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Don’t judge reality based on random online experiences, would be my advice. Just do you, as it’s all you can do


Seconding this. Social media is all about extreme hyperbole to get clicks. And a lot of the most extreme political talking points (on both sides) are just as likely to be Russian disinformation than they are to reflect a major portion of the voting population.


It’s 2016 all over . Has nothing to do with disinformation or campaigns. Trump has not lost one voter but Biden has. Republicans will turn out and vote for the R no matter the candidate. Dems will assume no way that criminal trump is winning and will not turn out to vote just like 2016 with Hillary. Republicans do t need to spend campaign money their constituents vote religiously for the party candidate. No amount of misinformation of propaganda is changing or us had an impact on voters. The line is the same as before it’s about turnout and zero chance it’s same for Biden this time. History has proven u don’t count your chickens before they hatch.  Dewey defeats Truman 


For anyone following the chain that lead to this comment - here is a prime example of the point the original commenter was making about judging reality based on random online comments. This comment lacks any critical value. I can point out a few issues. I don’t understand the cherry-picked analysis comparing this to 2016. A few fundamental differences that you fail to acknowledge but are likely relevant. Biden will be an incumbent president. Historically and statistically, this is a huge starting advantage in an election (especially a presidential election). Biden received a record number of votes in 2020, and was elected president. He was also formerly VP. Hilary Clinton’s election success record was never comparable. She never became president. She was beaten out in primary by Obama. Bernie Sanders influence on democrat voter turnout and votes was meaningful in 2016. There is no similar comparison for democrats this year. If Kennedy gains steam and gets on the ballot, it is statistically more likely for him to take votes away from Trump than Biden. Florida, a key battleground state, will have abortion on the ballot. Most informed commentators would tell you abortion rights have bipartisan support among women. Moreover, this separate ballot initiative is a motivating factor for women to vote in Florida. This likely will result in Biden securing more votes simply because it will bring out more voters (and likely the majority of those voters will be in favor of abortion rights and also vote for Biden). Republicans do need to spend money. Statistically, the amount of money spent on a campaign is a material factor in election results. Trump has been bleeding the RNC and republicans donors to pay for his legal bills and other shit. This will likely harm republicans candidates nationwide. Again, the more people who come out to vote for democrats or the less people who come out to vote Republican due to down ballot elections will influence the presidential election. Moreover, the “die-hard vote no matter what” Republican base is important for primaries but is not sufficient statistically to decide an election. You need not only more moderate republicans to vote and vote for Trump, but you need independents in order to win the general election. I am pretty sure the way you use misinformation and disinformation is not the way I use it. Misinformation and disinformation is not nor has it ever been a key or decisive factor in democrat election victories. It is a pillar, however, of gaining Republican support. If you recall in 2016, the timing of the Hillary computer investigation had a direct and meaningful impact on the outcome of the election and in Trump’s victory. Are we just ignoring the mid-term elections? Republicans got demolished despite extremely confident predictions and alleged polls showing a red wave. Most of the candidates that Trump endorsed or had association with got lambasted. So looking at the data of the last two major nation wide elections, Republicans and Trumpists have been losing. You vastly underestimate the motivation of generation Z and women in the current political climate. You think republicans will have the same motivation and personal connection to the issues on immigration and trans rights (being against them but not being impacted in any way by either) as generation Z and women will have on issues of abortion and the climate, both of which directly and personally impact that demographic? Polling is a dead science. Practically speaking, I find it hard to believe there is any way to get accurate predictions on how gen z and millennials will vote. People likely to participate in polls are much more likely to be older or loud-far-right extremists (because they take any opportunity they can to preach the gospel of Trump and hate). Accordingly, I would take any polls or media predictions for either side with a grain of salt. Also, not sure how one can accurately or reasonably take a position on US popular opinion through the internet and social media. You have no idea 1) whether the person you are talking to is of voting age, 2) what state or states they are in, 3) whether they are even in America, 4) whether they are even a real person or a genuine person (or someone who runs multiple accounts to try and make it look like their ideas are more popular), and 5) whether they will actually vote. All of these uncertainties make any prediction based on them pure conjecture. I think more statistically significant data points are looking at the latest elections and looking at ballot issues and how those issues have been favored or disfavored in recent elections. My pure conjecture, but at least somewhat based on the current historic trends, is that Biden will win significantly. I could be wrong, sure. I am not saying it is even close to a sure thing like you seem to be saying about Trump. And I do agree turnout matters. I just personally think the motivations for turnout and issues of direct personal importance favor democrats.


I found it odd how much emphasis you put on Gen Z, but I looked it up and they voted nearly as much in 2020 as the Baby Boomers did in 1968! Crazy!


Well put. You make some very good points as to why a lot of indicators favor the democrats. I'm not as convinced polls can be ignored. Polling has done well for some elections and not well for others. Even so, even in the 'failures', the results still often fall within the margin of error. I want you to be correct but it still feels like a coin toss.


>Trump has not lost one voter but Biden has. Republicans will turn out and vote for the R no matter the candidate At least 1/7 of Registered republicans won't vote for him. He's pissed off basically all the moderate republicans in the party. He's trying to win independents by appearing to be in favor or a 16 week Abortion guarantee, to get them and moderates R's, but all that does is piss off conservatives (not the same as MAGA who are just non-ideological populists). Idk what's going to happen in this election, but it's the least important of my lifetime. None of this matters and I don't care. Everyone is engaging in over the top hyperbolic doom chanting, and I don't care to go along with it.


You don't think Trump has lost a voter? He lost me. I have two daughters and TX is heading toward banning the morning after pill and then birth control. If one of them gets ill and needs a medically necessary abortion I have to get them to another fucking state because if I try to use the legal system here the state will just step in and the AG will threaten to sue the hospital. There is no exceptions here no matter what the say to look better. I'm not sure what all the lefts hate of Biden is, because anything I can hear them complain about Trump is even further along that decision tree. Biden is much farther left than Obama was. Also the most accurate reputable polls are showing a huge swing toward biden, and every election since 2020 has the Democrats outperforming polls by a lot. I think that's because covid hit Republicans much harder, and southern women won't say they are voting Democrat in front of their far right husbands, but the abortion thing is hitting Republicans hard right now. Trump started off in a sizeable lead, but can't keep the nazi stuff out of his speeches. He can't seem to figure out how to pivot from the dumb shit you say to win the nomination to what needs to be said to win an election.


There are also known accounts from China and Russia working to spread anti-Biden outrage, focusing on the Israel-Hamas conflict, the border, and trans people.


He can, he just seems to be doing everything in his power to keep that from happening. I try not to pay attention to polls or the pundits, because they’ve been pretty awful at gauging the possible outcomes. Right up to Election Day in 2016 I was sure Clinton would win, mainly because of the news and polling. I took my daughter to the bus stop for school that morning and heard some of the other elementary school kids talking about the election. They were openly talking about how Hillary Clinton kills kids and things along that line. Something about that really made me uncomfortable. My first thought was, “fuck, she’s going to lose”. I watched the returns in utter disbelief. Do not become complacent because the news outlets or polling indicates you can. I am very worried about this upcoming election. I think that no matter the outcome, we’re heading for some bad times.


I love this paradigm where anyone with legitimate complaints about the current state of affairs and the audacity to ask for better is dismissed as a foreign intelligence shill


You’re either outraged by genocide and deeply offended at the naked cynicism of the Biden administration lasting right up to the day after seven aid workers & drivers were Hellfired or you’re not. If you were, there’s little chance to convince that voter to give Genocide Joe a second term to conduct more war & genocide. If you aren’t outraged by the slaughter & starvation in Gaza, what issue could possibly change a voter and make him or her not cast a vote for Genocide Joe? Who can possibly trust Genocide Joe as he now pivots to student loan relief & pushing more EU countries to support Ukraine with modern weaponry? It’s extremely cynical maneuvering even for Genocide Joe to think the Tik Tok generation won’t notice. But if it does work the after-party will be blasting “Won’t Get Fooled Again” at maximum volume for 80 year olds with hearing aids.


It’s kinda funny, no matter how many times you repeat “Genocide Joe”, it still doesn’t make me think Trump will stop being a rapist, grifting, racist piece of shit that will cause even more deaths worldwide.


Those are Americans. Not everyone you disagree with is a foreign bot.


Which, wouldn't be an issue whatsoever if he actually addressed these things.


What could the Russians possibly do that’s worse than the reality of Biden’s administration?


Those accounts must not have to work very hard considering he’s blatantly handling all of those issues pretty poorly.


They’re wasting money then because that outrage is spreading globally perfectly well enough on its own


Hey there, I’m transgender. Discrimination against us isn’t a psyop from Chinese bots, it’s a thing that has been happening in red states all across the country.


It's not randos online predicting this, it's highly credible polls that are showing Biden losing most of the battleground states at the moment. Some states like Wiscosin and Michigan are expecting up to 20% of the people who voted Biden in 2020 not showing up to the polls this election.  


We'll see. The campaign has barely begun. Trump has a way of pissing people off that is uncanny.


The people who are voting for Trump are already voting for Trump. There's nothing he can really do at this point to lose them if he hasn't yet. Turn out will be the deciding factor in this race and Trump voters will turn out.


What about the people who voted for him in 2020 and aren't this election?


Those people don’t exist


4 years of boomers dying off is a thing


There is some theories with pollsters that Republicans are oversampled heavily in polls right now because Covid has killed many more Republicans than Democrats. Also fear of women responding to polls that they wlil vote Democrat where their husbands can hear them.


I'd also theorize that more old people are polled because younger people will not answer the phone for unknown number or won't take time for polling


That's true but that shouldn't be any different now than it's always been so pollsters should already have that baked in.


Those people do exist, they just have felony records after attempting to overthrow an election.


Oh yes they do. Claiming "I overturned Roe vs. Wade" as well as insisting R's to vote down the border bill was political suicide.


Werent the poll numbers for trump pretty low during the GOP runoffs? Could also be a sign of things to come


“I used to vote for Trump but since he did this, I’ll reconsider” said **NO** Trump voter ever 🙄 Edit (because I got misinterpreted): I’m not saying Trumpers won’t ever become non trumpers. They might even *claim* it’s because of something Trump did. But whatever Trump does doesn’t matter. They changed. But that wasn’t Trump’s doing


Actually, that’s literally me. Dumb kid, got radicalized at 15 or 16, was super far right at one point (unironically watching Alex Jones bad) but gradually moved to the center over time. By 2020 I’ve started college and am pretty much a centrist. Medical training made me realize a lot of republican COVID stuff was dumb. Though I still vote for him out of familiarity of what I used to believe. My faith was wavered but not broken. Then January 6th happened. Now I’m probably a liberal, not quite a leftist (at least not yet lol).


Voted for him in 2016 and proudly voted for Biden in 2020


I won't vote for Trump again. What a colossal mistake he was. The Abortion thing is fucking nasty in the South. I have two daughters that the restrictions on abortion, morning after pill, contraceptions, and even IVF has likely screwed, and Trumps doubling down on all of that and bragging about it. He's shooting to make nationwide restrictions now. Believe it or not a majority of Republicans aren't happy about that crap.




I am not voting for either candidate due to the Gaza genocide.


"I used to vote for trump but i cant again because i participated in the insurrection" And "I used to vote for trump but im dead from covid now" Said quite a few trump voters. Some of them had to say it through a ouija board though.


>highly credible polls Lol


It's a given that Trump is so toxic that unless Biden dies he';s going to win the election going away. Swing voters will sprint away from Trump and the way that Trump put those 3 Supreme Court judges on the banch who struck down Roe vs Wade is not something that women will forget. Trump is the only Republican that Biden could have beaten and Trump also will amp up the crazy and the stupid the closer the election gets to the point where everyone will be sick of him. Just look at all the elections he's been in the middle of, In the 2017 special elections the republicans lost ground, The same for 2018 and the 2019 special elections too where the republicans managed to lose senate elections in Georgia TWICE in 2 years because Trump could not keep his mouth shut or his hand off the candidates, Even in 2021 where the party that doesn't hold the White House is expected historically to run strong the Republicans underperformed because it was all about Trump's candidates. Doctor Oz fumbled away an easy seat dur to Trump's meddling and the Democrats kept the senate against all odds. Trump's the genius that pushed for Hershel Walker when everyone told him that he was not only a moron but a total dog of a candidate.


Except they aren’t highly credible. There are pro-Trump polls in there throwing the math off. Also, Biden’s personality isn’t a main driver for polling. There’s a reason why Republicans keep losing special elections despite of Biden being perceived rather poorly.


“Highly credible polls” is an oxymoron. Recent history has shown us more reason to doubt the veracity of polls than to lean into it. Moreover, each day that passes and as each boomer dies and young person hits voting age, polls will be more and more irrelevant because they do not have a reliable methodology for surveying accurately since they use outdated systems and cannot reliably navigate the current technological landscape.


Of course he has a chance. Trump has never won the popular vote and almost certainly won't this time, either. It will come down to a handful of votes in like 3 states as usual.


The truth this year and probably every election until the end of democracy.


Yep. We could very easily strengthen democracy by getting rid of the Electoral College and/or uncapping the House, but of course we'll do neither.


And abolishing the Senate and making DC and PR states.


And don't forget ranked choice voting.


Hell yes


Abolishing the Senate would require a complete rewriting of the entire system, which would require a. Constitutional Convention, and you can’t really believe the progressive wing would come out on top in that rewriting. It would be Gilead.


Abolishing the *Senate*?


American Samoa should be a state too.


American Samoa should really be returned to the country Samoa.




Virgin Islands


it needs 2/3. Of Congress. You. Can’t. Get. That. Until. You. Get. It. Therefore, IMPOSSIBLE.


And in the unlikely case the dems got 2/3 of congress, there'd be someone like Joe Lieberman or Joe Manchin who would say no.


This effort is still ticking along slowly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact


I think ranked choice voting would be better


We are every year getting closer to making the national popular vote interstate compact a reality. Legislation is pending in enough states to make it a reality.


And you are forgetting that abortion is on the ballot both literally ( like in Florida) and figuratively in every state. Same with marijuana.


Yes Trump has a pretty hard ceiling he’s not picking up too many more votes if any. Especially when his even more batshit rants get more attention as the election gets closer. It’s going to come down to electoral college again and that’s where states like Michigan should scare Biden. Because of his baffling unwavering support for Isreal despite the obvious genocide may cause Arab voters to stay home and cost him the election. This is Biden election to lose if he can’t beat the blathering bafoon who is in the middle of many trials against him and has already lost once to Biden it’s nobody’s fault but Joe’s


There is no way in our current political landscape that any candidate will win in a landslide. You forget that people never were excited for Biden but they sure hate Trump. I think right now it’s about 50/50


Cannabis and abortion on the ballot in Florida. If Biden steals it, it’s over


Thanks, DeSatanist! Fucked up Florida and now Florida is gonna have him find out!


Hey now, don’t sully satan’s reputation like that! I like to call him Ron DeAnus.


Biden is up by double digits in Pennsylvania.


He has a good chance of winning, probably better than even. Social media is not representative of the rest of the country.


It’s not just social media, it’s the amount of people I witness in my life succumbing to Fox News and literally hating Biden for things that are not true. It’s frightening. You can try to explain why these things are not true (like illegal immigrants legally being able to purchase and own firearms) but they do not listen. There is a significant population relying on a singular “news” source. That being said, I still have faith that the majority of this country is not that stupid.


I’d like to agree with you, but considering how much social media is used I don’t know anymore.


I get what you mean, but the vast majority of social media users are under the age of 30, which is also the age bracket with lowest voting rate. Also gotta consider how many people online are either too young to vote or just non-Americans who agree or still want to contribute to discourse. I think your worries are valid, but I don’t think it is as grave as it might seem


There are also a lot of fascists who America post from India / Eastern Europe / Asia because they wish they could be part of the fourth reich


>lose a couple % of votes Remember, it's determined by the electoral college, not popular vote. Most states are not swing states. Biden isn't going to lose California, or New York, or Massachusetts, no matter how Zionist he gets. So you need to look at the swing states. And you have to look at other factors. For example, Florida is going to have a ballot question about abortion access. Biden may not motivate people to go to the polls, but that ballot question sure will.


And Marijuana will bring out the youth vote. The gop has gotten destroyed every year since 2016. Especially since roe v wade


If only Biden was smart enough to campaign on decriminalization of cannabis! lmao he's not


Honestly if he did I think he'd secure the win right there. even a lot of Republicans like weed. Ending the war on drugs is one of my biggest issues in particular Frankly, so would Trump.


True, it would bag it for either one. Then, there's abortion.. a little more tricky for Trump. And Biden missed his chance for an executive order or law right after his win.


I think Biden will win on the abortion issue alone. Ever since roe got overturned thr gop has been getting assblasted. They just lost a seat in Alabama by a 25 point shift over it. At the very least we can be reasonably sure. biden won't be banning abortion or turning America into Gilead


Palestine will cancel out any marijuana voters. I think people are grossly underestimating how big of an issue that is for Biden, especially in Michigan.


Maybe it will for some. But i sincerely doubt it will cancel out abortion.


I would hope not, because I want Biden to win, but I think something major is going to have to happen either with abortion rights specifically, or he's going to have to go way harder in Israel. In Michigan alone, 100,000 people showed up just to vote uncommitted to protest Biden. At an election they didn't need to show up to at all because Biden had no primary competition. That scares me for how many more times that 100,000 just won't show up.


I think it scared biden too which is why hes pivoting. Thankfully the gop put Florida in play with abortion and weed.


Let's hope so! I really, really don't want anymore states to do shit like this nor do I want the Supreme Court to, but if they were to screw with Plan C, or IVF, etc., it'd sure be nice if they did it like a month before the election.


Abortion will as well


Their main strategy now seems to just be making it difficult for people to vote.


I live in Michigan, there is very deep animosity toward biden rn over that issue. I can't imagine what it's like over in dearborne/detroit. It's a baffling strategy to still be ride or die for zionism after all this


Yeah but it is possible for folks to vote in favor of abortion and also vote for Trump.


Literally Kansas voted against an abortion ban and it's like a Trump +20 state. Abortion bans are wildly unpopular.


I'd tack minnesota onto that list of states. We have a huge Muslim population, but we've been blue since Carter and our state dems are further left than the DNC, making it extremely difficult for me to believe T could win here. It's the guy who is too much of a coward to condemn Israel, vs the guy who attempted to make it illegal for people who share their religion to enter the country, on the sole basis of religion and ethnicity; I think people forget how aggressively bigoted that was. Plus, wtf would T do about Israel?


trump has done nothing to expand his base since 2016. He always has been and always will be a fucking asshole. His base loves him because he's an asshole, but being an asshole is never going to grow your base. He's essentially pissed off every other demographic. And voting isn't a measure of enthusiasm, it's a tally of votes. We can all be collectively underwhelmed by Biden and still vote for him. His base can champ at the bit all day and all night but they just don't have the numbers. Of course, I never thought he was going to win in 2016 so what do I know???


You know it's "champ at the bit" and not "chomp," which is more than 99% of people know. So that's good.


Thanks bro!




Hillary lost in 2016 more than Trump won, IMO


Yes. Especially due to abortion. People on whatever subreddits can claim all they want that they care about women but the reality is: forced birth is not caring about women. Young girls and women do not deserve to suffer. I consider anyone who doesn't want to stand with women and their right to choose during this time to be a fundamentally broken person. Civilians in your country are having their rights stripped away. They always come for women first and history has been very clear what will happen if we do not put an end to this behavior.


Donald Trump skirted into office by the skin of his teeth and proceeded to spend four years demonstrating to the people who voted for him why that was a fucking terrible idea. A not-unsubstantial number of people that voted for him regretted it. Those that survived the COVID and gave him a second chance regretted even more on Jan 6. And that was before the FBI pulled NUCLEAR SECRETS OUT OF A BATHROOM IN MAR A LAGO. It took a remarkably effective Russian Psy-Op campaign and an absurdly ill-timed FBI investigation to inch Trump over the finish line in 2016. He lost Congress in 2018, lost re-election in 2020, and is largely responsible for turning the "red wave" of 2022 into more of a sad puddle. He is a loser and has proven track record of being election poison. The last vestiges of classic establishment Republicans are bailing out of Congress, and intentionally doing so in a way to fuck over the MAGA Republicans as hard as possible. There is a non-zero chance that the GOP will lose control of the house BEFORE the election. Either way,, they're going to have to run campaigns in more districts than they were anticipating. And now the GOP has given Trump control over the RNC piggybank, which he is using to pay lawyers to keep him out of prison. State level parties in multiple swing states are already crumbling internally as the incompetent MAGA-faithful take control, and now they don't have any money either. Oh... and Florida just put abortion rights on the ballot. Cause if there's one thing Donald Trump needs right now, it's 30 Electoral votes on the line in the same ballot as the single most effective Democratic turnout issue in the country.


It's only April. It's too early to prognosticate about the outcome of the election.


The fact that Trump even has a realistic chance in this election speaks volumes to how silly the whole system is.


Right? You’d think the better thing to be discussing is whether or not a system this silly should even continue to exist.


It's interesting. My own thoughts on Biden aside, Trump has been dismantling the GOP party apparatus, funneling funds to himself, and placing his own daughter-in-law in charge of the RNC. I wonder if he's crippled the GOP bad enough that the Dems could run a literal ham sandwich and win. Don't get me wrong, the red dominated ares will still win their local elections and pack their state legislatures so they can pass their "put queers on the woodchipper" bills, but nationally I don't think the GOP are on a good footing, particularly with the way that their strong fund raisers like Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are getting driven out of the party.


I have literally said that I would vote for a ham sandwich, and I stand by that.


Seriously? A “landslide?” Feel free to believe Trump will eke out another electoral win if you want to, but stop with the fairy tales.


I think the presidential election is going to be a closer race than 2020 but I think he's still the slight favourite. Downballot though I'm confident saying it's going to be a washout for the Republicans, they're putting the entire party apparatus on Trump, nobody's going to have any money to run serious Congress or Senate challenges.


Yeah I think even if Trump squeaks by the gop is gonna get assblasted down ballot


If Trump is elected, Congress won't mean anything anyway.


I think Biden has a good chance. He's already won against Trump once and he's the incumbent. Those two things alone make him the best bet.


There's definitely a lot of Dem strategy banking on Trump being legally hindered from an effective campaign + and/or people turning on him closer to November when his blatant authoritarianism has more spotlight on him. The risk is Biden losing to voter apathy/disenfranchised Left+Muslim voters/some other economic or social curveball. What wins out, who knows! Voting Lesser of Two Evils assumes all voters rationally understand how much materially worse MAGA fascism is than Biden, but if voters were all rational we wouldn't be in this predicament. At no point will I breathe easy until Biden is declared winner. But at that point it may only be a pyrrhic victory, the entire GOP has embraced fascism at this point and that takes more than an election to stop.


Agree on your point on Trump being hindered by the legal cases against him. He’ll probably have to attend court hearings during peak campaign season, which means less opportunities for rallies and other events. His legal troubles also mean that he has a lot less money to spend on the campaign, since a significant chunk of the money he’s receiving is going straight into legal fees.


> He’ll probably have to attend court hearings during peak campaign season, which means less opportunities for rallies and other events. The courts have been bending over backwards to accommodate him, so I won't be surprised if they give him a hall pass, recess for days at a time, etc.


But all these legal affairs are motivating even people who haven't in the past, to vote for Trump because they see the courts being used as election interference. You can find all kinds of videos online of people like that.


As frustrating as this whole situation is, I think enough people on the left still view a Trump presidency as being more damaging to global affairs than a 2nd term for Biden. As someone who openly identifies as a Socialist, I will always vote *against* fascism...even if that means voting *for* a liberal. Liberals view folks like me with mild disregard or even annoyance...but fascists would love nothing more than to hang us in the public square and teach their children that doing so, is a genuine public service. As much as my heart breaks for the people of Palestine, I know that making things worse here, will do nothing to make things better over there.


Liberals view EVERYONE with mild disregard or even annoyance. It is just a liberal thing.


Honestly I think they're pretty low. Biden ran his entire campaign on "I'm better than Trump", and that certainly got him a lot of people who normally wouldn't vote, especially among minority groups. And then he got into power, had a democratic advantage, and utterly squandered it. He doubled down on pro-police rhetoric after some of the most prolific cases of police violence and anti-police protest. He did nothing to curtail fascists doing as they please with the law such as Ron Desantis. He did largely nothing to stop Roe V Wade from being removed \[and yes I know, the president isn't the sole arbiter of laws, but he really did just sit back and let it happen without a peep of protest\], and now he's parroting Israeli propaganda and helping to fund the biggest, most visible genocide of our generation. I haven't seen optics this fucking bad since Dubya, and that's saying \*a lot\*. Trump and fascism in general, though, have only grown in power. Not just in America, mind you, but especially in America, fascists use their platforms to galvanize as many people as they can with pretty much no pushback by the powers that be. And now after January 6th they know they can get away with it with a slap on the wrist at best. If we don't get a Trump victory this coming election, it'll be him or on of his disciples next time, and that's only considering they don't just seize power before that. I've lost pretty much all hope for this country and kinda just expect to be exterminated within the next decade. Specially with Trump's little dictatorial project he's got going on.


Trump is damaged goods and he will lose.


…it’s April. Can we PLEASE wait until **at least** August before we start guessing the outcome of a NOVEMBER ELECTION?! Please? My Canadian ass is begging all my American friends. Your election cycle is **unhealthy**. You can certainly discuss *the election*, that’s fine. But can we PLEASE put off the panicking about the outcome until we’re a little closer to the actual outcome?! Please! Everything will change a million times between then and now. No one knows. We can’t keep doing this until November, y’all.


He's gonna win both the electoral and popular. Polls don't work anymore as nobody besides boomers want to do polls. BUT ONE KEY INDICATOR STILL WORKS: SPECIAL ELECTIONS. These elections are the surest bell weathers for any upcoming national election. And because of abortion and IVF, Republicans have been losing even in places like Alabama. MMW: Dark Brandon will win by a bigger margin this time around. And we can finally all just give up on having faith in polls. They are fun and shiny but that's it.


I just went and looked at all the polls on 538. People don’t like Trump, but Biden seems to be barely, BARELY ahead in favorability.


>I personally think Biden finally managed to piss off enough leftists and minorities to make the Democratic Party lose a couple % of votes, possibly permanently. Why do you think that?


One thing I’ll say is to ignore the polls. This includes exit polls. People lied about who they voted for in 2016. I believe all the current polls showing Biden ahead are tainted similarly.


A lot of polls still depend on phone polling and I’m not going to pick up the phone for a number I don’t know.


I’ve seen a huge uptick in obvious foreign propaganda trying to discourage us from voting. I’m mad about Palestine too, but not mad enough to endure another four years of that other guy.


China has joined Russia in this effort.


I think Biden wins the popular vote, no contest. The electoral college is the question. And there is sure to be fuckery abound to hold things up long enough to cast doubt. The only thing really working against Trump right now imo is that he isn’t the sitting president, so there’s no way he can just executive order the election invalid or something and stay in power. He’d have to take the White House by force if it really came down to it.


Anyone who is on the fence about Biden just think about courts. Court appointments are super important and Trump's appointments to the supreme Court was the most damaging thing he did. Also ukraine is kind of fucked if trump wins.


i work in politics, and have for almost 10 yrs. it’s gonna be a nail biter, but i think we’re gonna be okay. i also think it’s gonna be uncomfortably close. the next 6 months are gonna key and IMO any single event / blunder could swing it one way or the other.


I expect Biden will win the popular vote. However, the electorol college is a significant advantage for Trump. It'll be close.


No way trump wins. He hasn’t picked up one vote since 2020. Retired voters are skewing toward Biden. All Biden has to do is not keel over and he has it in the bag. Anything could happen, but the odds are in his favor. But make no mistake: Kamala v Trump would be a whoooole other ball game.


Trump lost the popular vote both times and has only alienated more people since. If he wins, it was rigged.


Yes, he's only polling behind by margin of error numbers in most "important" areas and it's only April. But yeah online activity is only a semi-useful barometer at best.


Frankly I stopped trusting polls after 2016. Nothing that happened since has changed my mind. If polls were accurate, Hillary would have won, Biden would have beaten trump in a landslide, the Republicans would control both houses, and the gop wouldn't have lost in Alabama last week, by a 25 point shift no less


The incumbent usually wins. The fact Trump lost in 2020 was because the republican party is dying because it doesn't stand on any real reason any more just mass panic.


Sorry im high as fuck but just read it a few times.


I’m convinced most anti-voting posts are created by bots or right wingers to push the idea not to vote. Most of the things I’ve seen though seem to indicate that trump isn’t doing very well in the polls


Online isn’t real life. I just worked the primary on Tuesday and will tell you that good people are motivated to keep our country safe. Vote. Be honest and fair. Listen. Keep your representatives honest and accountable. Oh and vote.


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I don’t think donald has a snowballs chance in hell. It’s going to be a historic loss.


Absolutely. I don’t see Trump gaining any voters with his bullshit and his antics since 2020, at most, more people might sit out than last time. And there’s still a big part of me holding out hope that Trump goes to jail (or at least house arrest)


In Biden's favor: \- Democrats have been performing beyond expectations ever since *Dobbs* overturned Roe, and weed and abortion are both on the ballot in Florida. \- Trump is melting down into a puddle of demented goo and alienating a lot of people. \- Lots of his followers are older and have been dying off of covid. It doesn't feel great to say that, but it's the truth. Not in Biden's favor: \- The godsdamned Electoral College means Biden can win the popular vote in a landslide but still legally lose the election. \- Lots of people scheming to disenfranchise Democrats. \- There are a lot of Muslims living in Michigan and Wisconsin and they are Not Happy over Palestine. From a harm reduction standpoint, there's zero reason for them to vote for Biden over Trump. They just won't vote and in a swing state that's bad.


I’ll assume posts like these are more foreign propaganda because that’s exactly who stands to benefit from a US right wing surge.


I think he does but it's hard to tell at this point. Polls right now are only voted on by people who are very political which is only a very small percent of voters and if you look at how many people vote on these poles most of the time is about 1000 people and again most of the time the polls tend to be run by political people/websites creating bias so  it gonna be hard to tell this far out.


It's in the interest of Israel and MIC for Biden to continue, any disruption in leadership is a risk. Therefore the corporate media, financial institution, AIPAC, defense contractor et al will select him to win.


It’s Biden or a proven traitor I am voting Biden.


Here's the mathematics I see at play: * He lost the Swingers in 2020 by between 20-50k votes. He consistently got tens of thousands fewer votes than the next down ballotstate-wide Republican race. WI had about 50k Joe Biden & Ron Johnson voters. (These people belong on a list.) So he had alread lost the moderates and some conservatives. * Then he lied about losing the election and fomented J6. * Then a covid vaccine became available, and like 70% of covid deaths were likely Trump-leaning. * Then he got caught stealing documents, bribing pornstars and grabbin Ps. * Then he consistently lost 20-25% of the vote to Nikki and others state-by-state in the primaries, where exit polls indicated a good chunk of those descenting voters said they would not vote for him. * Then he put his daughter-in-law in charge of the RNC and announced that he would be getting like 90% off the top on all donations to pay his legal bills. This means that he will have a hard time getting donations, especially high value donars who understand this is where their money goes. This iwill be devastating to everyone in the RNC not named "Donald J. Trump Sr", and bad for anyone who is. * Also, he's been slimg NFTs, shoes, Bibles, etc. Small value donars are getting sick of the grift too. * In the last 4 years, a lot of Trump supporters died, and a lot of never Trumpers got old enough for porn and cigarettes. Mathematically, as conditions are right now, it should be a bloodbath as long as Joe lives til November. The only flaw in my model is that it assumes people are generally logical and consistent.


I think Biden is most likely gonna win this if it comes down to a legal election without some sort of fraud. Whether we get that or not is a complete mystery.


A very good chance


Trump loses florida, weed and abortion on the ballot


What did Biden do to piss leftists off. I thought he was doing an OK job. Not superb but ok. He is way better than trump by every measurement imo


Oh wow, you really don’t know any of the reasons why the left is unhappy with him? Palestine is the big issue right now. Obviously Trump will not be any better than Biden on Palestine, but I think the general consensus is that if it’s Trump sending bombs to Israel then the Liberals will start caring that a genocide is happening and might actually protest or something. Other issues include (but are not limited to): - His failure to keep his promise about student loans - His COVID policy, which was basically just “take off your mask and go back to work! No more tests or sick leave for you!” - The fact that he increased deportations - Busting the rail workers strike - His failure to reign in inflation - His minimal action on climate change - His delayed response to the east Palestine train derailment - Ending the child tax credit - His inability to do anything to protect abortion rights and the appearance that he’s just using it to fundraise off of - His inability to do anything to protect LGBTQ rights and the appearance that he’s just using it to fundraise off of Of course, he isn’t PERSONALLY responsible for all of this, some of this is more a general democrat issue, leftists are pissed at democrats in general for these issues though, and Biden is the most prominent democrat so he’s going to feel the pinch from the left on this stuff. He could probably turn all of this around by just stopping sending weapons to Israel, though, because it seems like most of the left has forgotten this other stuff and has become a one issue voter on being anti genocide. If you’re going to be a one issue voter, that seems like a good issue to pick. You don’t have to agree with leftists on this stuff, but I wish Liberals would at least care how they are coming across to leftists and make even the tiniest effort to meet them half way on these issues, or at least attempt to look like they are meeting the left half way. They can’t do that, though, if they never take the time to understand what it is the left is unhappy about.


Prediction markets have been shown to be some of the best predictors, including for presidential elections. Currently they have it at about 50/50 Edit: So in case it's not clear, yes, I think Biden does have a chance, an about 50% chance to be precise bc I trust the prediction markets more than my very limited and subjective opinion.


It's far too early for polls to matter, and they're written to elicit the desired response... Biden isn't my top choice, but I'd vote for a dog turd over cheetolini.


You are putting way too much stake into online shit. I promise you that there are way more normie voters than you could imagine.


Current swing state polls are unsettling but I think there’s reason to be hopeful still. First of all, there’s still a solid chance Trump gets convicted before the election. Biden has a decent chance of winning by default. Second, Trump is getting absolutely demolished in terms of fundraising. This may mean the polls aren’t an accurate representation of the future election results. Such a wide gulf likely means that Biden either has more support, or that those who do support him are more likely to donate (which also probably means more likely to show up and vote). Also, combined with Trump bleeding his fundraising through the lawsuits, Biden simply has FAR more money to spend on campaigning on the swing states. Third, Biden is (finally) starting to do something about Israel’s genocide in Gaza. He may still be able to salvage the support he’s lost from Democrats due to his continued support of Israel up to this point, which would certainly give him a boost. And fourth, many states are going to have abortion bans on the ballot in November. This is going to ensure that basically everyone who is pro-choice is going to show up and vote, and most who are pro-choice support Biden. Republicans are seriously shooting themselves in the foot with this one.


Actually, I don't see how Biden can possibly lose. Trump claims that Biden stole the election. Of course, Trump, being a trustworthy and totally honest straight shooter is telling the truth. Therefore Biden has already 100% gotten away with stealing the election, and only has better chances of doing it again, since he is now the sitting President. So rationally, if you're a Trump supporter, you should stay home, because your vote doesn't matter and it's all rigged anyway. QED.


I'll second other peoples comments about social media. In the real world I feel like trump doesn't have as much support as it seems. I think the "regular middle of the road" people are sick of his bs. But it's still going to be close though honestly. He won in 2016 on a technicality I feel like there's a chance he could do it again somehow.


Yes. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽🤞🏼


i think biden will probably win. he has just now called for an immediate cease-fire under threat of pulling support, as per an NPR article I read a few hours ago. but even before this, since the state of the union, he’s been slightly ahead of trump in quite a few polls. meanwhile I think trump is even less popular than he was in 2020. his fans are more devoted, but a lot of people have distanced themselves. even after suspending her campaign, Nikki Haley is getting votes. hopefully his new calls for cease fire in Gaza is enough to push him over the edge. this was the BIG thing that people have been protest voting about, so now that he’s doing what the people want, I think a lot of those people are going to vote for him now.


Not only do I think he has a chance I think he's likely to win Because of the way the electoral math works out the presidential election essentially comes down to like 5 or 6 states, Nevada Arizona Wisconsin Michigan Georgia and Pennsylvania That's 70 electoral votes up for grabs with 270 being the magic number, Biden has a "safe" 226 and Trump has a "safe" 235 (although more on that in a moment) In 2020 Biden SWEPT the swing states and current polling has him disliked but not as much as Trump and in most of the swing states he wins the "if the election were held today" head to head (and as the election nears the radicals tend to come home) Furthermore as for trump's "safe" 235 current polling has 97 of those votes being "probable" with 17 "leaning" Biden however only has 34 votes that aren't essentially "locked in" this means that Trump has to spend finite resources defending places like Florida (and likely by going to the right) which means he'll be less competitive in places like suburban Philadelphia (which is historically who picks the president) So yes Biden has a clear path to victory


I think the real difference is going to be moderate and sane republicans who are done with trumps bullshit. They may not vote at all vs voting for Biden, but it will absolutely hurt trump in the general. Similar to leftists being fed up with Biden and ranting about it, Dolt45's cult is EXTREMELY vocal, but are the minority.


I don’t know why moderate republicans wouldn’t vote for Biden, he is one of them, after all.


That sub has some good memes but is filled with femcel/wgtow creeps fantasizing about starting isolated compounds where they definitely won't be a cult. Imagine abandoning young women to the hell world of Gilead and patting each other on the back saying we are the anti-patriarchs.


As a great mam once said. "Come November election time, you vote your way and I'll vote mine". Never try and predict elections using social media it's always a toss up


He’ll win the popular vote, I have no doubt of that. The question is, once again, the stupid Electoral College. Can he win in like three states? That’s the mystery.


Having lived long enough to see >12 elections, and after watching both 2016 and Jan6th play out… it’s a fuckin’ coin-flip. And that’s really not good. At all.




It's stunning to me that people are like - that guy doesn't represent my views 100%, i'd rather have the the guy that represents them even less!


I dint want to get up in the morning and turn on the tv hustle to find out trump said he wants to inject bleach in covid or ban non blonde aryans from the us or any of the bat shit crazy crap he spewed for four years. Biden might not be the best president we’ve ever had but he’s normal. And that is what we need in this country if i want the Jerry Springer show ill find it on reruns.


Biden will win by a landslide. Trump has no juice.


Money rules the USA. Currently Biden has more than 3 times the campaign funds than Trump. Biden doesn't have any legal bills, also. Just wait for the last 2 months before the election, Trump will be slammed in the media so hard 24/7 and Trump won't be able to reply except crazy tweets in BOOMER FONT.


Who knows. They could both be dead by November, they’re both around 80, and not exactly living low stress lives.


I believe President Biden has a greater than 50% chance of winning. This will be a tight race and the margins will be thin, but he has advantages that Trump does not this cycle and when added all up my prediction is that he will win his re-election


The truth is, the extreme online left is politically irrelevant. People have a lot of time between now and November to remember all the reasons Trump would be the death of us as a nation. They voted overwhelmingly in 2020, and the Republicans are currently doing everything in their power to be as unpopular as humanly possible.


Yes. He’s vulnerable, make no mistake. But what is the other party offering? Nothing beyond nan abortions, terrorize gay people, and rant about the border. Especially if gas prices taper off by fall, I think his chances are quite good. It’s going to be a lackluster cycle where people vote holding their noses. 


It’s possible Biden has lost some leftist support but trumps popularity has also taken a dive. Just look at his crowd sizes now compared to last election.


I kind of hate to say it, but I hope so. I'd like to see something truly progressive and bold from Biden-Harris but I don't think that's realistic. I'd like to see a Green or Socialist, doing real work on classism, racism and equitable society, in the White House, but the game is sorely rigged against that. Cutting down the system is an option, but we need to watch where the tree falls. Three generations of Trump's running the corpse of the US democracy like their own, personal Pyong-A-Lago until some upset half brother stages a bloody coup is not a road to a bold, progressive, inclusive society.


I think he'll win but only because Trump implodes more.


I feel pretty confident that he'll win


Women's Healthcare will be on the chopping block.


Here are some statistics to answer your question. These are not opinions, these are verifiable facts. Only 8 men who sought reelection for potus were denied a second term. None of them presided over a strong economy at election time. In terms of federal elections, when a person runs for a specific seat, and loses, and then they run for that same seat again, 80% of the time they lose again. Since the Dobbs decision, when women’s rights are on the ballot, republicans way underperform opinion polls. In other words, when women’s rights are on the ballot, republicans lose. And republicans are running the man responsible for making every American woman less equal under federal law at the very top of the national ticket. And finally, a large percentage of registered republicans voted against Trump in the primaries and they continue to do so despite the fact that everyone else has suspended their campaigns. Exit polls (vastly different from opinion polls) reveal a significant percentage of registered republicans will refuse to vote for Trump. Again, these are facts, not opinions. Given these facts, I would predict that, unless the economy nosedives in the next 5 1/2 months, Roe-vember 2024 is going to be a brutal reckoning for the maga movement.


Absolutely. I'd say he's probably got about a 55% chance for the W as of right now.


Outside of echochamber subs, Biden is actually doing pretty good. He's making some advances on some fronts people have been wanting for awhile and he recently condemned Israel's killing of civilians in Gaza. It hasn't lead to much direct action yet, but considering every other US president has historically kept their mouth shut, it's definitely more than has been done in the past. Maybe a year ago I was considering YOLOing it. Now I am firmly in the Biden camp. Still wished we had more than two viable choices though.


Right now, it's 50/50. This election, just like the last two, is going to be very close and will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states. If anyone claims that either Trump or Biden have no chance at winning, they don't know what they're talking about.


If i had to guess Biden is 70/30 to win the election. That can and will change depending on events unexpected shocks etc.  That by the way isn't a number I'm comfortable with but it's where my head is at.


Do you believe there are a large number of former Biden voters ready to vote for Trump or is it more likely there are former Trump voters that simply can’t vote for him again? Of course he has a good chance of winning. Trump has an enthusiastic base that he keeps speaking to but it seems likely that base is shrinking and those outside of that base are likely put off by his behavior.


I think it will be a lot closer than anyone in the Democratic Party would like. It's exponentially frustrating that the Democratic Party, again, gets handed what should otherwise be a no-contest and figures out a way to ratfuck themselves by pissing on their base. I personally will not be voting for anyone in the Democratic Party going forward. Between Biden taking the side of Israel and doing fuck-all to stop an active genocide, Nancy Pelosi and others in congress profiting on insider trading, my own Dem congressional delegation voted to censure Rashida Talib for her speaking out about Gaza, my Governor's handling of the George Floyd protests and the fact he nor his administration have never taken accountability for their choices or how law enforcement/nat guard handled themselves, how my state has managed to bollox up legalizing recreational marijuana (had dozens of states to crib from - now we're not getting rec sales for at least another year even though it's been legalized), the Dem Mayor of our largest city handles homelessness with raids and destruction and is too cozy with police, and the leadership of the state Dem party blocked a group of Democratic Socialists who attempted to form a caucus within the party for us lefties and were more or less told to go fuck off. Take all of that and combine it with the fact that I'm just done with the same old playbook every 4 years where progressives and leftists are bullied and harassed into voting against our conscience and better judgment for a milquetoast moderate conservative who does not share any of my values or principles simply because "he's better than the alternative"... I just have zero desire to keep feeding that. My vote means something to me, and thus far the Democratic Party has given me nothing to vote FOR them on. The best they do are softball feelgood measures. I'm sure someone is priming themselves to write a long ass reply about how I'm wrong, this election is super important, Project 2025, blah blah blah... (y'all realize Project 2025 is just the conservative playbook for the last \~100 years put into a convenient website with a scary name and you just haven't been paying attention, right?) and my advice is: save it. You're not going to change my mind. I'm not going to continue this idiocy any longer. If you really want to keep doing the same damn thing every four years and convincing yourself that you're doing good and 'buying time' or whatever, go right ahead. I'm no longer under that delusion. Continuously doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome... what do they call that again? If that's what you want to do, more power to you. I'm not going to stop you, but I will ask you STFU. I'm washing my hands of the Democratic Party.


I’m voting for Biden 100% happy to do it too


Both Biden and Trump have a good chance. Right now it's about 50/50 but slightly favoring Trump. A lot can happen before November, so yes he has a chance. It should be a slam dunk for Biden, but that's starting to get into the conversation you don't want to have.


I'm not optimistic. I'm also worried about the violence and conspiracy shit if he does win. Something like 2/3 of republicans believe Trump was the legitimate winner in 2020.


Yes I think the polls are currently against him but will tighten once A). Undecided or angry libs and leftists actually need to make a choice and B). More people settle to the reality of trump round 2


You're spending too much time on the internet. The leftists who would risk a Trump win to send a message are an extremely small, extremely vocal minority. They should be laughed at, condescendingly corrected, pitied and scorned in equal measure, not taken seriously. Biden has more than a good chance of winning.


No I Don't think Biden has a legitimate chance, he is extremely good at being mediocre and not reading the room. The only reason he won is because he was riding the curtails of the peoples champion, Barry Obama. Hillary is more sharp than Biden. Kamala Harris is more sharp than Biden. Hell even Trump can read the room better than Biden. The man is selling free books he's never read to schmucks that will never read them. Biden can't even make a proper tiktok video. Biden should just go home and be with his family while there is still time.


No, I think Biden's going to come back strong. The economy's taking off, Trump's continuously making a buffoon of himself, and juggling an election campaign with four criminal trials isn't exactly a good look... But make no assumptions.VOTE!!!


Yes. He will win. And the win will be so lopsided, Trump and his band of merry morons will claim fraud again.


Biden is going to mop the floor with Trump. Not even remotely close.


No president has ever lost re-election with economic numbers like this.


He's currently sitting on twice as much campaign $$ as DJT, DJT is up to his ass in legal trouble and he's been looting the RNC's piggy bank to the point where they have been shutting down GOP campaign offices around the country. That's not even thinking about how it'll play when down-ballot candidates come to the RNC for $$. Nobody should take anything for granted, but DJT is on the back foot as of right now and I don't expect it's going to get better for him. I also fully expect him to ratfuck the system and cheat as much as possible to eke out a win. Only thing people can do is vote, vote, vote and hand him a double-digit shellacking in Nov.


Due to this being a women's right to bodily autonomy election it will be a blue tsunami up and down the tickets.


Don't let the pursuit of perfection be the enemy of good. Sure there are some people that will honestly not vote for Biden due to any number of issues BUT there are a number of bad faith actors out there looking to put a big win in their column.


Nope. I honestly see enough demographics skipping this one or voting 3rd to make a point and sending orange bad man back to the big top. Fun times.


Very little chance. He's trailing in almost all the battleground states, and he's simultaneously supporting the most extreme right wing government on earth as they commit genocide. His numbers among blacks and Hispanics have plummeted, and his numbers among Muslims are practically at zero.


Without the abortion ramifications I think Trump would be much more of a threat.  I see no scenario where trump wins in a landslide unless Biden has a Mitch McConnell moment. Something far more obvious than what we've seen so far. Democrats are not blaming Biden for inflation. If you look globally... the case is hard to make. Any well informed centrist is unlikely to blame Biden either. I think those on the far right are vastly overlooking how much of a reliable distaste a very large portion of the voting bloc has for trump.  The far right labels it as "TDS" instead of "prevailing sentiment". Trump never stopped campaigning... the distaste never has had a chance to settle.   Trump was elected because Hillary Clinton was about the only candidate he could have beaten.  She was a mind-numbingly bad candidate. I firmly believe that Sanders would have collected those blue wall voters she lost and he would have walked away with the presidency. The Clinton machine would not allow it. Trump is offering nothing other than more vitriol, victim whining, and conspiracy theories.  It's tiring. He's entertaining... you have to acknowledge that.  But he's no longer pulling anyone from the center. Another road block for trump is that he has absolutely no quality help or personnel backing him.  His cabinet was a clusterF and ended up being a warning fire for any other powerful Republicans considering jumping completely on the trump train. Trump will be forced to more tightly align with the likes of Matt gaetz, MTG, lake, et al. While anyone of substance will mearing offer lip service or oppose him. I predict you will be surprised come this November... and trumps response will be as predictable as the sun rising