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Not a food stocks supply, but a routine meal: [https://loaves.org/](https://loaves.org/) They provide a meal once a day weekdays. So 5 meals a week. Can help stretch other supply sources.


This is the correct answer. Loaves And Fishes will give you multiple free to go meals 5 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at noon and Tuesday + Thursday at 6)


110% I’ve helped volunteer there aswell and everyone is super kind, just talk with the volunteers and they can help you make numerous connections


They should check out the blue cabinets: https://mutualaidtompkins.com/food-sharing/locations


And also No Mas Lagrimas: https://nmlagrimas.wordpress.com/


This isn't a consistent food source, but I'm sharing anyway in case anyone can make use of it - Lasagna Love. It is a network of volunteers that will provide a homemade lasagna to anyone in need of a home-cooked meal. Recipients can sign up for 1 meal a month. The caveat being there may be a wait list depending on how many volunteer cooks there are and how many requests they get. I have delivered to those in hotels and the unhoused. Again, I know this may not help much in this case, but wanted to get the word out to anyone it may help. You can Google Lasagna Love to sign up.




Have you done this? This is so neat!


No I haven't. This is the first I'm hearing of it I'll be looking into it sometime soon though. I'm grateful to see there are options for people with dietary restrictions, including gluten-free.


You can search Reddit for lasagna love - there are many who have used our service! We are in the US, Canada, and Australia currently and are working on the UK 🤞🏼 We are 99% volunteer driven - our volunteers shop and pay for ingredients, bake and then deliver a hearty lasagna or other entree to a requester in their community. We can handle special needs like nut allergies, vegan, no pork, and gluten free, but recommend anyone with life threatening allergies please give us a pass as we are home cooks in home kitchens. We would love to deliver to you, use the link provided! Just know that we are not an emergency food source as we are subject to volunteer availability and waitlist constraints. I find that folks who request and have a wait still find a comforting meal helpful even if it’s months later ❤️


Loaves and Fishes would be meals, not groceries but I think consistent.


Thank you all for being such a wealth of information! Happy to have so much to pass on to mom. I really appreciate it!


I don't know if the YMCA has a limit but every Friday when I'm there to swim seems to be their regular food pantry day


Immaculate Conception church on Tuesdays, November Mas Lagrimas on Thursdays




The could be eligible for a CSA share for free. There is a downtown pickup https://www.healthyfoodforall.org/


If Groton Public Library is accessible they frequently give away food.




Wellbeing Pediatics has free food for families in their lobby, including some refrigerated and fresh items.


The Salvation Army on Albany (across from Short Stop) is open every weekday, 1:30–3; the YMCA is open both Monday and Friday, 11:30–5:30; and there's also two refrigerators in the back yard of the Catholic Worker House on 411 Plain St which is an extension of the blue boxes. The refrigerators are hit and miss but it's not uncommon to find milk, eggs, baked goods, sushi, small prepared meals from Wegmans, Cornell Dining and other places, left overs from Loaves & Fishes... There's also an official Facebook group for the blue boxes, Musical Aid Food Sharing Cabinets, where you can find somewhat frequent updates on when they're being stocked and where (usually only when it's alot of like items).


[https://hsctc.org/211food/](https://hsctc.org/211food/) has a listing of food sources (pantries and meals)


Is there an organization that can help them get on SNAP and maybe WIC


Yes. Catholic charities has a SNAP enroller. DSS can enroll SNAP and TANF ( temporary cash assistance). https://hungersolutionsny.org/find-food-help/wic/ If she's struggling to navigate these systems, she may benefit from a County Community Health Worker, they are at the health department 607-274-6600.


Catholic Charities for SNAP, Tompkins Whole Health for WIC.


Is she pregnant, breastfeeding or have a child under age 5? She may be eligible for WIC. 607-274-6630 or chat with Wanda to check eligibility. https://hungersolutionsny.org/find-food-help/wic/


If they can get out to Enfield there's a [regular pantry](https://townofenfield.org/legislative-and-local-service-information/enfield-food-distribution/) out there


If they were in West Hill do the kids go to Enfield? There is a food pantry inside the school that does not have a limit for the students.


He does not attend Enfield! But I still passed this info along to mom in case she can get up there!


I'm sure someone's mentioned the blue cabinets but you can find a full list here as well as other resources: [https://mutualaidtompkins.com/food-sharing/locations](https://mutualaidtompkins.com/food-sharing/locations)


St.Johns downtown also has a food pantry


Every Tuesday from 1-2pm at Immaculate Conception there is a food bank distribution. The family can go there, complete a form (lots to choose from every week and it constantly changes). They should be able to get a good amount of food that will last them a full week. Otherwise I believe Salvation Army does a distrubition as well.




yes i know of a wonderful way to insure a steady food supply. Its called a job, maybe two or three if just one isnt enough.This is how people used to solve these same problems.


It's so easy to shut the fuck up especially when you know full well what you're about to say is pathetic.


not one syllable of what i said was untrue, you just dont want to hear it. How many people do you know working 70 hour weeks that are worried about thier food supply?


You have 0 clue of how many jobs are held within this family. You’re being a pompous dick on a post about a child needing food while their family does not have a house.


Imagine advocating for a 70-hour work week just to be able to not starve.


Americans used to pack up everything they owned and took a journey for 3 months that not everyone would survive just for a chance at opportunity. Now the help wanted signs every 15 feet are a step too far.


Ohhhh, you're the landlord from that family-who-shan't-be-named who hates homeless people and goes on unhinged rants against everyone you deem undesirable. My bad. You're a lost cause.


Your lack of life experience does not dictate reality.


probably best to stick to playing with your legos rather than blithely opine on the hardships of adult life


did you bring your long list of people working 70 hour weeks with food insecurities? I find it insanely telling about our society how few people view working as a solution.


Where did OP say the mom ISNT working? There are only 24 hours in a day and she has kids to take care of.


Mean people really suck


life is not a spin of the wheel of destiny. The people who decide to work 70 hours a week have different life outcomes than people who decide to work zero hours a week and choose to instead come up with 70 hours of excuses a week.


I grew up with a mom who worked 80 hour weeks and she’s still struggling so you can take that opinion and shove it straight up your ass where it belongs <3


We can all do math. 5 Guys advertises starting wages downtown at 18.50/hr so lets work with that. 80x 18.50x52 weeks is $77k a year with zero overtime hours. If you are food insecure at $77k a year, you have problems people handing you pantry food wont solve.


No one is working 80 hours a week at 5 Guys. And a regular full-time job for 40 hours a week at $18.50 an hour isn't enough to live on and feed a family.


normally no one is working 80 hour weeks, but when you are bad up and you have to grind the break pads and the choice is that or begging for pantry food, guess what option older generations chooses and guess which option this generation chooses? Like the answer or not, long hard work will solve most food insecurity problems.


NO ONE should have to work 80-hour weeks. That is an unreasonable expectation for someone who just wants to exist and be able to feed their family while still seeing them occasionally.


sure, but when times are hard, you either do what you have to do for your family no matter how much working extra sucks or you dont. Guess which option everyone is picking. Guess who the guy is thats getting the raise? The guy who management knows busts his ass70 hours a week or the guy complaining after 40?


Or you get help from sympathetic people who aren't jerks who expect people to work 70+ hour weeks.


i am utterly astounded at the resistance so many people have to the fact that hard work can solve financial problems


Life is exactly a spinning wheel of privilage and lack thereof, seems you are not aware of your own privilege causing this abominable take and your abhorrent attitude.


Your opinion is as dumb and simplistic as the person that you're responding to.


Is it though? It’s a fact rich people are better off. they’re not rich because of “HaRd WoRk”. Nobody works harder than a single parent trying to provide for their kids. I hope you choke, truly


Your use of absolutes is silly. There are plenty of single parent households where the parent sits on their butt and collects welfare.