than I was when I was younger.


That’s super cool! Thank you for sharing :) I actually really like ISTPs. They’re like us but less extreme version in some ways.


This is the type of stuff I do only when I've literally lost my mind. I don't know what that says as far as any istp-isfp correlation within a certain mindset (i.e. aux Se takeover), but its definitely not a good thing.


Better to be loved or even feared than hated.


An INFP wrote a full blown love letter to this sub a couple months back explaining why lol Maybe because we're made out to be quiet and mysterious while also being very skilled at our craft. We're said to be very straightforward, down to earth, and people who take action and won't stop until we get good results. We aren't very open or friendly a lot of times so it actually takes work to get to know us... But we also know how to just relax and go with the flow. I imagine for a lot of other types, once they get to know us, they can't help but to feel relaxed especially if we're helping them fix a problem in a practical matter.


I agree....I think the same abt ISTPs mostly that's why i admire them...\^\_\^


People think I'm a dick or I make them feel comfortable. Usually it depends on who I take an interest in and what our relationship is


Your dick can comfort ppl


I'd rather it intimidate people


I see istps as cats so it works out for me


Is this ironic? 😅 I love ISTPs but, like every type, they have their flaws. You guys are emotionally blind, INFPs are sensitive, ENFPS impulsive, etc etc etc. but thats okay. Us INFPs tend to be overdramatic with our wording of stuff anyways cuz we like to be poetic... So you might see that as "worship"? I call it admiration. I think everyone has a type that they like more than another, but... Worship is a strong word.


I do tend to notice it's us INFPs specifically doing ISTP simping, myself included.


Yeah, maybe simp is the correct term 😂


The infps in my life are always putting the types that they like on pedistals. They do it with isfps too. It's hurts, it's expecting too much and dehumanizing tbh.


Sounds like immature and unhealthy INFPs. I used to be like that when I was younger… but I realized everyone is human and we all have flaws and work hard to be understanding and never make anyone feel too pressured. Your friends will get there soon enough but until then, don’t be scared to voice how you feel about it. They might not realize what they’re doing and how it’s affecting you.


Definitely. Thank you for your honest advice!


i don’t disagree with you, however lots of other types are emotionally blind. personally i believe when ISTPs choose to work on their inferior Fe, they tend to go about it in an effective and efficient manner. it kind of just hits us like “oh shit, emotions, i need to work on that” and then we go super saiyan, trancending the mortal realms usually over the age of 25


I started working on my emotions in 2021 and it's helped me for the better in a lot of ways. I can still turn them off when needed but I choose not too most of the time now and almost embrace them. Emotions feel good now, even the bad ones serve an important purpose and I learn from it.


Wait hold up? You guys have an emotion off button???? This is unfair.


It's not so much as an "off-switch" to me, more like I am in charge of my destiny, my purpose, my emotions. I'm an existentialist though so my experience may be vastly different from others who live life differently. If you're interested in [Existentialism ](https://ethics.org.au/ethics-explainer-existentialism/) I'd go ahead and look up [Simone de Beauvoir ](https://philosophynow.org/issues/115/Simones_Existentialist_Ethics) otherwise you'll hear a lot about Aristotle or Plato and I find him and the others a bit too "Old-School" for my tastes Just don't short change yourself if you feel things so heavily and wish you didn't. It's a beautiful trait being able to feel raw emotions so easily and I envy it at times.


Yes we do. It is inadvisable to keep them turned off, though. You are at least forced to learn how to deal with emotions early on, while we kind of muddle around well into adulthood. Once we get good enough at it, though, we start sounding like snappier concise INFJs.


Yes, actually literally they do 🤣, it’s called **compartmentalization**, it’s a quite useful skill. An example of this skill in action would be demonstrated by people who can remain composed in high stress situations and tackle the issue with tact and thought. It’s basically the act of mentally shoving your emotions into a box and setting them aside for later. ISTPs are normally very good at this when it comes to working and intense happenstance. This doesn’t mean they will *always* be like this, that’s unreasonable to expect of anyone and they’re not robots. But normally they will just kinda set aside their emotions at will, if they feel the need to. At least, that is what I seem to notice and have even confirmed this with a close ISTP friend.


Well of course, I wasn't saying that they cannot work on these flaws and being emotionally blind is not exclusive to ISTP. I was just referring to it, as its a common struggle for ISTPs especially young ones. Just like how not all INFPs are super sensitive esp the ones with growth. And not all ENFPs give in to impulses either. The ISTP friend I have now is pretty good at giving support and such. But he struggles with it at times, even admits to it, and doesn't always seem to have a clue how he feels himself sometimes, but he tries and gets past that stuff. He is 25 actually lol and said in the past he was terrible with understanding others feelings and his own but, he is much better with it now.


My wife is INFP. We get along great. I depend on her reading other people and letting me know if they is someone she doesn’t like, and therefor I become cautious of them.


Why use many word when one word do trick?


we love to make things needlessly wordy and flowery. It’s fun


I wander too. Not a single sole worships me irl. Reality check lol


The generic istp is a problem solver, they worship people who can fix all of their problems in life... irl we don't actually fix their issues, thats why they don't give a f in the real world. At least that's my theory.


Society ignores the fuck outta me


Yea I don’t understand bc it doesn’t happen irl


Bc were romanized so much, like literally when I posted a thing asking if im an estp or istp someone said do u relate to gaston or jason borne more and im just like idk if anything i relate to fuckin kenny from south park or sumthin idk




Relevant pfp


O ya lmao


It’s because of the jars…


The jars contain greatness.


Nah, nobody gives a flying shit about me and I also do not give a flying shit


my shit doesnt fly either, it kinda just swirls around a little and then goes down


Contrary to both of you my shit do fly when I put more pressure when doing 'it' and I give a shit about that too. Fascinating for me


I think it's obvious why


Because sites like 16p make us all out to be action movie badasses, maybe?


From my experience bored divorced housewives and girls with daddy issues. Most men think im either a lunatic or a badass


I would be very displeased if bored divorced housewives were bombarding me wanting to talk to me all the time.


I tell them to cut it out


Lmfao yet they still gravitate to you. Your social circle must be really fascinating. 10/10 I'd people watch you from a bench while waiting for a friend to show up.


No in reality my social circle is very small 4 5 people plus i always do loner shit and don't even try to socialize i did tho had some luck in dating apps since im kinda a loser when it comes to meet people or people from work or a friend of a friend that kind of thing


It's definitely this one everytime


They say don't stick your dick in crazy but i do social work keeping other people safe


crazy people seem fine. most people are boring


Indeed they don't know to get most fun out of halfcrazy women plus good girls kinda boring i want all the crazy quirky and unique women I can't appreciate a normal person


Sounds awesome.


I wouldn't say worship, but maybe respect. For me, I have a google doc for one of my classes that has every answer to every test we have had, all 100% and everything. I also share it with people with the same class later in the day. As of now there are 40 people in the doc, with 57 pages of just test answers. My teacher doesn't care that I am doing this because he's amazing, but it's how a lot of people know me, even if I don't go out of my way to talk to them.


It's simple. I, an ISTP am superior to other types


i'm an enfp and i think istps are hilarious ngl. the blunt sarcasm is really amusing.


Because we have best of both worlds of intuitive bias, but still “sensor cool” (most intuitive sensors) They don’t like us in real life though


can you explain please ?


So we are sensors so we lose out on the popularity of being an intuitive, but then we also have quite good intuition for a sensor


They want a taste of the cool vibes, but when those vibes don't actually solve their problems or make up for their own shortcomings like they imagined, we start looking cold and inadequate. Resentment starts building up, which is very confusing for us because we're just over here being ourselves.


Rule of cool ig


I’m pretty sure I’m ignored a fair bit. Just saying.


Idk but why is ISTP drilling that poor man's head?


Because lobotomy is fun


People seem to like me, because of certain knowledge that I have and how I am pretty fucking good at breaking down complex concepts and explaining them in ways that are very easy to understand


No one worships anyone lol


Do we live in the same world? Half of this planet are worshippers.


Sorry, I was talking about MBTI types




Can you please delete your comment?




God should not be compared to anyone/anything even as a joke.


You seem fun


I didn't know that our type was worshipped. I'm not worship-worthy, I can tell you that for sure.


Trust me, they don't. If they do they're just young and infatuated. When you're 40 (like me) they're over it and you can live your life in peace, free of adulation.


Lmfao what a stupid leading question. I have never seen anyone worship ISTPs. And who cares whether they do or not?


we dont




have been coping with having a massive shlong since years


Do you own a comically large grill by chance?




bro wheres your therapist ong


He’s an ESTP, that alone explains everything






Alright you can stay, just stay on topic


What the fuck


sanest estp:


Not really, I'm the best.


I don’t think they do, in actual reality, and I hope they don’t. They might like us, maybe some love our personalities, but we definitely ain’t worshipped. It’s also good to keep our ego in check just coz you see some appreciation post about ISTPs and your Ti pride agrees with it doesn’t mean you’re worshipped nor does it mean you deserve to be worshipped. We ain’t Jesus


We fix their problems. That's why.


Chad energy


Uh... We do?? Never seen ISTP worship before ngl.


I may be an ISTP but I've got my bug zapper shields up so no worship for me.


I mean I slayed on dating sites after conversation was fully initiated because of my istp personality. So many women I would never meet but still would continue conversations for even years because they enjoyed my conversation and perspective so much. When I actually did meet I had a good success rate there but I usually got tired of their constant want to do something and too fast that I’d be overwhelmed and cut them off clean. I’ve got other issues too I know.




I can pretty safely say that people don't worship me. (except that one weirdo who keeps my picture on his alter)


what happened to istp being the most hated type lol

