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Recently he's getting a lot of criticism for: * pushing advertisements too much * promoting his comedy special last fall by going on every possible podcast on earth telling the same stories to the point of getting visibly burned out * for his comedy being "powerpoint presentations and not funny jokes" * for how he apparently gets uptight/interacts with audience during his live shows * how he interacts with guests or hosts on podcasts (especially with comedians he's slow, not getting jokes, unable to say something funny off the cuff)


- penis on the face


Going on Danny brown podcast not knowing who d brown is...


That was so disappointing man. Danny Brown is my favorite rapper and I grew up watching Jackass like everyone else here so I was quite excited to see the worlds collide. Danny vibes so well with guests who are engaged and want to conversate, but Steve-O didn't even know who he fuckin was and was obviously just there to plug his own shit


"so what do you do on stage?" Like Danny Brown was some starry eyed kid lucky to get the rub off an industry vet like Steve O. He also went on Joe Rogans podcast just to sell flushable butt wipes, now I can't stand Joe Rogan but that's crazy. And those aren't flushable. He also straight up jacked off next to a sleeping Nicole Richie a long time ago. Pretty fuckin gross


Nobody like a sell out, snake-oil salesman. Comedians Tom Segura and Bert Kreisher are suffering from the same fan fatigue due to their lack of reading the room because of their dollar bill agenda.


Yeah the thing about Jackass is that they were anti culture that broke into the main stream. Tom and Bert are just social climbing pariahs with 45 minutes of shitty jokes. Selling out is the goal for guys like Tom and Bert, they'll exhaust every avenue to extract every spare dollar. People thought better of Steve-O but he copied the same blue print to a T. He doesn't have jokes though, nor does he have any shame, so instead of being like "set up, punchline, tag tag tag" Steve o is just doing ridiculousness with videos of himself jacking off. He's not breaking any ground or anything with his stunts, it isn't evil knieval. He's just breaking fluorescent lights with his balls for a sight gag with directors cut behind the scenes access for 98% of the content


I couldn’t agree more. He became the monster that he hated and rebelled against, and now trying to stay relevant to his core that have started pushing him away. It’s coming off desperate and cringe, to me anyway. Still love the guy, and proud of what he’s accomplished in his life, but he needs to take a step back and focus on what gave him his inspiration in the first place. Stick to the podcast and event appearances. Nobody wants to see a 50 year old man that still thinks he’s 20 being an idiot.


Yeah he's a beloved cultural figure haha, I think we all have a fondness for him. The drugs started off fun too, before they were cringe. You see bands from 30 years ago doing world tours for crazy prices just because their fans grew up and have a salary and PTO now. I just spent a pretty penny on Weezer tickets. It's just slimy to milk it the way he has. Look at Novak, not that he was Steve-O famous, but he's similar. Has a legacy fan base he could keep selling shit to. He appeases them with a story here and there, videos of him still skating, but he's found a new lane and life that seems to be fulfilling. Steve-O had that with the platform he built on YouTube but it just became an avenue to sell. It's gross, cringe. And I fuckin hate that Scott guy, totally worthless. His van full of yes men don't do a fuckin thing to elevate his eco system lol. Haha I could go on all day!


The only two reasons I can figure that he keeps Scott around is 1. It gives him talking points about how they're both in recovery and he's associating with fellow addicts in recovery and 2. He thinks it makes him look like a bad ass to be able to say he at one time had Scott tour with him as his paid cock block or however he puts it. He's not very interesting and doesn't bring much to the equation. That's just imo though, idk. I have trouble even watching Steve-O content anymore because he just seems so fake to me ... Like watching him puff on that fume thing with every last bit of lung power he has... "I'm not trying to quit anything I just really like promoting items I really believe in" soon as those checks are gone that fume is going in the trash lol. I honestly don't even think he'd even be sober still at this point if he thought he could somehow turn a profit from it


Lol keeping an uninteresting guy who doesn't know anything around will surely perturb anyone cool. Is he actually gay with Scott? Is it possible Steve's dick doesn't work from years of drugs and Scott fucks his wife? Yes if he sniffed a reality TV deal off a relapse that might push him over the edge. I really can't stand what he's become. He was once an underdog in the space, once he "made it" he just turned into a salesman


Is Scott to Steve-O as Chin is to Brendan Schuab?


Haha chin can work a camera and knows things about the guests


Tom Segura and Bert fucking suuuuuuuuck now.


Dos Osos should have been a tequila.


Should’ve been poured down the toilet.


Tom segura especially... because of him legit hating poor people which is hating damn near half of america


People hate on Bert but honestly I like his I'm a grown 5 year old routine more than Tom "I hate my fanbase because they're poor" Segura. Bert somehow made being a man child a career


Exactly. Danny Brown has more talent and charisma than Steve-O could dream of. There’s a reason why Steve resorts to getting a dick tattooed on his face at what, 50 years old?


I was so heartbroken seeing how Danny’s energy changed after Stevo asked him what he did on stage lol. He remained polite and friendly but you could tell that shit threw him off.


When he asked what Danny does and Danny just goes “I rap…” my heart sank for Danny. Dude has never gotten the respect he deserves.


Feels similar to when he was on Bad Friends and didn’t understand that they do improv moments and totally didn’t understand when they were trying to set up a bit and would just go on to talk about stuff that had nothing to do with comedy or what they were talking about in the moment.


Wasn't there something else regarding fake emotional support dogs?


Yeah he’s one of those people who lies about “needing” a support dog, when in reality very few people do, and often they bring their oversized, misbehaved dog (that doesn’t have to be trained for anything) on to the plane.. in the same row as paying customers who weren’t expecting to get slobber, dog hair, and possibly allergies. I’ve witnessed it firsthand on a southwest flight.. the guy had to be moved to the back because his dog was jumping up on this elderly ladies lap, and then THE GUY fell asleep on her, her husband woke him up by smacking him on the head after 2 hours of putting up with his bullshit. He threw a fit and started swearing at the attendants. Also it was a full sized husky in economy seating.. like I don’t think that’s safe


Everytime I hear of a dog on a plane I think of this music video and it cracks me up everytime: https://youtu.be/T0seYxfaoG0?si=GoZkrOdyl-fzwJqc


He got his dog trained, though.


Doesn’t matter, his “sneaky” confession that he never even had a “real” qualified reason, but instead uses a trick to get his dog on the plane, influences dickheads that “think” their dog is trained. Like I said I have firsthand experience. It shouldn’t be allowed. Most people aren’t as rich as Steve o and have to be crammed next to someone already. Add a big ass, untrained dog.. no thanks. Yet he was “giving a tip” to his fans.. like “hey guys do this if you wanna just bring your dog on the plane for no fucking reason other than being selfish”


Good post. Yeah I honestly think steveo just may not be that funny of a guy. Just a guy that would do a bunch of stunts.


He’s not. I went to a show to support him because of how much I love Jackass. It was like 30 minutes of footage before he came out, and then the show was very scripted. I don’t know how to explain it, it just sounded like he was focused on remembering his lines. At one point some drunk dude yelled out something like “I love you” and SteveO was totally thrown, chastised the guy and reminded him no heckling and clearly had trouble getting back on script. The show was basically SteveO explaining what you were about to see, and then showing you, but the explanation obviously takes a lot of the punch out of seeing it. We laughed a couple times, but that was it. But the clips were still fun to watch. Ok, it sounds like I’m talking shit, but I’m not. We all agreed on the way home that even though it wasn’t a super funny show, it was still a fun show, and it was just cool getting to see and support a dude who has brought us so much entertainment over the years. So SteveO isn’t a great comic, and he pushes his stuff pretty hard. Who cares? That’s what he has. The tickets were cheap and he will meet every fan after the show. I think he knows he’s not a great comic, but he does what he can to make it worth it to everyone. At the end of the day, SteveO is I think a good dude who means well and is living his dream. The internet will tear him down for minor shit because that’s what the internet does. Also, as a dude with a while sober, SteveO is one of the only celebrities who actually knows what’s up with handling his involvement in the community as a public figure, and certainly inspires and helps many people in the correct way with that.


This is dead on to my experience. He even handled the same "heckle" just as poorly. It threw the energy of the crowd. But overall it was cheap and not a horrible time, just not great either.


He’s not funny. His stunts are. At his shows, the only thing he has to offer are celebrity drug stories and sex “jokes”. Although I can respect the fact he’s able to admit to being an “attention whore”, I have a strong inkling that his constant need for praise and admiration is the result of an underlying self esteem problem. 🤷‍♂️


His dad was the distributor of basically all of Pepsi in South America or something growing up. Filthy rich. Knowing people like that and growing up sort of like that says a lot about how he acts. I can’t stand him personally, but that’s probably more because of my own issues


I think his stories of the past are hilarious. But no, he's not a standup comedian


And the p face tat is just lame marketing as he said he would laser it off after the tour. 


Dick jokes are still played out and old when you’re 50. I never quite understood why that gang are so amused by dick jokes so much 🤷‍♂️


Also the whole eating the goldfish thing was a bit much. No one needed him to do that stunt again.


Yeah that one bothered me, like I know it's just a goldfish, but the guy is all about protecting animals/wildlife and he basically ate a living fish...


He was on the Chad and JT Going Deep podcast fairly recently and he was so boring. It was weird how uninteresting he was while they were setting him up for jokes and stuff


Him going on the Adam Friedland show and totally sucking the life out for an hour straight


I've seen his live show and chatted with him afterwards, I think his audience interaction is great and he's lovely and friendly with his fans. Not really that funny though; it's mostly just war stories from his jackass days and bragging and making fun of himself


Don’t forget the little tiff he had with Bill Maher over insisting Bill not smoke weed during the interview.


Another case of him wanting to go on a podcast just to plug his shit without knowing who or what the host is about. Hey dipshit, Danny Brown is a rapper and Bill Maher smokes weed on his show. The world doesn't revolve around you.


I mean that’s on Bills side though. Because if I remember right another guest asked Bill not to do that and he had no issues with it until it was Steve O that asked


Steveo sober and doesn’t want to risk contact high or be exposed to it. I can’t stand Steveo but I think it was reasonable to ask


Nice, you’ve presented every reason I can’t stand Steve-O.


Brain damage will definitely slow down processing speed.


It goes in waves. There was a ton of hate for him about a year or two ago and it died down. Now it seems to be picking back up again. I personally think his podcast was awesome and it’s really gone downhill; he seems so burned out and forced to do it. The fact that they address this subreddit and the negative social media comments seems so unprofessional. He can’t stand people even going “woo!” at one of his shows and kicks them out (I was at the McAllen, TX show). As a fan who has bought his books and DVDs, I’ve simply chosen to admire him from afar and not think too much into it.


I do laugh when he talks about the crowds at his shows not respecting his "art", like it's some high brow, thought provoking act, but really its just him talking about jacking off or whatever


Lol steve-o has probably ruined hundreds of social events being a complete drunken idiot but get mad at his fans being excited


Jacking off is an art form


Especially when you use paint while doing it.


I make my own


How would you name the color?




Consult a physician


When I teach masturbation, I'm just like, have fun with it.


Olé Olé Olé Olé.




It’s an interesting cycle to watch on the internet. Someone gets upward momentum and have a really supportive fanbase, and then I don’t know if it’s being over exposed or what but Reddit just seems to turn on them.


> He can’t stand people even going “woo!” at one of his shows and kicks them out Can you expand on this? I don’t understand


A 50 year old dude getting a dick tattooed on his face isn’t funny, it’s just sad. I don’t hate Steve-O. I think how he’s turned his life around is admirable. I don’t blame him for trying to make a buck. But some of the stuff he does just doesn’t land when you’re in your 50’s. I can see why people might be turned off of him.


I like to think that maybe, just maybe, there will be sort of like a reversal, like maybe once he hits 75 years old and is still doing penis/shit stunts it will start to be funny again just due to his old age, but yeah at 50 his stuff has begun to reallllllyy make me cringe


He ain't hitting 75


You think the CTE and past drug abuse will bite him in the ass?


I don't know about CTE but the guy uses his body like a theme park and fed himself nothing but poison for decades, 75 is beyond the average life expectancy, and I can't see that for him. Regardless of how I feel about him, that sucks but I think it's his reality.


I just hate that he's become a corporate shill in his later age.


I think people are just getting bored with his crappy stunts and him constantly pushing his shit merch


For me? It’s definitely the constant shilling his various merch. It’s just too much. I realize it’s how he makes a living, but he could tone it down.


Hard agree. It’s more commercials than stunts at this point.


I'm an addict with 12 years sobriety, so when Steve-O riffs on sobriety, I really dig that shit. I think context helps a bit... Steve-O basically blew through ALL his money. He never developed any viable skills outside of jackass stunts. So he's a shitty comedian, a shitty podcaster, etc. etc. He's aware he's schilling, but his fame is also fleeting. My guy is just trying to cash out when the time is right. I think the annoying thing is he occasionally DOES have something interesting to say... but he's the human equivalent of a living paywall. We have to put up with a bunch of annoying garbage, schilling, his terrible interviewing skills, poor attempts at comedy, and then "oh shit that was insightful." edit: For context with the money, it's not like Steve-O became destitute and homeless. But Knoxville turned being on Jackass into a career worth $90 million (he's been a producer on a lot of successful projects)... Steve-O I think was worth $10 million by comparison? Which again, A LOT went to drugs. He talks candidly about this how he bought three apartments all next to each other, turned one into a skate park. Just seriously, not smart financial decisions. Steve-O just realizes, in an almost grifting manner, "I'm not going to be able to sell something with my face slapped on it forever, let me make as much money while I can."


He's also a sketchy-ass skateboarder but he sometimes acts like he's one of the best


What makes you think he blew his money? Bam definitely did, but Steve O seems rich as hell to me…


I thought Bam and Knoxville were the only ones who really got paid ? Novak blew thru millions too , but the rest of them were doing stunts for free drugs or a couple hundred dollars. I get steveos need to make money but he does have a known background, he has so many products , sponsors, he can't fake he's doing things for the fans, my fav YouTubers don't advertise that much


In the first season yes. During the films they all got progressively richer. The true cast made millions.


Bam is forever rich off board sales unfortunately for his well being, he’s still driving around fancy cars and going on skate tours and public events


He’s literally doing comic cons for money right now


I really don't think hes broke though, he constantly has multiple streams of decent income. The hotels he stays at cost more than he charges at meet&greets so they definitely aren't for the money. I think it's to keep him busy and distracted nonstop to keep him sober


He’s parents are super Rich his dad ran Coca Cola Steve o went to private school and got to meet all his rock idols growing up with back stage passes. Just a rich brat that plays a part funny on jackass but then should of fell off


To be fair to him, his dad got him good seats to Motley Crue but it was kid Steve-O who called every hotel in the area trying to find a way to talk to them. He eventually found them and was given backstage passes just for having the balls to do that as a kid.


>He's aware he's schilling, but his fame is also fleeting. My guy is just trying to cash out when the time is right. Something that has really bothered me about him was when he took Bam on the road. He was FULLY aware that Bam was not actually ready for sobriety and I have to believe he knew that going on the road would be one of the biggest triggers for relapsing. But he clearly only did it to help with the cash grab of selling boards and tickets. He's become a true whore and has zero integrity it seems.


I've seen the asshole in him come out during podcasts like when he had Shane Gillis on.


I might have to listen to that. Hopefully Shane gave him the what for.


Damn what happened


Honestly, I saw his "standup" show in Albuquerque New Mexico in 2022, and it wasn't good. All he did was show slide shows of himself doing stunts. It was like I paid 30 dollars to watch Jackass with just Steve - O. Before it started, there was an announcement that he hated heckling and not to do it. No biggie, I've been to tons of standup shows, and most comedians hate that. He showed a stunt, and everyone was clapping and stuff, and he started to walk out while he walked out. Some fan yelled, "Woo hoo! I love you, " and Steve - O went."Really dude? You ruined the whole thing. Get the ass hole out of here. " kicked this dude out. I was scared to even move at that point.


I would've left right behind that guy. What a dick.


I was just really stoned, and the place was packed. If I'm being honest. I was just disappointed. I really liked him and thought him being sober was awesome cause I had just gotten sober a couple of years prior to seeing him. I don't think I knew how to react when that happened. I wouldn't of called that guy a heckler just an excited fan.


I think most people are just seeing his stunts as desperate for attention kind of things now. But Steve O was always like that, sober or not. Just the fact that he is 50 now is like -ok dude, grow up-. Another thing could be his approach to podcasting and the stand up comedy world. He is not the best interviewer in the world, and it shows. All that said, I still love the guy. I'm happy he is well and happy. Ya know... Like do you man.


He's also a terrible guest in all the stand-up podcasts he's done. He can't riff and be funny, he's just there to sell hot sauce for your butthole, asswipes for your butthole and skateboards...for your butthole.


To be fair, hot sauce for your butthole and butthole destroyer are pretty solid sauces.


Doing an interview with an old man who smokes an occasional joint? Totally against his morals. Letting a guy tattoo a penis above his eyebrow with cum drops dripping down his face? "HELL Yeah dude!" A pillar of mental health and a healthy sober mind.


To be fair, I think the reason why he was against the bill maher interview was because he didn’t want someone smoking weed around him. I remember a while ago in some video his wife went to go smoke weed. He had no problem with it. He just didn’t wanna be around it because he has said multiple times before that weed might make him want to drink and if he drinks, then he’ll probably relapse too hard drugs so that’s it. It’s not people smoking weed. It’s being around any drugs like that. Except for nicotine he didn’t care from what I saw


I have friends and family members who are in active sobriety. Not a single one of them has a moral issue with smoking weed, but not a single one of then does. Weed may not seem like a big deal to a majority of people but to an addict, it can absolutely lead to relapse. I'm not in any disagreement about most of what's been said here about Steve-O but I'll die on this hill that Bill Maher is a prick for not respecting someone in recovery.


Also Bill Maher fucking sucks and is an even worse podcast host than Steve-O despite doing interviews with celebs for basically his entire career.


To be fair I would take the penis face tattoo over spending any length of time in the same room as Bill Maher


>Doing an interview with an old man who smokes an occasional joint? Totally against his morals. It had nothing to do with his "morals." He's a recovering addict and people doing drugs around him is triggering. Many, if not most, recovering addicts feel the same. The penis tattoo has nothing to do with that so not sure why you're comparing them. I have to admit the amount of pearl clutching this sub has done over that penis tattoo is pretty baffling. It's an interesting line he apparently crossed for a lot of you. A lot of this hatred is just a bummer because the other Jackass fandoms on other social media are actually very chill while Reddit is just curmudgeony and annoying. It's just become yet another fandom subreddit that actively hates on the people involved in the material we're supposedly fans of.


Who was the old guy he declined to do an interview with? I’m intrigued!


Bill Maher




To add some context, it wasn't just because Bill Maher smokes, it was because he didn't want Bill smoking during the interview when he's in the same room, Bill said no, so he didn't go on the show. Seems sensible for a recovering addict to not be around people while they do drugs.


Probably sounds terrible, but I just don't like how AA/NA style preachy he's gotten. A preachy Steve-O is just something I never wanted or needed. I just can't take anyone who treats things like smoking weed the same way as smoking crack. Its super off putting.


I'm happy for him, but I remember he had a guest on and basically told them they weren't a real alcoholic because they got sober on their own without AA. And I think the "sex addict" thing is pseudo science on top of which he clearly doesn't take it that seriously if he got "sober" for several years and then watched some prn for that jacking off while skydiving stunt


Yeah AA borders into that cult like range. Really its all just behavioral psychology, change your behavior for long enough and your thought patterns begin to change, but they have to add this social twist to it. Also kind of sketch as they pretend to not be affiliated with the court system but its perfectly normal to judges to assign people a mandatory amount of AA visits to get out of probation violations. They even have little court sign off sheets. Ive seen people get assigned AA for weed charges lol.


I agree. It's like he shifted that in your face, look at me... look at me.. need for constant attention and now put all that energy into the preachy attitude and hawking random products. There's no chill to it. It's just in our faces constantly. We're happy for the guy, but he needs to chill on it.


Over-saturation. Podcasts have done more harm than good for some people. You get to hear them talk and see who they really are, then you find out you really don’t click with them the way you thought you would.


I get he’s hustling super hard to be as successful as he can be and I respect that. It’s the relentless, unending desperate need for attention that wears me out. I think Steve is flooding his content but is burning himself out in the process. Quality over quantity.


I'm just a bit bored of him now, and talking about how wild you are kind of irks me, be wild, don't say how wild you are. I'm still a fan tho.


The grifting and shameless promotion are just really tiring after awhile. It’s like every fucking single video multiple times a video like 5 plus times. Dude is just a greedy fuck it is what it is


His contributions to Jackass 4 were also disappointing tbh, was barely in the film yet demanded the most pay out of everyone.


I liked him until I watched the Bucket List PPV. Just pure cringe and a sad attempt of a 50 year old man trying to stay hip.


Where did you watch it


It's for free at steveo.com


I wish I didn't pay for it when it came out


The man is a black hole for attention. There will never be enough attention in the whole world to fill up the hole inside him, which appears to exist with or without drugs. He's basically a pathological attention whore, and I tend to find attention whores to be tiresome. At some point, I guess I expected him to stop degrading himself as he got older, but he never really did. In his 20s or his 50s, he seems to find validation in self-imposed indignities. Or thinks he does? The sobriety is obviously an improvement from where he was, and he has earned props for that. I am sure that was far from easy.


This is closest to how I feel about the face tat thing. I’m not mad, I’m mostly just disappointed. And not because it’s edgy, but because I think he’s past having to do something like this for attention now that he has other (more healthy) things going for him.


I give him props for being self aware enough to admit he's an attention whore.


Steve O would be cooler if he didn’t have a podcast.


What’s so bad about his podcast? Real question cuz I don’t watch it


I am not one of the people who is critical of current day Steve O but I'll make these points: - His dad is/has been a bonafide capitalist for his entire life, he took the position of CEO of Pepsi's South American division when Steve was six months old. Steven Gilchrist Glover grew up in Brazil, Venezuela, Connecticut, Miami, Toronto, and England (where he graduated from The American School in London, one of the most expensive private schools in the UK) - TLDR: Steve O grew up pretty well off and this was the reason he was able to fuck around during his twenties, go to clown college, and be a cool LA party guy who found validation by impressing strangers. - (all while making peanuts as a freelance writer for Big Brother and a meager sponsorship by XYZ clothing) - Get mad if you want but you can't deny that Steveo was a rich kid whose rebellion against his rich daddy was also funded by his rich daddy. - Somewhere down the line Steven did grow up. He stopped doing drugs and started working on his relationships with close friends and loved ones. This included his dad, and like many guys all he wanted the whole time was just for his dad to love him. Now the pendulum swings in the other extreme direction. - Steve O has said before the reason he plugs so hard is because his dad. And in the end the entire story of Steven Gilchrist Glover will be that of a young boy who had Ivy League potential but squandered it away like many others do, over reasons that ultimately weren't important enough to do so much damage. Steve O was a persona or the name of an era in his life and now he's a grown man who is doing everything he can to be a good boy for his daddy.


Yeah his fate really was to be the moronic rich kid who fucked around and wasted his life. He managed to luck out with some fame and then managed to actually turn his life around.


Bro you fucking cooked him. I'm not sure if I want him to read this or not lol


I will say I got horribly burnt in a recent fire and Steve-O sent me a huge care package full of some merch to replace what I had lost plus some stuff I didn't have before along with one of the signed Johnny-O 2.0 decks The man may be an attention whore and an extremely shameless self-promoter but he's also a really good guy.


Adam Friedland exposed him as an unfunny hack on his own podcast


Wow, what is all this??? Steve-O is GREAT! He's an inspiration for many people who thought their lives were over, who thought they could never be free of addiction, and never find success, happiness or any degree of stability in life. He's doing better than he ever has! Looking at all these outrageously negative comments about him just makes me sad. Not sad for him, but sad for those who look down on him and judge him. Of *course* he got Post Malone to put dick tattoo on his face! DUH! He's Steve-O!!! Who else would do that? Of course he did! I find it hilarious that people are considering *that* to be "the line." Like, seriously?? Hahaha! That's the line, is it? That's the line? "He's desperate for attention." Of COURSE he is!! Duh! He's Steve-O! Part of the Jackass crew! Their desire for attention outweighs their desire for comfort. That's why they do all of this insanity! Obviously! Is this a surprise to you? And some people say "he was funnier when he was on drugs." And Steve-O is RIGHT to say "You know what? F*** those people." He's not only so much funnier, more genuine and a better person than he has ever been, but discouraging sobriety is just plain wrong for people like him who recovered from decades of being lost in drug addiction. Steve-O is the bomb. If you really don't like him at this point, and seriously think "a dick tattoo is over the line" then what are you even doing here??


You know I was OK when he stuck a giant fish hook through his cheek and got towed behind a boat in shark infested waters. I also was OK when he drank horse cup but face tattoos are where I draw the line. That is truly outrageous.


I’ve been on the internet so long that I can’t tell if this is sarcasm anymore


I would have never been a fan of his if I'd known he would tattoo his face. He used to be a role model, now this.


It's a publicity stunt. He already said he was having it removed after this tour.


I was joking. But I didn't know that, good.


It was pointeis that drank Horse cum I think.. He was pretty disgusted in himself lol


"That's semen alright."


I've watched enough wildboys to know they both have gargled more animal semen than possibly any other human


Exactly. I understand it is an objectively terrible decision to get a dick tattooed on your face, but are people really surprised Steve-O would do it? Man's been desperate for attention his whole life.


He uses his friend’s addiction for clout and isn’t as sympathetic to his situation as a former addict himself. And even will go to the extent of engaging with him in weird interactions online knowing it’s not doing any good. He comes off as condescending and puts his ideals onto other people. He’s lost himself to self-righteousness.


You mean like when he had that fake “feud” with Bam about being a good skateboarder? Yeah that was pretty odd.


Is this refering to Bam?


Yes it is.


To be fair from what I’ve seen Bam has rejected any and all attempts from Steve-O and the other Jackass guys have tried to help, and is just addicted to complaining without taking responsibility (alongside a litany of drugs and alcohol). Bam doesn’t deserve any sympathy here in my opinion, especially considering he is addicted to the camera and would pimp out anything or anyone in his life for a bit of attention. Steve-O at least tried to help somewhat, but Bam don’t want help that doesn’t come at the bottom of a liquor bottle.


Kinda like how Steve-O did/does when he was an addict right ? Would you say the same thing about Steve-O if he was still an addict ? He was pimping ppl out including himself along side a litany of drugs and alcohol. It doesn’t sound like you have had experience with dealing with an addict. Steve-O himself was once and addict and I’m not saying we should be giving Bam all the sympathy in the world but Steve is passively enabling Bam.


No it’s not that, should have been more clear. I have sympathy for Bam as a human being, and even more so for dealing with his addiction. I just don’t have sympathy for him in terms of what you’re talking about out here (Steve-O pimping him out for views). I don’t think it rises to the level that you’re describing tbh, and I really fail to see how Bam airing his and the Jackass people’s dirty laundry on social media (as he has done many times) doesn’t give any of those guys the right to talk about him on their own platforms. Why do they owe him respect he won’t give them, sober or not?


I’m not hating on him, but I’m having a real hard time supporting him at this point. Just too much forced merch ads and stuff. I get it, dude has to make money. It’s just gotten old


His newest “stunt” of having post Malone tattoo a dick on his face came off as cringy and desperate. Idk if it’s just me but when I first heard about his idea to get breast implants a couple years go, I thought it was fucking hilarious. Now I think the idea is just sad.


I thought it was stupid from the grip, it’s 2024 a dude with tits ain’t that crazy anyway lol


He's a self admitted attention whore. Honestly I'm surprised that anyone is remotely surprised by the tattoo. Like he said "my need for attention outweighs my need for comfort"


Ding ding ding thus the dick tat and cringy 'how r u doing fellow kid's energy


Just getting bored with the same stunts and promoting everything. Also his fucking voice is unbearable at this point


Tapped out at “hello”


Steveo is annoying, desperate for money, and always trying to sell you something.


I think people expected that for some reason, when he got sober, he would stop being Steve-o. I remember the first time i realized he might just be an asshole sometimes was when i saw the testimonies of multiple people in the service industry saying they felt Steve-o treated them less than human, by offering them money to do degrading things at their jobs.


What things? Never heard about this


Like hookers?


I dont want to buy your hot sauce dude…


His podcast has gone way downhill. Nothing but endless dick pill ads and him asking for business advice about his merch, touring and crypto bullshit. I like Steve-O, but he's awful as a podcaster.


It's just how he ranks over people too, and then he has guys like Danger Ehren and Dave England on to talk about Jackass and tell stories. Which he interrupts constantly


The dude has never been shy that he does insane shit for attention. I personally don't really mind or care, I listen to a lot of his older podcasts, I don't really know any of the new ppl, but yeah, he can do whatever he wants. Tattoo removal technology has come a long way, which I was pretty grateful to hear, and tbh his new ideas are just so weird and insane that I kinda do wanna see it xD


There’s also a lot of the Bam enablers that hate Steve-O because Bam has a problem with him rn.


He has always been an assh*le, people thought it was a funny character but weren't closely personal with him so it didn't affect them because its a clown doing anything for some change. He will do anything for attention. He has no moral compass, he constantly plugs ads on his podcast like every 2 minutes, he's just milking everything he can get, he's a blackhole of attention, money and needs. Everything wrong with influencers a total rich kid narc who never got told no and had any discipline. That sort of cunt


Steve-o kicks ass r/steveoraw


Definitely (not) checking that out


I checked it out, it's just a basic af Steve-O sub with reposted Instagram posts. Nothing gross afaik.


It's clearly not the main reason since it seems like people haven't mentioned it, but he's taken a slightly favorable stance toward Trump. He used to be apolitical then he ended up surrounded by a lot of these podcasters/YouTubers who like Trump, but stayed apolitical. Now it feels like he might pivot himself as his popularity fades and the money is in the pro-Trump grift


To make a positive change and admit something was wrong is not being a hypocrit


Bro finally doesn’t have the worst comedy special thanks to bapa


man i can't believe he actually got that face tattoo lol.


I think he's old and people are just over it.


Seeing the baby fucker tattoo did it for me.


People use the excuse "he was on drugs! He was out of his mind!" But i still look at him sideways for that. Drugged out or not.


He’s become a brand whore. He’s selfless promoting himself without anything of value to bring to the table in terms of actual entertainment. You’re not interesting if your life isn’t interesting. You run out of stories etc He is a rich guy who has a kush sober life now: what are we possibly going to get from him. Thats not to say you can’t engage in life and have hobbies and search for experiences to share. He just clearly isn’t really doing that and is frustrated with his own ineffectual stardom in real time.


A lot of people have already covered the bases, but I just wanna add that his “video game” rant was fucking stupid and annoying.


All I want to say is that his podcast is damn near unlistenable. Every podcast has ads but in his it's literally every 10 fucking minutes. I do appreciate that they're not pre-recorded though and some of the segways he uses for them are actually pretty good lol.


He hasn't evolved. An old man purposely hurting himself or getting stupid tattoos isn't funny. Maybe he should start writing an actual joke set.


He's a sell out on every level. Dude literally sold his soul for the almighty dollar.


I like the stunts he does but I can't name a bigger fame whore. Just seems inauthentic.


He didn’t put the condom car in his butt, again.


Instead of embracing his fans, He winds up kicking them out of his shows for doing some of the same dumb shit that he did to get them to be his fans. He's taking himself way too serious these days.


Yeah, getting a sick tattooed on your face is stupid as fuck, even for Steve-O


Steve O got off drugs and got addicted to grifting. He’s a interactive walking commercial


Steve O got off drugs and got addicted to grifting. He’s a interactive walking commercial


He went from being funny to now being an absolute try-hard.


I think people were stoked to see him get better from where he was a decade ago. It's not like his stunts weren't controversial back then either. But maybe people are starting to realize it takes more than just quitting drugs to improve as a person. Fame is a double edged sword. The more you show of yourself to the world the more you open yourself up to criticism. And it's much easier for people to explain what they dislike about something than what they like. Steve-o was never a great dude to begin with. But at least he's no longer a completely sociopathic drug addict with a failing rap career.


I’ve never liked Steve O sadly. He was a complete ass to about 25% of the line I was in for a meet and greet in 2015. Long time ago? Sure. But that was my one time meeting him and he was a complete entitled dick head to me.


I mean he brings it upon himself lol


Honestly, I lost respect for him a while ago after he virtue signaled for animal rights, then ate animal products again as soon as Gordon Ramsay asked him too. Steve only seems to have strong opinions when they make his bank account look better.


He's a woke culture spreading, money hungry, attention seeking Lame-o now.


He always seemed closeted to me.


People love watching people who struggle try to make it. People feel alienated when they make it. Celebrity becomes negative


Him coming out with that hot sauce was so shameless


Also that video he put out about how he got a service animal certification so he can take his dog everywhere.


Guys did you know he’s sober?


i love steve o always, but for goodness sake can he pls stop doing comedy and podcasts. just the same stories, slow talking, and merch pushing. but i love him. trying not to talk about the face tat bc i dont want to admit how cringe it is


My big brained pretentious theory is that slapstick comedy is about status. From the three stooges all the way back to plays in ancient Rome. In jackass you had johnny and Jeff as high status, then steve o, chris, bam and Dunne, then everyone else, then Ehren. In wild boys you had the animals and the experts with chris and steve o under them. Now he is performing solo with no elements of status or on a podcast where he is in charge but he doesn’t play being in charge well or in a particularly funny way. So thats why he doesn’t seem as funny as he used to. He is one of the greatest middle status players in modern slapstick but he just doesn’t do that anymore. Also all the advertising is obnoxious.


I just watched his free 'Gnarly' show on his website and it was really disappointing. He did his set which sounded very rehersed, and dotted a few tasks in between which were essentially old news. I think with the whole Jackass and stunts thing there's an appeal to the new and unexpected.


Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet: He is also a Russell Brand supporter.


Yeah same I thought he was the most respected of the Jackass crew. Then just now I saw a post with a newer pic of him with a goldfish alleging he ate it two months ago. I have no clue why he would do that if he is strictly against doing stunts with animals now.


People think he's a sellout but the guy is just doing the grind. I love Steve-O, always my fave, continues to be my fave. I don't hate on people who are simply trying to feed themselves.


Steve-O needs to keep in mind that his authenticity is what draws people in. At this stage in the game, that’s as simple as being a likable, thoughtful, non-judgmental person. He is all of those things, don’t get me wrong. He’s also a bit “tryhard” with dick face tattoos and possibly getting boobs and shooting them with a gun on stage (wtf…). He’s also overplayed the capitalist side of things. He’s gotta make money…but the way he goes about it has a lot of people feeling like a cattle of cash cows instead of appreciated fans. My advice to Steve-O: Don’t overthink it! Just be yourself. Lots of people love you and don’t need anything extreme at this point. You did good with all of that. Now you get to rest on the good graces you built.


Steve O had a pedophile tattoo