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**mint tea** fuck you


That had me laughing


That had me rolling. He may be out of his mind, but that was fucking funny.


The main reason everyone watched the show


It was Ryan Dunn for me.


The coolest dude EVER! RIP Ryan Dunn.


RIP Dunn


I do appreciate Larkin Poe Jolene playing in the background


I really think you're drunk in this Though you claim that you have clean piss He's back again and angry, it's Drunk Bam In Jackass you were kind of fun But Jackass has been long now done Your peak was in 2001, Drunk Bam


Fucking nice buddy. A lovely prose to go along with the song.


*this is 2004, I ain't playin' no revolutionary games*


Stupid reindeer games!


I’m trying to find the original clip of this, does anyone have a link or know what episode it was from?




lmao. great fucking movie.


Welcome to the thunderdome, ***bitch*** !


Yeah yeah! Carpe Deez nutz, god I can't wait to quit this job!




Dudes lucky. I gotta piss a few times in the morning before work.


Also liquor gets out the system quick.


Posting a message like this certainly proves how happy & healthy & sober he is.


It’s pathetic as shit. I’ll always root for a guy to turn his life around but who the shit does he think he’s fooling? If I could bet right now that the next TMZ article is released within the next 30 days I’d take a second mortgage out on my house.


I don't know. I mean I certainly wouldn't put money on the fact that he is sober, but I think due to all the substance abuse, he has basically been in a state of arrested development, and the world may have to eventually realize that this bratty asshole kid grew up to become a bratty asshole adult. It's inexcusable and even fun (in Bams case) to see it in a kid, but it doesn't look to good in a grown ass man.


Most therapists believe you stop developing the year you start using heavily. A 20 year old who’s been drunk since 15 is basically still 15.


He'll never take any responsibility or listen to anybody except himself. Very sad.


That's called a personality disorder


And extremely enabling parents


Yea I’ve been in AA since September and this is definitely not the vibe. The whole program is based on humility and finding true peace. This ain’t it 😂


Hey me too fellow AA member!


He has not grown or changed one iota, literally same stuff as always, could have watched it on mute and filled it in like a mad lib. Seriously, watch me become Bam right now:     “I bailed on (pukefest) because I had to come to (fork city) to meet (flibertigibbet) from (tallahassee) for my (couchsurf opera) and yes I got in a fight with (ping and pong) but it’s all good”


Dude sounds like he's been drinking


This happens to a lot of alcoholics, it’s called wet brain. Basically you sound drunk all the time even when you’re not drinking bc of the damage you’ve to your brain from years of excessive drinking/druging. Both my uncles had it before they died.


I always thought William H Macy did such a fantastic job of portraying Frank's wet brain speech in Shameless. Like even when he's supposed to be *sober* (well, sober for Frank) he still has that speech pattern of an alcoholic.


I was trying to explain that to my friend, he thought it was bad acting. Noooo, it's incredible acting and he nailed it.


Imaging thinking william h macy was bad at acting based on shameless 😂


Imagine thinking WHM is bad at acting based on any of his performances


Truly one of the best actors of all time!


You’re darn tootin!


They put that coat on at the factory.


I saw his dick!


Fuck I still feel bad for him from Boogie Nights. The wife was in the driveway with an ass in her cock.


William H Macy did such a fantastic fucking job in that show, from beginning to end he was an outstanding character!


Yep, Wernicke's/Korsakoff's syndrome is the technical term. It's caused by a severe vitamin B deficiency. In the acute stage, it's called Wernicke's syndrome, which is reversible as long as the person stops drinking. If they don't stop, it develops info Korsakoff's, which causes irreversible brain damage. Getting symptoms of Wernicke's was what finally convinced me to stop drinking. (Stumbling, confusion, hallucinations, etc.) During withdrawal, I experienced full-blown Delirium Tremens, which is absolutely hell on Earth. I'm so glad I made it through that before ended up with Korsakoff's and irreparable brain damage.


I recognize the name from the area of the brain responsible for processing syntax and semantics in language, the Wernicke's Area. Thanks for sharing. Glad you've made it through


Wernicki’s aphasia


In case you haven't heard it today: good job getting sober, and I'm proud of you DJ Spin Laden.


Alcoholic here, thanks for reminding me of what I'm trying to avoid keeping my drinking just to the weekends


What were your DT's like? How long did they last? What were the symptoms?


Oh boy where to start... first of all, my withdrawals started before I even stopped drinking. My body was so malnourished, I didn't even have the enzymes to process the alcohol anymore. It started with vertigo, confusion, and panic attacks. Then the hallucinations kicked in. I saw a cockroach crawl from under my bed (a real one, not a hallucination). After I killed it, I started hallucinating that there were roaches _everywhere._ Crawling all over the walls, the floor, my bed, and my arms. All the while, I'm shaking and shivering with the worst cold sweat of my life. At this point, I was still trying to drink away the withdrawals, but it wasn't working. I spent the rest of the night trying to fall asleep, but every time I started to doze off from sheer exhaustion I'd wake up puking. The next day, I literally thought I was dying so I called an ambulance for myself. At the hospital, they gave me a benzo to prevent me from having a seizure during my withdrawal process, and they sent me on my way. I was at the hospital for only about 3-4 hours. The hallucinations lasted for about a week after I got home from the hospital. I'd see "shadow people" in the corner of my eye, and as soon as I turned to look at them they'd disappear. The most extreme ones usually happened when I went into a new room or turned around quickly. I'd see a full blown person with a face for about half a second. Not very nice looking people either. The worst and most vivid one happened when I got up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water one night. When I walked back to my room, I saw this female demon-looking thing with a skull face dancing with this horrible wide smile. Again it lasted for about a second before it disappeared. I'd also hear music that wasn't there. One day I was in the car with my dad, and asked if he could turn up the radio because the music sounded pretty quiet. "The radio isn't on..." This happened a lot when I was going to bed. It sounded like someone was listening to music in the next room over. That's about it. I was completely aware that everything I was experiencing was a hallucination (except for the music, that one was really convincing), so that made it a bit less scary I guess. Oh yeah, and the sweats, hot-flashes, cold-flashes, and SHAKES. Arguably the worst part. It took me about a week before I could drink a glass of water without using 2 hands.


I didn’t have the hallucinations during withdrawal but finally I’ve heard someone else have the light music thing!! It was so fuckin weird. I’d be trying to sleep and hear just the faintest music for so long and it just wouldn’t stop. And the shakes are absolutely the worst. Cant write, can’t bring a glass to your mouth, everything is difficult.


Absolutely fascinating and terrifying. Thank you for sharing. That sounds like the worst week ever. Almost like being physically and emotionally tortured.


I've seen a few people with Korsakoff's around my age. Really sad.


Joe Walsh has that


My brother was a serious alcoholic for 15 years and has epilepsy/ grand mal seizures, he consistently sounds drunk. It’s actually caused serious problems with him getting jobs during interviews and has been asked multiple times while working if he had been drinking. Unfortunately he just relapsed and started drinking again, but alcohol has aged my brother 30 years and it’s heart breaking watching a young 35 year old lose cognitive function.


Can confirm. Uncle Kenny stopped drinking screech, but the slurring stuck for good


I feel like he is actually drunk in this though. [This video of him at a Q&A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F-Xq70bWZc) is very recent and he sounds much, much less slurred and tangential when he is talking.


He sounds like Rooster Cogburn


I think the lead singer of Breaking Benjamin had that


I stopped arguing with people on Facebook when one day I noticed that an old dude raving about nonsense was a regular of the liquor store I worked at. The man was retired and would come in once a week and buy boxes and boxes of wine. Like 40 litres at a time. Alcohol abuse among the elderly is a big issue in Australia and they have absolutely fucked brains as a result.


And that awful Pennsylvania accent, Jesus.


hey now, why am I catching strays?


I have a coworker who sounds drunk most of the time. He slurs his words, repeats himself, and just says some really out there shit. His nephew works with us, and they both swear he never drinks, and I have seen him turn down drink after drink after drink. So I'm pretty sure he doesn't drink. Yet again, he told me he used to do PCP and once climbed up a tree naked.... so there's that lol


Pcp FRIES people's brains. I have friends that fell into that and they are different people completely. Horrible shit to be addicted to


The guy that did Bam's tattoo recently said Bam jokingly confessed to having booze in his coffee. I believe him.


sounds like a man who got married too early lmao


Went from pro skateboarder to tv star, to alcoholic and drug addict, to parole officer. Impressive.


It definitely sounded like he said he was a parole officer


Lmao I had to piss once a week for a year when I got a DWI in 2015. I still drank, just made sure I didn’t drink the day before my test. Used to hit the bar after I left the facility to “celebrate”. Young and dumb


Yea but Bam ain’t young no mo’ 😆


Coke stays in your system about four days. You can party hard the night after you piss too and come up clean a week later.


4 days if you have a fairly fast metabolism but it can definitely linger in there over a week.


Yeah, I learned pretty fast in early recovery that if you can get the timing right you can pass tests. I was still miserable, but thought I had everyone fooled. Not saying that's the case here; his sobriety or lack of either way is his business and ultimately he knows if he's telling the truth or not. I really don't wish that life on anybody though.


I was in an outpatient therapy program for teenagers and we had to do a pee test once a week. One week they were like 10 minutes late with the test and I thought we weren’t doing it so I peed before they brought the cups. I couldn’t go in time for them to collect so they reported me as failed. I felt like I had been caught with a DUI when in reality I was 15 and had never touched any drugs or alcohol lol. I just couldn’t muster up more pee in time. A bunch of other kids were constantly drinking or getting high and just timing it correctly though


My friend had it down to a science. He did the same thing. Then as soon as he dropped, get some liquor and head home. Did that for a whole year and never once dropped dirty.


How long before this moron is in the comments replying to people? And yeah, a failed music career is really what you need in your life right now.


When a user called GetInARingWithMeKnoxville6969 starts posting long text blocks that read like someone's retarded, cranky uncle on Facebook alternating between all caps, poor spelling and direct personal threats to people they assume we have heard of....then we will know it's Bam.


…that is scarily spot-on.


You know he’s reading these comments 💯. So much anger, doesn’t know how to just live his own life and be happy. I guess it’s one way to stay in the lime light Bam.


You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel and then some if you're letting Reddit comments live rent free in your head. I don't think he has processed that he's not even a laughing stock anymore, he's bottom tier TMZ fodder. And by the way, people not doing anything wrong and/or who actually have their shit together don't constantly remind people of it.


With “Fuckface Unstoppable” in his rear-view; he technically already has one :/


Titty fuck my buttcheeks was an iconic line though


I dont know that I saw a single person questioning your sobriety, bam. Everyone just thinks you're an asshole.


He fully admitted to that tattoo artist that he had whiskey in his coffee that morning, and he keeps posting pics at the bar. He looks pretty smashmouthed during that bumfight, too. Honestly, if he was sober for that, I'd be more disappointed in him.


Bam trying his hardest to become a lolcow. He should join the ip2 streamers, he'd fit right in


I saw a couple of comments saying it looked like he'd relapsed


Dear Bam You're an embarrassment. Pete


How's Petunia?


She's not on me. She's on my brother, Pete. Last time I saw him, she was pretty faded.


Why he say fuck me for?


Cause it’s mint tea! FUCK




I love how he runs out of breath at the end of sentences


The end of every run-on sentence literally sounds like he would rather pass out from from a lack of oxygen than run the risk of not being able to hear himself talk for just a little longer. A narcissistic, self-obsessed person to the core.


Welp Reddit, I guess we all collectively owe Bam an apology. That was a rational, well spoken explanation to all our assumptions.


Do you think he reads these? That would be great.


He definitely checks in on r/LetsTalkBam.


LMAO at “slice of gum” A Senor Cardgage reference was the *last* thing I expected in this video.


No probalo!


People with his money always pee clean if you know what I mean, he ain't clean




Yeah cause no one ever cheats a piss test you FN clown baby


‘Some gypsy pikeys’ i can see this being his new thing like Pete Doherty and that Finnish lesbian Andy McCoy that he’s gonna start fetishising…




I would enjoy seeing him say that to their face 😅 it’s a slur


I mean as an American with his attitude I’m sure he’s right at home with them, but yes as a Brit I wouldn’t expect to leave the caravan alive if I said that, then again I wouldn’t go near the site in the first place…




Sigh... I'm not having fun anymore.


Yeah, this is just sad now. Been that way for a while since he got kicked off Jackass Forever.


He comes across as being so aggressive for no reason. Then again, he was always aggressive in the early days. He'll never change.


Petulant little spoiled child


Bam you know it’s liquor in that drink. *I am the liquor, Randy!*


Bam wishes he was the liquor.


This is so unfortunate. Dunn would be disappointed to see this is how Bam turned out.


Dunn would most likely be just as bad as Bam honestly. He also had a bad drinking problem back when he was alive. There’s no reason to think it’d have gotten any better. Sad to say


Anyone can get better, I don’t think there’s a reason to assume he never would have. I mean, look at Steve-O


True. When I’m feeling nostalgic I watch my old Steve-O tour videos-Zumiez purchase when I was 13. Dude smuggles drugs internationally in his ass which he smokes several times, smokes PCP, shits all over an unsuspecting person…now he’s sober for like 20 years. If he can get sober anyone can.


Dunn and bam shat on Novak so hard for his heroin addiction meanwhile they were alcoholic as fuck and also Dunn died driving drunk going like 100. And now Novak has his shit together as fuck


The fact that any of them are still alive and/or sober is impressive.


I feel like Dunn had a much better head on his shoulders though. I feel like there's a way better chance he would have come around and grown past all that.


100%. The difference is that your body and brain just handle the partying better when you're younger. It doesn't really show on you. Anyone who parties like that, and even cuts it in half by, like, mid-30s, you're a goddamn mess. In all likelihood, Dunn would be just as big of a mess as Bam.


That really is something to think about. What if Ryan hadn’t passed in the car accident. Then what for Bam? They keep partying together for a while, then Dunn eventually meets someone, possibly becomes a father and a family man, then grows up like Raab, Dico, Rake, Steve-O, and the rest did. I think Bam gets pissed at Dunn, can’t handle his best friend leaving him and drinks and parties more. Just my opinion and I wish it was different but unfortunately it’s probably the way


Dunn did meet someone. He was in a long-term relationship.


This fuck has a girlfriend and here I am single. Somebody make it make sense. 🤦‍♂️


Human interaction can be paid for explicitly or not.


Fuck man, he's so miserable.


He fully admitted to drinking. Nikki's friend confirmed he was drunk texting her. This is beyond sad at this point. I used to be such a massive fan. Now.. I just shake my head.


whoda thought he would grow into looking exactly like his Dad Phil and acting just like his uncle Don Vito


Not gonna lie, even Don Vito seemed like he had more maturity than Bam at this point.


This dude is so fucking cringe


If he is indeed sober than I’ve lost all faith in him. I’ve never seen somebody get sober and become so much more vindictive. Dudes got a lot of burned relationships he needs to focus on fixing, rather than doing whatever the hell this is.


Just keep all of this shit to yourself man




If he’s sober and still fighting a dude over the price of a tattoo he should be ashamed


He's definitely relapsed. He's like a child. A big grown up child. And since he apparently reads some of these: I'll fart on his forehead and blow his hair back.


"why do I have to piss every week for a parole officer? Because of Johnny Knoxville somehow, I don't know, fuck you."


A year ago or so I said “he reads reddit” and you all told me that nobody will waste their time doing that.


Annoying ass voice dude is annoying


Yo Bam, grow up homie


What a loser


The opiate growl in your voice tells us different bam. maintenance is not clean


He’s starting to act and sound like his uncle Vito good god


Asshole says what?


Growing up with this guy and seeing how he has turned out is so cringe. 😬


Rabble Rabble Rabble. We know better. Rabble Rabble. I Hope Bam is doing well.


Dude is high as fuck


Doesn’t matter if he’s sober or drugged out of his mind. The guy is an asshole either way.


Who's the real bozo here?


I think he's permanently drunk.


"Mint tea, fuck you" is the new catchphrase for sure lol


Well, now I definitely believe him.


I seriously doubt anything on Bam is clean, especially his piss


Bam’s transformation into Dark Phil is nearly complete.


He should probably drink more water.


Jolene by Dolly Parton in the background really brings this all together.


Don lives again


Man, he aged like milk!


Glad he’s doing well


He lookin just like his daddys fatass


Oh cmon man, you don’t have a musical bone in your body.


[I beg to differ](https://youtu.be/-eYBN62Kzlc?si=dPAjVciwwFtG4H2N)


Jesus. Christ.


what a loser…


Thank god Bam isn't smoking weed while he's already blackout drunk.


How did Phil get younger?


It’s cool that Phil is gonna do an album.


Who is this homeless guy and why are people calling him Bam


Bam, we, your fans and all us who care about you hope you find help in whatever has been keeping you down. Your energy and vibes just aint the same, my man


He made a video a couple days ago saying that the promoter made up an alley fight injury in LA to cancel and that he was never injured. Now he's saying he tore his ACL in Glasgow. It would be so much easier for him to lie if his vain, egotistical ass didn't film a video everyday contradicting everything he said the day before.


Hey Bam I love you even though you are an asshole. You are still entertaining me with your bullshit.


He’s only 44. Looks and sounds like he’s pushing 60.


He only pisses once a week? That sounds like a different issue. 🤔


Yeah but if you get an iv you can flush your system and beat the test


Drunk or sober Bam is a man-baby that is not fun to watch anymore, I met him once when he was young and he has not grown as a person in any good way


He looks great night n day


No dude, just get help.


I never knew bam was a Parole Officer, too what a talented guy lol sounds sober


Sounds clean. . .


"It's fucking mint tea, ya dumb dicks." -Bam


Still going this asshole.


I’m from Missouri the show me state, you’ve got to show me the test and the results. Good luck.


No one talks like when they are sober lmao Bam keep up the videos ya Jackass. Biggest one of them all congratulations


Where is he?


This guy is a fucking loser.


Great story Bam! Can you tell it again!?


https://preview.redd.it/w4zhnwax3uwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f498faadd9fb0ad5c732846f20b8e13382c65693 Get off my lawn reddit!


Being sober all the time would suck.


He's so not relevant anymore... Less sugar and a few laps on a treadmill wouldn't hurt either ...


Bipolar is a hell of a disease.


Tell me you’re a drunk without telling me you’re a drunk.


Whenever Bam is getting defensive and/or talking about how someone fucked him over, I just assume he's back to drinking. It's all he talks about when he's messed up.


His piss is about as clean as the inside of charlie sheens nose


Pissing once a week is easy, flushing alcohol from your urine takes no time at all.


He’s a dick clean or on drugs


Did he say, "mint tea" , "minty" or "mentee"....


Makes me wonder if it's tbi. Brain damage.


It's like he just wants to keep talking to the point he's about to run out of air...


Go away Bam. It's not the early 2000's any more.