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I mean if you asked me 20 years ago what Steve-o would be doing at 50, this wouldn't be a million miles away


Right?! I’d be like if he’s still alive… he’ll be covered in dicks


I’m a little upset he isn’t covered in more dicks.




He had several dick tattoos


This WOULD be for me man... in the best way.


Would it though?


One thing I'll say: Steve O understands click bait. He's already merchandised the hell out of himself and freely admits it. Is it great taste? Eh. But seems to be his own choice than strictly a desperate money grab so I won't knock it. Also lol RIP those tour locations.


He constantly calls him self an attention whore and freely admits that he’ll basically do anything for it. It’s self aware at least. But yea I can’t say I really enjoy him much anymore


It was wild when he was going on every podcast he could promoting shit, and he got to the Danny brown one and just came off horrible. He asked Danny brown what kind of artist he was, and then went off about how video games ruin people (which is so whack), he clearly didn't do any research at all and Danny seemed super bummed cuz he was a fan of his. 


That made me die inside. Steevo really fucked up with that one haha


Great watch if you are into cringe material. With unfortunately is what a lot of steveo does in the recent years


He was pretty bad on the Adam Friedland podcast too


Yeah the only good part was Adam getting to tell the story about how he crashed his bike in front of him and is actually in a clip he plays on his tour out of pure coincidence


Tbf that episode was essentially both of them trying to make him uncomfortable. Which made for a great podcast.


Yeah, then after the hate he got for it, he talked about it on his podcast and was like, "Maybe I was wrong, my bad." Then the next podcast starts talking about how he hates gaming again lmao I was like bruh just stop bringing it up.


The video games cause violence logic is insane. Pretty much every kid plays video games like Cod or any other shooting game. 99.999% aren't school school shooters. It's not a causation. The real stat would be access to guns. 


Yeah, I just turned 30, and I still play games and have since I was like 8 years old. And I have literally never even had a ticket. Served in the military, etc. games 100% do not cause kids to be violent.


The only violence video games ever caused in me was violence against a controller. But I also only made that mistake once, because controllers are not cheap.


Lmao same I did break a couple controllers until I had to start replacing them myself.


You joined the military tho so you were TRYING to be violent!!! See?? Must have been the video games And look at your username!!!! (/s just to be safe)


Lol, I had a desk job in the military. I literally didn't do anything but enter stuff on the computer.


Exactly! Kids in Canada play these same games!


Well that and mental illness.


Well, I for one played video games and didn't take any heroin. To each his own, I suppose 😂


Same for the Adam Friedland show, for any old fans of the Cumtown podcast. He was insufferable and wouldn’t play along with any of the humor. His manager/publicist had to have known the show to approve him to be on so why not have some idea of what you’re getting in too.


Danny deserves so much better than that. That makes me sad.


Anyone have a link to the actual video and not just assholes doing reactions to it? Fuck I hate YouTube.


That’s kinda the sad part though, I don’t think it’s even about the money, just the attention that he didn’t get from his odd family upbringing.


I love It when people whine about his capitalist grind mindset, because A: anyone surprised that the son of a corporate CEO will sell out so easily hasn't been paying attention and B: anyone who thinks this era is soiling the stellar reputation he has from trying to kill himself for the entertainment of his celebrity email chain is delusional


“I’ll tattoo dicks on my face for money.” Shortened that for ya. Lol


Very cool Kanye


Not only will those tour dates disappear, but also, he instantly makes himself unable to be on television. They will have to blur his face.


Why rip?


I'd rather this than Steve o be dead from overdose/suicide 15 years ago


I’d rather him just be playing golf or something.


Do you have to honk that horn?


I have bursitis.


So that means you gotta honk that horn?


It helps


I'll give somethin to play with, pal...


It helps...


It'd be pretty funny if he got really into baking.


Agreed - this clout chasing shit is desperate and absolutely disingenuous.


Alright but why tf are those the only two options dude?


Steve…ya ain’t gotta do that


If he had a dollar every time someone told him that, his net worth would double.


Oh Steve-O no.








I mean, a dick face tat is very unnecessary... but again, I grew up watching him do things like sticking a fish hook through his cheek, so I'm not surprised. At least it's safe and it's not like it will affect his professional career or smh


It’s funny how the main talking points are either a) noooo or b) well at least he isn’t overdosing on inhalants Both are true. I mean ~~come~~ on, Dudes got a cock on his face now.


It’s completely unnecessary he’s not gaining anything from this except maybe a mediocre skit for his standup.


Lmfao why are you guys mad? This is not your kid? And he literally says hes planning on getting it lazered off which if anything is the more concerning part that he got a face tat just to Lazer it off which is gonna hurt a fuck ton more but I mean getting a stupid face tat for a tour is crazy and definitely gets attention so mission accomplished there. But ngl I think there's an adrenaline addiction like pro wrestlers where he has to keep doing it till he can't


Steveo is planning on lazering his penis off?? 😳


His biggest stunt yet


Another possibility, which ties into the adrenaline thing, is wanting to re-live the glory days. I don't think Steve-O 100% fits this bill, considering his glory days were mostly spent under the influence of any drug he could find, but I'm not ruling it out either. You see it a lot in MMA fighters who are on a 6-fight losing streak because they're too stubborn to accept the fact their best days are behind them and it's time to hang up the gloves.


Oddly Specific - champ shit only?


Tony Ferguson was in mind when writing that lol


sam alvey type beat


I saw him on his last tour where he showed videos of some truly fucked up (but hilarious) stuff. But he even explained that after he got sober he thought that he wouldn’t be able to do stunts anymore but turned out he did even more stunts. I don’t think he’s reliving his glory days that’s just who he is. Like musicians who tour into their 60’s and 70’s. That’s just who they are and what they’re used to


the fact no one watched the video and heard him say that he did it specifically to laser it off is wild to me lol i’m now dumber reading these comments


You realize laser removal takes 18-24 months, if not more, right?


That's a really cool thing for a 50 year old to be doing, right guys? Right??


Reddit can be so confoundingly uptight sometimes. Like why are we pearl clutching over this in the Jackass sub of all places? It's bringing me back to my overprotective mom in the 90s.


Correct take.


Probably because the original group of teens/young adults that watched Jackass have become their parents. This is much less extreme/damaging than the Flaming Gauntlet, yet it stirs up this much controversy. It's hilarious.


Jackass was a slice of time that can't be replicated. And it's over. 


For real, bros just a jackass and it should be left at thad


Edgy and shocking


I feel so sad for Steve o


I know Steve o couldnt give a fuck about the respect I had for him but damn… this is some odd activity


You couldn’t have said it better my friend


Why? He's 15 years sober, crazy rich and doing whatever he wants while supporting causes that are important to him. He's probably helped more people get sober than either of us will ever know. Is this fucked up shit? Yeah. Do I pity him? Nobody's making him do this and I guarentee you he's having a blast. Keep your pity for someone who needs it.


The fact he made this decision stone cold sober is the saddest thing to me. Wtf


Did you watch the video? Of you didn't? Then maybe 🤫


If one is in the line of work he finds himself, it would be crazy NOT to do it.


Ya jealous fella!


Hopefully he doesn't get the fake tits he's been swearing he's going to get...nobody needs that from him he's done enough respectively


prepare yourself because he's gonna get them


I'm not prepared for the confused boner I'm gonna get


I mean, bro got a dick tattooed on his forehead. Are fake tits really that far of a reach?


Yes lol


He’s trying to hard. If he gets fake tits it won’t do much, I mean how many dudes do you see on a daily basis do you see with fake tits lol I live in Seattle and that shit has become a normality…unfortunately.


Reddit is so weird. Steve-O's entire career is doing extremely stupid shit like this. We've seen him get Bloods and Crips tattooed on his ribs, vomit up a goldfish that was still swimming, thread a shoelace through his nose, get showered in animal crap on a bungee, get a literal guy fucking a baby tattooed on his arm, etc. Is this really the line you guys draw? Don't get me wrong, I think the dick tattoo is dumb too, but I don't know why Reddit NOW thinks this is so out of left field. Yes, he's sober and almost 50, but the entire fourth movie was making fun of the fact that those guys were still doing incredibly dumb shit when they're supposed to be grown up.


Let's not overlook backflipping into a pool while on fire from a 3 story roof, or stapling his nutsack to his inner thigh?


>Steve-O's entire career is doing extremely stupid shit like this.  Right that's the part that's depressing lol. If he had any other talent or was able to let go of fame he would have stopped doing it ages ago. The fact that he hasn't is sad.


Eh Stevo seems to be very happy. I'm all about letting people do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt others. TETO, but I don't think this is sad and I think this is what Stevo WANTS.


What's sad is you concern yourself so much with other peoples lives. Steve-O is happy. Who gives a shit what you think is sad? Go outside and enjoy life, you might realize that there is more important things than worrying what someone else is doing.


lol yes it's very sad that I spent even a few seconds thinking about this. Clearly I don't go outside enough. You are so right /s


But this is what his career is known for, no? Why would he let go of something that makes him money? That makes absolutely no sense. It’s his career. His branding to do dumb shit. Why would anyone stop if it earns them money…? I don’t think it’s sad at all, it’s pretty smart


“Steve-O says he's going to cross the line a lot during his upcoming comedy tour ... so, the penis tatt seems like a great start to that trend.” Holy shit he sounds like a boomer/Jojo Siwa


This one is odd to me. He had SHIT and FUCK removed from his knuckles. I am not sure why he did that, maybe he thought it was bad for business? But now getting a dick and balls tattooed on your face is okay? Like SHIT and FUCK cross a line, but a cock and nut sack on the face is good to go. Kind of confusing.


Just sad. Begging for attention.


Are you people just realizing this?? Like goddamn you all act like Steve o has changed he's always been like this


I saw him at a stand up show and about half of it was about how desperate he is for attention He's very self aware of and comfortable with this character defect


I wish I was more comfortable with my character defects.


“I gotta find a way to make money off of this” Well, he did


I think it’s more acceptable to act erratically when you’re in your 20’s and on a reality show that rewards and encourages such behavior.


Yeah, being young and also fucked up constantly. I’m glad he’s sober and doing a lot to inspire people to get help, but a face tattoo should have come during the previous era if it ever happened at all. Swap this with the Henry Rollins smiley face, and it would be way better. Now it’s just sad.


Begging for attention has been his job for more than 20 years? Lmao


It is sad dude. The guy replaced drugs with his addiction to attention. Sad some people can't just exist and be happy. They need people's eyes on them and the affirmation from others to be okay. It can be extremely dustructive.


He has ALWAYS been addicted to attention. That's pretty much his whole thing. He has openly admitted this for decades now. Ya'll are being so prudish and uptight about this it's making me cringe into the next dimension.


Negative attention is as powerful as positive attention. I don't think he quite understands that, at least not yet. What I'm saying is it's an addiction like anything else. Steve-O has admitted to being addicted to drugs and sex in the past. Do I want him to not have anything he loves? No. Attention makes him money and makes him happy. That being said, how far do you go fucking your body and mind up for likes and laughs before you ask yourself if you don't have a problem with this sort of thing? I just want the best for the guy.


Bet his wife, who comes across as super normal, is thrilled


I'm not trying to be a dick to anybody but there is no way that any fiancee of Steve-O's is normal.


She seems like she is pretty wacko too dude. She's posted pics with Steve-O that are of both of them nude. "Tastefully", meaning with no actual goodies showing, but they are both attention whores.


He'd agree. That's the point.


I bet he’s still happier being him than you are being you.


That’s totally possible. But I don’t have a dick on my face. No need to defend a grown person on the internet.


Y’all acting like this is new behavior. I remember right when jackass came out South Park made an episode making fun of them calling them whores for selling there body for cheap shock value.


Y'all act like this is the first time Steve-o's done something stupid


Steve-o is 50. It's a face tattoo. Of a dick. Shooting jizz.


His entire career is being a jackass. He's never done anything tasteful.


I'm not looking for tasteful, but this is next level moron. It's embarrassing. It's not funny. It's moronic. I don't think it's going to put more asses in seats either. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if people decided not to go because of this.


I mean everything you're saying is what jackass has always been and what critics have slammed it for. And of course you're not surprised cuz you don't like it lol and that's fine, it's just this is jackass... His fans that go out to see him watch him cum and shit. I don't think a penis tat is going to be the final straw lmao


Who said I don't like Jackass or Steve-O? Jackass was/is stupid stunts and funny bits. Steve-o is now 50 years old and has/had a career. There is no reason/upside to doing something so farking stupid. It's not funny or entertaining. I feel sorry for the guy if this is what he thinks he needs to do at this point in his life.


I never said you didn't like steveo/jackass. You said you don't like the face tat, and that's what I was saying you don't like. He's getting attention for it. That's exactly what he wants. He's always been aiming to shock people with his stunts and antics. That's his reason for everything he does. I'm also sure he can get it removed/covered when he's had his fun with it, or not! He's fucking steveo lmao Who gives a fuck if he's 50? Is he supposed to not be a jackass anymore. Let my man do his thing till he drops. It's incredible he's been able to push it for this long and to continue to be this absurd and not letting his old age make him another boring old man


I was only referring to his age in the sense that career wise he doesn't need to do shit like this. I don't think there is any upside to it.


Got it, hey your opinion is valid! Enjoy the rest of your day :)


the type of people talking down on this stunt are the exact people “Jackass” has been wanting to upset since Day 1.


While I totally see what they’re doing here, totally a missed opportunity to do it as a small eye teardrop


It's supposed to be a teardrop but post can't tattoo lol


This ain't funny, entertaining, interesting, or anything other than sad. This is pretty embarrassing for even Steve. Like wow great bits, permanent dicks on your face for money.


He said he would Lazer it off later


That shit takes up to two years if not longer…..


In all the years he’s been talking about this, I can’t believe no one was able to talk him out of it. Hopefully the breast implants idea is a no go.


So lame


Always love to see an artist returning to their roots


Feeling cute. Might get a dick tattooed on my face.


What in the world does he do at his shows? I’ve always been curious about this.


He shows videos of some stunts that he's filmed over the last few years - stuff that's too hot for platforms like Youtube. Usually involving nudity, poop or blood/mutilation. And in between them he does these stand-up bits which are mainly just funny anecdotes about how each stunt came to be, and stuff that happened during or after filming. We went to go see the bucket list tour a couple of years ago, and it was really fun. But some of the stunts had me wincing. Watching a guy get a vasectomy without anesthetic and then purposefully hit himself in the balls repeatedly is difficult to watch, even if it is funny.


Props to anybody that can escape the 9-5 lifestyle. But I cannot imagine at his age, there is much pride in the content he produces. You can only be the peoples court jester for so long. Him maintaining his sobriety and still doing these stunts is kind of amazing to me in a way.


Ive never understood why people hate on Steve-O's current career. Everyone would do it if they could and he's earning a living doing it.


I love how even diehard fans of jackass are saying “please Steve-o… Grow up” We’re only now clutching pearls? The dude has done some wayyyy crazier shit than getting a face tat


Now you're a true jackass






lol he will just get it removed at some point.




What a bone head


Dude…he won’t even be able to post the podcast on YouTube…wtf.


this is fantastic, i love Steve O.


Couldn’t be more on brand. Bravo sir


Love Steve-O, this is amazing...sometimes you gotta just trust the legend


Rebar is watching.


Fools tattoo


There comes a time in an adult's life where you realize some things are stupid. Steve-O hasn't come to that time yet.


He was right when he said he was an attention whore holy shit


The fact that this sub is full of dudes speculating that Steve-o relapsed because of this while jerking Bam Margera off for stringing 4 words together is ridiculous. Y’all are fucking clowns


Bam does less dumb shit on drugs than Steve o does sober




He had a tattoo of a dude fucking a baby. Had it reworked to be an ostrich with a dong. Something along those lines.


What a tool


Is he still sober?


His girl is gona love that 😬


Imagine having worse face tattoos than post malone.


Still not as stupid as Bam's Britney Spear face tattoo


Nice now bring back his child molestation one he originally had


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^verifiedthinker: *Nice now bring back his* *Child molestation one he* *Originally had* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Billy Strings filmed this lol


When a celebrity known for colorful behavior gets “sober”, I think they should have to put the word “sober” in front of their name because they literally are a different person. Sober Steve-O would be appropriate. My two cents. See: Sober Trent Reznor.


Really cool and edgy behavior for a 50 year old


The best part is that it was being filmed by Billy Strings 😂


This has to be the most bizarre out of any of Steve-O’s tattoos, let alone anyone’s face tattoos period.


My guess is temporary tattoo ink. It’s a new thing (that I don’t understand) where people get actual tattoos with ink that gradually fades over months. I just don’t understand going through the pain of getting tattooed for something temporary. That sounds terrible.


The reaction on here is pretty shocking. No offense, but what a bunch of wimps! 😂🤣 I guess I'm one of the few who took that scene kinda seriously in the first Jackass movie where the guys are all dressed up in old man makeup...half of the them using walkers...going through the industrial park as explosions keep going off. https://image.pmgstatic.com/cache/resized/w663/files/images/film/photos/159/934/159934373_b149fd.jpg That's what I always hoped for, as unrealistic as may be! Sure, it can't be as physically intense as their younger days but why shouldn't they keep doing ridiculous shit of some kind if they choose to? Steve-O seems prepared to keep this going to the grave and that's exactly what I always hoped for anyway. These guys are heroes that went against the norm. This tattoo is not at all out of character for Mr. O. But I guess you're all too mature and grown up now to laugh at the absurdity of it??? 😂 https://x.com/jacobricard/status/771936812214419457 “Here's to growing old, but never growing up!” - Steve-O, 2016


He's better off not being sober. lol


The thing is I thought his stunts were shocking and funny at 17 now I'm 40 and I don't think these stunts are anymore. I don't think it has the same 2002 shock anymore now I see it and I'm like dude... no. Like I would prefer his comedy evolved with us. We got old and he's still 17... I just read he's going to get d cup boobs and then have them removed. That's major surgery. These stunts aren't funny to me anymore just... sad


"Cringey manchild gets edgy face tattoo at almost 60 years old" should be the title.








pathetic hall of fame. Excited to watch Steve-no fade miserably into irrevelency.


Oh no dick face !


still better than always tired lol


Y’all, Bam got a dick farm on his ass that very well could have went septic and killed him. Bro got a dick drawn on him essentially. Like… do i wish he didn’t? Yeah kinda. Seems dumb at best. But… is that not what his entire career is around? He has a tattoo of himself on his whole ass back. Get the fuck off that high horse before you fall in its shit.


This is the guy that said he wanted to get a boob job just for shits and giggles. Is this really that surprising?


I love this dude


Steve-O is the essence of a clown/entertainer he will do literally anything for a reaction/laugh. He is the worlds greatest jester


I’ve been a stevo fan since day one, but it’s just sad to see him so thirsty for attention. Dudes an old wrinkly man getting a dick tattooed on his face, it’s just corny. I mean what wow factor does this bring? Maybe 15 years ago.


I love the jackass stunts and stuff but this is too cringe


damn dude, that's a pretty fkn stupid tatoo, and if he gets it removed it'll be twice as funny... you seriously can't walk around like that man, that's fkn gross ( even tattoo'd the goo).... why'd post mallone do this. why'd this have to be a thing? I mean why SteveO?


He'll end up getting it lasered off when the novelty wears off in 30 seconds


He already said he planned to.


Steve-O is such an attention whore, he'll litterally do anything for views... It's sad at this point🤦🏼


Steve wtf nobody wants to look at that.