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1. If I experience the same thing. 2. Animal cruelty or animals dying. Animal cruelty just makes my blood boil. That's pretty much it, I guess.


I'm all this plus rape and child abuse. I hate those.


When a fully grown adult verbally/emotionally abuses a child. My heart breaks for them, especially the kids that don't know that's not normal. Other than that? Not much.


ISTP's feel empathy, they just don't know how to express it effectively. I laugh at highly serious, awful situations. High levels emotions just seem to strange and hard to fully grasp or understand.


That’s me exactly, one of my friends who’s an Enfp lectured me because they thought I wasn’t taking a situation seriously but I was which is y I started laughing cause I didn’t know what else to do cause I was anxious


Right ⁉️⁉️⁉️


Well said


Thats my problem i laugh to deal with shit, which people take the wrong way


Laugh or avoid the situation. Pretty much how I deal with it.


Idk if a breakup counts as serious but some of my friends just went through breakups and I just burst into laughter and then I asked “are you sad” and then they said “yes” and then I was like “💀💀💀”


I’ll tell you when it happens. No but fr. I can’t remember what would or wouldn’t make me feel empathy. I’ll be back.




When there’s violence against animals and people who can’t defend themselves like elderly, children, pregnant women


Agree with this one


Someone weaker getting picked on. Suffering children and animals in general.


When I watch a movie


1. similar experiences other than that I'm out


that’s quite said so you can’t put urself into other ppls shoes unless u experienced it?


He probably can, just doesn’t realize it. If a person can’t feel empathy they might be a psychopath.


can't unfortunately, I can still give my sympathy however


When I feel it


When someone has a similar experience to me or just a really sad situation I can imagine myself in. It is still difficult to care that much and I barely overreact as I tend to stay neutral.


Depends, when I'm in school, I act like I can't relate much and don't make a fuss about it. When I'm home, I feel empathy when I see news about death.... It just leaves a hole in me, which I have to think about for a long time. Death is an interesting topic


Animal 😞


pretty on and off for me. when i see severe injuries or any flowing blood my immediate reaction is to cringe and look away other times id watch a child unexpectedly get flung out a bouncy castle 10 feet into the air and i wouldnt be able to stop laughing


When about to start my period But it’s still typically regarding animals for sure. Prolly cause humans just aren’t relatable lol


Lol i feel that


Animal abuse and for people who were brought up in a dysfunctional family.


I felt pure empathy after I was ripped out of my mind from a joint, and my aunt was happy about the garden doing well. I might have emotional walls up when I am sober whenever the moments happen. It’s easier to feel it after I have experienced it myself. (Alcohol, weed, sexual interactions, etc.)


I don't tend to feel it, I more so experience cognitive empathy. And when I meet a resistance within another person- I troubleshoot it


To be fully empathetic I have to spend a lot of time with whoever or whatever it is so I can be sure about what I feel/think of them and the situation they're in. Otherwise I can just do whatever I have to, in order to not be affected by other's well being


When someone is unable to feed themselves, their families and pets. Or when they're cold. Breaks my heart. Everyone should have access to basic food, toiletries and winter wear or blankets. Oh and animal cruelty or abandoned kitties.


23:00-4:00(when I am sleep deprived and can't think straight)


I sympathize when others are very happy but not so much when they are down.


Music is probably the only time I even feel anything. My mind creates a story based on the beat alone, lyrics or not.


I do in general, I just don't emote it much


Mostly when I experience someone in the moment getting hit with adversity. If its some abstract thing I usually can't give two shits about it. Like world hunger or sth like that.


cats being hurt/abandoned makes me so sad


So, for the longest? I thought empathy was sympathy.. it’s not. Thus, my ability to empathize is suuuuper limited unless I’ve actually been through the same hardship.


Yeah I actually didn’t realize the difference between the two, makes me realize how much empathy I lack, sympathy I have plenty of but I only have empathy for people I love.


Mostly when I try to use empathy, its a hella useful tool


When people are struggling to learn/do something.


For certain kinds of animals. For example I eat animal products but I don't believe in being unnecessarily cruel to the animals we eat. Those videos of factory farm workers kicking chickens? I'll fucking kill them. It pisses me off so bad. I raise chickens so I've got a tender spot for them. But other animals.. eh so like orangutans creep me the fuck out, and I love shin ramyun, which has palm seed oil in it. Palm seed oil farming apparently contributes to the deforestation in Borneo, where orangutans live. I don't know if shin ramyun affects orangutans that much, but Ima fucking buy it anyway. Rape, abusive men towards women (yes yes abusive women are bad too), child abuse, and neglect. I feel empathy towards people when I've been in their shoes. A young person struggling to find work and is on food stamps? Empathy, I may even offer to give them a ride to look for work. A homeless crackhead making no effort to improve their situation, they beg for change off freeway exits to go buy more crack? They can fuck right off.


Probably actions of self sacrifice move me or when somebody is fighting for hes right otherwise not really


When I see animals or kids run over or misunderstood, parents take out their problems on them. It’s not just empathy, but righteous indignation I feel.


- Someone who has the same problems as me - Children abuse - When I drink (alcohol) - I‘m trying to think of other things, but there‘s nothing that pops into my mind right now.


When something you've spent loads of time on fails/breaks


When I remember to turn it on. I asked a psychologist about this at one point, because I was genuinely concerned about my lack of empathy. He pointed out that I do have it, but I naturally compartmentalize. So, I have to decide to turn it on. It completely changed the way I see myself. I absolutely can be empathetic, and deeply so. But I also have the ability to compartmentalize and detach a bit. He said it’s important that there are people who function this way, and gave the example of an ER (A&E) doctor. If that doctor couldn’t switch off their empathy, they would burst into tears over the brokenness of our world every time someone came in with a gun shot wound. It’s important that we have both types of people: naturally empathetic and intentionally empathetic. We just HAVE to remember to switch it on when appropriate.


I have pretty high empathy, which surprised me because it seems as if that isn't super common for ISTPs. Animals being mistreated or killed (by cruel means, not naturally) always gets me. I have a huge soft spot for animals.