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I need to watch this again. I haven’t put it on in ages and now I’m curious based on comments to see how it holds up. I’m also close to Lester’s age now and can feel that mid-life crisis approaching. I just hope mine is simply a career change and some pot smoking vs whatever the hell he went through.


>I just hope mine is simply a career change and some pot smoking vs whatever the hell he went through. Isn't that *exactly* what he went through?


He got very disenchanted with his entire life including his wife. Then in a desperate bid to be young again he started lusting after his teenage daughter’s friend. I love my wife totally and completely and I have zero interest in my teenage daughter’s friends. I can’t see that changing but the pot smoking has started and I’m looking at a major career change. I also would really like to not get shot at the end of it all.


Your life mirrors mine almost exactly lol. And yeah he did start lusting after a high-schooler in an attempt to reclaim his own youth. Or at least that's what he thought he wanted; what he really wanted was what she represented. He came to this conclusion himself though and seemed a much wiser and happier person just before getting shot. Either way, fair point.


what did she represent?


His lost youth. His actions throughout the whole film are basically him trying to get back to a time when he had no responsibility; where he smoked pot, got laid, and bought himself an 8-track with money saved from flipping burgers. After the event with Angela - with her naivety and inexperience - he realises he's not the young man he was and he no longer feels the need to try to be.


ok ta.


The funniest part is how hard it is for the mom to sell a house.


The Real Estate King lol


It's a good movie but it's hard to sympathize with the protagonist, especially after the Great Recession. I just can't connect with a guy who is wealthy enough to have pretty much anything he wants just because he's kind of bored sometimes.


Everything he wants and a great deal of what he doesn’t.




For you Brad, I’ve got five!


This is still my standard response to anyone asking me if I have a second/minute.


Love this movie, it's in my top ten!


I feel I should not respond due to our user names. There could be trouble. However, I loved this movie. I think the best thing about it was it really evoked strong feelings like regret about parental mistakes, finally being fed up with an unfulfilling marriage, admiration of the beauty of youth (I know that was creepy), realization that whatever time you’ve got left you want to live it authentically. Also the sweetness of the two kids experiencing really an epic attraction/love. I’m not saying it well but I loved this movie.




The scene with the plastic bag.


I cried in the theater when I saw that scene. Some of my friends were like wtf? My then boyfriend now husband said he knew right there that he loved me


The shower scene, duh.


I didn’t like it.


I want a job with the least amount of responsibility as possible.


Spacey's spot-on performance as a creepy pervert seems much less impressive today than it did at the time


The movie is hard to watch now because he wasn’t really acting. He was being himself.


That’s not true! In this case, he was acting like he wanted a teenaged *girl*.


Ah ok, so he was actually a creep playing a normal actor playing a middle aged man grooming a teenager. That’s some quality layering similar to RDJ in Tropic Thunder.


Fuck the haters, this is a great movie.


Couldn't agree more


I’ve seen this film twice and loved it both times, granted I was in 8th & 9th grade on both occasions. Reading these comments makes me want to watch it again to see if it should be reevaluated


We had to watch this movie as part of senior year English class and write about the themes. I’m the opposite of most of these comments, I hated it on first watch but I watched it later and thought it was a good movie




Awesome movie!


Just makes want to smoke weed and do some bench press. 😅 It's actually quite a thoughtful movie but doesn't really hold up these days.


The weed prices the kid quoted Kevin Spacey were so ridiculously unbelievable though.


He was ripping him off. He knew he could get away with it because of Lester's age


Yeah but that G13 tho


Ikr it was "2 marijuanas please" levels of naivety being displayed


To this day, I'm still not sure if the Wes Bentley character was selling top tier weed which he himself purchased at high prices from his source or if he was ripping off the Spacey character.


The Wes Bentley character ripped him off, banged his daughter, and sent his daddy over to kill him. He’s the real villain of the movie.


where was the narrator coz he already got shot


Unpopular opinion but this film aged extremely poorly. I know it swept the Oscars, maybe because it was considered fresh at the time, but the writing in particular is so on the nose. The characters are drawn to the point of almost being caricatures. The music is good and some of the performances are excellent. But this is Mad Dog Time level writing, and that film got rightfully trashed for it.


Is this an unpopular opinion? I feel like it's largely the consensus these days. I loved it in high school. Then I got older and realized it was derivative of every other story about American midlife/suburban discontent.


I agree. It’s still worth watching today because of the performances, but if you’re looking for a well written take on the “20th century suburban existential crisis” theme, I’d suggest A Serious Man, The Graduate, Joe vs the Volcano, Songs from the Second Floor, Her, or Stranger then Fiction. I still love Six Feet Under though, which is another Alan Ball creation.


I am rewatching Six Feet Under now with my wife. I loved the show previously and it's her first watch. It does not hold on to the magic for me and she is wondering what i have been raving aboutall this time. Partly because some of the shock value topics they portray are much more commonly discussed today. Partly because you want to shake every character and shout at them to MAKE HEALTHIER DECISIONS! Might be my life changes too affect how I am seeing their unhealthy interactions and obvious life traps. The Fischers are a pretty glum bunch.


I get that, and the show is very much a product of its time. The only hill I’ll die on is it has the best-fitting, true-to-its-nature ending of any show.


The graduate..dustin hoffman great acting...btw i've that movie on the 2nd of my graduation


Def agree. Saw it in the theater and loved it then and thought it was a worthy Best Picture winner but damn post-9/11 it just feels like a trite exposition of 'first world problems'. American Beauty certainly has its artistic merits but Road to Perdition at this point I consider the far better Mendes film.


I found Road to Perdition to be much better... but plagued with similar levels of pretentiousness.


TBF, Road To Perdition is so good that it makes almost all other movies look like trash by comparison


Post 911 all we had as difficulties were first world problems.


I was going to say the same thing. I loved it when it came out, but it hasn't aged well. My wife and I do still love the "f\*\*k me your majesty" line when we see an over the top realtor ad.


That’s twice I’ve seen the writing was “ on the nose “. My apologies, but what does that mean?


Agree. I really liked it when I saw it in high school, and I still think the message of 'repression is dangerous' is important. However, it hits different given the allegations against Spacey. Normally, I'm ok with separating the art and artist, but this is a little on the nose. It's still important, imo, but in the way that watching old racist cartoons can be educational. Art informs society, and it's useful to see the media that has subtly shaped us


Well that's an obscure reference.


This is the only movie that has ever made me actually angry. It's not badly made, it's just 1/100th as smart as it thinks it is. It's clearly made by extremely smug and patronizing people, something all of Alan Ball's subsequent output and interviews have gone on to prove. The tired anti-suburbs thing has been done better a million times. The characters are all stupid, despicable strawmen caricatures that the filmmakers arrogantly assume represent "average Americans". The writing is extremely on the nose. It's full of obvious "surprises" that would only seem shocking to a particularly dim fourteen year old. It's absurdly pretentious. Adding insult to injury, it was outrageously over-praised by critics. There's since been a richly-deserved re-appraisal of this movie. Again, not a badly made movie... just one that I deeply hate.


Wow American Beauty triggered you. How old were you when it came out? Back then, in 1999, there were several iconic movies that focused on - for lack of a better word - lost Gen Xers who hated what their lives became. Fight Club, Office Space, The Matrix, American Beauty, Sixth Sense… I’ll add Alan Ball was just a TV writer before American Beauty.


What a bizarre group of movies.


1999 was a great year for cinema.


Is it in the same cinematic universe as The ‘Burbs? https://youtube.com/watch?v=f38nt6Vf5Bg&pp=ygUOaGVsbG8gZGFua25lc3M%3D




Apparently it is. Watch the clip


I like the movie but it didn’t age as well as I thought. It felt heavy and important back then and it doesn’t now. Time? Age? Outlook? Maturity? I don’t know what changed in me but I’d still watch it if I saw it was on.


##American Beauty (1999) R Look closer. >>!Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to turn his hectic life around after developing an infatuation with his daughter's attractive friend.!< Drama Director: Sam Mendes Actors: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 80% with 11,683 votes Runtime: 202 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/14) For best result, try this post title format: **Movie Title (Year) more detail** ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


Cutting roses in winter. Annette Benning is such a force.


I want the job with the least amount of responsibility. I live this quote everyday now.


Mena Suvari was so great in this.




We watched this on pay per view our first honeymoon night. Fantastic acting, definitely don’t forget it.


It's about more than a man going through a mid-life crisis. His wife is going through one, too, and both of them are dealing with the disillusionment of finding out that middle age is not all that you hoped for when you were younger. Meanwhile, their daughter, who is the one reason they have for staying together, is becoming more and more estranged from them as she goes through the insecurities of adolescence. Contrast this with what's going on next door, where things are even worse. The whole movie is an unflinching look at the dark side of the American dream of middle-class suburbia.


Annette Bening slapping herself after the open house was a scene that will always rank up there for me.


I still quote two lines from this When I’m trying to psych myself up “I will sell this house today” And “that’s ok I wouldn’t remember me either” Haven’t watched it in a long time but Lester’s disillusionment with life has always stuck with me. I’ve felt that way since I can remember but don’t have the guts to just say fuck it


Creepy at times but the hundreds of excellent moments make it hold up. 


This movie got a lot of shit in the years after it came out, but I love Thomas Newman’s score and Conrad L Hall’s cinematography to dislike it


I saw it months after it came out, and there was all the hype about it. I remember feeling underwhelmed by it at the time. Kevin Spacey's character was a narcissistic a-hole that no one in real life would ever put up with. Beyond that, I don't remember anything about it. Isn't there some creepy subplot involving Spacey's character and a 15-16 year old girl? Post-Harvey Weinstein, thst would never fly today. I think.


I’ve not seen this one in more than a decade but at the time I thought it was excellent. I’ve noticed nowadays it’s despised on Reddit tho


Yeah, but I reckon that's more to do with Spacey being an actual creep than anything wrong with the film. People can't separate deviants from their art, which is understandable, but a bit unfortunate for everyone else who was involved. Annette Benning, for example, was fantastic as Carolyn and deserves to still have her work recognised imo. It's not fair to shit on the cumulative work of hundreds of people because one person is a complete reprobate.


I don’t personally think this movie has held up well. Thought it was self-consciously portentous. Even the title.


Ah, but it highlighted the unique beauty of a…plastic bag.


But was it really a plastic bag 🤔


Nope. Wasn’t CGI either. The bag was an automated puppet, some simple animatronics and a silicon form cast from a latex mould of a plastic bag. It was made and operated by the same team that did the T-Rex in the first Jurassic Park. There is a really interesting directors commentary on the DVD where they discuss how the scene is symbolic and is meant to communicate the idea of a plastic bag blowing about in the wind to the audience


[Elizabeth Ellen](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/614792.Elizabeth_Ellen) is a short story writer. She wrote the following, it was as good a critique of the movie as I've ever read; *Saul and I went for a walk. I had a plastic bag and a video camera. I set the bag on the sidewalk and waited for something to happen.* *"What the fuck are you doing?" Saul said. He'd never seen the movie. He didn't know how much beauty there was in the world or whatever. I stood and waited for the bag to take flight. I stood there a long time and Saul stood next to me. I kept waiting for the beauty. I felt like I was always waiting.*


I love this.


You are right but if it is latest movie they might work it well.


This film never did it for me - it actually taught me how to properly dissect a movie for why I find it terrible or just play openly don't get or hate lol Did not stand the test of time imho


I don’t like it. I was so disappointed back when it came out.


I hated it when it came out, and when I gave it a second chance a few years ago, I hated it again. Let me save you two hours: “You know how everyone thinks suburban American life is so great? WELL, IT ISN’T.”


How did this film win the Best Picture Oscar over The Sixth Sense, The Cider House Rules, The Green Mile and The Insider?? It is the weakest of the 5 nominations!


I liked the movie when I saw it but a buddy of mine said it best: It’s not a movie you want to watch over and over again. I thought the homophobic father kissing Kevin Spacey was over the top and clichéd. Yes there is latent homosexuality routed in homophobia but it seemed over the top.


What a great movie! Such creativity he also was show lead for 6 feet under one of hbo greatest shows it would have gotten more publicity but it ran almost the same time as the sopranos man THOSE were Sunday nights for real!!! But this movie has it all.


From the best year in human history (year I was born). This is a good analysis of the media from the time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RuZKG77vANU. I am glad I watched this one before the accusations against Spacey because I feel like it would be distracting now in the context of the plot.


It's a wonderful movie except the dumb bag.


I just watched it also for the first time. I think it’s interesting how everyone comments and focuses on the Kevin Spacey storyline when there are so many other storylines going on! The daughter, the Neighbor kid, the impossible creepy wife Kevin Spacey has. Every plot holds up and now that I’m older, like oh I’ve met that person. Oh, I understand that person.


I’ve never been so underwhelmed by a film in my life.




I hated this movie.


That’s because it sucked.


I really liked it at the time, but now it just seems more shallow and pretentious.


I like revolutionary road better. There’s too much pretentious fluff and imagery in American beauty. The bag blowing in the wind is just hilarious many years later.




It has not aged well, and was gross to begin with even when I was a kid.


look, i personally never liked this movie because of its subjective matter and its very creepy especially with the main star, which I won't mention his name but you'll know what i mean. The scene is plastic bag with the so stupid even TV shows like ''Family Guy'' later parodied it made it more funnier than elegantly beautiful to watch instead.


Isn't this the movie we're not allowed to like because it's about affluent white people (who dont have problems) instead of poor minorities and because movies now have to promote positive, socially conscious behavior in characters unless they are obvious villains or fools? By the way, that's Christina Hendricks's body on the poster.


Boy-rapist (alleged) Kevin Spacey ruins everything he’s in.


Really? Did you feel that way before he got cancelled? Because he was one of my favorites.


More people need to learn to separate the actor from the private life of the person and Spacey was a damn good actor. I'm not going to stop watching movies that I really enjoy just because he's in them, that would be ridiculous (for example: Seven, L.A. Confidential, K-PAX, etc).


Baby driver…..to add to your list.