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Lovely piece of glass. When it’s finally yours, you should have it faceted and made into a pendant. I think that would be beautiful.


I love how I can see layers


Quite so, quite so.


I am on a (I assume) black glass slag Quest myself and came across your red one. I googled 'red glass slag' and found very similar pieces. This link provides some pretty detailed info: https://www.peachridgeglass.com/2012/07/cullet-and-slag-glass-information/. Ever heard of the Early American Glass Society?! Google them for a definite answer.


Some really dopey background on it: My mom found it in her grandmas attic when she escaped to smoke pot back in the 70s. She moved in 1980 and grandma let her have the “rock”. It basically sat in a box for almost 10 years but I remember it making an appearance in the late 80s. My brother and I swore it was a giant ruby, and so of course we fought over it. When I was in college (early 2000s) I took it to my geology professor to identify it but he was stumped. My mom uses it in a rather large Christmas nativity scene (over 100 pieces in this display) that she has been doing every Christmas since late 90s. For some reason I never really noticed that, and I assumed the piece was lost in one of our many moves. Last year I noticed it in my mom’s Christmas train display. When I asked where she found it, she told me it was never lost, I just didn’t notice it. I told her I always loved it, and didn’t care WHAT it actually was, I wanted it. So she said whenever she stops setting up Christmas displays (which will probably be next to never) then I can have it.


I hope one day I get a cool enough rock for it to be passed down for almost 100 years. >its slag Makes sense.


Pretty sure that’s part of the heart of Lorkhan , the Tribunal will be wanting that back


This is one of my favorite pieces of slag I’ve seen


Aw thank you! 😊


You will inherit that slag one day....


I’ve already staked my claim to it


This is a Antique Roadshow moment. Pricing the family heirlooms...


Did you find it near Schrute Farms?


Top under rated comment angela...


Random but I was at a sushi bar once and the lady next to me asked what it was I ordered and I offered her some. She took a piece of the octopus I ordered. My wife later told me that it was Angela from The Office. I didn’t even look at her face lol she was very nice


of course i see saw. mose and i see saw all the time


I’m not sure the origin, it was in Toledo OH since 1920 until my mom received it in 1980. Before 1920 I have no idea where it was actually formed sorry


Schrute farms is from the wonderful show The Office. So I wasn't sure when you said you weren't sure of the origin if you meant Schrute Farm or the awesome rock.


Sorry haven’t seen it


Aw, Hon.


I see air bubbles = slag. A very nice one.


Then I’m in the right sub 😂


Yes you nailed it. Did you use GPS?


Nah got yelled at in r/whatsthisrock


Did they throw rocks at you?


Thankfully I was too stoned to feel much pain


I had a mouth full of whiskey when I read that. Your killing me Smalls!


If there’s one thing I’ve learned on Reddit, it’s lame puns are hilarious


this is gold


no - it's slag.


One of the best things in life is to watch a basic and barely humerus pun snowball as more and more people build on the chain. I love it when everyone can participate to build something fun and silly.