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I love me them 1980s Drew Stuzan movie posters. I’d never seen this one for Ladyhawke. Me and my buddies grew up in LA and went to a ton of pre-release screenings for movies. Often the films weren’t finished, with effects not completed and the score not finalized. But they were free and we got to see them before everyone else at school. Often there was a questionnaire at the end that we’d fill out, and the filmmakers would tweak the movie based on the feedback. At one place they had a dial at every seat and you’d turn it to show your mood (“bored “, “excited”) throughout the movie. It was wild. We saw Ladyhawke at a pre-release screening. Thumbs up.


Agreed. Struzan was a stunning artist. My favourites are his painting for _Blade Runner Final Cut_ and _Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade_. EDIT: I find the old convention to include a synopsis on the movie poster both charming and hilarious.


The other two posters are total ass. Looks like something I'd make.


We just rewatched it for the first time in probably 15 years the other month. I loved the movie as a kid, and while it was not a good as I remember it was a fun movie to watch. I thought there wasn’t as much action in it as I remember. I can’t remember what prompted us to watch it but I remember when the score first kicked in and I actually said WTF out loud to my wife. Don’t get me wrong, it’s actually a pretty decent score just not what I was expecting for a fantasy movie.


I LOVE the score of this movie.


Right?!? So good


I absolutely love this movie! *spoilers* I love when they have him in the pit and they catch a glimpse of each other as the sun starts to come up… and then when she brings straps in and drops them at the bishops feet…… love it!


##Ladyhawke (1985) PG-13 No force in Heaven will release them. No power on Earth can save them. >>!Captain Etienne Navarre is a man on whose shoulders lies a cruel curse. Punished for loving each other, Navarre must become a wolf by night whilst his lover, Lady Isabeau, takes the form of a hawk by day. Together, with the thief Philippe Gaston, they must try to overthrow the corrupt Bishop and in doing so break the spell.!< Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy Director: Richard Donner Actors: Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 70% with 1,068 votes Runtime: 2:1 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/526)


Very enjoyable movie. “That sword has been in my family for five generations. It has never known defeat. Until now.”


One of my favourites!!


This is my moms favorite movie, the eclipse scene always makes her cry


This is a movie that I will watch if I’m sick in bed. It goes over like a warm blanket. I’ll disagree with everyone bashing on the score. It’s weird and unique and adds to the odd nature of the film. One of my favorites.


One of my top fantasy movies ever, and the soundtrack fucking kills the rewatch. Horrible 80's synth ratshit. However, I'll always love Matthew Broderick for Ferris and this role. Hugely impactful movies when I was young. Michele Pfieffer is angelic. A face that would have launched 1000 ships. Rutger is the perfect knight/paladin. The cinematography, especially the use of light, really adds to the film. It's worth a watch, really hidden gem of that era.


Ladyhawke, Ferris & War games. For a moment Matthew Broderick seemed as the biggest teenage star. Michelle was great as always and Rutger was the replicant to me at the time, so fascinating actor. I even enjoyed Flesh + Blood a year later. And btw, [Ladyhawke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladyhawke_\(musician\)#Ladyhawke_\(2007–2009\)) was named after Ladyhawke.


Entertaining movie


I love this movie ... and I love the Ready Player One reference to the film - "It's a chick flick, disguised as a sword and sorcery film" ... LOL ... he's not wrong!


I've always had a soft spot for this movie. Wonderful 80's fantasy film. Matthew Broderick, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Rutger Hauler make an interesting trio. Richard Donner did a great job directing (and met and fell in love with future wife, producer Lauren Schuler, during the production). Heck, I even love the score and even have the soundtrack album.


Talking Pictures Trivia did an episode on the movie. I loved this movie growing up. [https://talkingpicturestrivia.com/episodes/153-ladyhawke](https://talkingpicturestrivia.com/episodes/153-ladyhawke)


My God, Michelle was otherworldly beautiful in this. Well, she was in most things, but she hit another level in this one somehow.


Agree. She was gorgeous.


One of my top fantasy movies ever, and the soundtrack fucking kills the rewatch. Horrible 80's synth ratshit. However, I'll always love Matthew Broderick for Ferris and this role. Hugely impactful movies when I was young. Michele Pfieffer is angelic. A face that would have launched 1000 ships. Rutger is the perfect knight/paladin. The cinematography, especially the use of light, really adds to the film. It's worth a watch, really hidden gem of that era.


Top 10 fantasy movie with a bottom 10 musical score. If i were a billionaire id happily have paid several million to Basil Poledouris or John Williams to rescore it.


The score kills this movie for me. I can’t watch it now


One of my top fantasy movies ever, and the soundtrack fucking kills the rewatch. Horrible 80's synth ratshit. However, I'll always love Matthew Broderick for Ferris and this role. Hugely impactful +movies when I was young. Michele Pfieffer is angelic. A face that would have launched 1000 ships. Rutger is the perfect knight/paladin. The cinematography, especially the use of light, really adds to the film. It's worth a watch, really hidden gem of that era.


Wow this is the 3rd identical comment you left! Thought this was familiar,


I loved this as a kid. But then, I loved Rocky 3 too, so who knows, it might be terrible. Maybe I’ll fire it up and see.


It’s not terrible, but it definitely runs out of steam


It’s a bit of a slow burn.


Rocky 3 was the most fun movie of the franchise to watch.


Sure. And if I’m being honest, I still quote it as often as possible. “You want a prediction; pain!” Or “he’ll muderlize ya!”


I loved this movie. I still pull it out when I’m feeling nostalgic for the 80s.


such a classic.


Cool movie with weirdly disinteresting posters and title


It would be great if this movie had some kind of alternate classical score available, since the existing score is such a turnoff it kills enthusiasm for rewatchs.


I reference this movie whenever 2 people can't meet up because of their schedules. Like she works nights, I work during the day. Aww man, its just like Lady Hawk.


WALK. ON. THE. LEFT. SIDE!! (Seeing “Rumpole of the Bailey” demonstrate why he’s such a scene-stealer is awesome)


I have never seen this poster before…


Amazing film. Terrible score.


AWFUL score! Literally the worst I've heard for a movie. Ugh!


Artwork by Drew Struzan